Resilience (13 page)

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Authors: Bailey Bradford

BOOK: Resilience
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Todd mentally rolled his eyes at himself. Funny how he could visualise that. And he

was a dummy for sitting here when he had Adam waiting for him a few yards away.

Todd shut off the car and unlatched his seatbelt. He kept focus on Adam the whole

time, noting the shiver that rocked him. Was Adam sick? Embarrassed? Todd studied him as he approached. He really thought it might be the latter. It looked adorable on Adam, especially when Todd could see the love shining in his eyes. Todd wanted to shout with the joy that welled up in him, but he doubted the neighbours would appreciate the ruckus.

He sped up and Adam held his hands out. His fingers were trembling. Todd’s heart

thudded unevenly as he took Adam’s hands in his. He lost himself for a few seconds in the dark brown eyes watching him. Adam had soulful eyes, Todd thought. He could see

everything in them, all the man’s hopes and emotions now that Adam wasn’t trying to hide them anymore.

“I’m glad you’re home,” Adam whispered, and even his voice had a quaver to it.

Todd’s gut clamped with concern. Maybe he wasn’t reading Adam right at all? “What’s

wrong? D-did I—”

“No!” Adam yelped before he could get any further. “Hell, no!” Adam huffed and did

it again, sounding fairly disgusted. “I’m just really nervous, okay? Are you sure you’re ready?”

Adam’s gaze drilled into him pretty much with the same intensity Todd wanted

another part of Adam to drill into him…lower down and a hundred and eighty degrees

around. “Yes, God, Adam, don’t make me beg.” Todd’s entire face burned, but he was proud of himself for getting the declaration out without stuttering.

“I won’t,” Adam said after studying him for another moment. Then Adam smiled so

brilliantly Todd had to blink. “All right, well. I wanted to give you a proper seduction, so come on inside and let’s see how badly I botch my attempt to be the suave letch.” He winked and Todd chuckled. He wondered what Adam had in store for him.

It didn’t take long to find out. As soon as Adam took him inside, holding onto Todd’s hand and fuck what the neighbours might think (Adam had said so on more than one occasion), Adam shut the front door then promptly pinned Todd against it and rubbed all over him. Nerve endings Todd didn’t know he had stood up and started singing with joy at the feel of Adam pressed to him, sliding, buttons catching and—

“Uhn.” Todd clamped a hand to Adam’s shoulder and squeezed. “I s-should take off

the belt—”

Adam jerked his head back and shook it, as if clearing his head. “Oh, yeah. The holster and all that…”

“Be a shame if one of us got hurt,” Todd muttered, but he was hurting already. His dick had grown erect so quick it’d been uncomfortable. “Help me?”

“Of course.” Adam took over when Todd’s fingers, clumsier than usual, couldn’t seem

to unfasten his belt. Within seconds Todd was divested of the belt, his holster, his weapon.

Adam smiled at him then and brushed his knuckles over Todd’s cock. “I need to suck you.”

Manly or not, Todd whimpered and clenched his thighs. He was dangerously close to

an edge he didn’t want to topple over. “Adam—”

Adam kissed him then, taking Todd’s mouth, owning him with a gentle force that

should have been contradictory but wasn’t. Adam speared his tongue into Todd over and over, sucked his lips until they tingled and burned. He pressed a leg between Todd’s when Todd finally got the message to spread his apart.

White-hot desire raced out from Todd’s groin as Adam wedged his thigh against

Todd’s balls. Adam grabbed Todd’s hips and tugged, encouraging him and Todd eagerly

began rutting. Needy sounds he’d never thought to make were bleeding from his mouth to Adam’s, and Todd was shaking like he was fixing to blow apart.

Adam nipped his bottom lip and Todd cried out in protest when Adam slid down his

body. Once his brain informed him he was in for an even more incredible experience, Todd tried to quiet down, but he couldn’t. He ached, his balls hard and tight, his cock stiffer than stone.

“I’ve got you, baby,” Adam rasped, then Todd’s breath hitched as his pants were

opened and shoved down his thighs, his underwear following shortly thereafter. “Oh, look at you. So hard, so—”

Todd didn’t hear anything else then because Adam pressed a hand to his balls, pushing slightly upward, and engulfed the head of his dick. Not even his shout registered until afterwards, when his ears were ringing and his throat ached from the force of his exultation.

