Revealed by You (Torn) (11 page)

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Authors: J.M. Walker

BOOK: Revealed by You (Torn)
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My heart raced. I cupped his cheek. “Brett.”

His gaze met mine, his nostrils flaring. “Switch me seats.”

The man laughed and rose from his seat before heading down the aisle to the bathroom.

I gripped Brett’s shirt tight in my hands. “That’s what he wants, Brett.”

“I don’t care. I’m not having him eye fucking you when we still have an hour left of the flight,” he said, his tone harsh.

My head spun but I nodded.

His tense body relaxed as he let out a breath and we switched spots. “Why did you lie and say we were on our honeymoon?”      

I looked up at Brett and leaned my head against the seat. “I thought maybe it would back him off.”

His eyes heated. He pinched my chin and placed a hard kiss on my lips. “Mrs. MacLean,” he whispered.

Mrs. MacLean.
The way the name rolled off of his tongue made my insides melt. To be his wife one day, to get to that point let me know that he was definitely in this for the long run. It wasn’t a fluff, hearts and flowers filled romance but raw, intense, painful.

I imagined us sitting on the porch of our future home, being old and gray and laughing about all of this. The only question was, would we ever get there?

“Rest. It’s going to be a couple of hours at least before you’ll get to sleep,” he whispered in my ear.

I smiled, knowing he wasn’t just saying that because it would take a while to get to our room.

The next time I opened my eyes, I was greeted with beautiful blue depths.

Brett smiled and placed a soft kiss on my mouth. “We’re getting ready to land. We’re in Mexico, Evvie.”

My heart jumped and I looked outside. The sun was shining bright as we landed. My stomach flipped. This was it. Two weeks. Alone. With Brett MacLean. My boyfriend, my lover, a piece of me I never knew existed until a couple of months ago.

No worries, no one else to ruin our moment. It was just him and I.




We arrived to our room mid-afternoon. I was tired but so excited, my body vibrated. The room was large. A king sized bed sat against the far wall with a small sitting area beside it.

I walked around the bright room, taking in the scenery before me.

When we landed and headed through security, we didn’t see the guy from the plane again. He didn’t even come back to his seat after going to the bathroom which I had thought was odd.

The sun shone into the white room, heating my skin as I stared out the patio doors.

The hairs on my body tingled and I smiled, taking a deep breath as I felt Brett approach me.

“Do you know what I’m thinking right now?” he asked, kissing the side of my neck.

I leaned into his touch. “I could take a guess.”

“Go for it,” he said, placing his hands against the patio door on either side of my head and leaned into me.

“You’re wondering how many places you can christen in this room.”

He chuckled. “Oh, I am thinking more than that but yes, that’s the general idea.”

I turned around and leaned against the cool glass. Memories of our first time reined in my mind as I brushed a finger down the cotton of his t-shirt. “Sex first and then tour the resort? Or tour the resort and then sex?”

He smirked and stepped back. “Strip and bend over the edge of the bed.”

“Sex first then.” I sighed dramatically. “I guess if we have to,” I said, feigning a yawn.

A wicked grin spread on his face. “Lover, you will regret saying that.”

I sashayed away and pulled off my clothes, leaving me standing naked before him. “Prove it. Show me what you want, Brett,” I demanded.

He pulled his belt off with a snap. “I will break you.”

“Tell me.”

He took a step towards me and folded his belt in half. “I will
you into submission.”

Oh dear God
. Liquid seeped between my thighs. I couldn’t wait. I needed him inside of me but this new game we were playing was hot as hell. I licked my lips not being able to keep my eyes off of the belt in his hand. Memories of the leather slapping against me made the flesh of my ass tingle. “You think so do you?”

His eyes heated as he circled me. He was like a feral animal, caging me in, waiting to make his next move before he struck. “Bend over the bed.”

I did as he said. The bed was high off the floor and with me being short, it left my feet dangling in the air.

“Close your eyes,” he demanded, running a hand down my naked back.


A heavy hand covered my mouth, tilting my head back. “If you don’t be quiet and do as I say, I will gag you.”

I gasped. Now that would make for an interesting situation. Bound and gagged for his pleasure only as he took me how he wanted. My body heated. Yup, that’s it. I was done.

