ROMANCE: BIKER ROMANCE: Werewolf Rider (MC Shifter Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult Paranormal Romance Short Stories) (8 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: BIKER ROMANCE: Werewolf Rider (MC Shifter Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult Paranormal Romance Short Stories)
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“Where were you before you came here?” she asked him as they sat looking into the fire.

“My family had a village not far from here.  We lived in peace while your father was alive, but after he passed, your brother wanted us off the land.  He had his knights come to our village in the night and burn it down, murdering anyone that might oppose them.  Those of us that managed to escape or fight our way out survived in the woods for a while before coming here.  I found this place and then sought out other survivors to join me here,” he said.

“You are the highland rebels!” Anna suddenly exclaimed, only just now making the connection.

“Is that what they call us in the kingdom?” he laughed.  “Rebels?  It wasn’t us that started this.”

“Then why would you shelter me?  We are enemies,” she said.

“We are not enemies.  Your brother is my enemy and he is just as much an enemy to you.  Do you know why he wanted to marry you off to Lord Cannon?’ he asked.

“To be rid of me, no doubt.  He has kept me under lock and key out of his way since our father died.  It was his way of being done with me once and for all without having to actually kill me, though he would have been fine with it if Lord Cannon had chosen to do so,” she replied.

“Perhaps that is true, but it is not the main reason.  He wanted more land.  Land he couldn’t just take from an unsuspecting clan of Highlanders.  Lord Cannon agreed to sell him the land he wanted in exchange for you,” he told her.

“What?  Why?  Lord Cannon could choose from any woman in the kingdom,” she replied.

“All but one.  He couldn’t just choose you and you have something very valuable to him,” he replied.

“I have nothing special,” she said.

“You have royal blood.  Marrying you, makes him family and there are a lot of advantages to that sort of leverage.  There is even more of it if you conceive a royal heir to the throne,” he said, watching her eyes widen.

“Never!  I’d rather die first!” she said.

“Yes, I saw that on the cliffs.  It is how I knew you were worth saving,” he said softly.

Anna remained quiet, looking into the fire as the night fell around them.  It was a lot to digest, but she had no doubt that any of it was true.  He brother was even more diabolical than she could have imagined, burning out an entire village just to take their land.  She felt ashamed that this was the legacy for which her family would become known. 

“I will never go back there,” she told Rory suddenly.

“That is up to you, but either way . . . your brother has to go.  You understand that, don’t you?” he said.

“Yes, I do,” she replied.

“Good.  Let’s eat and talk of something more pleasant.  Would you like some wine?” he asked.

“Yes.  I would love some!” she told him.  It was considered unladylike for her to drink wine under her brother’s iron thumb, but here, the rules no longer applied.  She and Rory sat by the fire eating sections of the perfectly roasted pig and drinking wine until they were full and a bit tipsy.  No doubt their laughter could be heard all across the camp as they shared more pleasant stories of their childhoods.

“I guess I best get you back home,” he told her as the fire began to die out and it grew late.

“I suppose so,” she replied as she stood and held out a hand to help her up.  Before she could register what was happening, he bent down and pulled her to him, kissing her passionately.  No man had ever kissed her like that before and she felt that same shockwave she had when he had touched her earlier.  She had only just met this man and in one day, he had saved her, given her shelter and made her feel more womanly than anyone ever had.  She let out a deep sigh as he pulled away from her.

“I’m sorry.  That was inappropriate,” he told her.

“I don’t mind,” she replied.  He wasted no time in pulling her back to him and kissing her again.  It made her insides quiver as she felt a sudden rush of heat spread through her body.  Folded into his arms like this, she knew nothing could harm her.  She felt safe and she felt wanted.  Even more, she wanted him.

“Let me walk you back to your hut, before we do something we shouldn’t,” he said as he pulled himself away again. 

She could tell he was as heated as she was.  She didn’t want to go back to her but, but she knew it was best.  She took his hand and they began walking back.  He left her at the door with only a kiss on the cheek.  Anna went inside and lay down, her thoughts jumbled with thoughts of what it might be like to make love to a man such as Rory.  He was a Highlander, a fighter whose people were well known for their skill on the battlefront.  There was no doubt that he could be as brutal as he needed to be, but that was hard to reconcile with the kindness and generosity he had shown her this day.

The months that followed would change Anna’s life forever, more than it had already changed.  Just as she had expected, her brother’s knights had come for her again.  This time, all the way into the depths of the woods.  The men had protected the small village the best they could, but when it was breached, Anna had found herself standing face to face with the very knight that had attempted to drive her from the cliffs.

“Well, look what we have here.  If it isn’t the missing princess,” he growled.

“I’ll go with you.  Just leave these people alone,” she told him.

“That is very nice of you to offer, but I have my instructions.  I’ll be taking you back with me and relieving these people of their mortal coils,” he told her.

“You’d be better suited to worry about your own,” came a voice from behind him.  Anna looked down to see blood soaking his shirt around the tip of a sword that had been driven through his back and out his front.  As he dropped to the ground, she found herself face to face with the Widow O’Connor smiling at her.  Anna wasn’t quite sure what to make of it, but didn’t have time to consider it as she was suddenly pulled away by Rory.

“I want you in the cave,” he shouted, pushing toward that direction.

“No.  I will earn my keep.  Give me a sword,” she shouted back at him.

“No, Anna.  Earn your keep elsewhere.  This is not your fight!” he yelled back at her.

“It is my fight.  They came here for me,” she told him, pulling herself free and yanking the sword from the now dead knight before running off in the opposite direction.

Rory ran after her, fighting by her side as they defending the village against the knights that had not already tucked tail and run.  It was a gory business and Anna found herself repulsed by it, but it was something that needed to be done and she was not going to sit in a cave and hide while people died because of her, but there were so many of them.  It seemed the more they fought off, the more came through the woods for them.

