Reckless (6 page)

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Authors: Lizbeth Dusseau

BOOK: Reckless
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Pink Flamingo Publications
Chapter Five



It was a struggle to rise at seven when she hadn't gotten home until five. But she had to make a good show for Tad at the morning meeting. She imagined him there gloating or furious, maybe just plan worried. What she wasn't prepared for was his indifference.

"Did you get what you wanted?" he asked her after the rest of the reporters had left her office.

"Yes. Two names, McMillian and Forest," she replied.

"Humm. The vice-mayor and one of the police chief's top aides?" That interested him. He raised his eyebrows impressed. "And what about them?"

"Unfortunately there wasn't much conversation connected with them. But at least you have some place to start looking."

"It'll be my job today, boss," he said. "And hey, you look great this morning."

"Thanks." She was sure she didn't look great at all. Tad never gave her compliments, and for the life of her she couldn't decide what that comment meant. Though he actually sounded sincere.

All day Kelly remembered the night before. When she sat at her desk and edited copy and when she was on the phone arguing with Sam over the lack of progress on the drug story. He wanted the headlines she promised. But as the conversations came and went, only half of her mind was engaged. The other sexual part of her was running her outlandish behavior through her brain cells, playing it like a broken record. The erotic shimmy beside Juno's pool, the nude dance, the orgasm and the fuck. She hiked her skirt up almost to her hips so her free hand could feel skin above her stockings, so the same hand for just a moment could touch her silk clothed pussy. If there hadn't been windows looking out to the pool of reporters scampering helter skelter from computer terminals to fax machines, she might have rubbed herself off with the remembrance.

"Kelly, are you listening?" she heard Sam Ross bark at her over the phone.

"I'm sorry, I was just distracted. Listen, don't worry, Tad and I just about have things wrapped up. I promise by the end of the week, you'll have your story." She was stretching the truth to stall him another day. At the same time she was worried that he was going to poke his nose into the process and find out what she'd been doing undercover. He would hit the roof, if he found out about her night with Juno. Though despite her worries over Sam, she felt surprisingly at peace with it all, like Juno had given her something that her lust demanded. It was just a night, Juno just a two-bit hood. She never thought about being worried.

"I'll be in the club to get you tonight," Tad said, when he dropped her off at Blue Lady late that afternoon.

"I thought we decided it's not a good idea for you to be seen here?"

"I don't care," he answered her.

She didn't understand.

"We agreed, Tad."

"Yes, and we also agreed that we'd do this investigation as partners. You screwed that up last night, so I've changed the rules."

"What?" He was so cool about it in the morning, now his sudden change of attitude surprised her.

"I'll pick you up in the club."

Her eyes might have flashed, her cheeks might have been hot, but she kept her composure. To fight him would serve no purpose. Maybe he had been worried about her, and this was the way he showed it. But why the hell did she care, anyway. All they had was physical?

"Are you sure you're just not afraid I'm going to screw Juno again tonight?" Kelly asked him.

"If you're screwing Juno, you've lost your mind. But that's not too surprising considering you're a woman."

He said that just to piss her off. And she might have slapped him across the face, but she'd be wasting her time. She slammed the car door instead, the little compensation she'd take for the moment.

It was a slow night at the Blue Lady. And Kelly was able to pry a few more pieces of information from Cass and a couple of the other girls. It was just talk, loose talk, stuff about Juno and his friends, and how there was always some kind of funny business about the place. There was a lot of hearsay to sift through, but Kelly figured that there were some useful tidbits Tad would like to hear. Something about the night was a little ominous, though. It was too quiet. Her reporter's instincts suggested that it was time to pull the plug on her new career and return to her other life. The night before had plumbed her depths, taking her to a world she'd always desired. She'd be happy enough to walk away from it. Fucking Juno was something to remember, but not something to repeat.