He kissed my forehead. “Now, close your eyes.”

My heart raced but I closed them.

“My Evvie. So beautiful. So perfect.” His hand brushed down my spine before he grabbed my wrists, pulling them behind my back. “We’ll start out slow but I promise you, by the end of these two weeks, you will hate the word ‘anticipation’.”




As Brett and I walked hand in hand around the resort, I couldn’t help thinking back to only an hour before. My skin tingled. My core building with pent up frustration of epic proportions. Anticipation. Yup. Already hated the word. Not letting me have a release of any kind as he got me so worked up, I could have punched him.

“How are you feeling?” Brett whispered in my ear.

I growled and shoved him playfully.

He chuckled. “I told you, you will hate the word.”

“I already do,” I mumbled.

“Good. When I let you come, it will be the biggest orgasm you’ve ever had. Just think about that, Evvie,” he said, grabbing my hand.

I sighed. To think that he had that much control over my body left me breathless.

He pulled me beside him and wrapped an arm around my shoulders. We toured the resort. It was small but perfect. Intimate. The warm afternoon air washed over my skin and although I tried to focus on the grounds before us, I couldn’t help but wonder what Brett had in store for me later.

“I will fuck you into submission.”

My body heated. Out of all the erotic words he said to me, that was the hottest. I craved it. His touch, his body, his love. I couldn’t get enough. I was addicted now more than I was an hour ago.

“You have got to be fucking shitting me.”

I frowned at the harsh tone of Brett’s voice and followed his gaze. My eyes widened when they landed on the douche from the plane.

The guy glanced our way and waved, a wide grin spreading on his face as he continued chatting with some people at the bar.

I gripped Brett’s hand. “Let’s go.”

Brett didn’t move, his jaw tensing as he glared hard at the other man.

“Brett, I’m hungry.”

He looked down at me and placed a hard kiss on my lips before wrapping an arm around my shoulders.

I sighed knowing the kiss was a claiming of sorts. Brett and his intense alpha cave man side were going to get him into trouble one of these days. It was only a matter of when.




“Brett, will you stop looking at him like you want to gouge his eye balls out with a spoon,” I said, taking a sip of my beer.

Brett scrubbed a hand down his face and turned to me. “I don’t like the way he looks at you.”

I scoffed. “You don’t like the way anyone looks at me.”

He grunted in response.

I moved from my spot on the couch across from him and sat beside him, placing my feet in his lap. “Foot massage?” I asked, kicking off my flip flops and wiggled my toes.

He smiled and wrapped his hands around my feet. “You always know how to calm me.”

I leaned my head against the back of the patio couch and sighed. I knew that touching my skin helped him. I didn’t know how deep down that went or what caused that but I didn’t ask. I would always help him in any way I could.

My fingers lazily grazed through the hair at his nape. Only being in Mexico for two days, Brett had already gotten some color in his cheeks. I, on the other hand, would burn and I needed to apply the sun screen like it was a second layer of skin.

His thumbs pushed into the arches of my foot and I jumped. A hot tingle shot up my body. “We need to keep your skin protected this week.”


He looked down at me and chuckled. “The only thing that is going to be making your body pink is me.”

The back of my neck heated. “Jealous of the sun, lover boy?” I asked, stifling a yawn and moved my feet from his lap.

“Yes. I’m jealous of anything that touches you,” he said, cupping my calf.

I would have laughed if I knew he wasn’t joking. While his fingers continued to massage me, I took in my surroundings before noticing a young couple about our age standing by the bar.

The woman, average height and slender had a nice dark tan. The man she was with was pale like me but still had a glow from the sun. The woman threw her head back and laughed, a loud boisterous sound escaping her lips.

I smiled.

“What’s so funny?” Brett asked, brushing the back of his knuckles down my cheek.

My heart lifted. “Just watching the couple by the bar.”

He followed my gaze. “They’re deep in love.”

I nodded. The woman tilted her chin when the man placed a soft kiss on her lips. She grinned and looked our way. Her blue eyes twinkled and she gave a little wave.

