Reign of Ice (Forever Fae series)

BOOK: Reign of Ice (Forever Fae series)
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L.P. Dover 


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Reign of Ice

L.P. Dover

Copyright 2013 by L.P. Dover

Editor: Melissa Ringsted

Cover Artist: Regina Wamba

Formatting: Amanda Heath


This is to everyone who has believed in me and has given my faeries a chance. The end has come, but it’s also the beginning to something new. I want to thank you all for your undying support and your kind words. I know my faeries appreciate it as well. I also want to say that it’s been an amazing journey in the Land of the
Fae and I look forward to writing more in this wonderful realm.

Table of Contents


The Prophecy


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty-One

Chapter Twenty-Two

Chapter Twenty-Three

Chapter Twenty-Four

Chapter Twenty-Five

Chapter Twenty-Six

Chapter Twenty-Seven

Chapter Twenty-Eight

Chapter Twenty-Nine

Chapter Thirty

Chapter Thirty-One

Chapter Thirty-Two

Chapter Thirty-Three

Chapter Thirty-Four

Chapter Thirty-Five

Chapter Thirty-Six

Chapter Thirty-Seven

Chapter Thirty-Eight

Chapter Thirty-Nine

Chapter Forty

Chapter Forty-One

Chapter Forty-Two

Chapter Forty-Three

Chapter Forty-Four


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Fall, Winter, Spring

Courts to Four is what it will bring.

Without the Four the evil will spread,

the Land of the Fae will fall into dread.

The next generation will provide the Four,

the maiden souls and nothing more.

The Power of Four will start with the first,

if he gets the power, only then will you be cursed.

The Power of Four will be drawn to the others,

their power is strong, the power of lovers.

The moment they become one,

only then will the change have begun.

Two Courts to Four is what needs to be,

to save the Land, so shall we see.




A Few Days Ago


THERE WAS A stirring in the air that reeked of menace and death, and as my fingers touched the land below me it felt as if it was weeping. I could sense the sadness all around me as I looked out over the horizon. Drake and Sorcha left a while ago to rescue her guardian, Oren, and her friend, Sarette, from the dark sorcerer’s army. Knowing my brother they would surely succeed, but something just wasn’t right. I was training alone in the Spring Court garden, practicing my new sword techniques, when I heard the stampede of hooves trembling on the ground beneath me. The sound of horns bellowed out from a distance, signaling a cry for help, and with that sound my blood ran cold.

Racing toward the front of the palace, my eyes went wide at the sight before me, my heart plummeting in my chest. Warriors from
Summer, Spring, and Winter were headed toward the palace, most of which were in varied states of injury. Some were bleeding or slumped over their horses, while some I could tell would soon be piles of ash.

and Meliantha both charged out of the palace, along with dozens of their Spring Court warriors, as they rushed to the gates. Sheathing my sword, I ran up to my sister and faltered when I saw her weary gaze.


“It’s bad,” she whispered, turning a tear-streaked face my way. “I can feel it in my blood.”

My sister had healing capabilities, but even I didn’t know how much of her power she could give until it drained her. “Will you be able to save them?” I asked.

She kept her gaze on the warriors as they approached the gate. “Yes, I’ll be able to, but it doesn’t change the fact that we’ve lost so many. So many are … gone.”

As soon as the warriors entered through the gate, we all rushed to help them. The warrior I approached first had an arrow sticking out of his chest and was about to fall off his horse, his face pale and drawn. Luckily, I caught him in my arms before he hit the ground.

“Thank you,” he wheezed, coughing and sputtering.

Holding him in my arms, I half carried and half dragged him up the steps, trying my best not to jostle him. “It’s okay, I got you,” I murmured soothingly.

Before I could carry the warrior into the palace, my blood froze in my veins when I heard
Kalen’s roar; it echoed loudly in my ear. When I turned to see the slumped figure in his arms I knew exactly who it was going to be. From the short, brown hair, creamy pale skin, and the black and silver warrior gear I knew without a doubt that it was Brayden in his arms.

“Oh no,” I cried, wishing I could go to him. There was a reason I had that unnerving feeling and it wasn’t because of the war, it was because of him. He was hurt and deep down I knew it.
Please, let him be all right.

rushed inside, carrying an unconscious Brayden in his arms, while Meliantha followed, casting me a worried glance before she too disappeared inside the palace. Quickly, I draped the warrior’s arm around my neck and put my hand around his waist, trying my best not to touch the arrow. As soon as I got him helped and healed, I was going to find out how Brayden was.

“Come on, warrior, let’s get you fixed up and healed,” I grunted, trying to hold as much of his weight as I could.

“Kamden,” he whispered, lifting up his head. His soft hazel eyes were full of pain, but his lip pulled up at the side in a sad smile. “My name is Kamden, Your Highness. I trained with you the other day.”

