Rodeo Reunion (17 page)

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Authors: Shannon Taylor Vannatter

BOOK: Rodeo Reunion
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“I'm gonna get out of here.” Slade touched her elbow. “Since the news is good, you don't need me hanging around.”

“Thanks for driving me.” Raquel swallowed hard. She did need him. “And for sticking around.”

“Let me know if you need a ride home or help with Hunter or anything.”

“I appreciate it.”

Oh, how she needed him. She just couldn't have him.

* * *

Never in a million years would Slade have imagined he'd be anxious to get back on the circuit. But he couldn't get out of Aubrey fast enough. Raquel said she and Cody were just friends. But she'd also said she loved Cody. And Slade had seen her meltdown before they went in the ER. There had to be more to it than friendship.

During his sleepless night, he'd come to a conclusion. He couldn't stick around and watch Raquel nurse Cody back to health and end up marrying him. He just couldn't.

The suitcase sat on the bed with his clothes neatly
folded inside. He grabbed another handful of shirts from the closet. But his red team shirt slid from the hanger and stopped him cold. He ran his fingers over the heat-pressed word across the back, Coach. He couldn't let the boys down. May had just gotten here. A whole month left before the season was over. He'd have to stay that long.

Besides, he couldn't just disappear on Tori. He'd caused her upset and problems with Brant. He owed her a decent goodbye and a plan to continue their newfound relationship.

The phone rang and he glanced at the screen. Unlisted Number. He let it ring and it went to the machine.

“Hey, Slade.” Garrett Steele's voice. “I've got some possible locations for the cowboy church. I'll call back—”

Slade picked up. “I'm here.” He could at least help get the church set up.

“Can you look at some locations with me?”

“Sure. When?”

“Friday the fifteenth around noon. That's the first date everyone involved can make it. I thought maybe we could grab something to eat and check out three locations with Star.”

“I'll be there.”

“Great. See you then.” The line went dead.

“A month, Lord.” Slade rehung the clothing he'd folded into the suitcase. “I'll stay this month like I originally planned. Get the boys through the season. Avoid Raquel. Help Garrett set up the cowboy church. Avoid Raquel. Tell Tori I'm leaving and spend time with her. And avoid Raquel. When May is over, I'm out of here. Tori and I can connect without me living here.”

Flurry cocked her head to the side.

“Just a little conversation with the Lord, girl. I'm not talking to myself. You'll get used to it, like Blizzard.”

The other dog's ears perked up at the sound of his name.

“Want out before I head out for church?”

Both dogs sprang up and headed for the door.

Slade needed church today. Needed God to comfort his soul. But where? Raquel probably wouldn't be there—she'd undoubtedly stayed at the hospital all night. But just in case, he wouldn't attend her church.

He picked his clothing and headed for the bathroom. “Thanks, Lord, for this wake-up call. I thought I wanted out of being a chaplain. That I wanted to settle down. That I had a chance with Raquel. But You made it glaringly clear I'm supposed to go back to the circuit. Time for a rodeo reunion.”

But his soul roiled within him.

Though everything pointed to him going back on the circuit and for the first time in months he was ready and willing, something didn't feel right.

Probably just nerves from having to stay. And avoid Raquel for a month. When all he wanted was to steal her away from Cody and make her forget any other man ever existed.

But she wasn't his. And she never could be. She didn't love him. She loved Cody. He had to get that through his thick skull.

Forget her.

* * *

Even a full week after his accident and out of ICU, Cody looked as though he'd been run over by a bull. Raquel watched the steady rise and fall of his chest as he slept. As soon as he was up to it, she still planned to give him what for.

At least it was Saturday. A nice break from Slade.

Seeing Slade at practice and the games tortured Raquel's soul. They didn't speak to each other unless they had to. Even after the boys won their game Monday night. They
didn't ride together. They didn't eat together. Even at Moms, they made a point to sit as far apart as possible.

Cody's eyes fluttered and opened. He cleared his throat and coughed, then winced.

“Want some water?”

