ROMANCE: BIKER ROMANCE: Werewolf Rider (MC Shifter Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult Paranormal Romance Short Stories) (12 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: BIKER ROMANCE: Werewolf Rider (MC Shifter Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult Paranormal Romance Short Stories)
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Arabella was still reluctant to become civil with the men, especially the ones that had tried to molest her. James had been kind, but he was the sworn enemy of her betrothed, and it would not be seemly to form any kind of relationship with him.

She was given the best seat by the fire and several woollen blankets were laid out for her to sit on. The warmth penetrated her bones and she curled her slippered toes towards the heat. Tired and hungry she hastily accepted the wooden bowl of broth accompanied by a dense chunk of dark coloured bread. The soup was mutton; her favourite, and she had soon devoured the lot, the fresh air adding to her appetite. Although simple, it was one of the tastiest dishes she had eaten for a long time.

She was determined not to fall asleep. However kind James had been, she did not trust his men.

James Macadam watched the girl from a distance. Her face was lit up; burnished by the glowing fire. Her cheeks had already been flushed from the brisk ride and now she was positively radiant. He had never seen such a beautiful face in all of his life.

As he observed her slight form, her shoulders began to slowly sag within the great cloak around her shoulders, and her head began to droop against her chest. Finally her eyes closed and she was sound asleep.

Picking her up gently, James carried the girl to lie under one of the sheltered spaces. She was so light in his arms, so beautiful, that it made his heart heavy. She was betrothed to Lord Stewart and would be used as a bargaining tool for the return of his lands and the release of his father. That was all; he could not allow himself to get involved.

Lowering her down onto a woollen blanket he had to control a desperate urge to kiss her on the lips. Instead he brushed her forehead slightly with his mouth and she stirred quietly in her dreams, the softest of smiles playing on her lips.

He would not sleep; he would be as good as his word and keep watch over her all night.

When she awoke the next day it took Arabella a while to work out where she was. She had slept well, but was aching from lying on the hard ground. When she looked up, James was there, smiling down at her.

He was so handsome that her heart fluttered; he had been in her dreams and she blushed to think of it. She had been walking down the aisle, approaching Lord Stewart waiting for her at the altar. He had slowly turned towards her, but it wasn’t the face of Andrew Stewart that waited, but the smiling face of James Macadam, and she had been glad with all her heart.

It was a ridiculous notion, her course was set and she had to get to Inverness as soon as possible and she pushed the foolish thoughts to the back of her mind.

Over breakfast, a bowl of simple porridge and ale, James told her of his plans. One of his men was already riding to Inverness to meet up with Lord Stewart to bargain Arabella for the return of his lands and release of his father. James was no fool and knew that it would not be easy. Andrew Stewart was sure to raise a small army and come looking for them –yet he had the upper hand, he had Arabella and even in the eyes of the cold Laird, surely the prize was worth it?

He could hardly dare think about the poor young woman being bound to such a man, but it was not his problem, the girl had obviously agreed to the union. At least she would be well cared for, she would want for nothing in the castle, more than anything he could hope to provide her with.

He shook his head sadly; it was a stupid thought to even entertain. His lifestyle was not fitting for a lady such as Arabella Armstrong.

It would be several days at least until they expected word back from Lord Stewart and the plan was to stay concealed in the camp for as long as they needed.

At first Arabella sat silently, aloof from the men and thinking over her forthcoming marriage. She had been shocked to hear some of the stories about her fiancé, but was sure they were exaggerated; her father would never have given such a man permission to marry her; however wealthy he might be.

Occasionally she would watch James slyly out of the corner of her eye. All the men seemed to respect him and he worked with the men on all tasks, nothing was too lowly for him. She delighted in seeing him demonstrate his strength, either chopping down a tree for firewood or fixing one of the temporary shelters. Occasionally he worked stripped naked from the waist and she loved to watch the rippling biceps and strong shoulders at work. Never before had she felt sexually attracted to a man and a dull ache rose inside of her that she could not dismiss, however hard she tried.

For most of the day she was sat alone with her thoughts and with James not always by her side, she felt the she must keep a close watch on the other men. She caught them looking at her when they thought she wasn't looking and she did not like their stares. It was only when they sat once again around the camp fire that night, and James was sat next to her, did she relax. After they had eaten, one of the men stood up and brought out an old battered set of pipes. She expected the music would be disharmonious and was amazed when the soft haunting melody floated out into the night air. It was a tender, melancholy piece that she recognised from her childhood “
The Bonny lass of Ballochmyle’
and she started to sing the words in her head.

Her thoughts were interrupted by a voice, sweet and low, singing the very same words she was thinking. It was James. He sang with a rich baritone, and the more he sang, the more she loved him. It was a tale of innocent love and it hit her straight in the heart. 

Fair is the morn in flow'ry May, 
And sweet is night in autumn mild, 
When roving thro' the garden gay, 
Or wand'ring in the lonely wild; 
But woman, Nature's darling child - 
There all her charms she does compile; 
Even there her other works are foil'd 
By the bonnie lass 0' Ballochmyle.

James was looking straight at her and she mouthed the words along with him. Soon the men were clamouring for another tune and invited Arabella to sing for them. At first she was shy, but emboldened by the ale she stood and asked what songs she knew. She could remember the words to ‘
Early one Morning’
and soon the piper had struck up a chord and she was soon singing of a poor maiden’s plight.

Oh, don't deceive me,
Oh, never leave me,
How could you use
A poor maiden so?

Her voice was light and crisp and as she grew bolder the notes soared high into the night sky, as tuneful as a lark at evensong.