Forcing a smile on my face, I blew out a shaky breath and said, “That’s right,
Kamden, you did. I’m sorry I didn’t catch your name during that time. You can call me Ariella.” Worry for Brayden plagued my mind, but the warrior in my arms needed help just as badly. Carrying him inside, I was directed to a room by one of the servants who had a bed already for Kamden. I placed him on the soft sheets, and as he lay down he hissed when the arrow jostled in his chest. It was slowly moving out on its own, but I knew he would heal quicker if I pulled it out.

“This is going to hurt, but you’ll heal a lot faster if I pull it out. Is that okay?” I asked hesitantly.

He nodded quickly and groaned, “I trust you, Princess. Just take it out.” His forehead was covered in sweat and he took short, shallow breaths as I prepared to remove the arrow.

Taking a deep breath, I grasped onto the wooden arrow and pulled it out quickly, cringing when the sound of ripping flesh echoed throughout the room.
Kamden growled with the pain and lifted off the bed as a spurt of blood gushed out of his wound. Immediately, I ran to the bathroom and grabbed a few towels, placing one over his chest and applying pressure to it.

“You’ll be okay, now,” I promised. “All we have to do is wait on the wound to heal and you’ll be just as good as new.”

Kamden clasped my hand and held it to his heart. “Thank you for tending to me, Your Highness. I promise to repay you in any way I can.”

Smiling, I wiped the sweat away from his forehead with one of the other towels. As his eyes fluttered shut, I murmured softly, “No payment necessary, warrior. You healing
is all the payment I need.”



I waited for
Kamden to fall asleep completely, and when I knew he would be okay, I ran out of the room in search of Meliantha. I had no clue where they would have taken Brayden, but when I finally found her, she was leaning against Kalen looking drawn and pale. The healing must’ve gotten to her and worn her down.

“Ariella,” she whispered, blinking her eyes slowly with a tiny smile on her face. “I did it.”

Kalen held her tighter and lifted her into his arms. “I’m going to take her to lie down. She needs her rest after all she’s done.” His long, black hair hung in his face and his shirt was stained with ungodly amounts of blood; Brayden’s blood.

“Is your brother all right?” I whispered, staring horrifically at the red stains spattered across his shirt.

Kalen nodded and blew out a heavy breath. “He will be, but if he would have been a few minutes later probably not.”

With that,
Kalen left with my sister in his arms and disappeared around the corner. The door to the room in front of me was closed, but I knew without a doubt that Brayden was behind it. There was something in me that could sense him every time he was near. Slowly, I opened the door and snuck inside, hoping to not wake him if he was sleeping.

Something in my soul wanted me to see him, to make sure he was all right. The shades were drawn, making the room appear ominous and dark, just like Brayden and his broody ways. He was standoffish at times, but there were also times when I would catch him staring curiously at me. It made me wonder if I wasn’t the only one who had mixed feelings about the other.

Slowly, I approached his frozen form where he lay motionless in the bed. He was cast in shadows, but with my fae sight I could tell—even from this distance—that his eyes were closed.
What was I even doing in here?
I wondered. If he woke up he would probably tell me to get out.

Blood covered his clothing, which was discarded on the floor, and the primal urge to run to him and take care of him pushed me closer to the bed. I had never really spoken to him before, but I knew without a doubt that there was something happening between us. I could feel it. It wasn’t the usual flirty feelings I got when I joked around with the warriors, but something deeper … something real.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, I watched Brayden as he took slow breaths in and out, his chest rising and falling easily with each turn. For the rest of the day and the day after that, I sat with him and watched over him, only leaving every now and again to relieve myself and stretch. Meliantha checked on him occasionally and couldn’t understand why he wouldn’t wake up. He should have already woken up. I sang to him periodically, songs of love and adventure, and most importantly songs of winter and going home, hoping it would bring him back. His lips twitched every once in a while during my songs, and it would always make me falter.

I wanted to kiss those lips, and run my hands through his tousled brown hair to make him wake up so I’d know he was truly all right. I couldn’t rest until I knew he was going to wake up. As I leaned over to touch his lips with my fingers, the door flew open, startling me, and in strode
Kalen and Meliantha with smirks on their faces. I immediately pulled back and smiled at them as they approached the bed, ignoring their amused expressions, and put distance between me and the Winter prince.

grin grew bigger as his gaze landed on his brother and I froze in place with his next words. “Well, it’s about time you woke up, little brother,” he teased. “I was starting to think you were pretending so you could keep Ariella all to yourself.”

My breath hitched in my chest. When I summoned the courage to look over at the bed,
Brayden’s eyes were indeed wide open, staring daggers at Kalen. Suddenly, he turned those deep brown eyes to me and all I could do was stare back, completely motionless.
Oh yeah, I think I’m definitely going to be in trouble,
I thought to myself.



The day we found out
Sorcha was safe and with my brother, Drake, the whole Spring Court rejoiced in celebration. Kalen put together the best party ever and broke out his reserves of faerie wine, which quickly began to diminish. The sparkly blue liquid glistened in my cup as I downed the first glass, letting it fizzle all the way down into my belly. I poured myself another, and then another. Swaying to the music, I closed my eyes and smiled, thinking about how happy my brother and Sorcha must be now that they were together. He had his princess and soon to be queen in his arms.

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