Revelation of Hearts (Stacey and Shane Mcleod, #3) (20 page)

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Authors: Rikki Dyson

Tags: #Romance fantasy

BOOK: Revelation of Hearts (Stacey and Shane Mcleod, #3)
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If anybody had a right to be pissed off, it was she.

Shane opened the car door with the remote, but didn’t offer to open Stacey’s door.

That’s okay, she thought. I don’t need a man to open my car door. I can do that and a lot more on my own.  On their way home, they both were quiet. Stacey was thinking; Shane had no idea how difficult it was for her to keep her mouth shut.  She didn’t wanna embarrass him in front of other people, so she had held her temper.  She didn’t want him to tell her again, ‘Jealousy was unbecoming.’

She and Tiffany had had a productive talk and understanding in the ladies room. Stacey could tell Tiffany was a benevolent air head, so she wasn’t gonna hold a grudge. Shane’s affair with Tiffany had happened before they met. She wasn’t stupid, she had known in the beginning there had been other women, but she really hadn’t expected to be running into them, though.

When they reached the flat, they went straight upstairs. Not a word had been spoken between them.  Stacey was sitting in front of her dressing table removing her red-strapped high heeded sandals.  Shane was across the room removing his shirt.  Stacey was watching him in the mirror. She turned around and asked, “Shane, do you plan on going to bed without discussing what you’re so obviously upset about?”

Shane, threw his shirt at a chair and missed. Ran his fingers through his hair, then said, “Why the bloody hell did you invite them to our home?”

“They’re your friends, I thought it might be nice to get to know them better.” 

“I don’t need to know them better,” Shane retorted. “I know Rodger right enough and how women throw themselves at him. I think its Rodger, you fancy to know better!” 

“Shane, I can’t believe you’re jealous of me talking to Rodger. What happen to, ‘Jealousy is unbecoming?’ On the other hand, is there a different set of rules for jealousy? It’s okay for you, but not for me?  Well, let me edify you on a thing or two. It was not jealousy, but woman’s intuition that caused me to be wary of your friend, Cindy.” 

“All that, is totally irrelevant,” Shane said. “If you loved me as much as I love you, a wee bit of jealousy would not have been unappreciated. What happened to your high temper and fiery spirit?”

Stacey stood up, threw one of her sandals at him and said, “Oh, it’s a jealous temper and a fiery spirit you’re wanting, is it?  What did you want me to do Shane, pitch a jealous hissie fit there in the restaurant for god and everybody to see?  Even though I didn’t throw a conniption fit, do you think it was pleasant for me, us running into your old girlfriends?  Do you think it didn’t bother me sitting across the table from a woman who is as familiar with your body as I am?  And another thing, I’m fed up of your old girlfriends thinking I’m a joke.  Do I look like a fucking joke to you Shane?” Stacey threw the other sandal at him, then went into the bathroom and slammed the door. 

Shane stood across the room with both sandals held to his chest. He realized he had received more than he had asked for tonight.  It was like, ‘opening Pandora’s box.’ He had no idea Stacey felt this way.  He remembered, when they arrived at his flat after being married in Scotland.  They had met Diane on the lift.  She had made a remark that he was joking when he introduced Stacey to her as his fiancée, hell she was my wife.  Then tonight, Tiffany had implied much the same thing. Why had he not realized before, this might have offended Stacey?  Also, Shane knew he owed Stacey an apology concerning Cindy.  He had spoken with Hans, and he had confirmed what Stacey suspected.

Shane went to the bathroom door and knocked, “Please unlock the door Stacey.”

“The damn door isn’t locked Shane. When have I ever locked a door against you?”

When Shane came in, Stacey was standing with her back to the sink.  She had on her oversized Baylor tee shirt she liked to sleep in.  Shane thought to himself; this is who she is, a sincere, straight

forward young woman.  How could I jeopardize what we have over some uncalled for jealousy, Stacey was waiting with her arms crossed. 

“I’m sorry sweetheart,” he said. 

“What exactly, are you sorry for Shane?”

“For acting like a bloody jealous fool.  Also, I owe you an apology. I was wrong about Cindy and I was wrong to be jealous about Rodger.” 

“Why were you, then?” Stacey asked. 

“I’m not sure. I think I was feeling so guilty about Tiffany and what you might be thinking. I didn’t understand you being so nice to her.  I had to find an ulterior motive. Rodger was it, because you were so nice to both of them, actually.”

