Rodeo Reunion (16 page)

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Authors: Shannon Taylor Vannatter

BOOK: Rodeo Reunion
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“I'll put it in a bowl you won't have to worry about bringing back.” She dug a Cool Whip bowl out of the cabinet and ladled a generous portion of thick gravy, chunks of chicken and fluffy dumplings into it. She slid the lid into place and handed it to him.

He set it down on the counter and took both of her hands in his. She started to pull away, but he tightened his hold.

“Why are you pulling away from me? Is it Dylan?”

“Dylan made me promise to find someone new.” Her gaze didn't quite meet his, stopping just at the top button of his shirt. “But that someone isn't you. You're very possibly leaving. And Hunter doesn't need to get any more attached to you than he already is.”

“But I might stay. If the cowboy church comes together, I could stay and pastor here.”

“I heard what Buck said at church. You clearly made a difference on the circuit. And God may still want you there. I don't want you staying in Aubrey to pastor the cowboy church to see what happens with us if God wants you back on the circuit.” She pulled her hands away and turned her back on him.

“Maybe God wants me to settle down.” He circled her waist with his arms.

“No.” She stepped away from him. “I won't be a factor in your decision. This is between you and God. Just know if you stay in Aubrey, nothing will develop between us. You need to pray long and hard about what God wants. It's not about us.”

“Mom, I'm ready,” Hunter called from the next room.

“Got your glove?” She tugged her apron off.

“Yep.” Hunter hurried into the room, effectively ending the conversation. “You gonna ride with us, Coach Slade?”

He couldn't do it. He couldn't ride in the same car with Raquel when she'd just stuck a pin in any hopes of a future for them.

“I need to let Blizzard and Flurry out and put these leftovers in my fridge.” He picked up the Cool Whip bowl. “Y'all go ahead. I'll take my truck.”

“Okay,” Raquel easily agreed.

Way too anxious to get rid of him.

“See you at the game, sport.” Slade's heart sank to the toes of his cowboy boots as he stepped out the back door. And out of her life.

He'd obviously misunderstood her feelings for him.
But that someone isn't you.

Once baseball season was over in another month and a half, he wouldn't see her anymore.

* * *

Raquel washed the supper dishes while Hunter took his bath. The team had won both games this week. Hunter was happier. But Raquel wasn't.

May 1. Slade had kept his distance since cupcake night and he'd leave at the end of the month. Wasn't that what she wanted?

The phone rang, sending a jolt through her. She grabbed the handset.

“Raquel.” The distress in Caitlyn's voice chilled her. “Cody was in a bad wreck at the rodeo. I thought you'd want to know.”

“Oh, no.” Raquel's breath whooshed from her lungs. “How bad?”

“I'm not sure, but it doesn't sound good. We're on our way to your old hospital. Want us to swing by and get you?”

“No. Y'all go on. I'll have to get Hunter situated before I can come. But I'll be praying. And text me if you learn anything before I get there.”

“Will do.”

Couldn't stay here. She loved Cody, and Mitch had been there for her when Dylan died. No thinking like that. Cody had better not die, but she needed to be there. She drummed the kitchen counter with her fingertips.

A few times in months past, Hunter had stayed with Slade when she had to run an errand. But sending Hunter over now wouldn't be right. Durlene Warren was usually
Raquel's babysitter, but Cody was her nephew, so more than likely, Durlene would be at the hospital.

Lacie. Yes. Fingers trembling, Raquel dialed the phone.


“Lace, thank goodness you're home. A friend of mine was in an accident. I need to go to the hospital. Can I bring Hunter to your house?”

“Better yet, I'll come get him and he can spend the night. You sound much too shaky to drive. By the time I get there, maybe you'll be settled down some.”


Fun-loving Cody.
Please, Lord, let him be okay.
She almost wished she still worked the emergency room. Almost.

Everyone loved Cody. He made everyone smile. The world needed more people like him—not fewer.

She took a deep breath and strode toward the bathroom. Hunter loved Cody. She had to hold it together. Not let Hunter know anything was wrong. She pecked on the door.

