Rocky Mountain Sister (11 page)

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Authors: Alena Wireman

BOOK: Rocky Mountain Sister
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Cassandra couldn’t believe how fast the months had gone by. It would soon be Thanksgiving. Things had changed in the Vandevier house. She was preparing for the next chapter in her life. In the spring, she would be moving to Colorado. She would be living on the Greenwood Ranch for six weeks before her wedding to Jessie.

Cassandra sat at her desk in her room, she needed to write a return letter to her sister. The letter she received was full of wonderful news. Her friend Edna and Mr. Anderson were wed the month before. Edna would still run her boarding house while Carl ran the Forest Heights Bank.

The town was now growing with more families. Three families had moved to Forest Heights and started a business. They now had a woman, Mrs. Tarner, who lost her husband was making her living as a dress maker. Mr. and Mrs. Collet made their living by Mr. Collet doing odd jobs around the town for everyone. The third family was Mr. and Mrs. Reilly who bought the Ferguson Ranch.

Baby Joseph was growing fast. He was now crawling and had to be watched constantly. Grandma was enjoying spoiling Joey and making him clothes. Makenzie wrote that Greenwood Acres was running smoothly, Nathan hired five more hands, and bought one hundred more cattle.

Cassandra laid a piece of paper on the desk and began to write her sister.

November 2, 1855

My Dearest Rocky Mountain Sister,

I have missed you so much. I am very happy of all of your good news. I shall soon be able to share this all with you. With Thanksgiving closing in on us, I have so much to be thankful for.

All those years I of not knowing who I really was, I always felt an empty spot in my heart. Now that spot has been filled. Under the circumstances, I could never have asked for a better life. My family here has been very gracious. God has filled my heart with so many loved ones.

I still pray for the day that my memory returns and I can remember my childhood. I sometimes feel very down about not remembering our ma and pa. Soon the time will come when we can share more stories and maybe something will trigger my mind into the past.

I am focusing on Spring now when I will moving to the ranch. I am very happy that you and I will be neighbors when Jessie and I wed. The days seem to go so slowly, I don’t think the day will ever get here.

Christian and Tori are very happy. They didn’t get to take a Honeymoon for their wedding, but they have been taking short trips to make up for it. Tori says that it isn’t where they go that makes them married. She states very firmly, “as long as Christian comes home to me every night, then I will be on my honeymoon for the rest of my life.”

I must close this letter for now sister. It is late and I am tired. I am missing you and patiently waiting for the day we can sit on the front porch and drink Grandma’s sweet tea. Please give my love to everyone.

Until spring, I send my love to you all

Your loving sister,



Cassandra folded the letter and put it in the envelope. After she seal the envelope and addressed it, she placed it on the night stand. A good walk first thing in the morning will do her some good. Snow was beginning to fall. In the morning she and Rosa would bundle up warm and walk to the Post Office.

All winter letters came and went from Missouri to Colorado. Christmas and the New Year passed with new hope of a bright future for Cassandra. She received a letter from Jessie.


January 10, 1855

My dear sweet Cassandra,

I have missed you dearly. I know my sister usually writes you. I just couldn’t wait another minute to tell you myself how much I miss you and love you. I am patiently waiting for the day you become my wife. I believe that the miles that keep us apart now, will bring us closer together later, I love you my dear. Spring will not get here soon enough to see you again. I have enjoyed reading your letters. Please continue to write. I apologize for not being able to write as much. I will be thinking of you every day my love.

Love your future husband



Cassandra read the letter over and over. Time was going to slow. She kept herself busy with helping Rosa more with the cooking, something she didn’t enjoy. Cassandra was so thankful that when she married Jessie, Rosa would be moving to Colorado with her. She would always be with Cassandra. That was how it was. Jessie understood how the Socialites of the East did things. Rosa was to travel with Cassandra even in marriage.

Rosa was Cassandra’s maid and always would be with her. The women at Triple Creek didn’t mind. Rosa was an excellent cook. Clara and Jordan were pleased to have such a wonderful cook in their home. Clara had a housekeeper, but she herself did most of the cooking.

