Revelation of Hearts (Stacey and Shane Mcleod, #3) (22 page)

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Authors: Rikki Dyson

Tags: #Romance fantasy

BOOK: Revelation of Hearts (Stacey and Shane Mcleod, #3)
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Stacey had confided to her about her feeling of being visited by the old countess in Scotland and again at Sir Richards’s home one night last summer while viewing a portrait of Cassandra, the youngest daughter of the earl and countess of Dun-Raven. 

Miss Leona asked, “Have you confided in your husband about this feeling of being possessed?”

“No,” Stacey said. “I don’t want him worrying about me, and possessed seems too strong a word for what I feel.  If I carry the old countess’s spirit in me somehow, and I’m not at all sure I do, then I believe she is a benevolent spirit that means no harm.  Only good has come into my life since my dream.”

Leona Fitz-William, held Stacey’s hand for the longest time, and then told her, “I see you in the mist, but I can’t reach you.  If only we knew the countess’s name or from where she came, we could solve this mystery.” Miss Leona sat still holding Stacey’s hand, then said, “I don’t want to alarm you my dear, but I see a great sadness in your future.”

A bit shocked, Stacey asked, “Do you see where or when?  Is there anything you can tell me to help me prepare for this?” 

“No child, I can’t,” Miss Leona said. “I wish I could. Don’t agonize over this. You are young and your life will be long so of course, there will come a time when there will be sadness, but much happiness too. Life has a way of balancing it out, so live child, enjoy the life the creator has given you. What happens will happen.”


The Announcement

Stacey had overslept this morning. Knowing Shane was arriving back in London today, she had not been able to get to sleep last night, so she got up and took a hot shower and then worked on her studies.  It was around two a.m. when she finally fell asleep.  She was in a hurry so she grabbed jeans, boots and a brown suede fringe jacket.  She had just been in the British airways part of the terminal a few minutes when she saw Shane coming towards her.  She ran to him and was in his arms at once. 

Stacey was so glad to have Shane home, she just couldn’t let go. A young man walking by said, “Get a room doll!”

Stacey turned and said, “No need, I’m taking him home with me.”

The young man gave them a thumbs up, chortled and said to Shane, “I envy you man.”

Shane gave him a thumbs up back and said to Stacey, “He’s rather a cheeky chap.”

On their way home, Shane was sharing with Stacey the highlights of the separating surgery of the conjoined twins.  Shane had gone to Dallas to the children’s hospital a few days early to observe the pre-surgical preparations. A special operating table had been constructed to accommodate the intricate and unique operation. The actual surgery was performed on Saturday, October the eleventh.  The surgery took thirty-four hours.  There were five principal surgeons and fifty assisting ones.  Doctor Kenneth Shapiro was the primary surgeon.  All the doctors volunteered their services.  Shane felt honored to be a part of and to meet some of the top neurosurgeons in the world.  Shane stayed on a week after to observe the postoperative procedures.

Stacey love listening to Shane talk.  He was so passionate about his profession and the strides being made in the field of neurology.  Her heart was full of love and admiration for this man.  After they arrived home, Stacey was unpacking Shane’s bags as he showered.  She found a plastic bag full of underwear and socks.  When he came from the bathroom wrapped in a towel, Stacey asked, “Why didn’t Aunt Tracy do your laundry?” 

“I didn’t ask it of her,” Shane said with a devilish smile, “Isn’t that one of your wifely duties?”

Stacey gave him one of her raised eyebrow looks and said, “You’re so right husband, I’ll go do them right now,” as she picked up the bag, Shane picked her up in his arms and kissed her. Stacey innocently asked, “Oh, do you have other duties in mind sir?” 

Shane kissed her again and said, as he was hastily removing her clothes, “No, miss minx, I have pleasure in mind.  Lots and lots of pleasure. I’ve been gone near a month. I fancy to make up for lost time.”

After Stacey and Shane had make love, she was lying with her head on his shoulder and with her hand caressing his chest, when softly she said, “Shane, I must tell you something. I think I may be falling in love with a younger man.” 

Shane put his hand over her moving hand, raised up, looked at her and said, “Explain yourself lass,” When he looked at her he knew she was teasing him from the twinkle in her eyes.

Stacey asked, “Would you mind terribly if a young man came to live with us?” 

Shane was a bit baffled then asked, “Are you pregnant lass?” 

Stacey smiled, nodded her head and said, “I think so, I did a pregnancy test and it showed positive.”