“Hunter, hurry and get out of the tub so you can pack a bag. You're going to spend the night with Max.”

“Awesome!” he called.

“Hurry—they'll be here to get you soon.” Raquel rushed to his room and crammed underwear and toiletries into his overnight bag.

Minutes later Hunter came back from the bathroom looking fresher.

“Pick your clothes. I got everything else. Two sets of play clothes and something for church.”

Hunter pulled what he wanted to wear from the closet as Raquel folded and packed.

Lights illuminated the window. “I think they're here.”

“I'm ready.” Hunter zipped his bag.

“Be good.” She hugged him. “I love you and I'll see you tomorrow.”

“I love you, too.” He called over his shoulder as he took the stairs two at a time.

Raquel hurried after him, grabbed her purse and locked the door behind them.

Next to Lacie's car, Slade's truck sat in her driveway. Her feet stalled. What was he doing here?

Chapter 11

aquel hurried to Lacie's rolled-down window and whispered, “Hunter doesn't know anything's wrong.”

“Not a word.” Lacie patted her hand.

“He got his bath and he has church clothes for tomorrow. I appreciate you.”

“I hope this doesn't change that. I called Slade,” Lacie whispered. “You sounded too shaky to drive, so he'll take you. Keep me posted. Hunter can stay as long as you need him to.”

While Raquel's mouth hung open, Lacie backed out of the drive. Leaving her alone with Slade.

“Let me get the door for you.” Slade got out of his truck and went around to the passenger's side.

“I'm really fine. I can drive.”

“You're worked up. Just let me drive you.”

Definitely worked up and she didn't really feel like tackling Garland traffic. “Thanks.” She followed him and climbed into the truck.

“Glad to help.” He went back to his side, climbed in and backed out of her drive.

Besides, the last time she'd been in that hospital, Dylan had died.

* * *

Blasted hospital parking. Hospitals should be forced to build in the middle of at least a twenty-acre spread with parking decks surrounding the building. Slade eased into the only space he could find, cut the engine and bolted from the truck. A mile away from the hospital. Not really, but it felt like it as he jogged across the span of asphalt to catch up with Raquel.

Though he'd dropped her at the ER entrance, he hated to think of her entering alone and upset.

She'd been quiet in the truck and he hadn't pried. Figured she'd talk if she wanted to. He could tell she was upset and if he forced her to talk about it, the waterworks might start. And Raquel's tears were something he wouldn't be able to keep his distance from.

Almost there, he saw her. Still standing outside the entrance. When she saw him, her shoulders slumped and then began shaking. Waterworks.

He tucked her into his arms, holding her close, rubbing circles on her back. Couldn't think of a thing to say. All he could think about was how good it felt to hold her.

But she needed comfort. He had to think of something besides inane
It'll be okay.
Because it might not be okay. He did know one thing. “God's got this, Raquel. Whatever it is, however it goes, God's got this.”

She nodded against his chest, pushed away from him and wiped under her eyes with her fingertips. “You're right. Cody's a Christian.” She took several shaky deep breaths. “I have to pull it together. His family needs me to be strong.”

Cody? Her friend was a man. Hadn't seen that coming.
Not. At. All. And for Raquel to cry over Cody, was he more than a friend? He couldn't imagine any man being anywhere near Raquel and having just-friends feelings for her.

Slade's heart splattered on the sidewalk at her feet. More than anything, he wanted to leave. Run to his truck and leave. He could not sit beside Raquel in a waiting room while she worried over another man. Maybe the man she loved.

But she needed him. And Slade loved Raquel. And even though he wasn't the man she loved, he'd be there for her. For as long as she needed him.

He offered his arm.

With another deep breath, she settled trembling fingertips in the crook of his elbow.

They entered the lobby and then the ER waiting room. Caitlyn and Mitch were there with a female version of Mitch who had to be his sister, another man and two older couples.

Mitch stood and met them.

“How is he?” Raquel's voice held that tremulous quality that tore at Slade's heart.

“Pretty bunged up.” Mitch hugged her, but it was an obvious just-friends hug. “It was a bad wreck. Lots of broken bones and internal injuries. The main concern right now—one of his ribs punctured a lung.”