The next three months were very busy for Cassandra and Rosa. Cassandra finished packing and sending things west by the end of March. Things had to be sent for the wedding also. She chose what furniture she wanted so it could be shipped over the summer. Shopping and going through the last minute details on Cassandra’s list, making sure she didn’t over look anything. Both women were tired the week before they were to leave.

Cassandra would miss her easy life here in Vandevier Bend. She would dearly miss Christian and Tori. Cassandra also knew that a new chapter in her life was to begin. Christian and Tori would be a great big part of that chapter.

April fifteenth was the day that Cassandra and Rosa would be leaving Missouri. It was a bittersweet time. They would be taking the train to Denver. Leaving Christian and the only life she knew would be hard.

Cassandra held her brother tight. She didn’t want to let go. Two months would seem like forever before she would see him again. She dabbed her eyes to stop the tears from rolling down her cheeks. “Christian, I will miss you so much. Two months will seem like forever.”

Christian gave her a big squeeze, “Cassandra, soon you will be living another life, I will just a second hand thought. Once you and Jessie start having babies, your life will be busy raising them.” Christian let go of his sister, he tried to reassure her that they were only a few miles apart. They were not saying good bye forever. “Cassandra, live your life and be happy, you deserve this. Two months will go by fast and I will see my favorite girl at her happiest.”

“I know Christian, this is just so hard. I will miss you. I feel guilty for being so far away from you.” Cassandra laid her hand on his heart. “I know we will always be here together.”

“Cassandra, remember that Mama and Papa will be looking down on your wedding day. They will want to see you shining in that glow of happiness. Quit worrying so much. Do you think that I am going to just forget you, that I want you out of my life?” Christian gave her a giggle.

“Cassandra smiled up at her brother. “ No, I don’t think that. You are my brother and always will be. You have always been the best brother. I love you Christian.”

Christian gave his sister one last hug, then pushed her toward the train that Rosa was already on. “I love you little sister, I will see you in two months. Enjoy yourself and concentrate on your wedding.



Cassandra stood before Reverend Banks, Jessie stood facing her. The day had come that she would take Jessie’s name and become his wife. Cassandra was given away to Jessie by Christian and Nathan, who both walked her down the aisle. She heard the Reverend speak, but herd mind wandered. She turned around and looked at Makenzie, who stood beside her.

“Do you Cassandra take the Jessie to be your lawful wedded husband……..

Something is missing, something I have over looked,
Cassandra thought to herself.
What am I forgetting?
Cassandra looked at Makenzie again.
That’s it, oh no.

“No, I mean Yes.” Cassandra said, “Oh dear, Jessie please forgive me. Stay right here and give me one moment.” Jessie looked at Cassandra with a confused looked. Cassandra turned to Makenzie again and smiled. The small group of people looked in bewilderment at Cassandra as she ran down the aisle and then up the decorated stairs. Jessie just stood there and looked at everyone. No one spoke a word. Makenzie looked around not sure what to do. Then she realized, Cassandra looked directly at her necklace she was wearing.

Could it be true? Did the necklace shake something in Cassie?
Makenzie grabbed and held tight to the necklace her mother had given her. Cassandra had one exactly like it, only it had been put up long ago. Cassandra had broken the clasp on her chain, right before they left for the holiday ten years earlier. Cassandra’s necklace was put up to be fixed when they returned.

Anna had it fixed not long after Makenzie and Nathan returned home after fateful day that took her son, daughter-in-law and her granddaughter Cassandra.

“Everyone, please quiet down. Cassandra will be right back, I am sure she has just forgotten something important and must grab it. I will go check on her.” Makenzie told group of that was now confused. She then turned to Jessie. “Don’t worry, she will be right back.” Holding the necklace. Makenzie ran after her sister.

Makenzie ran up the stairs and knocked softly on Cassandra’s open bedroom door. Cassandra was kneeling in front of the chest that sat at the end of her bed. Makenzie watched her toss things out on the floor.

