Revelation of Hearts (Stacey and Shane Mcleod, #3) (24 page)

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Authors: Rikki Dyson

Tags: #Romance fantasy

BOOK: Revelation of Hearts (Stacey and Shane Mcleod, #3)
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Sharon could not believe her ears when she heard her say, “Hi, cowboy, buy a girl a drink.”

Shane sat back and looked at her. She raised her eyebrows as she caught her bottom lip between her teeth.  Shane wanted to jolly well laugh.  He loved it when she played her little games with him.  He was a little surprised, though, as this was her first time to do so in public. He smiled at her and said, “I could be persuaded lass. What do you fancy?” She walked her two fingers up his arm from his wrist to his shoulder and said, “I fancy you big boy.”

Sharon sat there watching how easy it had been to seduce him.  Why in the devil had she not made her move before that little vixen came into the club, she heard the doctor answer as he took the young woman’s hand and kissed it, “I reckon that could be arranged.  Would you fancy a bite to eat first?”

The men at the bar were sitting with grins on their faces. Oliver the Maitre’d came up at that time and said, “Doctor McLeod, your table is ready.”  He turned to the young woman and said, “Good evening Mrs. McLeod.  So nice to see you again.”

She in reply said, “Thank you Oliver. How’s your daughter doing?”

“Very well, Mrs. McLeod,” Oliver answered. “Thank you for asking.”

All eyes followed as they walked hand in hand to the dining room. The gentleman who had sat on the far side of Shane asked Martin, the bartender, “Is she his wife?”

Martin nodded his head, ‘Yes,’ and said, “They come in once or twice a month to eat with Doctor Grant and his wife.”

The man shook his head and said, “I wish my wife would do that, how stimulating.” 

Sharon sat there astonished at what see had seen.  She asked Martin, “I know she is an American, but her accent is different.  From which state does she come?” 

“Texas,” he told her with a grin. 

The man sitting just around the bar from Sharon said, “What an intriguing young woman. I bet there’s an interesting story there.”

Shane and Stacey were seated and waiting to order when Shane leaned toward Stacey, shook his finger playfully at her and said, “Mrs. McLeod, you are a naughty minx.  I would wager we left some tongues wagging back there.”

Stacey smiled at Shane and said, “Why ever would you say such a thing Doctor McLeod.”  Shane was laughing at her when the waiter came to take their order.


The holidays

Before the holidays, were upon them the four couples met at their regular pub to enjoy themselves, before they all went off in separate directions. This time, Lora and Richard had joined the happy group.  Megan mentioned she had bought her younger sister a pair of designer jeans, but wasn’t sure how they were going to look on her. 

Hugh, with a buffoon grin on his face commented, “Ask Stacey to try them on. I understand she’s into modeling.” 

Stacey, gave Hugh a heated look and stuck her little finger up at him.  Hugh mimicked her gesture and inquired, “What is this?” 

Stacey sarcastically told him, “It’s the feather. You’re not worthy of the bird.” 

Hugh, Shane and Annie chortled heartily.  The rest of the group knew Hugh had something on Stacey, but they didn’t know what.  Aunt Lora knew from the look on Stacey’s face it was amusing.  She told Stacey, “Give it up girl.  The rest of us want to laugh too.” 

“Ask Shane and Hugh,” Stacey said. “It was entirely their fault.”

Shane and Hugh were both laughing uproariously by this time.  Stacey crossed her arms and gave them both a wicked grin.

Shane took Stacey’s hand kissed it and said, “A few days before I left for Dallas, Stacey and I went shopping.  She purchased a few items in the lingerie shop.  I commented perhaps she should model them for me. When we arrived home, I went directly into my office to check my calls and Stacey took the parcels upstairs.

My mobile rang. It was Hugh wanting to borrow a back issue of a medical journal. He was on our street so he came straight away to the flat.  After I let him in, I went to find the issue and he went to the kitchen to get a bottle of juice.  As I came from my office Stacey was walking, no more strutting barefoot towards me.  She had on one of my shirts with the collar turned up, my golf bonnet on her head with her thumbs hooked in her new bikini knickers.  I was mesmerized as she stopped and took a stance with her hands on her hips.  She was about to model more, shall we say, when I told her, “Stacey sweetheart, we have an intruder.” 

