ROMANCE: BIKER ROMANCE: Werewolf Rider (MC Shifter Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult Paranormal Romance Short Stories) (98 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: BIKER ROMANCE: Werewolf Rider (MC Shifter Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult Paranormal Romance Short Stories)
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“Geez, Carson.  If you’re going to be like that all night and keep me up, I’m going to sleep on the floor!”

With a tortured groan, he flipped to face her.  “Keep talking, G.  See what happens.”

She stayed quiet for a second.  And then, as if she couldn’t hold it back any longer, she said, “You seemed comfortable enough last night.”

“That’s it,” he muttered.  His hand grabbed her behind her neck.  His other hand grasped her hip and he pulled her body flush against his until he knew she could feel his hardness.  He took in her shocked gaze and was thankful that at least she hadn’t pushed him away and screamed.  He hesitated only for an instant before he pressed his lips against hers.

Gianna felt the pressure of his lips and nearly groaned with the sweet sensuality of his mouth on hers.  They fit together perfectly, like they were made for each other.  The curves of her body melted to the molten steel of his.

It was clear he had expected her to shove him away, or to reject him.  Instead, she felt the urge to attack him in return.  She parried his thrusts, and even went to so far as to bite his lip in an urge to get him to lose control. 

It worked.  What had been a passionate kiss cranked up to downright incendiary.  She felt his hands roam over her body and hers rubbed over his shoulders and back.  When she reached his abdomen, she felt the muscles contract and hold.  Clearly he was in no more control than she was.  She hooked one leg over top of his and in a move her yoga instructor would applaud, she nimbly flipped him over until she lay overtop of his hard body.

“Gianna, we shouldn’t…” Carson tried to object, falling silent when her tongue stroked the inside of his lip.  His fingers shoved into her loose hair, pulling hard until her neck was exposed to his seeking mouth. 

She gasped when she felt his tongue trace an intricate pattern against the soft sink there.  He bit down gently on the sensitive crevice between her neck and her shoulder.  Her fingers grasped the rigid muscles of his back in a desperate attempt to gain sanity.

“Carson, we need to st—“  Her choked words died when his mouth latched onto her lace-and-mesh covered nipple.  He sucked hard, until she moaned.  When his teeth grazed the hardened bud, she bit down on the side of his neck.  Trying to slow down what felt like the gravitational pull of their bodies to one another, she pressed against his shoulders and rose up, moving her breast away from his seeking mouth. 

However, Carson didn’t play ball.  Instead he pushed her up even higher and placed his mouth on the skin that had been exposed from the risen nightie.  He trailed his mouth down to the line of her panties.  Her hands rose up to grip the headboard in an attempt to keep grounded to the earth.

His tongue licked a path just under the panty lines.  He groaned when he encountered nothing but smooth skin.  He hooked his thumbs on the elastic band and dragged it down until her full womanhood was exposed.  She shivered as the cool air touched her heated flesh.  His tongue moved lower until it caressed the heart of her.  She whimpered at his soft attack.

He suckled her until her thighs started to quiver around him.  He let one finger search inside her, felt her clenching around it in preparation.  When she let out a scream and started to shake, he latched onto her and sucked every bit of moisture from her.
Minutes later, she collapsed on top of him.  When he made a move to caress her hair, she flipped him back over on top of her.  It was his turn to groan as his cock landed against her warmth.

“G, this isn’t funny.  I’m dying over here,” he pleaded.  If he could just distance himself, he could preserve what little sanity he had left.  Instead, she caught her fingers in his hair and brought him down to her waiting mouth.  She placed kisses on the corners of his mouth, and then dragged her tongue across his top lip.  He gave in, giving back whatever she gave to him.

Soon, he was harder than he’d ever been, and he couldn’t stop gyrating against her body.  Each time the tip of him grazed her pussy, she quivered.  Drugged in her sweet scent and the scent of her attraction to him, he knew that he was too far gone to back down now.

He finally pushed inside of her.  They both moaned as he thrust in again and again until he sank deep against her womb.  He remained still, his chest heaving.   When her mouth started to trail seductive patterns against his salty skin, he lost all control.  He began a demanding rhythm of thrusts that had her calling his name and begging for release.

When he felt her body start to squeeze around him, milking him, he could no longer hold back.  He thrust one more, deep inside her and then pulled out to spill against her heated thigh.  His groan reverberated around the room, tortured and passionate.

Finished, he sank against her, exhausted.  His last thought was that things could never be the same.


This time, Gianna woke first.  They were still tangled in each other’s arms.  This time though, she fought the urge to pull away in embarrassment.  After last night, it was clear that it was more than just passing attraction with Carson.  Sure, he was a beautiful man, but he was so much more to her.  He tried to protect her, to keep her to himself.  And there was some part of her that actually admired the fact that he had tried to resist for so long.

