Rocking a SECRET (2 page)

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Authors: Crystal Perkins

BOOK: Rocking a SECRET
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“Kace, I wanted you to meet my daughter,

“Hi Stella.”

“Hello, Kace.”

“Oh, I just remembered, I actually need to
go talk to the mayor. You two will be fine without me, won’t

“Yes, Mom. Go have fun.”

She walks away and I put my best smile on
for sexy Stella. It’s the one that makes panties drop around the
world. She starts laughing, actually laughing. What the fuck?

“Does that smile actually work for you,
little boy?”

“Yes. It does. You know you want a piece of
this. Of me. I could have you screaming all night.”

“You couldn’t handle me.”

“My cock’s never had a complaint, and it has
a surprise.”

“Let me guess, you pierced your cock, didn’t
you? I’ve been there, done that. So that’s not enticing me,

“And I have this.”

I lift the hem of my dress shirt to show her
a hint of the shark below my belly button.

“You need to pull your pants up. It’s really
not attractive when you babies show off most of your underwear. A
hint peeking out of your jeans—that’s hot. Saggy pants and jeans
are not.”

“You’re a bitch.”


“I wasn’t complimenting you.”

“Yes, you were. You just didn’t know

“I don’t even know what to say to you.”

“Good. I’m tired of your ‘lines.’ If you
want to talk to me, talk to me. Don’t try to be sexy. I don’t fuck
babies, so that’s not going to happen between us. We
be friends, though, if you can just try to speak to me like a
person with a brain. And stop staring at my tits.”

How am I supposed to ignore them? Her dress
is an off the shoulder style that’s tight with a zipper down the
front. She has the zipper pulled down a little, and her presents
are practically begging for my tongue.

“You should zip your dress up if you don’t
want me looking.”

“I didn’t say you couldn’t look. Just not
all the time.”

“I don’t get you.”

“Do you want to?”

“Yeah, I do.”

“Then hire me as your second stylist. I’ll
dress you sexy enough to draw the chicks in. And then I’ll impart
my wisdom with you so you can keep them for longer than a few

“Maybe I don’t want them for more than a few

“You’re young. You should have the stamina
for all night.”

“With you, I bet I could go for days.”

“We’ll never find out.”

“I’ll make you a deal. I’ll hire you as long
as you promise to give me a fair chance to get you into my bed.
I’ll even let you impart all your wisdom.”


“And I have to tell you, I’m really sorry
about this.”

Before she can react, I drop my drink and
grab her zipper, pulling it down to her waist. Her tits are barely
encased in a red lace bra, and her nipples are already hard before
I grab a handful of each one. I kiss her hard and she fights me. It
doesn’t last long.

I’m tackled from the side and go down hard.
When I look up, Zack Taylor from the Legions is standing above me.
He looks like he wants to kill me.

“You just put your hands on the wrong woman,

“She’s with you? I thought you had that
little nerdy chick in your bed.”

He pulls back his hand, but his fiancé grabs
his arm. “You have a game tomorrow, Zack. He’s not worth it.”

“No he isn’t,” Stella adds, as she finishes
zipping up her dress to glare down at me. “He’s just a little boy
who can’t control himself.”

“I’ll see you tomorrow, Stella. Make sure to
wear something sexy for your first day of work,” I yell to her as
security drags me out.

I keep the cocky grin on my face until I get
inside the limo. Then I hold my head in my hands. I had to do that.
I had to. But now I’ve ruined any chance I may have had with
Stella. And that’s just about as fucked-up as it can get.

* * *


Well that was fun. I knew he had to cause a
scene, and damn if he didn’t. Everyone’s clustered around me making
sure I’m okay. I’m not, but they’d take it wrong if I said that.
I’m not bothered by being exposed. Hell, I’ve shown off the girls
on more than one occasion. I’m freaked out because I liked it.

That boy turned me on, even before he kissed
and groped me. He held his own with me, and that was hotter than
anything. Most guys cave when I taunt them, but not Kace. He gave
as good as he got. And when he kissed me…well, let’s just say that
there was a flood in my nether regions.