His cock was encased in silky wet fire, clutching and tormenting him. Adam suckled

and used his tongue to drive Todd to the brink, had him dangling there, so close. Todd gasped and folded over Adam, arms looping around his lover awkwardly as Adam took

Todd’s cock to the base.

“Ah!” Todd’s head spun and waves of ecstasy crashed down on him at the same time

Adam pressed a fingertip to his opening. Todd desperately wanted it inside him, wanted Adam there, filling him, but he couldn’t hold on, and he wailed as cum shot up, spilling into Adam’s mouth.

Afterwards, Todd didn’t quite know how he’d ended up on the floor. Adam was

grinning happily, though, and it registered slowly that Adam hadn’t yet come. Again. Todd wasn’t sure he liked this pattern.

“Don’t glower,” Adam mock-scolded, “you’ll give me a complex.”

Todd couldn’t think of a witty comeback so he just stayed quiet and drank in the sight of his handsome lover.

“Now, I think dinner’s about warmed up. I picked it up from Mary’s Diner after I got off and put it in the oven before you came home.” Adam waved at Todd’s cock and balls.

“You gonna tuck that away or eat dinner with it all hanging out? I’m fine either way.”

Todd croaked in embarrassment. He didn’t even want to know how it was possible to

make such an absurd noise!

Adam crouched beside him and tipped Todd’s chin up. He looked so happy. “Aw,

come on, don’t be shy with me. In fact, I think maybe we should just eat in the nude. I love looking at your sexy body.”

Oh, Todd knew he was blushing all over now, because his entire body felt warm.

“Wouldn’t get much eating done.” Or he wouldn’t, at least.

Adam sighed, a long, exaggerated sigh that could have won him an Oscar. “Fine, fine.

You’re right. And I’m a sex monster. And before you complain, I don’t want to come until I’m buried in your sweet ass—”

Todd opened up his mouth to say now was good for him but Adam narrowed his eyes

and clucked his tongue. “Nope. See, I went the whole nine yards, as they say, and have a very romantic evening planned before I take you to bed. I wasn’t joking about seducing you, although maybe it’s courting, I don’t know. I’m not sure I understand what that old term means, nowadays. But…” Adam kissed Todd, tenderly, heart-meltingly sweet, before he

continued. “You deserve to be treated like the special man you are. Loved, shown how extraordinary you are. And I’m the man who is gonna do it. I hope.” He grinned and stood, waiting as Todd tucked himself away. Then he held his hands out to Todd.

Chapter Eighteen

Dinner turned out to be everything Adam had hoped for, with him and Todd

exchanging lots of long, steamy looks and feeding each other tiramisu for dessert. He hadn’t even set anything on fire with the candles—not that he was normally clumsy, but, hell, he’d been sooooooooo nervous!

The second part of the seduction was a little less successful. Not that it went badly, but, when Todd had entered the bathroom and stopped dead in his tracks, Adam had looked up from where he sat on the side of the tub, stirring the…bubbles.

Well, it’d seemed like a good idea, until that second, when Todd had kind of gaped at him and looked like he didn’t know whether to run forwards or back. Fortunately, that’d been cleared up quick. Todd had only been floored by Adam’s thoughtfulness—he said—

and Adam chose to believe it was true, because Todd stripped his delectable body bare and slid into the hot, fragrant, bubbly water with a long moan that made Adam’s cock weep for relief.

Adam wished the tub was bigger so he could crawl in and lie behind Todd. Of course,

then he probably would never make it to step three, which involved exploring every inch of Todd’s naked skin in a bed.

Adam snatched the cloth from Todd. “Nuh-uh, let me. Tonight I am going to pamper

you and touch every bit of you while I’m at it.”

Todd looked through his lashes at Adam. “You don’t have to, Adam. You’re doing a lot for something you’re gonna get regardless.”

Adam sat back on his heels and glared. “I will have you know I am not doing this just to get laid! I know you want to make love, and, believe me, oh my God do I want to spread you out and—” Adam stopped, desire making his throat so dry he almost squeaked. He

swallowed and waited for the saliva to reappear. “I am going to make love to you, Todd, but I want to give you this, tonight.”

Adam decided Fuck it, and he stripped off his clothes then got in the tub, straddling Todd. It wasn’t comfortable, but it felt fucking good. “I plan on giving you lots of nights like this, Todd. Nights and days, mornings and afternoons, weeks, months, years—a lifetime or more, if possible.”

Todd’s lower lips quivered and Adam leaned in and sucked on it. Todd’s hands on his

back felt large, strong, right as Todd clutched at him. And the thick cock prodding at his bottom, that felt pretty damn perfect too.

