Revealed by You (Torn) (24 page)

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Authors: J.M. Walker

BOOK: Revealed by You (Torn)
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“I love you.” He placed a hard kiss on my lips. “I need to make you mine. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to make you my wife.”

Hearing those words pour from his lips sent a tingle down my spine.

His eyes heated. “What do you say, lover?”

My heart raced. “Yes. Yes, I’ll marry you.”

Brett wrapped his arms around my waist and spun me before grunting.

I pulled back and caught the wince on his face. “What’s wrong?”

“Just a little sore,” he said, smiling.

I closed the distance between us and ran my hands up under his shirt, grazing my fingers over his waist. Marriage. It screamed forever.

He pinched my chin, forcing me to look up at him. “Marry me. Tonight.”

I met Brett’s gaze and wanted to laugh but the serious look on his face made me realize that he was in no way kidding. “Tonight?”

He had only been in the hospital for a couple of hours so it was early enough to make it to City Hall but what would my family say? I never dreamt of a big wedding but I really wanted to get married in a church. “Brett?”

His blue eyes twinkling, warming with a love so strong for me, it took my breath away. “Yes?”

I wrapped my arms around his waist. “I want to marry you. I do. But I really would like to get married in a church. For my mom.”

His thumb grazed over my bottom lip but he didn’t respond so I spoke honestly and told him the truth. “My mom was religious. Kept us all in line, including my dad.”

Brett smiled.

“I would just like to honor her memory and get married in the church we grew up in.” My stomach twisted with nervous butterflies. It had been over ten years since I had been there but I knew, deep down in my heart, that our old Pastor would welcome us with open arms.

Soft full lips covered mine in a passionate yet loving kiss. “Anything for you, Evvie. As long as we get married and soon, I am happy.”

My heart swelled. “Thank you.”

“No thanks needed. If you’re happy, I am happy.” Brett wrapped an arm around my shoulders and snarled into my neck.

I giggled at the ticklish feeling.

“Now let’s check in with the doctor so we can leave this shit hole. I need some therapy that only my fiancée can provide.”




“You’re doing what?” my dad thundered.

Brett’s grip in my hand tightened. The next day we showed up at my father’s place. We decided that it would be best to tell my daddy in person that Brett and I were going to get married but now, I was thinking I should have just sent him a text.

“I’m asking for your approval to marry your daughter...sir,” Brett added on.


Edward Neal, my boisterous strong man of a father met my gaze. His deep blue eyes framed by long graying lashes, looked between us both. He sat back in his recliner and scrubbed a hand down his face. “You kids are going to be the death of me.”

I rose from my spot on the couch and sat at his feet, grabbing hold of his hand. A tattoo of a rose covered the back of it, other intricate designs disappearing under the sleeve of his black sweater. “Daddy, who told me to go after what I wanted? Who told me that Brett loved me?”

My dad grunted. “You’ve only been together for a couple of months.”

“You see that man over there?” I asked, pointing to Brett.


“Do you see him?” I demanded.

My dad’s bright eyes saddened. “You remind me so much of your mother.” He sighed. “Yes, I see him.”

“I love him. I want to spend the rest of my life with him. I want him to be a part of my...our family.” I smiled.

“I don’t want you to get hurt,” My father mumbled.

“No relationship is perfect but we are strong. We’ve been through a lot and have been through enough to know that we can handle anything.” My heart thumped. I needed my daddy’s approval. My brothers? They would accept Brett only if our dad did. It was one thing for us to be dating, they welcomed that, but marriage? That was a whole other thing. Brett was taking away the only woman they had that was a permanent fixture in their lives. “You also told me that he reminded you of you...”

My dad scoffed. “Yeah and my father-in-law hated me.”

My stomach clenched. I never met my grandparents on either side. Only my oldest brother, Evan, did as they died when we were really young. We were a family. We didn’t need anyone else. And I wanted Brett’s added into our bond.

“Sir, I will do anything to make you see that I love your daughter,” Brett said from behind me.

My father patted the back of my hand. “Sit beside your man. A woman’s place is at her husband’s side, not at his feet.”