What were the odds of Raquel losing two men she loved to car accidents? Slade found himself praying for a man he didn't even know. Praying that things would end differently for Raquel on this night.

She shook her head against Mitch's shoulder. Just as she had against Slade's shoulder. But she didn't push away. “He's tough.”

“And stubborn.”

Raquel's laugh came out high-pitched. “You got that right.”

“Come sit down with us.” He led Raquel to the rest of the gathering. “You too, Slade. Thanks for bringing her.”

“I didn't think she should drive upset and all.” He shoved his hands in his pockets.

“This is my sister, Tara. Her husband, Jared. Our parents, Audra and Wayne Warren, and our aunt and uncle Durlene and Ty.”

He wanted to say nice to meet you, but not under these circumstances.

“Where's Michaela?” Raquel asked.

“Jenna's keeping the baby for us.” Caitlyn rubbed Mitch's shoulders.

So Cody was somehow related to Mitch. Must be a brother for his entire family to be here. No wonder Caitlyn and Raquel were friends. Raquel was involved with Caitlyn's brother-in-law.

But in all the time he'd lived next door to Raquel, he'd never seen another man around. And never gotten the impression she was seeing anyone.

“I hate bulls.” Mitch's mom leaned her head against her husband's shoulder.

“Me too.” Tara flipped through a magazine. “He should have quit the circuit years ago. I've tried to tell him that over and over. But of course, he wouldn't listen to his little sister.”

Bulls. The circuit. A bad wreck. Rodeo people called an accident a wreck. Cody Warren. Slade had probably run into him in his travels. It all made sense now. Cody's injuries and that Slade had never seen a man around Raquel's house. Cody rode bulls on the circuit. Did they have a long-distance relationship?

“He should have settled down with Raquel.” Tara flung her magazine down. “So stubborn.”

“Um, I love Cody, but we're just friends.” Raquel's hands shook as she straightened the magazine on the table.

She loved him. But they were just friends. Had they broken up because Cody refused to quit the circuit and settle down? Or was she trying to cover her feelings for him under the guise of friendship?

But now, with him injured, he'd be home. Near Raquel. He couldn't imagine any man leaving Raquel behind. And Cody had already been stupid enough to do it once. He probably wouldn't make the same mistake again. If Cody lived, he and Raquel would patch things up.

And even if they didn't, she loved Cody. Not Slade.

* * *

Every fiber of Raquel's being longed to flee as memories washed over her. Dylan on the gurney—so still and pale. Blood everywhere. She shuddered.

But she had to stay. For Mitch's sake. He'd been with her through every excruciating moment of the night Dylan died. Even after her parents, Brant and Dylan's family had arrived. And Raquel would return the favor.

Please, Lord, I don't want to have to comfort him the way he ended up comforting me. Let Cody live.

And Slade was still here. He hadn't asked any questions and was probably terribly confused. But he stayed in the background. Her silent support. Her silent strength.

Are You sure I can't have him, Lord?
Are you sure you want him back on the circuit? Hunter and I could use a good man like him.

She had to stop thinking like that. Besides, he was a stupid bronc rider. Just as Cody was a stupid bull rider. And look where that had gotten him.

A doctor stepped in the doorway. Cody's family stood and the doctor ushered them into the hall. Raquel tried to read faces, but only the doctor faced her through the glass-walled waiting room.

Slade squeezed her shoulder.

The conference ended and the doctor strode down the
hall. No one was crying as far as she could tell. That had to be a good sign. Wayne and Audra hugged as Mitch came back into the room.

“He's got a long recovery, but he'll be okay.”

Raquel blew out the breath she'd been holding. “Thank goodness. When he gets well enough, I'll give him a good tongue-lashing for scaring us all half to death.”

“You'll probably need to get in line.” Caitlyn grinned.

“So give me specifics. How badly is he hurt?”

“They got the bleeding stopped and his lung reinflated. They removed his spleen. Grade three concussion, broken shoulder, and his knee is a mess.”

Raquel winced. “Sounds like he won't be able to do anything but lie around and take our tongue-lashings for a while.”

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