Resilience (11 page)

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Authors: Bailey Bradford

BOOK: Resilience
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The ambulance pulled in the drive, and Adam let go of Todd long enough to wave to

the driver so they’d come on back. He thought they could fit between the house and Adam’s car, but if not, well, then they’d better fucking get out and run!

Standing back while the EMS crew started checking Todd was the hardest thing Adam

had ever had to do. He didn’t try to hide how worried he was, or how much Todd meant to him. He was positive the most dangerous person who could have known already did. Only Todd’s father would have dared to attack his own son with a metal pipe—Adam had nearly puked when he’d spotted it. Would have, except he’d been afraid he’d collapse too and the EMS guys needed to give Todd their undivided attention.

“Gonna load him up.”

Adam tore his gaze away from Todd’s beloved face to look instead at the burly man

addressing him. He saw a wealth of sympathy in the man’s eyes, and it eased a tiny bit of the tension in Adam’s chest.

“Okay, okay. Can I—”

The guy glanced at his partner, who scowled but didn’t speak. “You can ride in the

back, just stay out the way.”

“I don’t—” his partner began.

“Shut the fuck up, Scotty,” the bigger man snapped. “You drive, I’ll take care of Todd.”

To Adam, he said, “Ignore him. Not everyone’s as small-minded as Scotty.”

Adam snorted in disbelief. “Right. And that’s why Todd’s been beaten, right?” He

turned away and jogged to his car to grab his keys and lock the vehicle. If he had his way, Todd and he were going to leave this fucking hateful shithole of a town just as soon as Todd was released from the hospital.

Chapter Fifteen

Once the first week had passed after his father had tried to kill him, Todd began to be slightly less miserable every day. Physically, at least. Emotionally, he knew he was just a fucked-up mess. He couldn’t get over the hate he’d seen in his old man’s eyes, the words he’d spewed as he’d swung that pipe. And Todd had fallen right back into playing the victim. He could have died because of his stupidity.

Adam could have died because of it, if Todd’s father had come back then. As it was, the jerk had come back, and Gabe and Mika had come unglued on him. Todd was glad for that, but sorry about Gabe’s hand, which he’d hurt clocking the old guy.

“Hey, you’re awake.”

Todd rolled his head on his pillow and looked at Adam standing in the doorway. Todd

figured whatever closet he’d been hiding in had had the door and ceiling blown right off, so, when Adam had insisted on bringing Todd back to his place once he was released from the hospital, Todd hadn’t argued.

But, the truth was, he was kind of scared. He’d yet to venture out of the house—well, he was still beaten to hell, but even so—just the thought of the people he’d known all his life seeing him and knowing—

“Stop it right now,” Adam said as he snapped his fingers. The man had a lethal glare that accompanied the sound. He pointed at Todd. “I don’t know what you’re thinking about, but it couldn’t be good. You flushed red and, while that is hot when I’m turning you on, it’s definitely not a look I want to see on you when you’re frowning fit to petrify Medusa.”

Todd snorted and rubbed at his hair. “S’it that bad?” He was feeling kind of woolly.

And if he could deflect—

Adam sauntered over and brushed the back of his knuckles over Todd’s cheek. The

compassion in Adam’s eyes made Todd’s burn and he gulped but didn’t look away. Adam

had seen him cry in pain and fear over the past couple of weeks, and he’d had to help Todd with everything, a humiliation Todd never wanted to experience again, although he was grateful Adam had taken it on. And mostly without griping much. When he did snark, it was always humorously done.

Adam sat on the bed, his hip nudged against Todd’s. “What had you looking so

miserable, baby?”

To Todd’s utter mortification, tears spilled over onto his cheeks. “Crap.” He started to wipe at them as he sniffled but Adam beat him to it, catching the moisture on his thumbs. “I just, I don’t know what to do anymore. I don’t know how to face the people here, or how to find a job. No one in Shasta is gonna want to hire me since it’s out that I’m gay.”

Adam hummed and knuckled under Todd’s left eye, which seemed determined to keep

leaking. “I think you’d be surprised, both at your own strength and at the people here. And I don’t know why you’re thinking you’re gonna need a job. Kaufman can’t fire you. Even if he could, he’d have to have a damn good reason, and you being hurt isn’t a good reason.”

Todd started to speak but Adam shook his head. “Let me finish. Everyone here knows

Gabe is gay, and no one gives him shit, or at least not much and not that I know of.”