Having made her decision, Kelly was annoyed when Juno showed up about eleven o'clock. He sat passively at one of the tables looking at her, though she decided to ignore him. When he finally motioned her to him, she'd been relaxing at the bar talking to the bartender. Sauntering toward the pimp, she presented him with an attitude far less submissive than she'd shown him a day earlier. Then of course, she was totally sober. For old times sake, like he'd earned the right to be there, she allowed his hand on her thigh to go unnoticed. She even ignored him as he began to fondle her ass.

"I want you to take care of my friends. They're over there." He motioned to two men who appeared not surprisingly like him—well put together, but sleazy. "Make a few bucks."

She shook her head no. "Tempting offer, Juno, but I'm not turning tricks," she replied. Thinking she'd said enough, she started to walk away, but he pulled her back with a hand firmly grasping her ass.

"It's not a choice for you to make, darling," he said. "I already promised you to them. They won't be very happy if you turn them down."

"Then, they'll have to understand," Kelly replied, and with a swish of her ass, she left Juno's table, deciding to ignore both Juno and his friends.

An hour later she was in the back hallway of the Blue Lady on her way to the lady's room. "You think you're going somewhere without us?" she heard the sound of a man's voice behind her.

"I'm going to the bathroom," she said, turning around.

"Well, then we'll go with you."

"That's not necessary," she told them, trying to keep her cool.

"Oh, but I think it is," the tall one said. He was as attractive as Tad and Juno put together, curly dark hair, a classic smile, perfectly dressed in a up scale causal sort of way. Though there was something eerie about him she didn't like. The other man was a nervous redhead with furtive eyes that refused to look at her. They both were sexual in their attitude, but dominant and cold. As many men as she'd been around she was unexpectedly intimidated by these two. No doubt they counted on intimidation to get what they were after. The two refused to stop at the door of the lady's room. Following her inside, they held the stall door open and looked at her as she peed.

"Juno said you were hot," the tall man spoke. "We'll drag it from you, if we have to. I'd suggest you just follow along and everything will be fine." He snickered. "After all, we're paying good money to have you."

Her trip to the bathroom was the last she'd see of the Blue Lady that night. Walking out, the two men were already on either side of her, leading her to the exit. She glanced at Jake as he stood at the hallway looking on, as though she could appeal to his sense of compassion; but he only turned away. She was hustled out the door, to the back seat of an old Cadillac just about the time Tad he said he'd be waiting for her in the bar. Zooming out into the night on the streets of the city, there was no way he'd find her. She was on her own this time, alone and scared with her body screaming, "yes, fuck them like crazy," her mind screaming one resounding, "no".

When they offered her a drink, she accepted. If a little booze might soften the horror, she'd down the whole bottle.

With he fifth of scotch polished off between the three of them taking alternating shots, the assault began with an attack to her tits. Two mouths covered her nipples and gnawed on them. She shrieked. She must have startled the driver in the front seat, because they swerved on the road, and the redhead pulled back and slapped her face.

"Don't scream, bitch," he said glaring at her.

They drove to a seedy house that was nothing like Juno's glittering one of the night before. The bed was torn apart, the sheets stripped off by the tall man, until there was nothing but a bare striped tick. Throwing her against the lumpy mattress the two men began to strip. Both naked, they attacked her, cocks stiff.

One at her mouth, the other at her groin, it was a classic fantasy coming alive. She fought them off until she realized that it was no use to struggle with the inevitable. If all they wanted was sex, she’d give in and she might even enjoy the fuck.

"Give us what you gave Juno," the redhead seethed.

Following orders, Kelly played with his cock, felt the fine full length of it and allowed her tongue to run its way about the shaft. He wanted inside and she let him inside her mouth, deep, deep as Tad had gone, and deeper still, because he pushed until she gagged.

"First class whore we have here," the tall man at her groin remarked, as he fingered her cunt. "Wet, I love wet." He brought his fingers from her hole and licked them.

"But what I really want is her ass. He did say you do asses well," the redhead remarked pulling out of her mouth. He jerked her about until she was on hands and knees a thick dildo pushed against her sphincter. When the tight hole finally gave in, a full ten inches of molded plastic slipped in all the way.

"You do take cunt and ass at the same time?" the man asked.

