Risking It All: London Calling Book Three (25 page)

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Plopping down beside him, Sebastian wore a ball cap pulled low over his forehead. Combined with khaki cargo pants and a white tee shirt, he looked every inch an average guy. He shook out a newspaper, opening it wide in front of him.

Dominic had to laugh. “What is this, your spy routine?”

Sebastian didn’t so much as glance his way. “Shut up and tell me why you’re here.”

“That’s not very polite, Payne. After all, we’re going to be working together.”

That got a look. “It took you long enough to decide. Scared?”

Dominic gritted his teeth. “Unlike you, I have people close to me. I didn’t want to do anything to jeopardize relationships.”

Sebastian crumpled up the paper, baring his teeth. “So you’re involved with someone besides Natalie?”

“NO.” He moderated his tone from belligerence to sarcasm. “Not that it’s any of your business. Besides, I’m not here to discuss Natalie. Especially not with you.”

“Why not me?”

Dominic stared, temporarily at a loss for words. “You are beyond belief. Why the hell would I want to discuss the woman I love with the man who moved her in with him.”

“She needed my help. At least I was there for her.”

“You did the worst possible thing you could have. You set yourself up as a crutch when she needed to stand on her own. Did it make
feel better? Because it sure as hell didn’t help Nat.”

Sebastian shifted, slamming himself against the arm of the bench to stare back at Dominic. “You have an interesting way of looking at things, I’ll give you that. How’d you get my private number anyway?”

“Please.” Dominic settled back and crossed his legs. “Any amateur could get it in less than five minutes.”

“You’ve been snooping into my private life?” Sebastian’s face darkened.

Dominic put up his hands, palm out. “I just got what I needed then got out. Don’t get yourself into a wad. Frankly, I’m not interested.”

Sebastian continued to sit, tense and brooding.

“Look. We’re getting off on the wrong foot. I didn’t want to contact you through the club, so I looked up your number. That’s it. Nothing else. I’m here because I want to work with you and Angeline.”



“What’s in it for you? I know why Angeline and I do what we do. I need to understand why you’re interested in helping.”

“For one, I’ve known Angeline Sinclair a hell of a lot longer than you. Granted, it’s been years since we saw each other, but that doesn’t change the fact I’d do anything she asked.” He stopped talking to observe a line of ducks crossing the park in front of them. “Besides, it’s the right thing to do, yes? Maybe I want to help people just like you do.” Dominic laughed but there was zero humor in it. “Pardon me for saying it, but you need to take a step back if you can’t see that someone would want to help a cause like this for its own sake.”

Sebastian removed his hat to run a hand through his hair. Searching Dominic’s face, he sighed raggedly. “I apologize. Some days are harder than others.”

Dominic nodded. “I’m here to help. With my unique skill set, I think I can be an asset.”

“What do you have in mind?”

“Angeline and I talked it over and she said sometimes the law isn’t able to provide enough assistance once you’ve identified the perpetrators. She said these men use their considerable wealth and influence to buy their way out of trouble. Is that right?”

“Unfortunately.” The word was clipped.

“I agree with Angeline. Let’s hit them where it hurts. If the authorities can’t capture them, we’ll seize their money. They won’t be able to buy a pack of gum before I’m finished, let alone bribe an official.”

Sebastian pinched the bridge of his nose, obviously thinking. “You can do that?”

do that.”

“Then welcome aboard.” He stuck out his hand then snatched it back before Dominic could clasp it. “Wait. First I need to know that dealing with Natalie won’t be a problem.”

Dominic’s thoughts froze at the mention of Natalie then raced forward. Surely she wasn’t involved in all this. It was too perilous. “Why would I be dealing with Nat?” If she was helping Sebastian with all this, he’d personally flatten him right here in front of half of London. He clenched his fists.

Sebastian saw the movement and smirked. “Back to that, are we? Angeline told me you were ready to fight me to the death on Jersey.”

“It’s bad enough you’re working with one woman I know. But if you’ve involved Natalie in this mess, I’m going to have to hurt you.”

Sebastian snorted. Echoing Dominic’s earlier gesture, he held both palms outward in surrender. “Natalie isn’t involved. Angeline, however, might take you on herself if she heard you talking about her like she was the weaker sex.” At Dominic’s questioning look, he elaborated. “Angeline is a soldier. She picked her cause long before I came on the scene.”