“Do you want—”

“No,” Todd grunted, even as he thrust. “Want you in me.”

Adam’s smile couldn’t possible get any bigger, he thought. “Whatever you want. But


Adam kissed Todd and lowered himself as much as he could, letting their slick wet

torsos rub together. “Fuck.” He nibbled down Todd’s jaw and bit at the side of his neck.

Todd jolted under him and squeaked and squeezed Adam so hard he couldn’t breathe.

Apparently Todd liked being bitten, at least there.

Another time, he’d explore where-all his lover liked being bitten and kissed, but, for right now, if he ever wanted to get inside Todd, he needed to get them out of the tub. Adam pulled away and felt around for the washcloth before he remembered he’d dropped it on the rug. “Shit, hang on.”

He shivered when he got out, but there just wasn’t enough room for him to do what

needed to be done if he was in the tub. “Close your eyes and just relax.”

Todd puffed out a laugh but did as Adam said.

“I’m gonna make this short and get you clean, otherwise I’ll end up stroking this—”

Adam gripped Todd’s cock in his hand, using the soapy washcloth to stimulate him. “Until you go off, then we’ll both have to wait for a while to go on. Although, the foreplay—”

“Adam, please,” Todd mumbled, “I want you in me the next time.”

Adam released Todd’s dick. “Whatever you want. But yeah, that’s what I want, too. I

ache for you, Todd, and, you know, I never understood what someone meant when they said that before.”

“I ache, too.” Todd looked at him and Adam decided there’d been enough talking. He

washed Todd, relieved when the man didn’t protest at Adam cleaning his ass. Adam didn’t want Todd to be shy with him, not about his body, and not about sex, but he knew it’d take time. And Todd was so sweet, Adam didn’t mind waiting…except right now he really was painfully ready for his lover, and there was still more to do.

“Up.” Adam helped Todd up and pulled the drain on the tub. Once Todd got out,

Adam rubbed him down briskly, careful not to touch his erection much. Adam’s was curved up towards his belly, dabbing moisture on his skin, bobbing and reminding him it needed attention.

He didn’t rush—much, though. Adam pulled Todd to him with the towel around his

hips. He rumbled happily as Todd embraced him. Adam found the sweet spot on Todd’s

neck and worked it with teeth and tongue until Todd’s breathing came in short pants and he writhed against Adam.

“You like that, huh?”

Todd made a choking sound then surprised Adam with a bit of sarcasm. “Duh!”

Adam chuckled and stepped back. “Well, then, let’s see what else you like.” He already knew Todd had sensitive nipples, whereas Adam could take or leave having his messed

with. Didn’t mean he didn’t like playing with a responsive man’s tits, though, and Todd was very responsive.

“Come to our bed,” Adam said, tugging on the towel. Todd stumbled and Adam let go,

choosing instead to hook his arm through Todd’s. “And don’t laugh.”

Now his nerves were kicking back in.

Todd cocked his head at him. “Why would I laugh? Did… Did you do more in there,

like the candles on the table and…?” Todd’s eyes rounded and Adam had a feeling he’d been found out.

“Just wait and see.” And that was not desperation and fear tingeing his voice! Adam

might have gone a little overboard. He stopped outside their bedroom door and looked at Todd. “I, uh, I’m not sure—”

Todd smiled softly and this time it was he who kissed Adam, drinking in his fear and insecurity. “Whatever it is you did, I know it’ll be perfect.”

Adam would have mocked someone for saying something so sappy back when he’d

been a cynical asshole, but now he just beamed, he knew it. He felt like he did, anyways.

Todd turned then and opened the door. He stood still as stone for a few seconds—the

longest seconds ever, next to those horrible ones when Adam had found Todd beaten—then Todd made what sounded like a sob. His shoulders hunched and he fisted a hand, pressing it to his mouth.

Adam thought he’d really fucked up, or really done right, he wasn’t sure. “Todd, is

it…? Is that a happy sound or—?” Or what? Or was Adam a pathetic, stupid—

Todd grabbed him and pulled Adam around. Todd’s eyes were luminous with tears

and with the reflections from the numerous candles Adam had set out. Well, not too

numerous, he was worried about them burning for long and he’d only used ones he could put in candleholders but—Adam barked out a laugh at his own rambling thoughts. “I thought…” Todd glanced at the room again. “Those are rose petals.”

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