Todd’s lips twitched. “Well, yeah, ‘cause Gabe would tear their heads off, verbally at least. Then he’d sic Mika on them.”

Adam chuckled and leant down. He pressed his lips to Todd’s in a sweet kiss before

sitting back up. “No doubt, but even before Mika no one messed with Gabe. I don’t think all of that was because he can be a feisty dude.”

“A feisty dude.” Todd wanted to laugh at the description, but it fit, and, besides,

laughing too hard hurt like a bitch.

“And I haven’t lost any clients, and everyone here knows I’m gay, obviously, after the whole wailing and sobbing I did at the hospital,” Adam continued, winking. “Okay, I didn’t wail or sob, more like…bitched and snapped, but eh. Anyways, I actually have more

customers now. It’s probably an odd show of support, but it is a show of support, and it’s for you, not me.”

“Right.” Todd tried to look away but he couldn’t. Adam could do that, hold him with

some invisible thread between them. Todd’s belly felt fluttery and a slow warmth spread through him in a now-familiar reaction that would, as it had since his injuries, leave him frustrated. Adam didn’t think he was well enough to mess around yet, and, damn it, Todd had agreed mostly, but maybe not today.

“It’s true.” Adam slid his gaze down to Todd’s dick. “You started breathing heavier, and now I know why. Looky here.” He palmed Todd’s shaft through the sheet. “Hot. I

swear, Todd, you’re gonna set this bed on fire.”

Well, if he hadn’t been before, he might now because Todd flushed hot from his toes to his head. “Adam, please.” Something, anything, Todd didn’t care what. He didn’t want to hurt, didn’t want to think, didn’t want to be afraid anymore.

“I’ve got you, baby,” Adam crooned right before slanting his mouth over Todd’s.

Todd sighed happily as he parted his lips, opening for Adam. The taste of the man

never grew old. Todd closed his eyes and reached for whatever part of Adam he could touch.

He thrust up against Adam’s hand and his balls tingled with warning.

Please, please, please. Todd chanted it over and over in his head, desire coiling, volcanic heat building in his groin. He clutched at Adam and nipped his tongue, and Adam pulled back enough to hiss.

Todd cracked open his eyes and watched Adam lick his swollen lips. The wicked grin

should have warned him, but Todd wasn’t exactly thinking right then. Adam jerked the sheet off and grabbed Todd’s hard cock. A string of pre-cum bridged the gap from his tip to his stomach, and Adam leant down and licked it up.

“Oh my fricking God,” Todd panted, sure his eyes were going to bug right on out of his head.

“I think you’re healed up enough for this, don’t you?” Adam asked, but he didn’t give Todd time to answer. Instead he swooped down and sucked Todd’s dick in, and Todd

writhed even as a shudder rocked him. “Mmm.”

Todd clutched at Adam’s hair, wanting to slow him down at the same time he wanted

Adam to keep on going. Todd was so close to coming, and he wanted to hold off, enjoy the magic of Adam’s throat muscles massaging his dick, the heat, the wet, Adam’s tongue—God, he didn’t want it to ever end.

But he also wanted to come, to let the ecstasy wash over him, drown him in the most

perfect pleasure he’d ever felt. Todd bit his lip to keep from whimpering, or shouting, he didn’t know which. Then Adam cupped his balls and rubbed the soft skin beneath them.

Todd screamed, his heart slamming, vision exploding into brilliant white shards as his cock spurted into Adam’s mouth. He felt like he came buckets, although logically he knew better. It was just so intense, so perfect, and more moisture leaked onto his cheeks as he thrashed, unable not to pump into Adam’s mouth as he swallowed every drop.

Todd’s head was still spinning and he was still gasping when Adam sat up and shoved

at his sweats. “Jesus, I gotta—” Adam cackled breathlessly, “Fuck, I’m gonna come in my pants if—Oh yesss!”

Todd blinked furiously while the bed bounced under him. He finally was able to focus on Adam, watch him jerk that big dick. Todd’s mouth watered and he clenched everything from his butt down as he ogled Adam’s length.

“I want that in me,” he muttered before he thought to stop himself, then immediately burned with embarrassment at his brazenness. How the hell had he let himself say that out loud?

Adam gasped, then crawled over him, his knees on either side of Todd’s waist. His eyes burned with need and Todd’s cock twitched as he imagined Adam looking at him the same way while fucking him until they both screamed.