Tegan catches my eye, and hers widen. She
knows me better than anyone else and has seen me turned on before.
Hell, we’ve played together before when we were both attracted to
the same guys. Since sex is just something fun for us, we never
minded sharing. She can’t have Kace, though. The thought enters my
brain, and I cover my mouth in horror.

“Oh my God, Stella. Are you going to be
sick?” Reina asks me.

I shake my head, and Tegan comes over to
rescue me. “I think she just needs to get out of here. I’ll go home
with you since I got a ride with Isa. Everyone else should just
keep enjoying the party. It’s for such a good cause.”

“Yeah. I’m fine. Really. Please enjoy the

“You’re sure, Stell?” my mom asks, putting
her arm around me.

“Yes, Mom. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“After this? I mean…”

“It’s really okay. They’re just my

She shakes her head, but smiles. “I
shouldn’t have had you around all those rock stars growing up.”

“You’re the best mom ever. Stop worrying.” I
kiss her cheek and head out the door.

Tegan keeps quiet until we’re in my car.

“Spill what, Teeg?”

“Don’t play dumb with me. You liked that.

“He’s a mission. My mom asked us for help.
That’s why I was late.”

“Let me know what I can do. After you tell
me why you were so hot and bothered.”

Shit. She’s not going to give up. I know how
she is. “Fine. I was a little turned on by him.”

“A little? Oh no. The last time I saw a look
like that in your eyes is when we went back to the hotel with the
three French guys.”

“That was a great night,” I tell her with a

“Yes it was. Now stop deflecting.”

“He stood up to me, okay. No guy stands up
to me. I talk shit to them, and they practically drop to their
knees to worship me. And the kiss. Hot damn that boy knows what to
do with his tongue. And hands.”

“Okay. We’ve had fun on missions before. We
can play with him.”

, Teeg.”

That came out angrier than I intended for it
to. But I mean it. Kace is only for me. I’ve never felt this
possessive before, especially after barely meeting a guy. I’m sure
about this, though.

“Holy Mother of God. You
Like want the white dress like him.”

“I wouldn’t go that far. But I-I don’t want
to share him.”


“Yeah, I know. Who would’ve thought,

She just shakes her head. “Not me. But maybe
it’s time we started getting serious, and stopped playing around
with so many men.”

“Maybe. You don’t have to change on my
account. I mean, this could just blow over.”

“Once you blow him?”


“What, we both know you want to. And he said
he’d see you at work, so I know you’re going undercover as
yourself. You’ll be handling his yummy looking package.”

“I swear to God if you talk about his
package again, I will shoot you,” I practically growl as I say it
to her.

“Oh yeah, you’ve got it bad. This is going
to be good. Really good.”

For her maybe. I’m not sure I can handle
serious. Especially with some twenty-one year old kid. I’ve been on
some pretty dangerous missions, but I think this is the one that
could do me in.

Chapter 1


I’m still pissed about last night, but not
just at my blackmailer. I could’ve chosen to do something else to
make a scene. But I wanted my mouth on Stella, and since none of my
usual tricks were working, I went for the easy way out. I need to
apologize to her, but I can’t.

My puppet master sent me another message,
telling me that I need to be an ass to everyone today. I don’t how
he, she, or it knows what will hurt me the most, but they do. I’m
not a jerk. That’s why I need to keep doing everything I’m told, in
order to make sure those pictures never see the light of day. Today
that will include continuing my asshole act with Stella. If she
even shows up after what I did to her.

There’s no fear of that as she walks in with
Sheila a few minutes later. She’s looking sexy as fuck, even in the
baggy sweater she’s got on. She’s paired it with skintight leather
pants and ankle boots with chunky heels, all black, with her hair
in a loose braid over one shoulder that makes me want to pull it.
It takes some inhuman strength on my part to avoid coming in my
pants like the kid she thinks I am.

“You’re late. And I told you to dress sexy,

She smirks at me as she walks over, grabbing
my junk before I even know what’s happening. “What I’ve got on is
doing it for you, little boy. So stop pretending it isn’t.”

“You should’ve raised your daughter better,
Sheila. Disrespectful and late? What a great role model you must
have been for her.”