Shane held her tight and said, “Sweetheart, I didn’t think I could love you more than I do already, but this is more than welcome news.  My heart is full of you and this wee one. Have you seen the doctor yet?” 

“No,” she said. “I have an appointment on Thursday.” 

“We have an appointment,” Shane said. “We’re in this together.”

On Thursday, Stacey and Shane visited the obstetrician.  She confirmed Stacey’s pregnancy.  Doctor Shaw estimated Stacey was six to seven weeks pregnant.  Two very happy people walked from the doctor’s office.  Stacey called her mom, dad and Mr. Chen to tell them the news.  Stacey’s mom told her this news was not unexpected and that both she and Stacey’s dad were looking forward to being grandparents.

Mr. Chen told her he would be seeing her in a matter of weeks that he would be in London for Thanksgiving. 

“Thanksgiving is an American holiday. They don’t celebrate it here.” 

“Nevertheless little daughter, I will be there.” 

On Friday night, they flew to Scotland to share their news with Shane’s family.  Andrew and Elizabeth were overjoyed.  They didn’t expect this to happen so soon, however, was very happy that it had. 

Grandmother McLeod told Stacey, “Thank you my darling.  You can’t imagine how much I’m looking forward to seeing a great-grandchild before I pass on.”

Stacey hugged her and said, “Remember when you helped us, and I told you then you would never be sorry.  Shane and I have decided if it’s a boy, we will name him Patrick.”

Grandmother McLeod, hugged them both and said, “My darlings, I knew from the beginning I would never be sorry.” 

Stacey and Shane flew home Sunday around noon. Their friends met them at Hugh and Annie’s to receive the news.  Rachael who had always been a little standoffish apologized and told both Stacey and Shane how happy she was for them.

When Rachael had a chance to talk to Stacey alone, she told her, “I was so afraid you would dazzle Shane with your youth, and leave him by the wayside.  I’m so sorry how I acted in the beginning.  I hope you will forgive me.” 

Stacey hugged her and said, “There is nothing to forgive. Shane is very lucky to have friends who have his best interest at heart.”

Stacey wanted to believe Rachael, but a little bird in her ear warned her to be cautious. She sensed a pent up animosity in Rachael.  There was nothing she could do about it at present, except be alert.

Stacey and Shane, received congratulations from all the Texas relatives. Aunt Lora and Richard were beside themselves with happiness.  They knew how much Stacey and Shane wanted to start a family.  They had dinner together and Shane told them all about his trip to Dallas and the surgery.  Aunt Lora, being a nurse understood more of this intricate operation than Stacey and Richard did.  She was fascinated and asked question after question.  Shane was in his element.  He was also very excited about a seminar at the school of neurology where he would be the speaker describing the intricate surgery of the conjoined twins. 

Stacey and Richard found their own conversation. Richard thanked her and Shane for inviting him to their wedding. “Other wise,” he said. “I might have never met your aunt.” 

“You know,” Stacey said. “I believe some things are just meant to be, so they work themselves out one way or another.  Look how improbable for Shane and me to have ever met had I not fallen and dreamed the impossible dream and for our unimaginable connection we discovered.  I think fate was just waiting for the right time for you and Aunt Lora.  We just never know what fate has in store.”

The second weekend after Shane’s return they were invited to Doctor Fein’s country home in Oxford. “My goodness,” Stacey said, as they drove up the driveway.

“This is quite a showplace.  Have you been here before today?”

“Yes, a time or two,” Shane said. “I believe the estate actually belongs to Mrs. Fein from a previous marriage.  I don’t know all the specifics, but I understand her husband as well as his business associate was killed in an airplane crash a few years ago.  That was when her son, Miles took over the business.”

Stacey wondered to herself; would Miles and Miranda be here this weekend too. She was sure this Miranda, was Shane’s old girlfriend, but for some reason she had not asked after meeting her at the gala dinner. Shane offered no information on her, so she didn’t ask.  There was something about her, that Stacey didn’t like and caused her to be wary.

Doctor and Mrs. Fein met them in the foyer and welcomed them into a large room with a huge roaring fireplace.  Although the furniture was modern, the house had a feel of a few centuries old.  After having a cup of tea, they adjourned to unpack their valises and dress for dinner.  When they came, downstairs more guests had arrived.  Stacey knew this get together was a, thank you, weekend to acknowledge and show appreciation to the donors on behalf of the medical center.  As they entered the large spacious living room,

Miles came to meet them.  He shook Shane’s hand and said hello to Stacey as he introduced them to other guest.  Shane seemed to know most of them. There was no sign of Miranda, thank goodness.

