Revelation of Hearts (Stacey and Shane Mcleod, #3) (27 page)

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Authors: Rikki Dyson

Tags: #Romance fantasy

BOOK: Revelation of Hearts (Stacey and Shane Mcleod, #3)
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Both Stacey and Shane agreed they did, so Doctor Shaw brought in the ultra sound machine.  Stacey was laying on the table and Shane was at her side watching along with the doctor.  Shane moved up closer to the machine and took Stacey’s hand in his.

“Do you see our son?” Stacey asked.

Shane smiled at her and Doctor Shaw asked, “What name had you chosen for your son, should it be a boy?” 

“Patrick,” Stacey said confidently.

Doctor Shaw said, “Perhaps you should consider names more like Petulance and Penelope.”  Stacey frowned, but Shane with the biggest grin said, “Its twins, sweetheart. Two little lasses.” 

“Are you sure, Doctor Shaw?” Stacey asked.

“Yes, Stacey, very sure,” she said.

Stacey had been so sure it was a boy, it was difficult to let go of the idea.  Stacey was quiet as they went to the car. When they got in the car, Shane put his arms around her and held her tight.  He took the photo out and looked at it again and said, “Isn’t it wonderful sweetheart, we’re having two little girls.”

“Aren’t you disappointed Shane?” 

“Good, god, no,” he said. “You’re looking at the luckiest and happiest man in the world. Just think sweetheart, two bonnie lasses that will look just like their beautiful mother.” 

Stacey finally smiled at him and said, “You’re serious, you really don’t mind not having a son first?” 

“Absolutely not,” Shane said. “I will love having three women to love and spoil me.”

Shane was happy.  Of course, someday he wanted a son, but he was extremely happy, thrilled even that his and Stacey’s first children were twin daughters.  That night after making love to his wife, Shane held her close and asked, “Do you remember way back when you asked me to fill you full of babies?  Well, I think I’ve done an extremely superb job of it.”

Stacey kissed him and said, “Yes, you have my love.  Oh Shane, just think, two little girls.  I can hardly wait. Tomorrow we must call Scotland and Texas.  Aunt Lora and Richard are gonna be beside themselves.  We have to tell them in person. You can tell Hugh and I’ll tell Annie.”

Shane leaned over and kissed Stacey’s tummy, then he kissed her lips and asked, “You are happy about the babies, aren’t you?” 

“Yes, of course, Shane,” Stacey said. “I couldn’t be happier. I was so sure it was a boy that I had to refocus. I’m delighted.  Don’t you ever doubt it!

Stacey had almost dozed off when Shane said, “Sweetheart, what do you think we should name our girls?”

Stacey snuggled closer to her husband and said, “I don’t think we have to choose names tonight.  There are loads of lovely names out there.  We have a few months to decide.” 

“Right, you are,” Shane said.  Before long, they both were sound asleep.


The accident

Shane was home early for the first time in some weeks. He was waiting when Stacey came through the door. In her arms were bags of groceries. Shane jumped from the sofa when he saw her arms full. He asked, “Sweetheart, why didn’t you wait for me to help you shop?”

“Because we needed things now,” Stacey said. “I didn’t know you would be home early.” 

As they were putting things away, Shane asked, “How have you been getting to and from school? Hugh told me today that Annie is on maternity leave and has been since Christmas.”

Stacey stopped what she was doing, turned to Shane and said, “I’ve been taking the tube, why?”

“I wish you would agree to let me lease you a car. I’ve ridden the tube and I know how crowded and pushy it can be.  You’re pregnant sweetheart, I don’t want anything to happen to my girls.” 

Stacey smiled at him and said, “Rest easy my love, nothing is gonna happen. A friend of mine I met riding the tube now has a car.  I’ve been riding with her for the past few weeks.  So you see there’s nothing to worry about.”

Three weeks later Shane called Stacey’s cell phone to tell her he had an emergency and would be home late. Stacey’s carpool friend Julia, had told Stacey a few days before she wouldn’t be at school on Friday, because she would be driving her grandmother home to Devon. 

Stacey called Annie to tell her she had a free evening; that Shane had an emergency at the hospital and could she come by to visit. 

“Of course, you can,” she said. “Come have supper with us.” 

Stacey had just walked through the door when Hugh said, “Good lord, what a bloody mess.” 

“What is it?” Annie asked. 

Hugh was watching the news and said, “There has been an accident on the motorway.  A lorry hit this young woman and she’s barely alive. Her car is in total shambles.” 

As Stacey turned to go to the kitchen with Annie, the reporter said, “The young woman is a student at the university. We don’t have her name as of yet.”