“Mmm. My hero.”

She held the straw to his parched lips and he emptied the large plastic cup. “More?”

“No.” He sank back into his pillows.

“How do you feel?”

“Like I had a fight with a bull. And lost. Who are you again?”

An emptiness filled her chest.

Cody grinned. “Just teasing.”

“It's not funny. If you weren't in that bed—” her vision clouded “—I'd pummel you.”

“Hey, take it easy.” He frowned. “Every particle of me hurts, but I'll live. They're even letting me bust out of here today and transfer to rehab. What's with the tears?”

She swiped them away and shook her head.

“What's going on, Raquel?”

“Dylan died in this hospital.”

“Oh, Raquel, I'm sorry.” He reached toward her with his good arm. “Come on—I've got one good shoulder left.”

“I don't want to hurt you.” She scooted her chair closer and took his hand in hers.

“Even though you're gonna pummel me when I get better?”

Her laugh came out watery and she pressed the back of his hand against her cheek. “It just brought back memories and you were hurt so badly and Slade was here. It was all too much and I've been a basket case ever since.”

“Wait a minute. Back up. Slade?”

“My neighbor.”


“Hunter's baseball coach.”


“He's a bronc rider slash rodeo chaplain. He's leaving in three weeks to go back on the circuit.”

“Slade Walker? The former Texas Rangers pitcher?”

“That's him.”

“I've heard him preach. Several times.”

“From what I hear, he's made a lot of impact on a lot of cowboys.”

“I keep hearing about everything he does, but not why you're crying over him.”

“I'm not crying over him.” She sniffled and dabbed her nose with a tissue. “I'm crying over Dylan. And you.”

“And Slade. Why does he make you cry? Want me to hog-tie and brand him for ya?”

Another watery laugh. “I don't think you're in any shape to make that offer.”

“True. But just give me a few months and I'll chap his hide. In the meantime, want to talk about it?”

She shrugged. “I made this rule to protect myself. And Hunter.”

“Rules are made to be broken.”

“Not this one.” She dabbed her eyes. “I decided that any man I'd even consider letting into our lives had to be home every night and have a nice safe job.”

“So that's why I couldn't get anywhere with you.”

She laughed again and this time it was nice and dry. “You can always make me laugh. No matter what's going on in my world.”

“So Slade's interested?”

“He was friends with Dylan when they were kids. He came to town to see his sister, who happens to be my sister-in-law, Tori. He moved in next door and ended up being Hunter's coach.” She splayed her palms upward. “This whole time I kept telling myself he was only here
for three months and not to get involved. My heart didn't wanna hear it and we started to get close.”


“I found out he's a stupid bronc rider.”

Cody laughed. “Is that kind of like a stupid bull rider?”

“Hey, I can't help it if the boot fits.”

“Raquel, I know Dylan's death hurt you.” He squeezed her hand. “But think about it. Dylan wasn't home every night and he was a Texas Ranger—textbook dangerous job. But he died in a single-car crash when he fell asleep at the wheel—off duty.”

“I know. I've told myself that. Caitlyn's told me that and shared how many years she missed with Mitch because she didn't think she could handle his job. But I lost Dylan.” She buried her face in their entwined hands. “It just makes sense not to up the odds of that happening again with a man who has a dangerous job. And on top of that, he travels the circuit. A relationship with him can't work.”

“There are long-distance relationships. Maybe if he had you, he wouldn't go back on the circuit.”

“He's actually looking into starting a cowboy church in Aubrey and staying here. But it's not certain yet.”

“Sounds to me like he cares about you.”

“But what if God wants him to stick with the circuit? I can't stand in the way of what God wants for Slade. And whether he travels the circuit or settles in Aubrey, he's still a stupid bronc rider.”

“Okay, you've thought and considered and cried about all of it. But have you prayed about it? Maybe God wants Slade here.”

She shrugged. “I figure my prayers are biased.”

“I figure God can handle biased prayers.” Cody winced. “Could you see about when I can have more pain meds?”