Hugh said, “I’ll take it from there. When Stacey turned and saw me coming from the kitchen, she pulled the shirt tight around her and said with a considerable bit of surprise, “What are you doing here?” as she pulled the cap down to cover her eyes and ran upstairs, I said, “I say, Victoria’s Secret, is no longer a secret.” 

As Shane handed me the journal he said, “You know she’ll get you back for this one of these days.”

“In that case,” I said. “I better get home to Annie so she can run bloody interference for me.” By now the whole table was laughing, including Stacey.

When Christmas week came Shane and Stacey flew to Edinburgh on Wednesday, for Christmas Eve.  They planed to return on Sunday to join Aunt Lora and Richard to fly to Texas on Tuesday. Stacey and Shane both had a grand time with his family in Scotland.  Shane and his dad enjoyed themselves trout fishing in a shallow river not far from Grandmother McLeod’s home.  This was Stacey’s first Christmas with Shane’s family. She helped Shane’s mother and his grandmother wrap gifts.  They were so excited about Stacey’s pregnancy. 

“Let’s don’t forget I had a bit to do with it too,” Shane said.

“Yes, darling, we know. Are you going to be there when the labor part starts?” His mother asked. 

“Yes, I am,” he told her. “Stacey and I are in this together.” 

“We are very proud of both of you and so happy you two found each other. We are delighted you’re going to make us grandparents,” Andrew said.

When Shane and Stacey returned to London, Stacey called Aunt Lora to ask where they were to meet.  Lora told her, “You and Shane must go alone darling.  We have sickness in the house.” 

“Who?” Stacey asked in a worried voice. 

“Calm down Stacey, Aunt Lora said. “It’s Mavis and Wilkes.” 

“Thank god,” Stacey said. “I’m sorry about them, but so glad it’s not you or Richard.  Aunt Lora, can’t Richard hire a nurse?” 

“Yes, of course, he could darling, but I’m a nurse and I feel it’s my place to tend them.  They are a part of Richard’s household.  Do you understand what I mean?” 

“Yes, ma’am,” Stacey said. “Absolutely I do. I hope they appreciate what you’re doing for them.” 

“I have to go darling, they’re beeping me. Tell the family we send our love and we’ll see them in a few weeks.”

Lora hurried downstairs, Mavis was vomiting again. She had been ill for the past three days.  Wilkes followed two days later. He was too stubborn to give up until he passed out on the kitchen floor. Richard, called doctor Hough and he came right away.

Both Mavis and Wilkes had the flu. Doctor Hough wanted to send over a nurse, but Lora wouldn’t hear of it. She showed him her credentials and told him she would rather care for them herself. 

Lora was surprised to hear neither had ever had a flu shot. Lora had never before been below stairs, she didn’t want to intrude in their personal lives, but now it was necessary.  They had a very comfortable little flat downstairs. Richard came down and brought brandy for Wilkes.  The poor man was so agitated he tried to leave his sick bed to wait on Richard. 

“Stand easy Wilkes,” Richard said. “We all live in this house. You and Mavis have always taken care of my family. It’s our turn to care for you and help you get well.” 

“I do not understand this class system, these people impose on themselves. They look up to you and feel indignant toward me,” Lora confided to Richard. 

“Darling you know this about them and yet you want to attend to them. I don’t understand.” Richard said. 

“Well, I can’t explain it Richard,” she said. “It’s just something I feel I need to do.” 

Before long, Lora and Richard realized Wilkes would be more comfortable with a male attendant to see to his needs.  They also hired night nurses to help out.  Lora took care of the kitchen and the two maids took care of the house. They were all impressed by the lady of the house pitching in to help out. This just wasn’t done.

Lora and Richard went to the supermarket to buy groceries. Richard was like a kid in a candy store.  He kept putting things in the shopping trolley. “This is amazing,” he told Lora. “We have always called the grocer and they delivered.  I had no idea there was so much to purchase.”

Within a week or so Wilkes and Mavis were weak, but on their feet again. Mavis no longer made snide remarks when Lora came into the kitchen.  Both Mavis and Wilkes treated her with the up-most respect.  They no longer called her Mrs. Heath, but they now addressed her as, my lady, and asked her opinion on household matters and domestic arrangements. 



Stacey and Shane, landed in Houston in early afternoon on Tuesday, the thirtieth of December. Stacey’s mom and dad were there to meet them.  Jessica was very emotional and that made Stacey cry too.  After retrieving the luggage, they headed to the castle and Stacey’s grandparents. 

Stacey said, “Mom, I didn’t know you and Dad were going to meet us, but I’m so glad you did.”

