ROMANCE: Mason (Bad Boy Alpha Male Stepbrother Romance Boxset) (New Adult Contemporary Stepbrother Romance Collection) (206 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: Mason (Bad Boy Alpha Male Stepbrother Romance Boxset) (New Adult Contemporary Stepbrother Romance Collection)
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              “Estelle?  It’s Mark.” 

              “Oh my!  How are you?”  She turned her body and stepped delicately into the laundry room and shut the door. 

              “Estelle, I’m great!  Hey, I wanted to know if I could come back.” 

              Estelle had to smile at the excitement in his voice.  She wasn’t sure of his actual age, she guessed around thirty, but right then he sounded about fifteen.  “Of course you can, but there’s a slight problem.” 

              “What?  Is Cara alright?” 

              “Well, dear, that depends on how you look at it.  Her parents are here.” 

              The silence on the other end lasted so long that Estelle almost called his name.  Instead she heard a low, “Oh boy.”

              They talked for a few more minutes before Estelle stepped out of the laundry room and handed the cordless phone to Cara. 

              “It’s for you.” 

              Cara smiled broadly and took the phone dashing down the hall to her room.  Dan and Janet exchanged glances then looked at Estelle. 

              “Who in the world is calling Cara here?” Janet asked. 

              Estelle sipped her coffee and responded matter of fact.  “Mark”

              Janet and Dan exchanged another look. 

              “Who’s Mark?”  They asked together. 




Cara bounced on the balls of her feet waiting for Mark’s plane to unload.  The evening had been a nightmare trying to fend off too many questions from her parents.  When they finally realized that she had basically picked up a hitchhiker; she had to just leave the house.  They were fuming she was going alone.   

              Cara caught her breath as Mark’s head appeared overtop of two little grannies walking through the exit of the terminal.  Marks’s face broke into a huge grin and when he reached her he dropped his two bags and pulled her face to his.  The little grannies giggled and clucked their tongues as Mark passionately kissed Cara before covering her face with smaller kisses.

              “I should have done that before I left.” 

              “It was worth the wait!”  Cara said breathlessly, her face turning red from all the staring.

              Mark handed Cara the smaller book bag and slung his duffle over his shoulder.  He took her hand and squeezed hard. 

              “I never should have left.”

              They began walking through the airport oblivious to anyone else but themselves. 

              “Did everything go alright at home?”

              “Not at first, but there’s an understanding now.”  Mark smiled. 

              “Speaking of understanding, I would love to hear all about your adoptive family once this thing with Tara is over.” 

              Mark slowed his pace, his face sobering.  “Cara, you do understand this thing with Tara will never be over, right?”

              Cara’s face darkened.  “No.  She can choose to live as normal a life as possible.” 

              Mark shook his head slowly.  He glanced around and pulled her toward a gift shop that was closing for the evening.  He brought his face close to hers.

              “She’s a vampire, Cara.  Her old life is lost to her now.” 

              Cara searched his face, refusing to hear what he was saying.

              “How can you be certain she’s already turned?”  Mark opened his mouth to speak, but Cara interrupted.  “I mean Gayle simply looked at her from across the room and proclaimed she was!” 

              “You heard what the guy said.”

              “Yes, but maybe that was to throw us off!” 

              Mark looked at her sadly, choosing his words carefully.  “Even if that were true, a vampire can’t hide what they are from us.” 

              “What?  I guess your kind can…can just smell it?”

              “Yes.”  He said simply. 

              Cara’s eyes filled with tears.  Her lower lip stuck out slightly.  “Can it be reversed?”

              Mark kissed her forehead roughly.  “I’m sorry.” 

              Cara sucked in air and shook herself.  She was determined by nature, and this wasn’t going to be an exception.  She wiped a tear away that had escaped and squared her shoulders. 

              “You’re choosing to be here, with a human in the human world, can a vampire do that?” 

              Mark studied her face.  He refused to give her false hope, but then again she had a valid point.  Could it be done?  Werewolves and shifters had no love lost for the drainers, yet….


              “Then I think we should maybe find out.”  


              Breakfast was spent in a tense silence the next morning.  Dan Carson finally broke the ice. 

              “So, Mark, what line of work are you in?” 

              Mark cleared his throat.  “Well, I was employed by a lumber company…”

              “Can’t imagine you’ll find much need for that here in Arizona.”  Janet interrupted dourly.

              “No, m'am, I suppose not.” 

              “What else can you…do?”

              Mark wanted to slap the woman.  The way she sat across from him, trying to look prim and proper in her yellow blouse and matching capris, touching the edges of her short hair ever so often to make sure it was still just so; made him want to scream. 

              “I’m rather handy with mechanics.  I know carpentry basics and a little farming.”  Mark left out the fact that he learned all of this living with the pack.  Donovan had been adamant that they live off of the land as much as possible, and make as many things as possible for everyday use.

              “A jack of all trades, but master to none, hmmm?” 

              “Mother, that’s enough!” 

              Estelle laid her hand on Cara’s forearm, while giving Janet a hard glare.

