ROMANCE: BIKER ROMANCE: Werewolf Rider (MC Shifter Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult Paranormal Romance Short Stories) (94 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: BIKER ROMANCE: Werewolf Rider (MC Shifter Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult Paranormal Romance Short Stories)
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CHAPTER SIX             

Nina met the man who was going to be her new stepfather at dinner.  This wasn’t the first time she’d done this.  There had been many stepfathers before Andrew Lewis and she was sure there would be many more to come. 

Andrew was a tubby, little man with a round, sweaty face and short legs that seemed to wobble when he walked.  She couldn’t believe that this man had been a part of the process that made Chris.  He was always out of breath and looked like he was about to have a stroke.  Maybe that’s what drew Michelle to him, Nina thought. The faster he croaks, the faster she inherits his money. 

He blubbered a greeting to Nina and hugged her briefly.  She was only slightly surprised to discover that he smelled like sausages and shuddered when she finally pulled away. 

After the introductions Michelle  had pulled Nina into one of the side rooms that served as a den and gripped her arm tightly once the door was closed.  Nina had gasped and attempted to pull away but Michelle’s grip only tightened. 

Nina was shocked at the sudden aggression her mother was showing.  Their relationship had never been good, but it had never been abusive either. 

Michelle put a hand over Nina’s mouth to keep her from crying out.  When their gazes locked Nina noticed that her mother’s once clear eyes were becoming cloudy with age.  When Michelle spoke her voice was dripping with venom and Nina couldn’t recall ever hearing her mother speak with such anger. 

“I saw the way you were looking at Chris,” her mother hissed at her.  “Don’t even think about hopping into bed with him.  You think I’m marrying that pig of a man because I want to sleep with him?  Oh no, I’ll need something on the side if I’m going to keep up this charade of a marriage, so you keep your dirty paws off Chris.  I don’t want my daughter’s sloppy seconds.  You’re here for short time and I expect you to be nothing short of a goddamn angel.  Do you understand?”

Nina nodded slowly, her eyes wide and horrified at her mother’s confession.  She hadn’t been aware that her desire for Chris had been so noticeable and she hadn’t expected her mother to be so possessive of the man who was going to be her stepson in less than two weeks.  The bruises that Michelle left on Nina’s arm were starting to fade but were still visible and that had been almost two days ago. 

Since that confrontation, Michelle hadn’t acknowledged what had happened or said anything about Chris.  Nina managed to keep herself locked in her bedroom most of the time, painting or drawing.  Even though she tried to lock herself away she couldn’t get her mind off Chris.  Their interactions left her blushing, flustered and burning with desire.

Nina had drawn several small portraits of Chris.  He was invading her thoughts and chasing the rest of her artistic muses out.  She thought that if she put it to paper she might be able to draw something else. 

She’d tried several times to draw other things, but the only thing she could think of was Chris.  It was infuriating.  Petra hadn’t been any help either.  Her best friend had only encouraged her to try and hook up with the tall blonde.  She hadn’t told Petra about the encounter with her mother and didn’t plan to. 

Thoughts of Chris were swirling in her mind and she knew she had to get out of the house, even if it was dark out.  It was a clear night and Nina was sure that everyone was already asleep. 

Chris lived in the house with Michelle and Andrew and did the yard work that kept the house looking so nice.  He’d been going to school for agriculture, but took a year off to travel.  He was back at home now and would be there for the remainder of Nina’s stay. 

She snuck out the back door and went to sit on the back of the porch, her back against the wall and a sketch pad in her lap.  There was a deer trotting through back yard and it had stopped to nibble on the grass.  It was enough inspiration to put Chris out of her head for a moment.

Until he showed up. 

Nina heard the back door squeak open and looked up when he stepped out onto the porch.  When they first met she thought he was a lot older than her, but had recently found out that he was only twenty. 

Chris settled on the porch beside her and looked over at the drawing pad, “That’s pretty good.”

“Thanks.  I’ve been trying to find something to draw.  Not a whole lot of inspiration out here.” Other than you, she wanted to say.

He chuckled and looked over at her, cocking a brow, “No inspiration?  You’re just not looking in the right places.” 

“Well, where do you suggest I look?”

She shouldn’t have been talking to him and indulging this conversation, but she wanted to be near him so badly.  His warmth made her scoot a bit closer and she mourned the loss of it when he stood and offered his hand.  Nina took it with some hesitation, gasping when he pulled her to her feet with ease. 

“Follow me.”