“Don’t give me more credit than I deserve.  If we had been anywhere other than a crowded restaurant, I’m not sure I would have been so placid. When we went to the ladies room I told tiffany, “If you don’t keep your hands off of my husband, I’m gonna’ have to break your arms. I really don’t wanna get violent, but...!”  She said, she understood and apologized.  While we were talking, I realized she was a, ‘Barbie doll.’ I don’t see you as, ‘Ken,’ so I feel no great animosity toward her.”

Shane had heard of Barbie dolls, however, he wasn’t sure who the hell Ken was and he sure wasn’t going to ask. Not right now anyway. He put his arms out and Stacey stepped to his waiting arms. After making love to her, he laid with her in his arms thinking how close he had come to making an unpleasant situation worse. He kissed Stacey’s forehead and with a self- satisfied grin, he asked, “Did you really tell Tiffany, you would break her arms, if she didn’t keep her hands to herself?”

“You bet your boots I did, cowboy.” 

Shane chuckled low and said, “I truly love you lass. There is no other like you. I’m a lucky man. I hope you’ll forgive me for being a thick headed Scotsman?”

Stacey sat up and slipped her tee shirt on and asked Shane, “If I had not instigated this conversation, would you have gone to bed angry?” 

“Quite possibly,” he said. “I never seem to know what to do with my anger, it’s something I don’t often experience.” 

“I know,” Stacey, said, “You have such a cool disposition. I admire you more than I can say, but when you do get upset I want you to talk to me. If I don’t know what the problem is, then I won’t know how to fix it.”

Shane smiled at her and said, “So you think every problem can be solved by talking it out?” 

“Yes, I think so. It has always worked for my mom and dad.”

Shane said, “In the gentleman’s school we were taught not to discuss one girlfriend with another.”

“I’m not your girlfriend, Shane.”

Shane took her hand, kissed it and said, “Quite right!  Well on the offense of sounding like a cad, I would like to discuss Tiffany with you.”

Stacey nodded her head and said, “Okay.”

Shane sat up and propped a pillow behind his back. Stacey was sitting on the bed with her feet and legs tucked under her.  Shane ran his fingers through his hair, looked at Stacey and said, “I met Tiffany and Rodger about four years ago through Barbara, Hugh’s ex-wife. Barbara was a buyer for Harrods, Tiffany was a model and Rodger a photographer. They came to the same restaurant where I was having dinner with Nigel and Megan.  They joined us and later we all went to Jak’s.  What can I say?  She was very attractive and enjoyed having a good time.  She was a diversion when she was in town.  We both understood we wanted no commitment in our relationship.  She had her career and I had mine.  As I said, we were a diversion for one another. We both saw other people. We almost always doubled with Rodger and one or another of the models when they were in London.  The last time I saw them was in April last year. We celebrated my thirty-third birthday.”

“Okay,” Stacey said. “Thank you for telling me. I will call them tomorrow and rescind their invitation.” 

“No, you can’t do that.” 

“Why not?” Stacey asked. 

“Because it’s not the polite thing to do,” Shane said. 

“Don’t worry about that,” Stacey said. “I’m sure they’ll understand. I’ll send along a note giving Rodger all of Dad’s information, then he can call him personally and get information on the quarter horses himself.” 

“What horses?  What information?” Shane asked. 

Stacey looked at him bewildered like and asked, “Were you not listening at dinner?  Rodger has bought an old ranch just outside of Nacogdoches.  He’s gonna turn it into a dude ranch for models, artists and designers. You know, people like that.  He’s gonna need good horses. None are better for that sort of thing than quarter horses. Also, Dad can tell him who to contact to hire the best wranglers”

Shane couldn’t have felt worse. Now he realized, Stacey’s and Rodger’s animated conversation was about horses and a dude ranch.  He was so abashed by Tiffany’s continual chatter of reminiscing; he had missed this precise part of their conversation. 

“I’m so ashamed sweetheart.  Don’t call, let them come to your party. What did you have in mind about the horses?” Shane asked. 

“Not a lot. I thought I would have Dad e-mail over a few photos of our horses. That way Rodger can get an idea of how beautiful and special they are.”

“Then do it lass, don’t let me get in the way of you being yourself.”

Shane could hear the wistfulness in her voice. She had told him she wouldn’t miss her life on the ranch, but how could she not?  It was a grand place with freedom to roam at will. Now here she was cooped up in the city, just to be with him.  Shane had never doubted Stacey’s love for him, but he now realized they needed to start doing more things she would enjoy.  They were going to meet his family at Aunt Leddy’s and Uncle John’s next weekend.  They could go horse back riding then and perhaps explore the countryside.

