Risking It All: London Calling Book Three (27 page)

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“I don’t deserve you.”

She swatted at him. “Don’t start that.” She heaved a breath. “It isn’t easy for me, but I can admit to being a difficult woman. Sometimes, I’m irritable, arrogant, and impatient to the point of rudeness.” She shrugged, more than a little uncomfortable. “I have a sharp tongue.” She looked up to see Dom biting his cheek in an effort to keep a straight face. She thumped him on the shoulder. “Don’t laugh. You’re a
of a man. You lie, cheat, and occasionally steal when it suits you. You have a face like a god and could charm the birds out of the trees.”

He tipped her chin up and pressed his lips on hers.

“I’ll never have a moment’s peace with you around.” She smiled against his mouth. “But I love you, so very much. We may be imperfect people, but we are perfect together.”

Clasping his handsome face between her palms, she kissed him with all the love and desperation trapped inside her. Her tongue sought his, delicately mating until fiery passion erupted, claiming them both.

He was so exactly right for her. She stepped off the ledge containing all her fears without another moment’s hesitation.

And leapt.


the Atlantic, Sebastian trekked through Chicago O’Hare and took a cab to the coast of Lake Michigan. He did all this while holding a small potted shamrock.

He felt like a fool. But he’d wracked his brains trying to think of something, anything really, that might make her smile. Unfortunately, Madeleine Price was a mystery to him.

Flowers were definitely out of the question. Jewelry too, but for different reasons. After coming up empty-handed, he’d seen the vendor outside the airport selling the small plants. It was springtime and he was part Irish.

It seemed to make sense at the time.

He pulled the doors open to her building. Located on the Gold Coast, it soared seventy stories high and was within a stone’s throw of iconic hotels like the Ritz and Waldorf-Astoria. Less than a block away, the lake stretched out like an ocean with no end in sight.

Bas approached a round desk situated in the middle of the lobby with locked doors behind it that led to the elevators. A rotund, balding man sat in front of six monitors. A camera rested on top of the counter, facing any guests that might arrive.

Pretty slick, Bas thought. It was a modern take on old buildings with their outside buzzers and intercom systems. Walking up to the desk, he set the shamrock down.

“Good afternoon. How can I help you?”

“I’d like to visit Madeleine Price.” As soon as he said her name, the other man’s face closed off. Proving he knew where she lived, he added, “The sixty-fifth floor.”

“Ms. Price doesn’t receive visitors.”

“I know but I hope she’ll see me.” Bas smiled encouragingly, nodding at the phone. “Would you ask?”

The concierge bit his top lip, hesitating. “All right. But no trouble when she says no.”

When, not if.

The situation didn’t lend itself to confidence. Why on earth had he hopped on a plane to come all the way to Chicago? A phone call would have sufficed. If the woman was this unreasonable, it was hardly likely a drooping plant would bring her round.

He waited while the man called upstairs. After several long moments while Bas assumed she was letting the phone ring and ring, she must have picked up. Vaguely, the man murmured something to her then looked up with his hand cupped over the mouthpiece.

“I’m sorry. What’s your name sir?”

Christ. This was about to go south, and he’d barely gotten past the front door. Impulsively, he said, “Dominic Martin.”

More murmuring before the man hung up. Well, Bas guessed that was that.

“Step in front of the camera, please. The lady always requires visual identification on top of verbal.”

Sebastian nearly groaned out loud. Damn. There was nothing to do except brazen it out. He stepped up and smiled sheepishly at the small device. A click, then silence.

“It only takes a second. Then she’ll call down.”

Sebastian was seriously regretting his course of action. Later, he could blame it on jet lag. For now, he was stuck by his own stupidity. He’d be lucky if Madeleine didn’t call the police on him for impersonating Martin. Come to think of it, why hadn’t the doorman busted him?

“You new here?” his voice sounded gruff, so he coughed a little.

“Yes sir. I only started this week.” He smiled broadly. “It’s quiet, but I like it a lot. Great people here.”

Sebastian returned his smile, but weakly. Things were about to get exciting. The phone pealed, two short rings.

“Excuse me.” He answered the phone and Bas waited for the bomb to drop. Instead, he was shocked speechless when the man stood up and buzzed him through the locked doors. “She said to send you up right away. The last guy told me I’d be lucky to see the day Ms. Price took visitors.”

Sebastian pivoted and hurriedly turned back to grab the shamrock. He followed the other man into the elevator and stood at the back while the car rose to Madeleine’s floor.

The concierge stayed inside when they arrived. Bas stepped out on a marble inlaid round foyer. A video device with keypad was mounted next to the door. The other man nodded. “Just press the green button. She’ll let you in once she confirms it’s you.”

Bas nodded even though he privately wondered who the hell else it could be at this point. As soon as the elevator doors closed, he stepped up to the pad and pushed the key marked

He waited, but there was only silence. He peered into the video screen, but his face was the only one looking back at him. He sighed. Obviously, she’d thought better about seeing him. He’d hoped Dominic would reach her and explain, but it wasn’t to be. He felt sorry for anyone so paralyzed by paranoia they locked themselves in a cage. Even if it was a very nice one.

He started to turn away when he heard the bolt turn in the door. Ironically, there was a small, very low-tech peephole mounted, so the only thing it would showcase was a nondescript view of his chest. Any company she entertained must be of a very petite variety.

