Revealed by You (Torn) (10 page)

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Authors: J.M. Walker

BOOK: Revealed by You (Torn)
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A tingle ran through my body at the light but commanding touch.

“Look at me.”

I swallowed hard at the firm tone and turned to him.

His thumb brushed over my mouth. “You wanted to know more about me. You feel that we don’t know enough about each other.”

I nodded.

His grip on my throat tightened.

A moan escaped my lips. I gasped, a flutter running through my belly.

A smug smile formed on Brett’s face as he leaned closer to me. “I enjoy wrapping my hand around your throat. I can feel your body melt under my touch, submitting to me. That turns me on but makes me satisfied more. Knowing I can give you what you need as your lover makes me

Brett’s blue eyes drew me in and all I could do was focus on his words as they held me captivated.

“This shit with my mother…I will deal with her on my own. Understand me?”

I frowned. “Brett.”

“Do you understand me?” his voiced lowered, his jaw ticking as he demanded a response from me.

I nodded. “Yes. I understand.” But it didn’t mean that I had to agree with it.

His gaze softened. “Every chance I can, I want to please you. You won’t stop me either, will you, my little vixen?”

I licked my lips and shook my head.

He grinned and placed a soft kiss on my mouth. Although it was gentle, it meant so much more.

All thoughts of his nightmare forgotten, I couldn’t help but wonder at the back of my mind what his mother truly wanted.




I moaned, stretching my arms out under my pillow. My muscles jumped and twitched, protesting at the movements.

“Lover.” A deep purr caressed the back of my neck as a hard body covered mine. “Wake up.”

“No, I’m dreaming,” I said, my voice hoarse. And it was a very good dream. A hot man, a bottle of wine, a leather belt or two…

A hard swat landed on my ass making me yelp.

My eyes shot open. “What the hell?” I snapped. I hated mornings. Always have and always will.

Brett chuckled and bit my shoulder. “I love that you’re not a morning person.”

I huffed and stretched out my arm, reaching for the clock. “It’s 5am. What is so—”

He covered my mouth with his hand while his other spread my knees apart. “You’re going to shut up, let me fuck you and then I’m going to give you a surprise.”

A shiver ran down my spine but I was still pissed at being woken up early on a Sunday morning. Since the guy didn’t let me go to bed on time the night before, I deserved a full night’s sleep. I normally didn’t complain but it was 5am!

I opened my mouth and bit his palm.

He jumped and gripped my jaw tighter, snarling into my ear. “Do that again and I’ll fuck you so hard, the neighbors will hear you scream my name.”

Whatever. They probably already have anyways. He woke me up, so I was going to at least get something out of it. Morning sex with him was always raw, real and it had been so long that I wanted him every chance I could get.

I licked his hand before nipping as hard as I could before he pulled away.

He fisted my hair, pulling my head back at the same time he thrust into me.

I gasped at the added force and the feeling of him deep inside my core.

A sharp pain spread through my center that was quickly replaced with pleasure. The two senses mixed as one while he pumped into me hard and deep.

Brett gripped the edge of the bed, giving him that extra push he needed. “Spread your legs wide.”

I did as he said, bringing my knees up to my chest. Since being with him, I had become limber but my muscles still burned at the forced stretch.

“I can feel my come still inside of you,” he breathed against my neck.

No wonder. The many times he had taken me during the night caused me to pass out from pure exhaustion but I wouldn’t have it any other way. Knowing he couldn’t get enough of me, sent a thrill straight to the core of my very being.

He pushed into me hard and stilled. His cock twitched and pulsed, swelling to a length that filled me completely.

I moaned, my core clenching around him.

“I could stay like this forever,” he whispered. His thrusts sped up.

I gasped when an electric surge shot through my body as I came hard around him.

The tight grip he had on the flesh of my ass heightened my orgasm. Bringing me over that edge of ecstasy.

He grunted, pulsing inside of me before he covered my body with his. “Never enough,” he said softly, reining kisses on my shoulder blades.

I sighed in peaceful bliss.