Annie and Stacey both turned back to the news as the reporter said, “The Volvo she was driving is a dreadful mess.”

“Oh my god, it’s Julia!” Stacey said as she grabbed her coat and bag. “I have to go to her.  Did they say to which hospital she was taken?” 

“Yes,” Hugh said. “Do you want me to drive you?”

“No, thank you, Hugh, a cab will be faster.”

When Stacey arrived at Charring Cross hospital, she asked information, “Where’s the young woman that was brought in this afternoon?  Her name is Julia Morrison.”

“Are you family?” the woman asked. 

“No, I’m not, I’ve come to be with her mother. Both her father and brother are in Iraq.  Please tell me where I can find her.”

Maybe it was the no nonsense look on Stacey’s face or the determined sound of her voice, that the woman directed her to the fifth floor. Stacey took the elevator and was there in no time. When she entered the waiting room, Mrs. Morrison was sitting alone with her head bowed.  Stacey touched her shoulder and sat down beside her.

“My name is Stacey. Julia and I are friends. May I wait with you?”

Mrs. Morrison took Stacey’s hand and said, “Of course, you can. I’m so glad you came. You know she was on her way back from taking her grandmother home.”

“Yes, I know,” Stacey said. “Have they told you anything yet?” 

“Not really,” Mrs. Morrison said. “They’ve called in a neurosurgeon who comes highly recommended, but that seems like hours ago.”

Stacey and Julia’s mother sat together talking and praying. Stacey went to get coffee and candy bars, then they sat and held hands until a young physician came to talk to Mrs. Morrison.

“Hello, I’m Doctor Gear, Julia is out of surgery and in recovery. Doctor McLeod feels sure all the bone fragments and other debris has been extracted successfully. We had to remove a piece of her skull to make room for her brain swelling, but that’s no problem. She’ll be good as new in no time.”

“May I see my daughter?” Mrs. Morrison asked. 

“Yes, I’ll take you in now.  She’s in recovery. Doctor McLeod is still with her.” 

Mrs. Morrison held on to Stacey’s hand.  Stacey assured her, “Don’t worry, I’ve heard he’s an extraordinary good doctor.”

Mrs. Morrison patted Stacey’s hand, then turned it loose and went with Doctor Gear. Stacey sat back down to wait.  She felt much better just knowing Shane was the doctor.  So this was his emergency he’d called about.  In a little while, Doctor Gear joined her.  Stacey asked him how Julia was. 

“Fairly well, considering her condition.”

“Would you mind elaborating on that? Stacey asked.

Doctor Gear said, “You do know she was in a motor vehicle accident.” 

“Of course,” Stacey said. “What I’m asking is, how bad is it?” 

“It’s bad,” Doctor Gear said. “Miss Morrison is suffering from blunt head trauma. Doctor McLeod has surgically removed the bone and glass slivers. She also has a ruptured spleen, fractured ribs, pelvis, left arm and left leg.  She has quite a bit of edema. That means swelling.”

Stacey smiled at him and said, “Yes, Doctor Gear, I’m familiar with the word.  My father’s a doctor.”

“Right, sorry,” he said. “Also she is suffering from quite a few lacerations and contusions.” 

Stacey smiled and said, “Cuts and bruises.”

Doctor Gear smiled back and said, “Yes, right you are.”

After explaining Julia’s condition, Doctor Gear seemed in no hurry to leave. Stacey had on a large bulky sweater, so her pregnancy was not obvious, but her wedding ring was. Stacey knew Doctor Gear was flirting with her, but it kind of felt good.  She was five months pregnant and was starting to feel like a blimp. 

Doctor McLeod was in no hurry to leave his patient.  He had a bedside manner that reassured his patients and their families.  Shane looked at his watch and asked the nurse, “To where did Doctor Gear disappear?” 

Mrs. Morrison sat holding her daughter’s hand.  She smiled and said, “I believe he went back to, shall we say, to acquaint Stacey with Julia’s condition.”

Shane asked with a slight frown, “And Stacey is ...?”

“Stacey is a friend of my daughter’s.  She came to be with me when she heard about the accident.  She’s a sweet young woman.  I’m afraid Doctor Gear is going to be disappointed when he finds out she’s already married.”

Shane checked his patient one more time, then told the nurse, “Keep a close watch here. I’ll be back in a few minutes.” 

Shane strolled into the waiting room.  Stacey saw him before Doctor Gear did.  She stood up and met him half way across the room.  Stacey touched Shane’s arm as she tilted her head up to kiss him.  Shane quickly kissed her back.  He turned to Doctor Gear and said, “James, I see you’ve met my wife already.” 

