Rodeo Reunion (13 page)

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Authors: Shannon Taylor Vannatter

BOOK: Rodeo Reunion
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The rumors would start. Tori was two-timing her husband. Ugh. But they didn't know Slade was her brother.

“It's fine. Slade is my brother.”

Star's mouth dropped open. “Well, why didn't either of you ever say so?”

“It never came up.” Slade heard the slur in his words. Why wasn't his mouth working right? He needed to shut up before they insisted on taking him to the ER.

Tori's car waited by the sidewalk. Wyatt helped him get in.

“Drive safe.” Star waved. “We'll be right behind you.”

“I will. Don't worry.” Tori started the engine.

The movement of the car sent a wave of nausea through him. “Tor.”


“I don't feel so good.” His words slurred worse.

“I'm taking you to Raquel's since she's a nurse. I don't think you should be alone.”

His eyes were heavy. So tired.

“Slade? What's your favorite color?”


“Because I want you to stay awake? Aren't you not supposed to sleep if you have a concussion?”

“I don't know. I reckon they said all that, but I can't remember.” He tried to keep his eyes open, but his lids were too heavy.

“So what's your favorite color?”

“Red. You?”


“What's your favorite season?”

He closed his eyes. Just for a minute.

“Slade? Your favorite season?”

“Spring. The one when I met my sister.”

She grew quiet a minute, then sniffled. “You better not die on me.”

“It's a slight concussion.”

“I don't mean tonight. I mean…the next rodeo. Or ever.”

“If it was just me, I'd rather be in Heaven. But I don't want to die on you. Or Lorraine. I mean, unless I have to.”

And he didn't want to die on Raquel either. Or Hunter.

* * *

Why couldn't she sleep? Raquel stared at the ceiling, slightly illuminated in the moonlight. Easter morning, well after midnight. She hadn't even slept in yesterday and should have been dreaming by now.

A loud ring ripped the silence. She sat up and stared at the phone. Who would call this time of morning?

She grabbed the handset and scanned the caller ID. Tori? “What's wrong?”

“Slade's hurt and I was driving him home. But I figure he won't keep ice on it and I don't know if he should sleep or not, so I thought he could use a nurse to keep him in line. Can I bring him to your house?”

“Of course, but what happened?”

“We're pulling in your drive. We'll try to be quiet and not wake Hunter up.”

Lights flashed in her window as a car pulled into the driveway. She jumped up, slipped on her robe and smoothed her hands over her hair.

Great. Bedhead and not a speck of makeup, with sheet wrinkles pressed into her cheek. Just how she wanted Slade to see her.

But he was hurt and that was all that mattered. She hurried down the stairs. How had he gotten hurt? What had he hurt? Why was Tori bringing him home? Where was Brant?

She flung the door open to see Tori and Wyatt Marshall helping Slade walk. Raquel hurried down the walk and took Tori's spot. With his arms around both their shoulders, he still limped heavily.

Man, was he just as solid as he looked.

“What happened?”

“Horse kicked me.” Slade's breath was labored, as if he had to bite back the pain. “I tried to get out of the way and met up with the fence against my noggin.”

“What were you doing with a horse this time of morning?”


“How? Were you helping a cowboy unload?”

“Riding a bronc.”

Her heart stilled. And her feet almost did, too. “Riding a bronc?”

Chapter 9

an we talk later?” Slade clenched his teeth. “It hurts too much to think, much less talk.”

Fair enough. She'd direct her questions to Tori. “If he's hurting that much, should he go to the ER?”

“The paramedic at the rodeo checked him over and said he could go. He has a grade one concussion, whatever that is. He managed to jump back enough to keep from taking the full force of the bronc's kick, so his leg's just bruised.”

Getting him up the porch steps would have been impossible without Wyatt, and by the time they got him inside, Raquel was praying they'd get him to her couch.

They made it and Slade collapsed with a moan.

“Lie down,” Raquel ordered.

He didn't argue.

“Pain meds?”

“They gave him Aleve and said to keep ice on it.” Tori gently set the ice pack on Slade's crown.

He moaned again.

