Read Reluctantly in Love Online

Authors: Niecey Roy

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary

Reluctantly in Love (34 page)

BOOK: Reluctantly in Love
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He took it from me. “That’s usually how this works.”

“I didn’t mean to hit you.”

He cocked his head. “Oh?”

“No. I didn’t.”

“Could have fooled me.” He made a show of typing the information into the notes screen on his cell phone.

I crossed my arms. “You know what, Chase Walker?”

He raised his brows but didn’t take his eyes off the phone. “What’s that?”

“You are being a real asshole.”

“I am?” He kept on typing.

My blood was boiling by this point. “I know I probably deserved a little bit of this jerk-face attitude of yours, but you are really pushing it over the edge, don’t you think? I’m
Is that what you wanted to hear? Because I am. I’m sorry I ruined your date. I’m sorry I crashed your Christmas party. I’m really, really, really sorry that I was such a bitch to you that . . . other night.”

“That other night?” He looked up from his phone to give me his full attention. “You mean that night,
two months ago
, when you basically told me you don’t love me?”

Those blue eyes of his sucked me right in and punched me in the gut.

“Yeah. That night.” I crossed my arms, because I was freezing, and this craptastic night didn’t leave me all warm and cozy, either.

“So now you’re sorry.” His eyes narrowed into identical slits of skepticism. “Two months later.”

In my next life, my superpower would be to read minds. “Yes, I’m sorry.”

“Well, that’s great. I’m glad you’re sorry. I realize just how sorry you are after you waltzed into my Christmas party, ruined the cake, and then wrecked my car.”

I crinkled up my nose. “Okay, when you put it that way . . .”

“There’s no other way to put it, Roxanna.” He sounded irritated beyond words. “It’s what happened.”

I straightened to my full height, even while shivering uncontrollably. “Sheesh, okay.
I get it.
Coming here wasn’t exactly the best idea I’ve ever had.”


“And what’s that supposed to mean, ‘exactly’?” I huffed and flung my arms out in exasperation. “I can’t read your mind, you know.”

“‘Exactly’ means that you are a pain in the ass, Roxanna. ‘Exactly’ means that I can’t read your mind either, and I have no clue why the hell you drove all the way out here to tell me you’re sorry when you made it clear how you felt about us already. I’m glad you’re sorry, but it doesn’t change anything.” He handed the card back. “I’ll call this in tomorrow.”

For the second time tonight, he turned and walked away, and that choking panic mixed with frustration kicked me in the ass and shoved me forward. I grabbed Chase by the arm and stepped between him and his driver’s door.

“No. You’re not going anywhere.” I got a grip and said more calmly, “I mean, please, hear me out.”

He didn’t answer, just stared back at me like nothing I said would mean squat.

I took a deep breath. I could do this.
Just ease into it. Go slow. Let him know how you feel, and then lay it on him.

“I love you,” I blurted. Okay, so that wasn’t exactly the slow, easing into it kind of approach I meant. But he didn’t seem to be in a very patient mood.

And he looked as shocked as I was to hear the words cross my lips. Shocked was better than nothing. I stepped into his space, because closing the distance between us was the only way I could think of to not run and hide after laying my heart bare for him to stomp over before getting into his car and driving away. I reached up and placed my hand against his cheek—his skin was cold against my fingers.

“I’ve never been in love before. I’ve never let myself. And I don’t know how to be in a relationship that doesn’t let me walk away whenever I want to.” I nibbled on my lip because I felt the tears building in my eyes. My hands dropped to his chest. “Being with you scares me, and I don’t like being scared. But the thought of never being with you again, the idea of not having you in my life, terrifies me more. I don’t expect you to forgive me, or to even take a chance on someone as dysfunctional as I am. But if you can, I’d really, really like you to.”

My tears were cold and thick on my cheeks, but I left them where they were. To wipe them away would mean to take my hands from him. I had waited so long to touch him again. Somehow, he’d snuck under my skin, and crept right into my heart. Even with it barricaded and boarded up, he’d still been able to get in.

I added, “Because I love you.”

The seconds crawled by and dragged into minutes, which felt like hours while he peered down at me.

And then he leaned down and pressed his lips to mine in a warm, deep kiss that took my breath away.