Brett kissed my forehead and headed to the bar. The man started talking to him when the woman he was with headed my way. Her shoulder length dark brown curly hair bounced with each step as she neared me.

“Hi,” she said cheerfully.

I smiled. “Hi.”

“My husband is telling your man about the ways of the resort.”

“I’m surprised my boyfriend isn’t saying that he can figure it out on his own.” I laughed.

She chuckled. “I know, right? Big strong Alpha men need to find out that crap on their own.” She rolled her eyes. “Please.” She giggled. “I’m Sydney.”

“Evvie and he’s Brett,” I said, pointing at him.

He met my gaze and winked. My body flushed. God, one look and I was done.

“My husband is Alex. How long you guys been together?” she asked as the guys headed our way.

“Almost six months.” I reached for Brett’s hand as he sat down beside me.

“You talking about me?” he purred in my ear.

“Always, lover boy.”

He chuckled and pulled my feet onto his lap. “Alex here was just telling me about the buffet times and a special little something just for you.”

My eyebrow rose. “Oh?”

“Did you tell him about where you took me?” Sydney asked brushing her fingers through the hair at her husband’s nape.

Alex winked. “Yes.”

Sydney turned to me. “Girl, have fun.”

“Okay.” My heart thumped, nervous butterflies flew through my belly.

“And piece of advice.” Sydney leaned towards me. “Hold on.”

I frowned, confusion coursing through me. “Hold on?”

Sydney giggled.

Brett grabbed my hand. “It was nice meeting the both of you.” He looked down at me. “Come with me.”

My cheeks heated at his innuendo and I let him pull me to my feet. “I’m sure you’ll see us around.”

We said our goodbyes and headed down the walkway. “Brett—”

“Well how’s my favorite couple doing tonight?”

We both bristled as the guy from the plane stepped in front of us.

“The name is Stefan Price,” he said, holding out his hand.

Brett snarled. “You touch her—”

“Brett.” I smiled at Stefan. We had to put up with the guy being in the same resort as us for the next two weeks. Might as well play nice. “It’s nice to meet you.”

“Evvie,” Brett said, his voice full of warning.

I ignored him and returned Stefan’s handshake. “Evvie Neal and this is Brett MacLean.”

Stefan nodded once and crossed his arms under his chest.

Brett ran a hand in small circles over my back before grabbing my hand. He fingered the gold band on my ring finger.

Stefan’s gaze followed his movement, his eyes turning cold before meeting mine.

I swallowed. Luckily we were in public so the guys had to behave. Somewhat. “So Stefan. Here alone?”

“Yes. It was supposed to be me and another woman but she fell ill,” Stefan said, taking a swig of his beer.


I looked at Brett.

His jaw clenched. “We should go back to the room. You’re tired.”

No I wasn’t. “But I—”

“I said, you’re tired.” His eyes searched my face, daring me to challenge him.

My stomach tumbled and I yawned for added affect. “It was nice meeting you, Stefan. I’m sure we’ll see you around.”

Stefan’s brown gaze travelled down my body. “Yes. I’m sure I will.”

Brett’s hold on my hand tightened and pulled me along. “You are way too fucking nice, lover.”

“Well what do you expect,” I asked as we walked away. “We have to put up with the guy for two weeks.”

“No. We don’t.”

“Brett.” I grabbed his arm, stopping him. “I’m just trying to make this easier on us.”

His eyes softened before he placed a hard kiss on my lips. “I don’t like the idea of any man touching you or talking to you.”

“You are the only one that I want touching me but you can’t stop a man from talking to me,” I said, trying to keep up with his quick strides.

“No, I can’t but he so much as lays a finger on you, they’ll have to fly him home in a box,” he snarled.

My stomach hurt. “You didn’t act that way when Alex spoke to me.”

Brett’s jaw clenched. “That’s because he only had eyes for his wife.”

I sighed. “Where are you taking me that he suggested?”

“You’ll find out tomorrow,” he mumbled.

Anxiety crept in as we headed back to our room. The time away was supposed to help us. Do us some good but instead, it looked like the problems from our lives followed us to paradise. “Brett?”

He swiped the key into the door of our room and pushed it open. “Yeah?”

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