“Yes darling, we could hardly wait to see you.  How are you?  Are you feeling okay?” Jessica asked anxiously.

Stacey a bit surprised said, “Yes Mom, I’m not sick, just pregnant.” 

“I know darling, but my baby is having a baby. Do you know how that makes a mother feel.” 

Stacey laughed and said, “No, Mom, I don’t, but I’m sure I will someday and I’ll remember this conversation.”

Most of the Flemming family, was at the castle waiting for their arrival.  There was a whirlwind of hugs, kisses and everyone talking at once. Grandad Flemming told them, “The whole family is driving into Houston to see you two.  It will just be family, but it will feel like a party.” 

Gram Flemming, was sitting beside Stacey holding her hand when she said, “I never expected to see this day. Even after you and Shane were married, I still did not believe motherhood would take preference over your career.” 

Stacey a little stunned said, “Gram, I still plan on getting my masters degree. It will just take me a little longer than I had previously planned.” 

Their conversation was cut short as the twins, Brittany and Brandi arrived with squeals, hugs and conversation. At the supper table Grandad said, “I want to make a toast to my favorite granddaughter.  (The three granddaughters there rolled their eyes, as they had heard all their lives that each was his favorite, depending on which one he was talking to at the time.)  And my favorite grandson-in-law.  I know you are the only one yet, but I assure you, when you’re around you’ll be my favorite.”

Everyone, was laughing when Grandad said, “Wait, wait, I’m not finished.  I still have to toast my great grandchild.  We’ll be delighted with either gender.  Which ever it happens to be, I want that precious package to know how greatly it is anticipated and it will always be my favorite as well.” 

Everyone, was laughing as Gram said, “Bradley honey, please sit down so we can eat. You have been toasting most of the afternoon.” 

“Rest easy mother Flemming,” Sam said. “There are three doctors in the house and Alan will be down to psychoanalyze, if need be.” 

With their joking and frivolity, everyone was in high spirits. Shane had reached under the table and taken Stacey’s hand.  She smiled at him.  Stacey knew her family was the diametrical of Shane’s family.  When he smiled at her, she knew he was getting a kick out of her grandad being a bit tipsy.  Shane loved being around this family. They were all so exuberant and full of life.  He knew his family enjoyed life too, but they were just more serene about it.

That night as Stacey lay in Shane’s arms he asked, “How do you think our little one is going to take your family and mine being so different?” 

“He will take it in his stride,” Stacey said. “He will have the best of both worlds. What could be better than this! 

Stacey could feel the light flutter of the baby moving.  She took Shane’s hand and laid it on her tummy.  When Shane felt the movement of his child, his throat constricted and it was hard for him to swallow.  Stacey loved the look on Shane’s face.  She ran her fingers through his hair. 

He kissed her and said, “You are giving me god’s greatest gift lass. I wish I could tell you how much I truly love you, but mere words are not adequate.” 

“I know Shane, I feel the same about you. Our children will be very lucky having you for a dad.”

The New Year, of two-thousand-four was a very happy day. Most of the family slept late. Stacey was in the kitchen with her mom and Gram Flemming when Shane came looking for her.

“Do you want a cup of coffee?” Stacey asked as she kissed her husband good morning. 

“Yes, please,” Shane said. “I’m too old for these late nights.”

Stacey stood back and smiled at him as her mother and gram laughed and told him, “Well you better get used to late nights.  That precious package as it was referred to, will be taking up lots of yours and Stacey’s nights.” 

It didn’t take long for the kitchen to fill to capacity.  The men went to the solarium where the January sun was shining through the windows.  Soon, an aromatic smell was drifting from the dining room.  It took no encouragement to get everyone to the table. 

After breakfast, Shane and Alan took a walk around the property and were now sitting on the picnic table talking, when Cody and Robbie threw the football to them. Before long Dylan, Dusty and Paul joined in a game of touch football.  Soon, David and Daniel entered the mix. 

Cody yelled to his cousins, “All right, us against the old guys.”

The mature ones in the group took umbrage to that remark. David said, “I think we need to show these young bucks a thing or two.  Are you with me men?” 

“I would be delighted,” Shane said, as he took off his jacket.

For the past three years, Shane and Hugh had played on a charity Rugby team.  The rules are different, but the stamina is the same.  Shane told the boys, “Step lively there lads, us older chaps will teach you fledglings a thing or two.” 

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