I swear to all that is holy, I heard angels sing. Or maybe it was the Christmas music playing from the downtown speakers. Whatever, the point was that in my entire life, I’d never poured so much emotion into anything. Being in love was the strangest thing—first it was terrifying, then it made you sick, and then it made you so happy, exploding seemed possible.

His arms circled around my waist, pulling me into his warmth and the scent I’d missed so much. I couldn’t get close enough. After going so long without the feel of him pressed against me, my body didn’t want any space between us.

A car horn honked from somewhere nearby, but I ignored it.

Chase was the responsible one—he pulled away and I had to find my feet, which were numb from the cold. Even in the dark I could see the emotions swirling in his eyes.

“And you’re not mad I ruined your date?” I kept my hands bunched in the lapels of his jacket.

“I wasn’t on a date.”

“You weren’t?”

He shook his head.

“So . . . you forgive me, then? For everything?”

“This means, Roxanna Leigh Moss, that I love you, and I will put up with all of your weird ways, like crashing my Christmas party in your pajamas.” He leaned down again to kiss me, this one lingering and full of promises.

For the first time in my life, I wasn’t worried about the
what ifs
or the fear he might one day leave. I cared only that right now, in this moment, he loved me, and he wasn’t going anywhere.

My luck was officially back.




Don’t miss the rest of the
What’s Love???


Another Shot At Love, Book 1

Done With Love, Book 2

Reluctantly In Love, Book 3

Another Shot At Love

a What’s Love??? novel, Book 1


Imogen Gorecki needs a date to her sister’s engagement party—especially since her cheating ex-boyfriend is on the guest list. But finding Mr. Perfect in a time crunch is proving impossible.

Just when she’s about to give up, she face-plants into the crotch of the sexiest guy she’s ever met.

Matt Sesnick is everything Imogen wants in a man, but he’s not looking for a relationship so soon after his recent divorce. Will Gen’s pregnant and hormonal older sister, her bridezilla twin, and all of her past Mr. Wrongs get in the way of their happily-ever-after, or can she convince Matt to take another shot at love?


Get Another Shot At Love now!

Done With Love

a What’s Love??? novel, Book 2


Once upon a time…

Bridal boutique owner Alexis Gorecki used to believe in happily-ever-afters—until Prince Charming turned into a toad.

When it seems her evil almost-in-laws will stop at nothing to ruin her professional reputation Lexie wages war. Which sounded so much better in her head. Her strawberries and cream personality really isn’t cut out for taser guns and blackmail.

To complicate matters, her first love is back in town—and pushing all the right buttons. Her heart still remembers the first time he broke it, but she can’t deny the way her body responds to his touch. Leo Moss has always been her weakness. Can he convince Lexie she's not quite done with love?


Get Done With Love now!


Fender Bender Blues


Her life took a wrong turn. He’s driven by success. They didn’t count on crashing into love...


Rachel Bennett loved her job until the day she finds herself doubting her choices. Now she’s hunting for a new career, but starting over isn’t easy. Her plan is simple—no distractions until she finds her dream job. She didn’t plan on fate throwing her a curveball in the form of a fender bender with a sexy guy in an expensive suit.

Craig Larsen is a wealthy, successful business owner with a plan of his own: survive his current PR nightmare and stay away from his overly determined ex-girlfriend. His need for control and personal success is turned upside down when he meets Rach, a sassy redhead who can’t drive.

Soon they find themselves battling with Rach’s grumpy old neighbor, toilet-papering the trees of a high school nemesis, and fighting over the last slice of pizza. Can two very different people plus one fender bender equal a chance at forever?


Get Fender Bender Blues now!


A word about the author...


Once upon a time, there was a young girl who wrote sappy poetry about every relationship gone wrong. She had her heart broken many times before the man of her dreams stepped off a big Navy ship and swept her off her feet, promising to never hold her shoe obsession against her.

 From that day forward, she swore she’d never again write sappy poetry of unrequited love. Instead, a sucker for smooches and happily-ever-afters, Niecey Roy now writes contemporary romance inspired by her sailor’s sexy brown eyes and charming sense of humor.

BOOK: Reluctantly in Love
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