Stella strikes fast, punching me so hard I
fall to the ground. She stomps a heel into my stomach as she pulls
me up by my tie. “This is your first lesson. Don’t ever insult a
woman’s mother. Especially mine. I will fuck you up so bad you’ll
never sing again, and not even break a sweat while I’m doing

“Stella, let him go,” Sheila pleads with
her, as I try to break her hold on me.

“What the hell is going on in here? Get her
off of him.”

Shit. I don’t need my manager getting
involved. And no one’s putting their hands on Stella. “Don’t touch
her. She’s letting me go now. We just had a misunderstanding.”

She lets go fast, causing me to hit my head
on the wood floor of the photo studio. “Yeah. Just a little
misunderstanding. We’re good now.”

“Who are you?” Marvin asks her.

“She’s my personal stylist. I hired her last

“Why’d you do that? Sheila’s not doing a
good enough job for you? We can replace her.”

If looks could kill, I’d be dead right now
from the look Stella’s giving me. There’s no need. Despite what I
just said, I love Sheila. If I ever get out from under this
blackmailer, I’ll make it up to her. Somehow.

“Sheila’s the best. I just wanted some
personal care. It’s lucky that her daughter was available to help

“Keep her in line, Sheila, or you’re both

Oh fuck no. “That’s not your decision. I
told you we had a misunderstanding. Don’t threaten Sheila
Stella, Marv.”

I’m so angry, I’m shaking. He knows it’s in
my contract that I have final say on stylists. With the way I’ve
been forced to act lately, he should be scared to piss me off. I
think maybe he is when he speaks again.

“You’re right. Of course you’re right, Kace.
I’m sorry ladies,” he says, his voice shaky.

“It’s fine, Marv. I’m sure it was a shock to
see Stella looking so aggressive with Kace. It won’t happen

I look at Stella and see barely controlled
rage on her face. She wants to speak up, but she won’t do anything
to embarrass her mother. Or jeopardize her job. I’m about to tell
her to let loose when Chad speaks up.

“How come you get a personal stylist and we
don’t? Brett, Wayne, and I should have our own, too.”

“This isn’t a fucking contest.”

“Then hire us stylists,” Wayne chimes

“Fine. Sheila, can you get me some
recommendations and then call them in so the guys can handpick

“You’re really going to let us do that?”
Brett asks, looking surprised.

I feel like crap, knowing that I deserve his
surprise. These guys have been my best friends for years. And I’ve
been forced to treat them like they don’t matter. Unfortunately, I
have to keep doing it. I can’t face them when I do, though. So I
turn towards Stella.

“No. I was just messing with you. I’ll pick
who I think will make you guys look good. Or not.”

“God, you’ve become such an ass. But two can
play. I’m in charge of food, so expect some kale to be waiting for
you backstage.”

Well played, Wayne. But not well enough. Now
I know to pack my own snacks for my dressing room. I can’t wait to
see what the other guys have planned for me. I can’t dwell on it,
I’ve got a photo shoot to get ready for.

* * *


Kace got another order. I’m not just
thinking that because I have an anti-douche fucking rule. I saw the
pain in his eyes as he turned from his friends to look at me before
telling them he was in charge. I don’t know why he felt he could
show me what he was feeling. I’m just glad he did.

“Let’s take a look at what I’m working

“You just had your hand on that,

“I meant the clothes,” I tell him with an
eye roll. “And don’t call me babydoll.”




“Again, no.”

“C’mon, you gotta let me call you

“Stella. You can call me Stella.”

“I’ll think of something you’ll like. But
for now, I’ll concede. Let me show you my clothes,

He says my name on a whisper, sending a
chill through me. He was right when he said I know what he’s got
under his clothes. And it was pretty impressive. Insulting my
mom—even though I knew it was part of his act—cooled me off. But
now he’s heating me back up again. Damn him. And me.

As I step up to the racks of clothing, I
immediately see the problem. Just like the suit they have him in,
the rest of the clothes are more suited for a choirboy than a bad
boy singer. I know he wasn’t always bad, but he is now and we need
to capitalize on that.

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