When she moved against him, he slowly awakened.  Every part of him awakened.

“Morning,” he grumbled, his voice thick with sleep.

“Hey,” she responded softly.  Not wanting to break the bubble that surrounded them quite yet, she rested her cheek against his.  She felt his thumb trace a pattern on her hair and couldn’t stop a satisfied sigh from leaking out.

“You know we can’t do this again,” he said, ruining the moment.  She stiffened.  Yes, she had known.  But she’d been trying not to think of that.

“Yeah, I got that.  Right in between all the moaning and screaming,” she retorted, offended.


“And don’t call me that.  You don’t deserve to call me that,” she said angrily.  She wished she could call back the spiteful words, but what else was a woman to do when the man that had just hours before rocked her world, rocked her whole universe was now trying to apologize and back away.

“I know.  And I’m sorry, Gianna.  I shouldn’t have started that.  We had a good thing going.”

“We didn’t have a thing.  We just ignored each other.  So let’s just go back to that.  Starting now.”

He stayed silent, leaning back against the headboard until she took two steps closer to the door and made a move to leave.  “You know we have to.  What did you think would happen?”

Without a response, she headed back to her room. 

They both sighed in agitation from opposite corners of the house.

That night, they ate dinner in silence.  Gianna had attempted to stay away for the rest of the day, but one of her friends had bailed because of strep throat and she hadn’t wanted to drink for fear that he’d need to ‘help’ her by sleeping with her again.  And then apologizing profusely and trying to take back what they had.

“Did your mom call you?”  He asked, out of the blue.

“A few hours ago.  Why?”

“Just wondering.  I talked to my dad too.  He sounded kind of…agitated.  Was just wondering if there was something going on.”

She thought about the conversation her mother and her had earlier.  She could see where he would feel that way.  Her mom had seemed a little more on edge than usual.  Then she just shrugged.  “Maybe it’s just lack of sleep, or seasickness, or something.  It could be a million different things.”

“Yeah, could be,” he agreed, but something about the way he said it made her think that he wasn’t really agreeing.  Maybe something was going on with their parents.  Marriage was hard.  Maybe something about the vacation had started to separate them.

“I’m going upstairs.  You can have the living room alone for a while,” she offered.  They had tried to keep to separate quarters during their time together.  She didn’t even wait for his response, just headed upstairs.  An hour later, she walked into the bathroom wearing just a towel and carrying her night clothes.  She had walked halfway into the large space before she realized the shower was running.

And that Carson was in the shower.  And he was naked behind the frosted glass.

“Jesus Chris, lock the door, will you!”  She tried to act affronted, but really she was instantly aroused knowing that only a thin glass wall separated his nakedness from hers.

The shower knob turned until it was only a trickle of water.  The glass bypass doors slid open, revealing his water sluiced chest and just the barest hint of his crotch. 

“You’re the one that walked in, knowing the shower was on.”

She snorted.  “I have no urge to see you naked ever again, Carson.  Get over yourself.”

“Oh really?  Well then.  Be my guest.”  He slid the shower doors open fully, revealing both his attractive naked body and the expansive shower.  She tried to keep her eyes above the waist, but they kept dropping to his clearly aroused manhood.

“Is this some kind of test?  I can resist you, you know.  You’re not a god.”  At least, she didn’t think he was.  But sometimes…

He laughed.  “Well, come on then.”

He motioned inside the shower.  Would she really be so bold?  Here he had just been talking about living separate lives and not repeating what had happened earlier.  This would be her chance to show him that she wasn’t as affected by him as he seemed to think she was. 

She dropped the towel in a sudden urge to prove him wrong.  His eyes dropped instantly to her unclothed body.  What had been clear arousal now turned to flagrant excitement.  She didn’t think there was any blood left in his body that wasn’t pooled in his groin.

He spun suddenly facing the showerhead he had been using.  She admired his buttocks for a moment in peace, and then climbed into the shower on the opposite side.  She cranked the handle and waited for the blessedly hot water to course over her.

Carson knew this was a bad idea.  And yet he made no moves to stop it.  Who was he to stop a sexy woman from climbing in his shower?  Never mind that it was still his stepsister.  At this point, even those his words had said they couldn’t repeat this, his body begged for an encore.  He would do anything to feel her body up against his.

He watched her out of the corner of his eye, soaping up her long hair until it hung in sodden waves down her back.  She rubbed the soap from her neck, over her shoulders and down her arms.  He turned fully, giving up the pretense that he was even thinking about showering alone.

He watched her, noting the special care she took in cleansing her breasts.  When she tweaked her own nipples, he knew that she was putting on a show just for him.  He abandoned his side of the shower to take the soap from her hands.