Tears filled my eyes and I threw my arms around my daddy’s neck. “Thank you. Thank you so much, daddy.”

He returned the embrace, wrapping me in a big bear hug. “You’re welcome, my darling daughter, but know this, if Brett hurts you like last time, I will send your brother after him.”

I swallowed hard knowing that he wasn’t kidding. My brother, Ethan, a year older than my twenty-four, was your typical badass. Being in and out of jail his whole young life, fighting was second nature to him. Always had been. Always will be.

“You won’t have to, daddy. Brett won’t hurt me.” Not unless I asked for it anyways. I almost laughed. My dad would have another heart attack if he found out what Brett and I do or have done.

He released me and rose to his feet.

Brett mirrored his movements and waited.

My dad grabbed Brett’s hand before clapping him on the back of the neck. He whispered something into his ear which no doubt involved some sort of threat.

Brett only nodded or grunted in response.

I chewed my bottom lip in anticipation.

Looking between the two men, two of the men that owned a piece of my heart. My brothers owning the rest. But Brett? He owned more. My mind, body, soul. He owned my very being. At that moment a thought popped into my head. My mother. She had told me when I was very young before she died that I would find that one person that I would give my all to. That I would trust completely. I was only ten at the time when she told me this but now I knew that that person was Brett.

He glanced my way like he knew that I was thinking about him. His eyes twinkled.

Didn’t he know that I was always thinking about him?

At that moment my dad threw his head back and laughed before turning to me. “Sweetpea, you have yourself a keeper.”

I grinned and stepped into Brett’s open arms, inhaling the intoxicating scent of leather and man. “I sure do.”

He kissed the top of my head. “I’m the lucky one, sir.”

“One rule if you want to marry my daughter,” my dad said, his voice firm.

Brett stiffened.

“Call me Eddie.”




My mother’s childhood church greeted us with warm hello’s and big hugs as we walked into the small grey brick building the following Saturday.

It felt strange and a bit surreal walking into the tinier church. Nervous butterflies greeted me and even though everyone had been very welcoming, I couldn’t shake the feeling of possible judgment. Not being allowed to marry Brett in a place my mother had once spent most of her time, would break my heart.

“Nervous, Evvie?”

I smiled up at Brett and sighed. “It’s been awhile.” I looked around the small lobby as we stood off in the corner. “I haven’t been here since my mom died.”

“I haven’t been to church since my dad married my step-mom,” Brett said cupping the back of my neck.

It may have been awhile, but I felt drawn to the church as soon as Brett proposed. Or demanded my hand in marriage rather.

“It makes me happy knowing that smile on your face is because of me,” he purred in my ear.

I laughed. “How do you know it’s because of you?”

Brett pulled me into his arms and brushed his mouth along my ear lobe.

A hot shiver ran down my spine at the contact. 

“I know the look you get on your face whenever you think about me,” he whispered.

“Yeah and what look is that?”

“The oh-Brett-is-so-hot-I-want-his-body look.”

I rolled my eyes at the smug smile on his face. He knew me well. I couldn’t hide the look of lust and want for him no matter how hard I had always tried. “Let’s go before I get in trouble for the thoughts that I’m thinking right now.”

Brett grinned and kissed my cheek.

“Evvie? Evvie Neal?”

We both turned to the deep voice coming up behind us. A young man that looked no older than forty stuck his hand out in greeting. His warm brown eyes met mine. “You don’t remember me, do you?”

I frowned and shook my head.

The man smiled and looked at Brett. “I’m Pastor Dan.”

“Brett MacLean.” He returned the handshake before grabbing mine in a firm grip.

My heart stuttered. Always the jealous one.

“Little Evvie.” Pastor Dan smiled, the corners of his eyes crinkling. “My father was Pastor Jones.”

My eyes widened as recognition settled in. “Danny?”

Pastor Dan nodded, his warm brown eyes twinkling.

Brett cleared his throat.

“Danny or Pastor Dan now I should say, was best friends with Ethan,” I explained.

Brett’s eyes narrowed. “You?”