Shane lay awake watching Stacey sleep. He was thinking about Friday night. He had always liked Rodger. There had never been animosity between them. This would be the first time either Rodger or Tiffany had been invited to his flat. He had managed to keep his personal life and his social life separate. Of course, his married friends had been there, but not often.  Home was his sanctuary.  He remembered the day Nigel, Megan and the kids came by.  Kevin had turned on the VCR and the tape was of Stacey singing, and was near the end.  When the singing part ran out there was a recording of a round up of cattle.  Stacey had come into camp leading her horse. In a bag, she had an eight foot long rattle snake she’d had to shoot.  Her horse had almost stepped on it.  When the horse reared, she grabbed her rifle and shot it.  She had brought it back to camp to give to Rich.

Shane lay awake, remembering how damn desirable she looked in her jeans, boots, chaps and a rolled brim, straw hat.  Shane assumed Stacey was about eighteen or nineteen at the time.  He looked at his sleeping wife and thought to himself; I don’t want her to change.  I love her the way she is.  There is no way to tell her how much pride and respect I have for her.  Will she always be happy in my world or will her world draw her back?  Finally, sometime long after midnight Shane fell asleep with Stacey in his arms

On their way home, after leaving the restaurant, Annie asked Hugh, “What did Shane get so upset about? If anyone had a right to be upset, I would think it would be Stacey.” 

“I’m as surprised as you are,” Hugh said. “Shane doesn’t lose his temper easily. He is the most genial chap I know.  I’m sure he was more than uncomfortable with Tiffany’s pomposity.  She’s not a bad sort, that’s just the way she is.”  Hugh was quiet and thoughtful for a bit, then asked, “Annie, love, why do you think Stacey invited them to the party Friday night?  Doesn’t she know wives and old girlfriends don’t mix?” 

Annie smiled and said, “Oh, I’m sure that is so she can give Rodger more information on the horses.  They were speaking her language tonight.”

“Do you think, she misses her life back there?” Hugh asked.

“That’s hard to say. I know she loves Shane. He’s primary in her life. I’m sure they’ll work this out,

whatever it is.”

Hugh hoped his wife was right.  He had never before seen Shane this upset.

The next morning, Annie was leaving the flat to pick up Stacey to go to the dig when her mobile rang. It was Stacey.  She said, “Shane doesn’t have a patient until nine, so I will meet you around nine thirty.  Yes of course, everything is fine.  Shane is going to let me drive the Jag.”

Shane had lain in bed listening to Stacey’s conversation. When she was off the phone, he asked, “Is Annie concerned about last night?”

“I think she may have been,” Stacey said, “But she knows we’re okay, now.”

Shane reached over and pulled Stacey into bed and kissed her.  He said, “Why don’t you crawl back in bed with me?  We have a couple of hours before Mrs. Wyatt gets here.”

Stacey laughed and said, “I would love to sir, but that space is occupied.”

Shane frowned and said, “You mean...?”

“Yes, would you like some pancakes instead?” 

“Well, if that’s the way it is lass, I’ll be obliged. That wasn’t what I had in mind, however, I never turn down good pancakes.” 

Stacey kissed him and said, “Oh, poor baby.  By the time you shower and dress, I’ll have the pancakes ready.”

On Friday, Stacey only stayed at the dig until twelve p.m.  She took the bus to town, then caught the tube into the city.  Shane arrived home at four thirty.  Stacey had made a buffet dinner of salmon with lemon and dill sauce, asparagus with resota, crab stuffed mushrooms in filo pastry, cheese and broccoli dip, olive crisp, three kinds of canapés.  Sautéed onion- cream cheese-on toasted rounds, dates stuffed with pecans, wrapped in bacon.  A fruit punch made from bourbon, banana daiquiri, orange concentrate, lemon and limeade and ginger ale.  Floating in the punch is a frozen ring of orange, lime and lemon slices with cherries, mint and ginger ale.  After dinner was dessert, chocolate cake with coffee or tea.

Aunt Lora and Richard arrived at seven to see if there was anything they could do to help.  So did Annie and Hugh. Hugh volunteered to help Shane as bartender. At seven thirty, Stacey ran upstairs to get dressed.  When she came downstairs, she had on a black jump suit with bare shoulders except for a strap with a rhinestone buckle over one shoulder. Her hair was down and she was wearing silver loop earrings and silver high heeled sandals.  She looked absolutely gorgeous.

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