James felt his eyes well with tears; the sound was so plaintive that he turned his head away so that his men could not see. In a few days she would be miles away and in another man’s bed. She would soon forget her time here.

When she had finished he went over to sit with her and they talked until the moon had swung around the great mountain to the west. He told her how frail his father had been following the death of his mother. Theirs had been a long and true love and when he had lost her, he thought his whole life over. That had been when the greedy Lord Stewart had struck, when they had all been grieving, and he had taken their lands by force. When his father had tried to complain to the Sheriff, the Laird had imprisoned him in the castle on a charge of trespass on his own lands. His father had been a peaceful man and had always been kind to his tenant farmers. The new Laird had doubled the rents and increased the taxes, driving out families from their homes and livelihoods.

Arabella listened without comment, as she looked into his dark and honest eyes; she knew that he was telling the truth. The more she heard about Lord Andrew Stewart, the less she liked him, let alone wanted to marry him.

It was late and Arabella yawned. James promised to watch over her and walked her back to the shelter that would be her bed for the night. As they walked through the darkness their hands brushed lightly and a spark of electricity passed between them. His heart was beating loudly in his chest and he could hide his feelings no longer. Grabbing at her waist he pulled her close to him, his hot breath on her hair.

Her whole body tingled as she was held, suspended, in the moment of his magical first kiss. His lips found hers with an urgency and fervour that was all consuming. Arabella felt her feet lift from the floor; she was floating on air, her head light and reeling on the heights of passion.

The ache had grown within her and she surrendered softly to his touch. His hands caressed her body, reaching up to find her small and perfectly round breasts. She moaned softly as he gently squeezed and caressed the soft yet firm flesh, yielding under his strong hands.

His lips were demanding on hers as his passion increased; her sweet and innocent mouth tasting like the fruits of heaven. He had never known anything sweeter nor more desirable and he felt himself being swept away on the tide of his own passion.

Yet he stopped, suddenly, pulling himself away from her as if the force were killing him. She was not his to have and was betrothed to another. If he took her she would be damaged goods, it would ruin not only her immediate prospects, but her whole life. His blood was pumping fiercely around his body as if his heart would explode with the sheer frustration, his hands shaking with unspent desire.

Arabella gasped as she opened her eyes. She was breathless from her passion and did not want it to stop. His eyes were dilated and burning deep amber, his face contorted as if he were in pain.

Lifting up her arm she brushed his face softly with her fingertips and a deep tremor shook his body, as if he had been struck by the very force of Mother Nature herself.

“What is it James?” The girl looked up to him, her innocent blue eyes, gentle and trusting.

His voice wavered as he spoke.

“I cannot do this Arabella. You are to be returned to Lord Stewart, to be married to him, and while I hate to think upon it, I do not have the right to take your innocence in this way. If I took you now, I would never be able to let you go.”

James looked away as if he could not bear to see her sweet face. Arabella could feel her heart thumping in her breast. Never had she felt so strongly, so deeply, cared so absolutely about one man.

“Then let me stay with you James,” she whispered softly, her voice hardly disturbing the silence of the night.

Looking at her, his eyes brimming with passion, he sadly shook his head.

“What have I to offer you Arabella? I have no lands and no real home. I live a life that changes with the Seasons; it is not a life for a Lady. As much as I hate Lord Stewart he can give you a comfortable home, everything you desire will be yours.”

“Everything except love that is.” The girl reached over and took his hand in hers.

For a moment he sat silently, looking at the beautiful and brave young woman set before him. He could not believe that she could love him in return.

“What about Lord Andrew?”

“What about him? From what you tell me he is a cruel and evil man. How could I love such a man, live in the same household as a man such as that, even with all the wealth in Scotland I could not be happy.”

“But you could be happy with me? I cannot promise a comfortable life, but I can offer myself, my unconditional love and protection, as long as I breathe Gods air.”

Arabella could feel the tears start to well behind her eyes. The emotion was almost too much to endure. She knew at that moment how much she loved him and her mind was made up, she had decided upon her destiny.

“I do not want a comfortable life without love James; I just want to be with you, but what about your father and your land? If I am not returned to the Laird, what will happen?”

James frowned. He loved his father very much, he was more important than the land, but now he had Arabella, he could not let her go. There had to be another way.

“Do not worry, there will be a way, there is always a way. I cannot let you go now that I have found you.”

Her eyes shone through the darkness and his passion started to rise as he reached out for her once more.

“Do you love me Arabella?”

Smiling she brought her lips to his “I have never been so certain of anything in my life.”

This time his passion was gentler, sat easier in his soul. She loved him and would stay with him, and together they would battle through life’s hardships.

His lips were softer now upon hers, supple and tender. His tongue tentatively explored the moist recesses, their tongues joining and embracing as the depth of their passion grew.

His hands were once again upon her breasts and he could feel the small nipples hardening at his touch. He needed to feel the soft flesh beneath her tunic and pulled at the material until his fingers reached the bare flesh beneath. Arabella had never been touched so intimately by a man, yet she was not afraid. She trusted James with every fibre of her being.

Arching her back she pushed against the warmth of his hands as they cupped the soft flesh of her breasts. As he squeezed and rolled her nipples between his fingers she started to moan with pleasure, her head reeling under his touch.

His kisses became more urgent as his body covered hers. She could feel his hardness grinding into her and the ache within her started to grow, almost instinctually she needed to feel him inside her.

His hands now lowered and tugged at the breeches she was wearing. Raising herself off the floor, she allowed him to pull the garment down, leaving her exposed in her long woollen stockings and little else.

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