The next morning, after breakfast, a few guests went riding. Stacey had brought her jeans and boots for this occasion, and so did Shane. Stacey noticed the other guests were dressed in jackets and jodhpurs as was Miles and the young woman with him. Very few of them were seasoned riders.   

When Stacey smiled at Shane, he chortled aloud, reached over, took her hand, and asked, “Well, lass, how do you like high society?”

Stacey made a face at him, and asked, “Is that what this is?”

Miles had ridden up and overheard their conversation.  He chortled heartily and said, “Well, Mrs. McLeod, I believe you have us pegged.  I would wager your analysis of us will be acerbic.” 

He and Shane both chortled, but she wasn’t sure if they were laughing at her or themselves.

As they returned from a two-hour ride, they had just left the stables and on their way back to the house when they saw Miranda coming to meet them with a drink in one hand and a cigarette in the other.  Stacey could tell she was about three sheets in the wind. In Texas that was a nice way of saying, she was drunk.  Miles sprinted ahead to grab hold of her hand and lead her away,

While Shane and Stacey headed to the house to shower and change for lunch.  Stacey had many questions she wanted to ask Shane about Miranda, but he didn’t offer any information about her, so she was reluctant to bring up her name.  Maybe tomorrow on the way home she would ask.

Shane was talking with some of the guest, so Stacey took this time to wander around the magnificent old house. She was standing admiring oil paintings, when Mrs. Fein walked up beside her.  “That’s a portrait of my grandmother. Would you fancy to see the rest of the house? And please, call me Molly.”

“Yes, I would.  That’s very kind of you, Molly.”

Molly had shown Stacey a couple of rooms when the butler interrupted the tour. “I beg pardon, ma’am, but there is a call for you.”

Molly spied her son and sent him to show Stacey the rest of the ground floor.  He took her to the library. “This room has always been my favorite room.  I love the smell of old books and the pipe tobacco my father used to smoke.  Stacey smiled at him, but didn’t comment.  As he showed her around, he found it difficult not to reach out and touch her. 

God, he envied Shane.  She was young and fresh and beautiful.  He had not stopped thinking about her since that day in the taxi.

“I understand you were brought up on a ranch in Texas.  Do you miss it much?”

“Yes, sometimes. I really enjoyed riding today,” she wanted to ask him about Miranda, but wasn’t sure how to go about it and not sound like a jealous shrew. Finally, she asked, “Is Miranda okay?  She seemed a bit agitated this morning.”

Miles smiled and started to enlighten her about Miranda when his mother returned. “Sorry to have deserted you, but that was my daughter, Deborah, in Phoenix. I find myself flying to Arizona ever few months to see my grandchildren.  I keep hoping Miles will settle down and give me more grandchildren so I can cuddle and spoil them.”

“Well, perhaps one day Miranda will.”

“Miranda!” They said simultaneously with an incredulous look on their faces. “Why would you think Miranda?  Miranda is the last person who would want children. She is a career woman with no desires for a husband or children.”

“I’m sorry. I heard ya’ll were partners. I assumed they meant life partners.”

“Yes, we are partners, in business. We’ve known each other all our lives. We grew up together. And strange as it may seem, we are best friends. That’s difficult for people to understand sometime.”

“No, I do understand.  I have a friend like that too.”

Stacey saw Shane by the door, so she excused herself and went to meet him.  It was time to start dressing for the black tie dinner. All these clothes, changes seemed a bit redundant to her, but this was Shane’s world and she would do her best to fit in and not embarrass him. Then there was Miranda.  She might have to have a heart to heart talk with that little lady.  She sensed trouble was brewing there.

Most of the guests were in the big sitting room, having before dinner drinks, when Miranda walked in on Miles arm.  She gave Shane a cold look then turned to Stacey, “I do want to apologize to you Stacey, may I call you Stacey?  I’ve just returned, from a trip to Indonesian where they are trying desperately, to industrialize their country. I suppose, I get too emotional about these people and their circumstances. I’m so sorry; you had to witness that display of venerability.”  She took Stacey’s arm and was guiding her to a small sofa a few feet away.  Miles and Shane looked at one another.  They both knew, Miranda was a force to be reckoned with, when she made up her mind. And she had made up her mind that she would get Shane back. She didn’t know Stacey yet, but was sure with her being a young country girl, well, she was sure she could manipulate her to, right where she wanted her.

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