“Now how about that surprise?”

“I think you surprised me enough already,” I said, my eyes getting heavy.

“Well if you don’t want it—”

I shot up and pushed him on his back. “No. I want the surprise. I was only kidding.”

He laughed. “Shower and then surprise.”

I pouted.

He chuckled and kissed my mouth. “Shower.”

My body hummed at the demand. Before I could even process what was going on, he had me in the shower, pressed up against the cool glass, making use of my tired body.




“Today? We’re going today?” I squealed and jumped in Brett’s arms, crashing us both onto his bed.

He laughed, wrapping his arms around me. “Yes. I need you to myself. Now get ready.”

I reined kisses all over his face. “Oh, thank you.”

He gently pushed me off of him and swatted my ass. “Pack light. I plan on having you naked every chance I get.”

A smile spread on my face as I ran to his closet and pulled out a black gym bag, patting the bulky item. “Already done, lover boy.”

He raised an eye brow. “Seriously?”

I nodded, my cheeks heating. “I packed as soon as you surprised me with the tickets.”

He chuckled and shook his head. “Excited are we?”

“You have no idea. I’ve been counting down the days,” I said, heading into his bathroom. To have him to myself, getting to know the man I love better on a level we both needed would do us some good. Being away from life, from others, people who threatened to destroy us.


I smiled lightly and threw some toiletries into my bag and turned to him. My breath caught at the casual way he leaned against the door jam.

His brows furrowed, his stare boring into mine but he wasn’t actually looking

“Brett?” I walked up to him and placed a hand on his chest.

“Hmm?” His eyes focused and the corners of his lips turned up.

“What’s wrong?” I asked, my heart thumping hard.

He shook his head. “Nothing.” He captured my mouth in a soft kiss. “Nothing, Evvie,” he whispered.

“If today isn’t good, we can go some other time,” I offered.

“No. I need this. I need you,” he said, his voice firm.

“You have me.” I gripped his shirt. “Always.”




While we waited for the plane to finish boarding, I quickly sent a text to my brothers and Kane, letting them all know that today was the day we were leaving for Mexico.

“Call your dad,” Brett said, brushing his thumb along the side of my neck.

I nodded and did as he suggested.

“Hey, sweet pea,” my dad answered a moment later.

I smiled at the deep gravelly voice coming through the other end of the phone. “Hi, daddy. I just wanted to let you know that we’re going to Mexico today.”

“Be safe and let me know when you’re there.”

My heart swelled. “I will.” I asked him about his health when I remembered the conversation that I had with Evan a week before. “Daddy, is everything okay?”

A pause. “Of course. Why wouldn’t it be?”

“Just something that Evan said. Making sure you’re alright.”

“Going through some changes. I’m an old man, Evvie. ‘Bout time I got my shit…er…crap together.”

I frowned. Since when did my father censor his words? “Are you sure you’re okay?”

“Yup. Now let me talk to that man of yours.”

My stomach clenched at the quick demand and I passed the phone to Brett. Something was definitely different but I didn’t know what. I wouldn’t say that something was wrong but my father did seem…changed.

Brett placed the phone to his ear and winked at me. “Yes sir.”

I didn’t know what my dad wanted to say to him. I could only imagine it would be filled with some threats and promises if anything happened to me. Being the youngest child of four and the only girl sucked sometimes.

“I’ll take good care of her,” Brett said, his voice lowering.

My cheeks heated at the sexual innuendo.

He passed me back the phone and kissed my forehead.

“Evvie, that man reminds me so much of me, it’s uncanny.” My dad laughed.

I wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or not. I said goodbye to my father, making sure to promise that I would call as soon as we got to the resort.

It was finally here. My heart jumped, my skin vibrating from excitement. I was like a kid on Christmas morning.

I leaned across Brett’s lap and looked out the window. The large wing of the plane shone in the sunlight while the airport crew were doing security checks on the ground. Never being in a plane before, this was all new to me but it was simply fascinating.

“First time flying?” Brett asked, placing his arm across my lap.