“His truck's over at his place.” Wyatt adjusted his hat. “Need me and Star to stay?”

“No. Thanks for helping us, but y'all go on home.” Raquel slid another pillow under Slade's head.

Wyatt left.

“I didn't know what to do with him.” Tori paced the hardwood floor. “The paramedic prescribed rest. I didn't think he needed to be alone and I couldn't take him to my house. I couldn't tell Brant I was going to the rodeo, so he thinks I had dinner with Aunt Loretta and decided to stay there for the night.”

“It's okay. You did the right thing.”

“But maybe I should have taken him to his house and you could have checked on him there.”

“I wouldn't leave Hunter alone. Here is better.”

“That's what I decided. But he'll have to stay here all night.”

No. He. Couldn't. Especially since he'd turned out to be a bronc rider.

“I'll be fine, once that pill kicks in.” Slade squinted up at them. “When the pain eases up, I'll go home.”

“No.” Tori tucked a throw over Slade. “I'll stay and chaperone.”

“I'm hardly in any shape to need a chaperone.” Slade grimaced.

His meds must be kicking in. His words were multiplying and didn't sound so bitten out.

“True. But you can't just spend the night at Raquel's. What would the neighbors think?”

“There aren't any neighbors. And it's not like his truck is in my drive.” Raquel didn't want him here overnight, but Tori couldn't stay here with him.

“What will Hunter think if I spend the night here?”

“He'll think you're hurt and I'm a nurse. But I have a better solution. We're not hiding this from Brant. If he finds out, he'll be even madder about Slade. Wives shouldn't keep secrets from their husbands and Brant's gonna have to learn to deal with the situation.”

“What?” Tori's voice blended with Slade's.

“Go home, Tori. Tell Brant where you've been and what happened.”

“Are you crazy?” Slade groaned. “He's liable to come finish me off.”

“No.” Tori's tone softened. “Brant may be an overprotective bear sometimes, but he's not violent. He's all growl and no attack. And Raquel's right. I need to be honest with him.”

“Go. Slade and I will be fine.”

Tori nodded. “I thought you had to keep someone with a concussion awake.”

“They used to torment patients by keeping them awake but finally decided sleep is better.” Raquel patted her shoulder. “He'll be fine. Call me if Brant gives you any trouble and I'll help calm him down.”

“I can handle him. He's really just a big softy.”

Raquel sure didn't want to have to deal with Slade's pain while Brant glowered at him. Even a stupid bronc rider didn't deserve that kind of torture.

“I'll see you tomorrow.” Tori touched Slade's hand. “Try to get some rest.”

“Mmm-hmm.” Slade was fading fast.

Tori left and tension rolled over Raquel. She wanted to chew him out for his stupidity. But he was hurt and she couldn't kick him while he was down. Instead she'd nurse him back to health and deal with her overprotective brother who couldn't seem to understand his wife and sister were both grown women.

* * *

An insistent pounding. Someone was knocking on Slade's head. He groaned.

“Slade, wake up.” Raquel's soft voice.

He opened his eyes. She stood over him. Where was he? Not his camper. Not his rental house. Raquel's house?

“What am I doing here?”

“Please don't tell me you don't remember. Brant and Tori are here. It's morning. You better get it together.”

He closed his eyes. The throbbing in his head was back. Oh, yeah. The horse. And the fence. And Tori.

Brant was here. This would be worse than the pain in his head. Or his leg.

“Good,” Slade muttered. “I think I'm ready to be finished off.”

A storm was brewing and Slade was in no shape to face Brant's fury.

“How are you feeling this morning?” Tori's gentle voice was a mere whisper.

He clenched his jaw. “You got any Demerol?”

“He's still with us.” Tori chuckled. “Sense of humor and all. He was asking for Demerol last night.”

“Or maybe he's addicted to pain meds.” Brant's tone held no humor.

Even if the Aleve took away his pain, a bigger pain was here.

“It was a joke. I've had Demerol once,” Slade barked, in no mood for Brant's brand of intimidation. “When I had my wisdom teeth cut out. I don't smoke, I don't do drugs, and I don't drink. I also don't take advantage of women. Or their money. Satisfied?”