“Poor Cody.” She pressed the call button and traced her
fingertips over the pain-induced lines of his face. “Stupid bull rider.”

“Hey. Here I am putting up with hurting so I can stay clearheaded and help you out, and you keep calling me stupid.”

“If the boot fits.”

He chuckled and flinched.

“Stop laughing if it hurts.”

“Quit making me.” He squeezed her hand again. “You know, I'd gladly fall for you. I like a woman who makes me laugh. Even when it hurts. I wish we could pick who we fall for.” The pain in his words came from somewhere deeper than the physical pain.

“There's someone in your life?”

“I wish. Why do women only want me as a friend? Do you have any idea how many beautiful friends I have?”

“But only one who counts. Who is she?”

“Ready for your pain meds?” A nurse entered the room.

“Yes.” Cody pumped his fist. “Oblivion, here I come.”

“That's not fair. Drop a bomb on me and then go off into la-la land. Nurse, can you hold off on the meds until he tells me what I want to know?”

“That's called torture. We're in America, my dear beautiful friend. Make her stop,” Cody croaked.

“Mr. Warren does need to rest, ma'am.” The nurse clearly had no sense of humor.

Raquel didn't remember her from her stint at the hospital. Must be new.

“I promise to be good.” Raquel pushed her chair back so the nurse could tend to him.

Within minutes he was fading fast. The nurse gave Raquel a warning look and left them alone.

“Cody, who is she?”

“What? Never seen her afore?”

“Not the nurse. Who do you love?”


“Ally?” She knew that name. Think. Think. “Ally Curtis? The vet?”

But Cody was already asleep.

Cody was always so happy-go-lucky, cutting up and making jokes. She patted his hand and stood. But underneath, he had to be worried. About his health, his career and apparently Ally. Maybe she could move things along with Ally. Was his Ally the Ally Curtis she knew? Did his Ally even know Cody was hurt? Could seeing Cody hurt change Ally's feelings for him?

Just what Raquel needed. Something to focus on. Other than Slade.

She pressed a soft kiss on Cody's forehead and left his room.

“Hey.” Caitlyn met her in the hall. “How is he?”

“Hurting. The nurse just gave him meds and he went out fast.”

“I'll sit with him awhile. I know this is hard on him.”

“I worry about him.”

“Me too.” Caitlyn sighed. “I always wonder if his jokes are a cover for what's really going on inside him.”

“I was just thinking the same thing.” Raquel tried to think of a casual way to bring up Ally. “Are there any friends he hasn't seen in a while? Someone who might cheer him up? An old friend from high school or the circuit?”

“I thought of that. The only person I could come up with is Ally Curtis.”

“From Adopt-a-Pet?” Raquel's pulse sped.

“We all went to school together and were really great friends since we all went to the same church. But Ally's dad died our senior year and she went all hermit on us. I called and told her about Cody's accident, but I guess he doesn't have enough legs.”


“Ally rarely leaves her ranch unless there's a sick animal involved.”

“Oh.” Raquel pulled off a casual shrug. “Well, it was just a thought.”

Maybe Raquel would pay Ally a visit and tell her how Cody felt about her. No. If she'd learned anything in the past few years, it was to keep her mouth shut. Not to let others' secrets slip—intentionally or unintentionally. To leave things in God's hands.

And that was where she needed to leave Slade. In God's hands.

Lord, I know if You want Slade back on the circuit, You'll send him there. If You want him to start the cowboy church, You'll make it happen. If You want us together, You'll make that happen, too. We're both in Your hands.

Chapter 12

he barn was pretty new. Lots of space. Slade envisioned a stage at one end with the pulpit and old wooden pews lining an aisle as Garrett and Jenna, Lane and Natalie, and Wyatt and Star walked around the space. Excited chatter echoed through the emptiness dotted with a few hay bales.

Their first stop on the potential-cowboy-church tour had been a warehouse. Plenty of space, but a lot of work. And not the best location. The second stop had a better location, but the barn had seen better days and would need a lot of work just to keep it standing.

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