"I never have," she said, trembling at the thought of being filled that way.

"Then I guess there's always a first time." He smacked her ass until she crawled up on the tall man and let his prick sink deep into her cunt. And then coming at her from behind, the redhead pulled the dildo out and pressed his cock where it had been.

"My god, nooooo," she cried.

So tight, she thought she'd pass out. So full, she couldn't move. So hot, the fever in her increased until she felt an explosion imminent. They worked her hard, meanly, not giving her a inch to move or a moment to catch her thoughts. They fucked her through the pain, until the pain subsided, until she could feel her body respond and there was such a driving need to find a climax that she latched on to the rape as a way to pleasure. It happened without her thinking, just by feel and fullness and movement, one difficult movement after another to the point she wouldn't have let them stop if they'd tried.

Kelly clung to the man underneath her, the handsome, tall one with the eerie look of darkness in his eyes. Her breasts beat against his chest one minute, pressed against it the next, were squeezed and mauled by his muscled hands the next. He pinched her nipples again until she screamed, though she wasn't slapped this time. Not in the seedy house, it didn't matter there. They didn't care how much noise they made, that it was heard in the night by the neighborhood, or that their threesome could be seen as a silhouette on the yellowed shade for anyone that cared to look.

She screamed from the way they wretched her body and the way the redhead's hands slapped her thighs with each thrust. Full, so full, she couldn't take any more; but she'd have to get through it, because there was no choice, and no one would end it until it ended right.

The man on the bottom came first, while the man in her rear coasted. But the man on the bottom remained put, until the redhead came, just so they'd feel the tightness about their pricks. The end came to Kelly in small waves, not something crashing or explosive, but in waves, as the second man jerked for the last time. Her body grabbed for them to remain inside her. And as though this was hers to control, they stayed while the waves passed through her and out.

The two wandered around her as Kelly lay on the bed staring at their movements. She didn't realize how she looked, her limbs stretched as though they'd tied them apart. Perhaps it was a natural position for a submissive.

They muttered to each other words she couldn't hear, even if she was conscious enough to strain her power of hearing. How absurd! Getting fucked simultaneously cunt and ass, and still having the audacity to look for clues to a story.

As the two were getting dressed, a third man came into the room. A burly fellow, she could tell he would be rough.

"She want any more?" he asked looking down at her.

She started to draw her limbs to herself, thinking that would make her less appealing.

"Sure, she's a whore, isn't she," the tall man said.

She wanted to disagree, but there wasn't enough will in her to object.

"I want her tied, just like that," he said. "No, wait, turn her over and tie her face down. She does take it in the ass?"

"Just had her there. Should be all open and ready," the redhead said. "You can have her upside down, for all I care. She's Juno's whore and she'll do what she's told.

The three had her limp body belly down on the bed, ropes looped at her ankles and wrists, a pillow pushed beneath her hips, so that when the burly man crawled between her legs he could easily press his dick into her ass. He was not as thick as the redhead so she didn't feel full. But she was helpless, just as she'd been with Tad. She remembered the feeling of going down inside herself, reaching the abyss of her sanity.

The burly man fucked her long, far longer than the other two. Twice he poured lubricant about her ass, so he'd slide in as deep as he wanted. After awhile, it wasn't anymore uncomfortable than being fucked in the pussy, just more vulgar. Vulgar felt like she was throwing herself away, getting rid of the id, identity lost. She supposed she felt like a whore—assuming

that whores just kept their identity hidden in a small corner of themselves, to be taken out only when they weren't being used. Otherwise, being used might feel more degrading. As it was for Kelly, being used could almost be its own reward.

The long fuck over, the man patted her behind with his empty prick and left the room. He hadn't even taken down his pants.

As Kelly waited for what would happen next, she wondered if she might remain in this house, abused and fucked for days on end. She saw the picture of herself clearly, becoming exactly what Juno named her. How far was she from that anyway? She couldn't tell the difference between herself and the rest of the street-walking, call girl womanhood Juno controlled.

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