“Say it again,” Adam demanded, lowering himself to one arm so that, every time he

reached the tip of his dick, his knuckles brushed Todd’s belly. “Say it. Tell me what you want!”

Todd swallowed around his nerves and scolded himself for being such a prude. It was

just so hard to admit after so many years of denying himself, but he couldn’t refuse Adam’s demand. Adam needed to hear it, Todd knew he did, and Todd needed to admit it out loud.

“I want you to fuck me.”

Todd got it out, almost without stuttering, and Adam’s eyes went wide as a strangled sound ripped from his throat. Todd felt the jet of hot spunk hit his chest, smelt the musky scent of Adam’s cum, and found himself saying the words over and over again, his dick growing erect once more.

Adam groaned and slumped over to Todd’s side. “Oh my God, oh my God…”

Todd couldn’t help but feel kind of smug. Adam sure seemed to be a pile of boneless

goo. Todd had helped him get that way, just by admitting his own needs, his own desires.

Knowing the truth of it gave Todd a small bit of power, of strength he hadn’t ever thought to have, and he owed Adam for it.

Which was why, when the phone rang, Todd actually patted Adam’s chest and said

he’d get it. If it was still ringing by the time he actually made it to the phone, then he’d answer it. Todd still didn’t move as fast as he had before.

But the phone kept ringing, or he was quicker than he had been yesterday. Either way, he made it before the machine picked up. Todd plucked up the phone and was only slightly short of breath when he answered.

Then he was completely breathless when he said hello and the mayor of Shasta greeted him.

“Er, hello, Todd, this is Mayor Edmunds.”

Todd immediately stood up straighter, as if the mayor could see him through the

phone—which was a disturbing thought, considering he was naked. “Yes sir.” He coughed to get the squeak out of his voice. “How can I help you, Mayor Edmunds?” Was he fixing to be fired? Ran out of town?

“Actually, Todd, I believe you can help me,” Mayor Edmunds said, sounding more sure

of himself with each word. “You see, we’re in need of a new sheriff in town as Kaufman has been…relieved of duty.”

“He has?” Todd had heard as much, but it still seemed unreal to him.

“Yes, of course he has. Once I found out about all the laws he broke, and of course, the animal abuse, oh my.” Mayor Edmunds sighed. “If one of those save the animal places had gotten wind of his behaviour, well, I don’t think any of us want Shasta on the news all around the world for something like that. It would reflect very badly on us, and we have some good people here. Bad ones, too, yes, but overall we have great citizens.”

Todd wasn’t so sure about that, considering many of the ‘great citizens’ had to have known about the abuse he’d suffered at his parents’ hands. Then it occurred to him, as hard as it’d been for him to break out of that cycle—and it’d almost killed him, hadn’t it?—it might have been just as hard for people to speak up. It was a horrible excuse, but possibly a true one. Mayor Edmunds cleared his throat and continued talking when Todd didn’t speak.

“Todd, I know you might feel as if several people in this town let you down, and you’d be right. I myself wasn’t aware of what your father did to you, not until this last time, and I am very sorry, son. Someone should have stepped up.” Another sigh, this one louder,

gustier. “But no one did, and there are a lot of people feeling very badly about that now. I know that you have a good heart, that you’re a respectful, forgiving man. Not many people would be after what you’ve been through.”

Todd frowned as he wondered what the mayor was buttering him up for. “Okay.” He

didn’t know what else to say. He heard footsteps and turned to see Adam watching him as he walked over. Todd shrugged and mouthed ‘Mayor Edmunds’ and Adam scowled at the

phone. He slipped an arm around Todd’s waist and tipped his head towards the phone.

Todd held it out a little so Adam could hear. “Mayor Edmunds, I don’t know why you’re calling. I’m kind of confused here.”

“Well, son, first off, I’m calling to tell you I’m sorry for what you went through, and second, ah…” Mayor Edmunds made a noise that had Todd thinking the man was

embarrassed. “See, I want you to know that it’s okay that you’re…gay. Harumph. Sorry, this is, er, unusual, I imagine. For me at least, and possibly for you.”

“Yeah,” Todd croaked, sure his eyes were about to bug right out of the sockets. Adam snorted softly and squeezed his waist.

“I just want you to know that there are many others here in Shasta who feel the same.

I’ve gotten numerous calls and visits at my office, and oh my, e-mails and even letters.

People want you to know you’re welcome here, you and Adam. I have been hounded

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