“Where is it, where is the necklace ma gave me? Makenzie, I just can’t get married without it.”

It is not in here. I know I put it in here.” Cassandra thought she was about to have a nervous breakdown. The necklace that hung around Makenzie’s neck brought everything back. She felt like her mother was with them. “Where can it be?” Cassandra looked at her sister with tears in her eyes.

Makenzie knelt down beside her sister. Then she remembered her grandmother put the necklace in their room. “Cassie, I just remembered, come on, follow me.” Makenzie grabbed Cassandra’s arm and dragged her to their parent’s room. They hurried down the hall chattering all the way. “Grandma put it up in here, she wanted it put in a safe place and she thought this would keep mother close.”

They hurried to the bedroom to their parent’s room. The room was kept clean, but nothing was removed. Running across the room to Ma’s chest of drawers, Makenzie pulled out the bottom drawer. Finding the box in the back corner, she pulled it out and handed it to Cassandra.

Cassandra opened the box. The heart shaped locket laid in the bottom of the box. Cassandra opened the locket, two pictures were inside. On the left her parents and on the right, her, Makenzie and Nathan. Taking the locket out of the box, she handed it to Makenzie, turned around and held up her hair for her sister clasp it.



Jessie felt the sweat trickle down his back. He was really getting worried. Why did Cassandra run off? C
assandra, please come back down stairs.
Jessie’s thoughts ran wild. The people around him didn’t speak. They were all looking at the ceiling.
What are you girls doing?

It wasn’t long before the girls ran back across the floor above the parlor. Everyone seemed to turn toward the doorway where they heard footsteps getting louder and closer. The girls were giggling when they ran into the parlor. That is when they stopped and looked around at everyone.

Cassandra and Makenzie each took a deep breathe, smiled at everyone and walked down the aisle arm and arm. When they reached Jessie, Cassandra faced Makenzie, kissed her on the cheek, then turned toward Jessie. She then turned toward Reverend, “I am ready Reverend, will you please continue.”

Jessie relaxed just a little. He wasn’t sure what just happened, he just wanted to marry this woman standing before him. Now more than ever, he wanted to get it over before anything else happened. He looked at the Reverend. “Yes, please continue, and hurry before my Bride runs out again.”

The Reverend Banks finished the ceremony with no more interruptions. He seemed to hesitate on every word though. Finally he said the words Jessie was beginning to think he wouldn’t hear.

“I now pronounce you hus…..” He didn’t get the words out.

Cassandra gave the Reverend a stern look.

“Man and wife. You may kiss your bride Jessie.” Reverend Banks hurried the words out as he looked down on Cassandra and saw her beautiful smile.

Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Harper walked down the aisle listening to everyone cheering and laughing. Everyone followed them outside, where tables were set up around the yard.

Tables were placed around the yard for different reasons. Some held the food, some were for others to sit at, and one decorated for the Bride and Groom. When Jessie and Cassandra stood at table decorated just for them, Cassandra held up her glass of Champaign to make a toast. Everyone quieted down and waited for her to speak.

“Everyone, I want to apologize for interrupting my vows, I know you will all understand when I tell you the reason. You see, my mother gave a locket to me and one to Makenzie,” Cassandra held the locket around her neck. When I noticed the locket around Makenzie’s neck, I was confused. I didn’t know why her locket bothered me.”

Cassandra looked around at her family and friends. They were quiet, but anxious to know why she ran off in the middle of her own wedding. Cassandra continued. “Right before I said I do, my memory came flooding back. Ma wanted to make sure I knew she and pa are looking down on me.” Cassandra looked at her grandmother. “Yes Grandma, I remember everything.”



That evening after everyone said goodnight, Jessie took his bride home. Tomorrow would be another day to visit and celebrate. Jessie and Cassandra, his mother and sister would be joining everyone for a church service at Greenwood Acres in the morning. Reverend Banks was spending the night along with many of the guest.

“Jessie, thank you for understanding today. I am really sorry how I handle it.” Cassandra was laying in her husband arms, her arm wrapped across his chest. “I just couldn’t believe how everything just came back.”

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