Chris had a beat up truck that he got around in and Nina didn’t want to like it, but she did.  They climbed into the truck and he drove it to the edge of the property, not looking twice when the branches of trees and brush scratched what little paint was left on the truck. 

They were driving through thick trees and brush but there was a path that indicated he’d driven this route many times before.  When they broke through the tree line they were in an open field.  Chris put the car in park and climbed into the back, pulling out a bag of deer feed. 

“Get in the bed.” He said, pointing to the back of the truck. 

When she climbed into the back she was surprised to find clean pillows and blankets laid out nice and neat.  They hadn’t been back here long.  She tried not to focus on them, watching Chris instead.  He was spreading the feed through the field and when he’d emptied the bag he hopped into the back with her and put an arm around her. 

She blushed when he drew her close to his body and put a finger to his lips, indicating that she needed to be quiet.  She stared over the bed of the truck and furrowed her brows.  For a long time nothing happened.  They just sat in the back of the truck, watching an empty field and hearing the sound of crickets and frogs every now and then. 

After a long moment  of silence and leaning into Chris, Nina saw a few deer start to come from the tree line.  Before she knew it, they were surrounded by dozens of them.  Some were males with huge antlers and some were females.  There were even little baby fawns prancing about in the moonlight. 

Nina’s eyes widened and she dropped the drawing pad, staring at the deer in awe.  Chris smiled and looked over at her, “It’s beautiful, isn’t it?”

She nodded dumbly, staring out into the field.  She only looked away when Chris put his hand under her chin and turned her head to look at him.  Her eyes were still wide, taking him in under the light of the moon.  His square jaw and blue eyes were only intensified by the subtle light.  That was all the inspiration she needed. 

Her heart was beating out of her chest and she was suddenly aware that she was breathing very hard.  He smiled and leaned in closer, whispering in a soft voice that drifted into the chilly autumn air, “Not nearly as beautiful as you, Nina.”

Her voice caught in her throat and she whimpered softly, “Chris...We can’t...You’re my stepbrother.”

A smirk came to his lips and he shrugged, not moving away from her, “Not yet.”

Nina hadn’t quite thought of it like that.  Her eyes widened and she couldn’t stop herself from closing the space between them.  She wanted him and she couldn’t deny it anymore.  Since he’d picked her up from the airport, the only things she could think of were kissing him and making love to him. 

Their lips crashed together passionately and she swore she saw fireworks.  She pressed against him until they both fell back into the mass of blankets.  Chris scrambled to grab one and pulled it over them to shield them from the cold air.  It would have been easier if he broke away from her for a moment but he wasn’t willing to do that. 

Once they were completely covered she made quick work of her clothes and so did he.  They were both naked within moments and the moon was big and bright enough in the sky that he could take in her perfect, round breasts.  He groaned and leaned up, taking a nipple into his mouth, sighing as he tasted the sweetness of her skin. 

“I’ve wanted this since we met.” He whispered, running his fingers over her skin. 

“Me too...Me too.” She panted, letting her head fall back as he kissed her anywhere he could reach. 

Their  lips met again as his fingers danced along her belly and hips, drawing patterns on the tender skin.  His fingers were rough from years of working with his hands and that got to Nina more than anything else.  She liked the roughness of his fingers and shivered with pleasure every time he touched her. 

His hands were working their way further and further down until the found the delicate folds between her legs.  His fingers worked her open and slid inside of her, drawing out a low mewl. 

Despite Petra’s insistence that she needed a man, Nina was accustomed to intimacy.  She’d enjoyed many romps through her senior year, though none of them had really been that good.  None of them had been electric like this. 

His fingers slipped inside of her body and she gasped, eyelashes fluttering as she closed her eyes and buried her face in his shoulder.  She kissed the skin there, moaning her delight as he added a second finger and began to thrust them in and out of her, drawing moans from her with each movement. 

Nina wrapped her arms around him and moaned his name into his ear as he slowly pulled his fingers out and guided her to settle on his member with a moan.  He filled her up so perfectly and she pushed herself up on shaking arms, straddling his waist.  She looked down at him with heavy eyes and slowly started to rock, her head falling back as liquid pleasure filled every inch of her body. 

Her toes curled into the sheets and she gasped, covering her mouth with one hand.  He reached up and pulled it away, shaking his head, “I want to hear it.” He growled. 

She was happy to oblige, dropping her hand and using the leverage to rock back and forth, moving against his strong body.  He moaned her name every time she moved, holding onto her hips to encourage her. 