He rubbed every part of her body, including rubbing himself against her.  The crevice of her rear end proved to be of excellent height to bury himself in.  She placed her hands on the tiled shower wall, and he took the invitation to fondle her wetness.  She was quivering in a matter of minutes and he slid himself inside of her as she moaned her release.  He waited until she had settled and then started to thrust.

Surprisingly, she turned towards him, forcing him to withdraw.  She reached up and planting a wet kiss against his mouth.  Just as he tried to return it, she started to drop down his body.  First, planting kisses against his neck, then dragging her mouth from one nipple to the next.  When her tongue licked a path down the ridges of his abdominal muscles, he started to quake with the anticipation.

He felt her hands grip his thighs, felt him widen his own stance as she dropped to her knees on the tiled floor.  He closed his eyes when he felt the first suck of her mouth on his head.  He was instantly her prisoner, to suck and pleasure until he begged for release.

When she made it clear that she would not allow him to empty himself anywhere else, he gave a hoarse shout and spent himself in her mouth.

His legs shaking, he swung her up into his arms and stepped out of the shower.  They barely made it to the bed before he was reciprocating her sweet punishment.


Hours later, Carson asked the question he had wanted to know the answer to for weeks now.  “Why did you leave the bar that night?”

She lifted up onto one elbow and twirled her fingertips on his chest in a nameless pattern.  “I had to.”

“Why?  Why wouldn’t you have come back? I waited for you all night.”

She tried to ignore the flutter of pleasure that his words brought to her.  She had always wondered if he had, indeed, returned to the bar.  If he had looked for her, wished her there.  “My friend needed me.”

“G, I needed you to.  Some part of me thinks this all would’ve been different had you come back,” he admitted.  “Our parents probably wouldn’t have married had they known our feelings toward each other.”

“Pish, we didn’t have feelings that quick.”

He waited for a moment, and then asked quietly,” We didn’t?”

Her eyes scored his face for a trace of sarcasm or teasing.  “It’s impossible.  We’d known each other for barely half an hour before you had to leave.”

“And what if I hadn’t have left,” he asked.  “Then would we have had feelings?”

She thought for a moment, trying to choose her words carefully.  “Honestly, I don’t know.  Everything happened so quick.  Maybe we were just caught up in the moment.  Not thinking things through.  There was alcohol, and another guy one minute.  And then the next, it was you.”

“G, I know what would’ve happened.  Without a shadow of a doubt,” he said, lacing his fingers through hers.  “And so do you.  This kind of connection is not the fleeting kind.”

She didn’t answer.  She couldn’t.

“And although the sex is good….hell, it’s great…” squeezing her butt, “you and I both know that’s not all this is.”

At this point, she had to speak up; had to burst the bubble that had covered them through this little vacation while their parents were gone.  “Carson, nothing can come of this.  We’re stepbrother and stepsister.  There’s nothing we can do.  You know that.  Don’t make me be the bad guy here.”

He stayed silent.  She knew this was not news to him, but it wasn’t the greatest conversation to have.  “G, I—“

She broke off whatever he had been trying to say.  Talking about their feelings didn’t change anything.  They were still related, even if it wasn’t through blood.  “How come you call me G?”

He looked embarrassed and she relished in his discomfort.  It was rare, this sensitive side of his.  “It’s what I call you to my friends.  I didn’t want them to know your name in case some night you were out and they recognized you.”

She laughed.  “Because you were embarrassed of me?”

He responded quietly, and with no humor.  “No, because I was practically in love with you, even then.  I spent hours talking you up before I realized we were never going to meet again.  I knew that some of my ‘friends’ if they ever met you in a bar would recognize your name and wouldn’t let you slip away.”

She stayed silent.  This was a part of Carson she hadn’t seen before.  He seemed so vulnerable.

She waited for him to continue, and he did.

“Gianna’s not exactly a common name.  I wanted you for my own.  I didn’t want to share you with another guy, or have to fight for you.”

She pushed away the shock of hair that had fallen into his eyes.  “Carson, you wouldn’t have had to fight for me.  I was crazy about you too, even from the first time I saw you.”

They both got caught up in the “what could have been” and the “should have been” for a moment, neither speaking.

Carson glanced at the clock.  “We should head to bed.  You have work in the morning.”

“So do you,” she reminded him, snuggling in deeper into his bed, and his arms.

They grew into a pattern that was addictive and definitely not healthy.  It was almost as if they were in a normal relationship.  They each went to work in the morning, came home.  Talked about their day, and then watched a movie or just talked until it was time to sleep.  The sex was awesome, the conversation even better.  Gianna learned things about him she had never imagined.

She learned about his fears and his scars, his triumphs and accomplishments.  She shared things with him that she had never told anyone.  He promised to protect her against the things that gave her quivers and she promised to keep him grounded and sane.

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