Dominic took that in and put it aside to turn over in his mind at a later date. “Then there’s no problem. I won’t be seeing Natalie.” He shook his head in disgust. “She’s made that pretty clear.”

“I’ve tried to think of a way around it, but we might want you to come to the club. Powerful people come there. We believe there could be some links to the black markets.”

Dominic started shaking his head, rejecting Sebastian’s idea. “No, no, no. No way in hell am I coming to Club Hobart to recruit or infiltrate groups. I don’t care if they’re hip deep in evil. No way. Natalie is too close, and I won’t risk her.”

“It’s the whole reason I bought the club.”

“Look, I don’t care. And I can’t stop you doing whatever it is you’ve got planned. But if I’m there, it makes it all worse for Natalie. At best, she’d get pissed off at something I did or didn’t do and blow the cover.”

Sebastian shrugged, tilting his head. “You have a point.”

“Trust me. I know Nat. You’re the front man. You make the contacts or whatever you need to do. Attend your social soirees. I’ll stay in the shadows, where I work best.” It was Dominic’s turn to smirk. “I wondered why you bought a casino. It’s not like you don’t eat, bathe, and sleep in money already.”

Sebastian didn’t laugh along. “In my experience, one thing never fails.” A muscle clenched in his jaw. “Vice attracts vice.”

Dominic remembered what Angeline said about Sebastian having his own story to tell. Maybe someday he’d ask, and maybe he wouldn’t. Something sinister flashed in the depths of Sebastian’s ebony eyes. For now, the other man could keep his secrets. Dominic extended his hand. “So do we have a deal?”

A brief hesitation. Then Sebastian clasped his hand. “Deal.”

Dominic started to stand up, but Sebastian continued. “Tell me one thing, Martin.”

Dominic cocked a brow.

“Do you also intend to stay in the shadows with Natalie? Or are you going to be man enough to fight for her?”

“Does that mean what I think?” Dominic laughed. “Is this some sort of challenge to a duel?” He’d be happy to kick Payne’s ass all over Hyde Park. It would be better than any boxing bout with Bennett in a gym, for sure.

Sebastian frowned. “Natalie’s lovely, but there’s never been any attraction between us. Once you arrived in town, I finally understood.”

“What do you mean by that?” he thundered. “Have you made a pass at her or something?”

“What do I mean? I mean you’re an idiot. Anyone with eyes could see she loves you, has since you dumped her a year ago. Which is further proof you’re an ass.”

Dominic slumped on the bench. “You think she loves me?”

Sebastian cocked his eyebrow in amused disbelief. “You two really are perfect for each other. Neither one of you can see further than your nose. Of course she loves you. Just like you love her.”

“Did she tell you that?”

“My man, I’m practically singed from the torch you’re carrying.”

Dominic swallowed. “It feels like I’ve loved her forever.”

“Then go after her. Don’t waste any more time.”

“She made it pretty clear she doesn’t want me. And frankly, I’m inclined to agree—I’m not good enough for her.”

Sebastian frowned. In a challenging tone, he said, “Suit yourself. But I don’t think you’re seeing things the way they really are.” He held out both hands, palm up, like a set of scales. “On one hand, Natalie is a wonderful woman—beautiful, smart, elegant. Just about everything a man could want.” He pulled down his right hand, tipping the balance. “Except for the fact she’s moody, snobby, and doesn’t suffer fools lightly. She’s got a tongue like a razor. And let’s face it, you’ve been a fool, Martin.” He evened out his hands. “As I said, you’re perfect for each other. No one else could tolerate either one of you.” Sebastian barked in laughter, the sound rusty as if unused.

“You know, it’s not like you’re a raging success with women either, Payne.”

Sebastian sobered. “What do you mean by that?”

“I mean Madeleine Price is sitting back in a penthouse on Chicago’s Gold Coast, petrified to leave.” Dominic’s voice rose, his suppressed anger with Sebastian Payne rising forth as well. Everything happened so quickly over the past few days, he’d almost forgotten about the other man’s terrible actions. “It wasn’t bad enough she hid herself away for years after a man stalked and attacked her, nearly killing her father in the process. I’d just gotten her to start living again. She even traveled to Jersey.” He pointed a finger. “Where YOU threatened and terrorized her back into her hiding hole. She won’t even take my calls right now.”