Their bodies began to shake with the pleasure that was coursing through them and as they reached a fever pitch they cried out each other’s names.  Nina’s world was spinning as her body was assaulted with wave after wave of orgasmic pleasure. 

She was shaking as she finally came down from the high and settled on his chest.  He wrapped the blanket around her, stroking her damp hair and she remembered whispering one last thing before she surrendered herself to sleep. 

“We can’t let them get married.”


Nina woke up the next morning to the feeling of sunlight on her bare shoulders.  She didn’t want to wake up but she knew she had to.  The night before had left an impression on her.  She needed to stop this wedding.  She didn’t want to date her stepbrother but she was going to be with Chris.  There was no doubt about that. 

The morning sun felt good on her skin and she even pushed the top blanket off  and let the sun warm every inch of her skin.  They were in a pickup truck in the middle of nowhere.  It wasn’t like anyone was looking. 

She thought about the position she’d suddenly found herself in and smiled.  She’d never imagined  herself in the back of a pickup truck with a man who could have been a model for  Abercrombie and Fitch.  He was the perfect Southern gentleman.  Nina had always pictured  herself with a rock star.  She decided that this was just as good.

Once she pulled the blanket off she wrapped herself around Chris and leaned up to kiss his neck, enjoying the smell and feel of his strong body.  Chris was already awake, stroking her hair as the bed of the truck warmed up in the late morning sun.  He glanced down at her and smiled, “Morning.  Sleep well?”

“Yeah.” She said, rubbing her own eyes, trying to look more awake and alert than she really was.  

He was quiet for a moment, letting her wake up a little more before he got into the heavy stuff.   “I don’t mean to be a buzz kill, but last night you said something about not letting our parents get married.” He hummed, his accent even thicker than normal. 

She kissed his nose and then his lips, giving him a serious look, “Yeah.  We need to do something.  I am not sleeping with my stepbrother.” She said, sitting up and collecting her clothes so she could dress herself.

Chris looked at Nina and cocked one brow, “You got a plan?” He asked, standing and slipping back into his pants. 

Nina grinned back at him and smirked a little, “Just follow my lead.”

The grin inspired confidence in Chris and he mirrored the look before hopping out of the bed of the truck.  Nina was dressed in her pajamas and Chris' t-shirt and he found himself pining for her all over again.  They climbed into the cab and headed back for the house. 

*  *  *

Chris parked the truck in the garage and they entered the house together.  It was quiet for the most part and Nina and Chris knew that their parents were still sleeping.  They tiptoed into the shower that was attached to Nina’s room and climbed in together. 

Nina abandoned her clothing on the floor.  Chris wasn't far behind, eventually joining her in the shower.  She started to wash her hair but Chris stole the shampoo from her and did it for her.  She sighed and let her head fall back, her hands resting on his hips as he massaged her scalp. 

“What’s your plan?  You had a wicked smile back in the truck.”

“I like the idea of stopping this wedding.” She hummed. 

“You and your mom don’t get along, do you?”

“Who gets along with her?  No one.  She’s a witch and she’s marrying your dad for the wrong reasons.”

“I know.  I’ve tried to tell him but he won’t listen.” Chris said, sounding exasperated. 

“Well, we’re not going to give him a choice.  He’s going to listen this time.” She said firmly.

He stopped washing her hair a moment and looked down at her, “How can you be so sure he’ll believe you?”

“Because we’re going to get a confession out of her.”

Chris wasn’t following her.  His hands fell to his side and he cocked his head, “How do you expect to do that?”

Nina pointed to her arm that was still bruised and frowned, “Mom did that.  She was threatening me.”

“Threatening you?!” The anger that rose inside of him was palpable and she had to admit that she liked it. 

“She told me to stay away from you.  She wanted you.  You were going to be hers.” She scoffed. 

His eyes widened and he shook his head.  “Nina...I never agreed to do anything with that bitter old woman.”

She smiled and patted his cheek, “I know.  It’s actually a good thing that she wants you.  We can use it to our advantage.”


She grinned at him and he could see the wheels turning.  Nina was so damn smart.  This plan was perfect and it also served to remind him that he didn’t want to be on Nina’s bad side.  Being her boyfriend was a pretty good way to stay in her good graces, he thought. 

If this plan worked everything would fall into place.  Michelle would be out of their lives for good and this sham of a wedding would get called off and no one would get hurt. 

Nina was looking forward to the look on her mother’s face when they finally outed her and she had nowhere to run.  Michelle had been getting away with this scam for far too long and for the first time, Nina felt like she actually had the power to do something about it.  For the first time in her life, she felt empowered. 

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