As she fought one off, another one suddenly lunged through and fell upon Rory, pinning him to the ground.  She ran toward him, raising her sword, but stopped it in midair as she watched something completely unbelievable.  He was changing before her eyes.  It didn’t make sense, but as you looked at him in disbelief, she saw him change shapes.  Fur sprouted from everywhere and he suddenly rose high above the knight as one of the largest black bears she had ever seen.  A few swipes with his tremendous paws and the knight was no longer moving.

Anna continued to watch as the large bear made its way around the camp, taking out any knight that dared come through the woods.  After a while, there were no more and other bears began emerging from the woods and approaching various huts.  They stood there long enough to be certain no more knights were coming before shifting back into their human states.  Rory, Duncan, and a half dozen others retreated into their homes.  She stood there, looking shocked, until Rory reappeared and told her to come with him.  She allowed him to walk her to his cave, despite her shock.

“Anna, I know what you just saw was frightening for you,” he said.

“Something like that,” she replied, still a bit in shock.

“I should have told you before you saw it.  We normally don’t have to change in camp.  We fight our battles elsewhere,” he said.

“You turned into a bear,” she said slowly as if in a dream.

“Yes.  The McKordia Clan has a high prevalence of shape shifters.  Many of us are capable of turning into bears,” he told her.

“I’m in love with a bear,” she said.

“You’re in love with me?” he said.

“I don’t know,” she said, feeling confused.

“I’m still me, Anna.  Sometimes, yes, I turn into a bear,” he said softly as if it were the most normal thing in the world.

“I was frightened of you,” she told him.

“You have no need to be frightened of me.  Even in a bear state, I know who my enemies are and who they are not,” he told her.

“It is just so unnatural,” she replied.

“To you, it seems unnatural.  For me, I’ve never known anything but this,” he told her, pulling her close to him.  “I love you too, Anna.  I love you more than I know how to say.”

She pulled away from him and looked up with a weak smile.  He pulled her right back to him and kissed her the way he had been kissing her all these nights since the first one they had shared.  Tonight, she had no intentions of letting him send her home with just kisses.  She could feel the warmth of his body pressing against hers as she leaned into him, guiding his hands around her waist so that her ample bosom was pressed against him. 

“Let’s get you home,” he told her, pulling away.

“No.  I want to stay here,” she told him.

“Anna, we can’t,” he replied.

“Why not?” she asked.

“You are royalty.  I’m just common,” he told her.

“I am not royalty.  Once upon a time, I was, but not anymore.  Now, I’m just a woman living in a small village with a bunch of human bears and a crazed widow,” she replied.

“Crazed widow?” he replied, looking puzzled.

“Never mind.  Just stop treating me like a princess and make love to me.  You do want to don’t you?” she said.

“I’ve wanted you since the day I lay eyes on you standing on that cliff surrounded by knights,” he said.

“Now, you have me.  Heart, mind, body and soul.  I love you, Rory.  Let me stay here with you.  Tonight, tomorrow night, every night for the rest of my life,” she told him.

“I would be happy with that,” he told her, suddenly scooping her up and carrying her further into the cave to where his bed was.  He sat her down and began slowly undressing her, kissing her skin in every place that became exposed to his lips.  “Your skin is like the petals on flowers,” he murmered as he dragged his lips across the swell of her breasts.

“Rory, I’ve never been with anyone before,” she said breathlessly, enjoying the sensations that sang along her nerve endings as he touched her in places no one had ever explored before and pushed her back down onto the bed.

“I won’t hurt you.  I will be all yours forever,” he breathed against her nipple before pulling it into his mouth to softly swirl it about with his tongue.  Her breathing was heavy as he kneaded her breast in his hand and teased the soft pink buds that rapidly grew hard against his manipulations.  She moaned heavily as he continued to undress her, slipping a finger inside the moist pink folds in her center.  Her body stiffened momentarily against the unfamiliar intrusion, but quickly settled into enjoying the sensation.

“Oh my God, I’ve never felt anything like that before,” she cried out as his fingers penetrated her.  He leaned forward to kiss her and she could feel his rising manhood pressed firmly against her belly.  Flutters of excitement bounced about her belly as she anticipated what it would feel like.  She had always believed that lying with a man was a woman’s curse to be bared.  They did their business and your belly swelled with their spawn.  No one had ever told her that it felt so good to be touched by a man.

She watched as Rory began removing his clothes, exposing his muscular chest and slender waist to her as she lay naked on the bed watching him.  She felt wanton, but not in the least ashamed to be naked before him.  Instead, she felt more alive than she had ever been in her life as she watched him remove his pants, exposing his beautiful cock to her.

His body covered her own, his lips falling back onto hers in another heated kiss as he pushed her legs further open.  His stiffness pressed into her hard mound as he took his time kissing her skin and caressing her breasts.   It felt like agony to want him inside of her so badly and him to take his time in taking her.

“Please, Rory.  I want you so badly.  Take me,” she moaned.

“Patience, princess.  You only get one first time and I want you to remember ours forever,” he told her.

“I don’t think I could ever forget as it is,” she replied. 

He cut off her words with another kiss, his hot tongue dancing a delicious minuet with her own.  She could feel the moisture on her thighs, evidence of her need for him.  Then, he was pushing inside of her, his large helmet parting her pink waves.  She cried out a little as he took her virginity, breaking through the delicate shield that had held it in place.  It hurt as he broke her open and then began slipping slowly in and out of her wounded entrance, but the pain quickly subsided, replaced by an unfamiliar pleasure.

“Yes, yes, Rory.  Yes!” she cried, her fingernails digging into his back as he plunged into her over and over.

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