I smiled, my cheeks heating. “Is it that obvious?”

He grinned and kissed my nose. “Yes, but it is adorable.”

“Our parents never really had any money to take us anywhere so this is very exciting for me,” I explained, stretching to see out the window again.

He chuckled. “I can see that.”

The waiting while everyone got their bags in the overhead compartments and in their seats was tedious.

I sighed and snuggled against Brett.

“The novelty wears off, trust me,” he teased.

I laughed and inhaled the scent of him. Nervous butterflies flew around my belly. The whole being in a big machine thousands of feet in the air was exhilarating but scary as hell. Man and soap invaded my nostrils, easing my racing heart.

“I love you,” Brett whispered against my hair.

My eyes grew heavy. “I love you.”

“Did I wear you out this morning?”

“Never,” I breathed.

“You’re lying.” His hand wrapped around my throat, tilting my chin to meet his mouth.

My body relaxed, melting as he held my head restrained. My breathing picked up, needing more than just a kiss.

“Don’t plan on getting lots of sleep these next two weeks, lover.”

“Hmm…why not?” I asked, licking his bottom lip.

He smirked and brushed his mouth down to my ear. “I’m going to be buried deep inside you, fucking you, over and over again. Every chance I get. I will show you things about your body you never knew. I will satisfy those dark cravings of yours.”

My stomach tumbled at his erotic words. They washed over me, heating me from within.

“I’m going to mark that pale skin so every time you look in the mirror, you’re reminded of me. Every time you move, you
think of me.”

The smug air surrounded him as he continued whispering to me, telling me the things he wanted to do to me. The things he
going to do to me. My body heated. Never being overly sexually active since before meeting him, this was all new to me but I wouldn’t change it for the world. Whenever he woke me during the night, I allowed him to have his way with me. It happened where it was the other way around, too. He always gave in to me, giving me an inch of control each time but never enough where he submitted completely. Except for the one time.

“I’m giving you my control.”

God, that was intense. Although it happened weeks ago, every time I thought of that moment, it made me sick to my stomach. As much as I liked being in control, if it meant destroying him, I didn’t want it.



“First time flying?” A deep smooth voice with a twang of a Southern accent invaded my thoughts.

I turned to the man sitting beside me and bit back a gasp. His piercing green eyes bored into mine like they were looking into my soul. His short blonde hair styled perfectly in a crew cut. He was good looking but he wasn’t Brett.

“Yes,” I croaked, my voice hoarse from lack of sleep. I decided right then and there that I hated travel days. The seats were uncomfortable, the plane food was gross and at that moment, I really wished I had a private jet.

The man grinned, his gaze filling with lust as they roamed down my body. He may have been hot but he was way too pretty for me. “Honeymoon?” he asked, his heated gaze stopping at my left hand.

I looked at Brett sleeping against the window and held back my frown, pasting on a friendly smile. “Yes, actually,” I lied, gripping Brett’s hand tight in my own.

The man nodded, his jaw clenching.

I almost laughed. Looked like he didn’t expect me to lie.

“Too bad.”

Brett stiffened beside me but didn’t say anything. Hmm…interesting.

Feeling the man’s stare on me, I gripped my sweater closed and inched closer to Brett. He let go of me and wrapped his hand around my inner thigh, squeezing me tight.

My heart gave a start. Even while sleeping, he knew where I was and took full possession of me. I loved it. As every day passed, I craved his touch more and more.

Why couldn’t people see that we were happy? Why did they have to try and ruin it? Were we being tested?

“Well,” the man whispered in my ear. “If you change your mind and wanna test the waters—”

“Finish that sentence and I’ll break your fucking face,” Brett growled.

I gasped and looked between the two men.

The man chuckled and sat back. “I’d like to see that.”

“Keep hitting on my girl and you will,” Brett snapped, sitting forward.

I placed a hand on his chest. “Hey, it’s fine. I’m fine. It was innocent.”

“Nothing about me is innocent, beautiful,” the man crooned.

Brett’s jaw clenched, the tendons in his neck protruding. “Stop.”

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