“How did I
her?” Sebastian’s voice boomed out. “Sure, I issued a warning—I couldn’t have her nosing around. She could have gotten herself into trouble. But I didn’t
her.” He was clearly offended by the term. “I sent her flowers, for Christ’s sake.”

Dominic pressed his lips together, jutting his chin out in sarcastic agreement. “You sure did. The same flowers her stalker used to send.”

Sebastian paled, his mouth falling open in apparent horror. “No.” He leaned forward. “NO.”

“Are you saying it was some kind of awful coincidence?”

“Yes. God, yes. What kind of man do you take me for?”

Confident he was getting a firsthand view of Sebastian Payne being caught completely off guard, Dominic eased up. “Well, I don’t really know you. Maybe I thought you were a little overzealous protecting yourself and Angeline.”

“A little overzealous.” Bas repeated the words, shaking his head. “More like crazed, according to Ms. Price’s view. I have to fix this.”

“What do you mean?” Dominic was also protective. “Like I said, she won’t even take my calls. I’m going to have to fly over to see how she is.”

“Let me do it. I’ll show her, face to face, that I meant no harm.”

“You going to tell her why?”

“I’ll tell her enough. Is she staying on as your PA?”

“I hope so.”

“Good. Then you’d be filling her in anyway. Don’t worry. I won’t say anything to make things worse. And I’d never put her at any risk, you must believe that.”

Dominic nodded after looking hard into Sebastian’s eyes. Satisfied with what he saw, he agreed.

“I’ll need the address for that penthouse.”

“Done.” He took a pen out of his pocket and jotted the information down. His busy mind processed what Sebastian said earlier about Natalie. Maybe had hadn’t been wrong about her feelings after all. “In the meantime, I could use some help of my own.”


“Come in!” Natalie called out, not bothering to get up to see who was at the door.

Dressed as a croupier that evening, rather than her usual bartending garb, Ruby poked her head around the door. “Ms. Enfeld?”

Natalie motioned, a little impatiently, for the young woman to enter. “Come closer. I don’t bite.”

With a comical expression that clearly stated she wasn’t so sure about that, Ruby walked into Natalie’s office. “There’s a delivery for you, downstairs out the back way.”

Nat frowned. No one came to the back door except employees and service men during the day. “Can you bring it up? I’m just finishing up a report for Bas.” She knew she should be downstairs, especially since Sebastian had left on another impromptu trip to parts unknown. As yet, she couldn’t muster up her usual enthusiasm for socializing with guests.

It all started that morning when she’d gone to see her Mum. Never had they gone so long without talking to each other. And after the devastation with Dominic and the eye-opening conversation with Sebastian, Natalie needed her. So she gathered her courage and arrived at her mother’s cottage early that morning, determined to fix what she’d carelessly broken.

She should have known her mother would make it easy on her. No matter how harsh their last visit had been, Rebecca opened her arms to welcome her daughter home.

Before Natalie could say them, her mother spoke the words, over and over.

I’m sorry.

Chanting, her mum hugged her tight then kissed her forehead and cheeks, exactly as she’d done when Natalie was a child.

I love you. I love you.

It had taken long minutes before Natalie could utter any of the speech she’d mentally prepared. But finally, settled with tea and toast, she’d apologized to her mother and begged her forgiveness.

She’d barely finished when her mother stopped her, accepting her words with grace and love. They’d talked for over an hour, her mother opening up about her feelings and fears. Natalie told her about Dominic and how badly she missed him, despite their rocky beginning and his actions a year ago.

Rebecca worried her own actions had led to Natalie shunning the chance for real happiness. She’d leaned toward Natalie, serious.

Loving someone isn’t a weakness. When it’s right, it’s the bravest, boldest leap we can take.

Natalie had hedged, not quite ready to let go of a lifetime of habits. Habits she thought kept her safe.

Be fearless, Natalie.

Her mother had smiled, the lines smoothing out on her beautiful face.

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