“We'll see.”

“I won't have you badgering my guest in my home.” Raquel rearranged some pillows around him. “He's hurt and in no condition to deal with you.”

“He's got you sucked in, too.”

Lorraine whimpered.

“There's no reasoning with him, is there, sweetie?” Raquel scooped the baby out of Tori's arms. “I'll go wake Hunter. If he can go to church with y'all, I'll stay with Slade.”

“You go.” Tori settled beside Slade. “I'll stay.”

“Over my dead body.” Brant glared. “I'll cart his backside to his house and we'll all go to church.”

“Can you at least tone it down for Hunter and Lorraine's sake?” Raquel shot Brant the look and headed for the back of the house.

“Brant, please.” Tori sounded shaky.

If only Slade had left her alone, she wouldn't be in this difficult spot.

“Please what, Tori? Trust this guy? He showed up out of the blue claiming to be your brother.”

“He is my brother. We confirmed the paternity test at the hospital.”

“Okay, we learn he is your brother. And the next thing I know, you're lying to me, sneaking around going to rodeos and staying out half the night with him while I thought you were at Loretta's.”

“I'm sorry.” Tori's gaze sank to the floor. “I shouldn't have lied.”

“And I shouldn't have let her.” Slade's head throbbed with the intensity of the argument.

“He got hurt. What did you want me to do, just leave him to find his way home?”

“His family could've seen to him.”

“He is my family. Like it or not, Slade is my brother. I couldn't leave the rodeo knowing he was hurt. And I deserve the right to get to know my brother.” Tori stomped her foot. “And you of all people should know how much I've always wanted a family. I can't believe you're trying to sabotage this.”

“I won't believe he's only here to have a relationship with you, Tori. He wants something. And I won't stand by and watch him hurt you. I have to protect you and Lorraine.”

“Don't you see?” Tori's voice cracked. “By trying to protect me, you're hurting me.”

Brant grew quiet for a moment, then held his hand toward Tori. “I'm sorry. I didn't realize.”

She stood and the couple hugged.

“I hate fighting with you.” Tori sniffled.

“This is our last.” Brant kissed the top of her head.

“Just give Slade a chance. Get to know him. If you'll spend some time with him, you'll see he's a good man and he has no ulterior motives.”

“I will.” Brant kissed her and it turned into a lingering one.

Uncomfortable, Slade looked away. But it did his soul good to see Brant's tender side with Tori.

“Whoa.” Raquel entered the room. “I'm glad to see Brant defused, but break it up.”

The kiss ended, but the hug didn't.

“Sorry about that.” Tori's face turned pink.

“Slade and I are calling a truce.” Brant disentangled himself from Tori to offer his hand.

The two men shook on it and Tori retrieved Lorraine from Raquel.

“Wow. What did I miss?” Raquel's gaze pinged from one man to the other.

“You girls take the kids and go to church.” Brant dropped a kiss on the baby's forehead and sat in the chair across from Slade. “I'll babysit Slade and when he's feeling up to it, I'll take him next door and get him settled.”

“He can stay here.” Raquel plumped a pillow and set it behind Slade's head. “There's no rush.”

“I appreciate it, Raquel.” Slade could stay camped out
on her couch forever. But staying here made him entertain thoughts he shouldn't have, even with this headache and the argument with Brant. “But my own bed sounds good.”

If only God took away all those thoughts when He called a man to preach. Instead He used humans. With human desires and human thoughts. Now that his head was clearing, Slade needed to get out of here.

“At least let me feed you before you take more Aleve. Eggs, bacon and biscuits sound okay?”

Like paradise. “I'm fine. No need to go to all that trouble.” His stomach growled.

“Nonsense. I always cook breakfast for Hunter.”

The perfect woman. In every way. And maybe her brother was even softening toward him.

“I'll help.” Tori plopped Lorraine in Brant's arms and followed Raquel to the kitchen.

“I can't remember the last time I missed church on Easter. So once they're gone, you gonna kill me in my sleep?”

“Nope.” Brant propped his feet on the coffee table. “I made a promise to Tori. We're gonna get to know each other in a civilized manner.”

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