He raised the shamrock, hopeful she could see it as a sign of peace. Immediately, the door swung open, and he had a brief impression of yoga pants, a tangerine tank top and pale, freckled flesh. Masses of hair, burnt orange and dark red, curled over her shoulders in wild abandon. Desire slammed into him, uncaring of the fact she stood glowering with fiery hate.

She raised her arm and Bas held out his gift, taking one step forward.

Burning liquid blinded him. She shot him full force and point blank with pepper spray, stopping only when he fell to the floor, agonized and writhing. Pulling the shamrock out from under him, she shoved him out of the way with her foot then slammed the door in his streaming face.


Dominic woke up as the sun streamed into his new high-rise condominium. Squinting, he decided the first priority was remote control blinds.

Well, after some coffee.

Naked and barefoot, he padded into the kitchen and buzzed the building concierge. He placed an order for a pot of French press coffee, two cups, and a carton of cream. Then he went back to the bedroom and paused in the doorway.

They’d slept on a mattress he had delivered yesterday, as yet still on the floor. Marvelously unconcerned with the scarce accommodations, Natalie stretched, waking up as the morning’s light reached to paint her skin with gold. Her hair, tumbled down and mussed from their night of loving, glowed platinum in the sunlight.

He crossed to the closet and slipped on a pair of old jeans. She made some sound, and when he turned around, she was lying on her stomach with her chin propped in her hands.

He grinned. “What are you doing, Toff?”

“Admiring the view. Turn back around.”

He laughed, loving the way she turned the tables on him, constantly keeping him on his toes. The doorbell chimed. “Coffee. Hold that thought.” He walked out of the bedroom, stopping at the door to look over his shoulder and shake his hips.

Natalie’s laughter followed him all the way to the door. On a trolley outside, there was a tray with china serving ware, small spoons, coffee, and cream. He lifted the whole lot and carried it into the kitchen. Pouring her coffee the way she liked, he returned to the bedroom.

“Hey lover.” She was in rare form, flirting like a sex siren. He loved knowing this part of her was for him.

“Hey.” He handed over her cup. “Get enough of my butt?”

“I’ll never get enough of ogling your bum. How do you think I knew it was you at Club Hobart?”

He paused, trying to catch up. “Wait. You mean yesterday?”


He recalled her outrage, yelling his name as soon he upended her over his shoulder in a surprise ambush. “You identified me by my ass?”

She smirked, raising her arm in a one-shoulder shrug. “What can I say? I’m a connoisseur of fine backsides.”

Even though she was shamelessly objectifying him, he couldn’t keep from huffing out a laugh. “Try to keep your appreciation to mine, would you?”

She toasted him with her coffee cup. “I’ll do my best, sir.”

There was more, so much more he wanted from her. Uncharacteristically unsure, he sat down beside her and pleated the sheet. “What do you think?”

She arched her brows. “You want to be a little more specific?”

He waved his hand to indicate the room then clumsily flattened it on the sheet.

Natalie’s eyes traced the movement. Her brows pulled together. “The flat?”

He nodded.

“I like it. Don’t you?”

“I do, yes. I just wanted to make sure
do. I have thirty-six hours to change my mind on it if you don’t.”

She smiled, flushing a little. “I do like it, Dom.” She looked around, staring for an overlong moment. His gut clenched.

“Of course, it could do with some furniture.” She looked up through her lashes, seemingly shy.

“I definitely had to hold off on all that.”

“For what?” She tilted her head then took a sip of coffee.

He reached out, taking her cup and setting it on the floor beside the mattress. Turning back, he toyed with the fingers on her left hand. “On you. I could hardly decorate our home without your input.”

She paled, losing every scrap of color. Alarmed, he rubbed her upper arms, astonished how cold she was.

“I’m sorry.” He repeated the words, hoping they’d sink in enough to bring her out of shock. He cursed himself for rushing her after she’d only just accepted him again. “I botched that. I’m sorry.”

She gazed at him, lips slightly parted. “Dominic,” she pressed her hands over his, stilling their restless motion. “What exactly are you saying?”

He gulped. “Natalie Enfeld, I’m asking you to stay. Live here and be with me.”

She leaped up, nearly bowling him backward off the bed. Tears flooded her eyes, and she whispered something in a watery voice he couldn’t catch.

“Care to speak up?” He cleared his throat, genuinely afraid but desperately in need of knowing her answer.

” Her voice rang clear and powerful.

The air rushed from his lungs and relief poured through him. “You will?” He grinned, feeling younger and giddy.

“Yes!” She laughed, but tears streamed down her face.

He reached up, using her hand for leverage to stand. “Are you sure?” He thumbed away the moisture. “You’re crying, Nat.”

“Turns out, I do that sometimes.” She sobered, cupping his face in her hands. “Thank you for not giving up on me, no matter how hard I tried to push you away.”

He slowly shook his head, a rueful smile lifting his lips. “Once I realized what I felt for you, it was never a choice.”

Natalie continued, nearly taking out his knees. “I love who you show me I can be. I love
, Dominic. So much.”

He pressed a kiss into her palm, closing his eyes briefly. “Nat, I wasn’t just lying to
a year ago. I lied to myself. It nearly cost me everything that mattered.” Folding her into his arms, he took them both down to the bed. It felt exactly like coming home. He looked deeply into the shimmering blue sea of her eyes. “I loved you then. I love you now. I’ll love you until my last breath.”

And with that, after a lifetime of lies, Dominic Martin found his truth.

Hey wait!

Keep reading for a sneak peak of

The Price of Winning, London Calling Book Four

Available now!

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