Danny laughed. “I had a moment of rebellion growing up. Got shipped off to CUC and found my calling to follow in my dad’s footsteps. Haven’t looked back since.”

“CUC?” Brett asked.

“It’s a Christian College. As much as I hated my father in the beginning for it, I now wish I could thank him.” Danny’s eyes saddened when he looked down at me. “My father passed away three years ago.”

“Oh my gosh. I am so sorry.” My heart hurt. I only knew Pastor Jones as a child but I knew how much my mom had loved him.

Brett squeezed my hand reassuringly.

“So, what brings you here?” Danny asked, clapping his hands together.

I looked up at Brett.

He met my gaze and kissed my forehead, letting his lips linger a little longer than deemed necessary. No matter how many times I had told him that he had no reason to be jealous, his Alpha male always reared its ugly head. Especially when another man was around.

“We want to get married and I thought it would be fitting to get married here since this was my mom’s church,” I said, stepping closer to Brett’s side.

Danny smiled. “Your mom was a big part of the church. I think that would be wonderful. I would like to meet with you at least once before the wedding though.”

I nodded. “Ok—”


I winced at the harsh tone in Brett’s voice.

Danny smiled, not backing down from Brett’s confrontational stance. “I just want to meet up with you to see how you are doing.”

“So basically it’s to see if we’re compatible for each other,” Brett bit out.

I looked between the two men before turning back to Danny. Was that the reason? We had our issues but there was no way that I was going to let someone else tell me who I could and couldn’t marry.

“It’s church procedure, Brett. It’s not meant to offend but yes,” Danny nodded. “it’s meant to see if you fit.”

“I can tell you, Pastor Dan,” I said, stepping between them. “Brett and I are wanting to get married as soon as possible. I’m talking like this coming weekend.”

Danny frowned. “That is two days away.”

“Evvie.” Brett turned me and cupped my cheeks, placing a soft kiss on my lips. “Can you give us five minutes?”

I searched his face for any inclination that he was going to rip off Danny’s face but his emotions were locked. “Okay. Be nice.”

Brett winked.

I said goodbye to Danny, promising to start attending church again. I couldn’t make any commitments but I felt that I needed to. It was like it was meant to be.



I watched as Brett strode towards me, a huge grin spread on his face. He pulled open the car door and slid in beside me.

“Brett, what—”

He cupped the back of my neck and crashed his mouth to mine.

It must have been a good talk. I opened my mouth, taking his tongue deep inside me as a groan rumbled from his chest.

“Lover,” he breathed.

I smiled at the sense of losing control in his voice. “Tell me.”

Brett cleared his throat and adjusted his pants. “I will get you back for that.”

I giggled and kissed his cheek. “I can’t wait.”

Brett rolled his eyes. “How can I punish you when you enjoy it?”

I laughed. The passion filled moment was soon replaced as Brett looked at me with love in his eyes.

“Two days, Evvie. You will be my wife.”

My heart skipped a beat. “What did you say to Pastor Dan?”

Brett shrugged. “I told him the truth.”

My stomach twisted. “How much truth?”

A wicked smile spread on his face. “I told him how you love it when I restrain you.”

I playfully punched him in the arm. “Seriously, Brett, what did you say?”

He laughed and rubbed where I had hit him. “I told him how much I love you. How I can’t live or be anything without you. How I need you. How I fell in love with you from the first moment you called me an asshole.”

I gasped. “You didn’t!”

He chuckled and captured my mouth in a tender but demanding kiss. “Are you ready to become Mrs. MacLean?” he whispered in my ear.

I was. More than ever.




I was happy. Elated as the next day I would be marrying my best friend, my lover. My one. My only. Lying in bed that night, I watched Brett sleep. His chest rising and falling as quiet grunts left his lips. His handsome face was strained, a deep frown settling on his gorgeous features.

My heart started racing. A nightmare. Another one. I thought they would be over since he hadn’t seen his mother in a while. We needed to start our marriage fresh. He needed sex like he needed air to breathe, food to live and I was always willing to give him what he needed but tonight, I was going to be in control.

After he fell asleep, I slipped on some clothes and crawled back in bed beside him.

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