Doctor Gear was a bit taken aback and said, “Yes, but I didn’t know she was your wife.  So nice to make your acquaintance Mrs. McLeod.” 

Shane turned to Stacey and said, “I’ll be here an hour or so more.  Do you want to wait for me or take a cab home?” 

“I’ll wait for you,” Stacey said. “I don’t wanna leave before saying goodbye to Mrs. Morrison.  How is Julia doing?”

Shane smiled and took Stacey’s hand as they walked into Julia’s room together.  Shane told Mrs. Morrison, “Stacey is my wife.  She doesn’t want to leave before saying good night.”

Mrs. Morrison seemed at a loss for words.  Stacey hugged her and said, “I’ll be back tomorrow, then we’ll make a schedule for one of us to be with Julie at all times.” 

Mrs. Morrison hugged Stacey and thanked her for coming to be with her. Stacey went back to the waiting room to wait for Shane.  She saw no more of Doctor Gear.

Around eleven p.m. Shane touched Stacey’s shoulder to wake her. She had fallen asleep on the couch in the waiting room with her coat thrown over her.  As she rubbed the sleep from her eyes, she asked about Julia’s condition. 

“She’s been transferred to ICU.  They’ll take good care of her there.  Let’s get you home, it’s late.”

Saturday morning when Shane woke, Stacey was already out of bed.  Shane showered and was shaving when Stacey handed him a cup of coffee.  “I know you’ll be going to Charring Cross hospital to check on Julia.  May I ride with you?” 

“Of course, you may sweetheart, as long as it’s Julia you’re wanting to see.”

“What do you mean?” Stacey asked with a frown. “I told Mrs. Morrison I would be back to help sitting with Julia.”

Shane rinsed and dried his face, then he put his hand on the side of Stacey’s face and ran his thumb across her bottom lip. He kissed her softly and took her hand as he said, “Come to the bedroom with me sweetheart while I get dressed.  I need to talk with you.”

“What is it, Shane?” Stacey asked. “Is it something about Julia you haven’t told me?” 

“No, sweetheart, this has nothing to do with Julia.”

Stacey sat and watched as Shane dressed in gray wool blend trousers and a black crewneck sweater.  Her mind was on other things as she watched him pull his socks on and step into black leather loafers.  Stacey never tired of looking at this man.  She never thought she could love anyone as much as she loved him.  Now she was five months pregnant and would be having his twin baby girls in June.  Sometimes she couldn’t believe how lucky she was.

Shane called her name twice before she heard him.  He sat down on the foot of the bed beside her and asked, “Sweetheart, do you feel I’m neglecting you, are not giving you enough attention?” 

Stacey was surprised by the question and said, “No, of course not.  Why do you ask?” 

Shane took her hand and said, “Well last night for one thing.  I feel sure you were aware that Doctor Gear was, shall we say, interested in you.”

Stacey smiled an impish grin and said, “Yes, of course, I knew he was flirting with me, but I knew it was going nowhere.  I’m sorry Shane, I didn’t mean to embarrass you in anyway.  I was just feeling like a fat cow and he didn’t seem to notice, so I just sat there and let him feed my ego.”

Shane laid her back on the bed, kissed her and said, “Keep in mind, you’re my fat cow and those are my little calves you’re carrying.”  Stacey was laughing as she wrapped her arms around Shane’s neck and drowned herself in his kisses.

Shane pulled back and looked into Stacey’s mischievous eyes and said, “You’re a naughty minx Mrs. McLeod.  Playfully he slapped her bum and said, “If you’re going with me lass, you best get dressed.” 

“Aren’t we having breakfast first?” Stacey asked. 

“You get dressed, and I’ll make breakfast,” Shane said. That was all it took to hurry Stacey along.  Shane was an excellent doctor and a magnificent husband, but as a cook he left much to be desired.

At hospital, Shane left Stacey to go consult with Doctor Henry Rowsell, Julia’s internal surgeon.  Stacey went straight to ICU, where Mrs. Morrison was sitting by Julia’s bedside. Stacey put her hand over Mrs. Morrison’s and asked how Julia was doing? 

“I don’t really know, they’re keeping her sedated.”

“Don’t worry about that,” Stacey explained. “That’s for her tranquil recovery.  Her body is busy mending its self.  It can do its work much better if the host is not moving around.”

“Well that makes sense,” Mrs. Morrison said. “Why didn’t they just tell me that instead of all that mumbo jumbo.” 

Stacey laughed and said, “I think they get so wrapped up in their medical jargon that they forget to translate their mumbo, jumbo to us earth bound non-mumbo, jumbo speaking persons.” 

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