              “Daughter, I will not tolerate rudeness to a guest in my home.”  The words were not yelled, but the effect was the same.  Janet placed her napkin neatly on the table next to her untouched eggs, and excused herself from the table. 

              Dan smiled nervously, and was soon gone as well. 

              “I’m sorry, Mark.”  Cara said. 

              He shrugged.  “You’re their daughter.  They just want someone good for you.” 

              “It’s none of their business.  Why weren’t they this concerned over Tara?” 

              Estelle began taking the dishes to the sink.  She stopped Cara when she tried to help. 

              “I think you and Mark need to talk about how you are going to see Tara again.  It’s fine, you can help later.” 

              Mark and Cara walked into Estelle’s tiny back yard and sat in the shade of her patio table. 

              “Do you have any idea how we’re going to get back into Crimson?”

              Mark sighed and took her hand.  “I’ll have to reach out to some of my kind here and see if I can get an invite.” 

              “Do you think that will work since it’s Vampire owned?” 

              “Some of my kind were in that club, but they didn’t seem to be doing anything but drinking.  I mean our kinds do work together occasionally, but we don’t really like each other.  We usually just keep a healthy distance.” 

              “We better leave soon then.  I don’t want to be here anymore anyway.”

              Mark pulled her back to her seat after she stood. 

              “You can’t come with me.” 

              “What?  Why not?” 

              “I know what my pack is like, but that doesn’t mean all packs are like that.  If you come with me you might be in danger.” 

              Cara laughed and ran her hand along the side of his face.  She smiled at how the stubble felt against her palm.  He was pure man. 

              “And Crimson is safe for me?”  She laughed out loud.  “I’m coming, like it or not.”  She stood again and tugged at his hand.  “So, get your sniffer working, or perk up your ears, whatever you need to do so we can find one of your kind.” 

              Mark was amused with her attitude.  She seemed comfortable with this alien supernatural world.  It was like she was born to be in it. 



It took two long days, but they finally found and were granted an audience with an Alpha from Phoenix.  It was surprising to find out that he was the only one.

              Cara attempted to relax her body and mind as she and Mark were ushered into the study of a rather impressive four bedroom house.  The man that stood from behind the desk to greet them was short in stature, barrel chested with sandy colored hair.  He offered a hand to them both, then motioned for them to sit down. 

              Cara glanced at the books lining the walls, and stared at the stacks of papers on his desk and floor.  She spoke before she could stop herself. 

              “Are you some kind of writer?” 

              The man, Chris, laughed out loud.  “Hell no!  I just like to learn.  I’m an amateur scholar by night and a construction contractor by day.” 

              “How big is your pack?”  Mark asked.

              Chris sat back with his head tilted upwards.  “Well, let’s see…I have no idea!”  Once again the booming laugh. 

              “How can you not know?” 

              Chris leaned forward and shook a cigarette loose from the pack on his desk.  He dug around under papers until he found a lighter.  He lit the cigarette and blew a stream of smoke from his mouth before settling back in his chair again. 

              “Twenty years ago, my Alpha met with a demise and I sort of inherited his mess.  At the time there was only ten or twelve of us, but…well not all of our kind follow the kind of code that Donovan does.  Some aren’t as discreet.” 

              Mark leaned forward.  “You actually know Donovan?” 

              Chris looked around for his ashtray, and when he couldn’t find it, simply flicked ash onto the floor. 

              “I know of Donovan.  Our kind have a great respect for how he has conducted himself and his pack, but few of us have the necessary…ah…discipline to live like that.” 

              Mark frowned.  “How many live here with you?”

              “Right now, just my two main guys, Thomas and Michael, and whatever broads their currently laying.”  He wheezed out a laugh and smacked the desk with the palm of his hand.  The desk shook and more papers shifted and floated to the floor revealing the hidden ashtray.  “There it is!” He exclaimed. 

              Mark didn’t really like this guy, but he seemed harmless.  The bottom line was could he get them into Crimson? 

              “We need to get into Crimson.  Can you help?”


              Cara and Mark nodded at the same time. 

              For the first time since their arrival Chris appeared flustered.  “Crimson is owned by drainers!”  He shook his head back and forth like a child confronted with a plate of spinach.  “We don’t like the drainers!”

              Mark and Cara exchanged a worried glance before swinging their heads back around at his booming laugh. 

              “Of course I can get in!  Go there all the time!”

              “But you were just…”  Cara began.

              He waved her away.  “Sorry.  Just a little joke.”  He said and winked.  “So what’s in Crimson for you two, and what’s in it for me?” 

              Mark had expected this and didn’t hesitate.  “I can pay five thousand dollars.” 

              “I don’t need money.”

              “What do you want then?”

              Chris leaned forward and clasped his meaty hands in front of him on the desk, eyes gleaming for more haggling.  “What if I said I wanted her?”

              “I say kiss your fat little throat goodbye.” 

              “Whoa there, big boy!  Just another little joke!”

              Cara let out the breath she had been holding.  Her scalp tingled and itched around her French braid. 

              Mark let out a sigh of frustration.  “Her sister is known to go there.  She’s a recent turn.” 

              Chris looked at Cara carefully.  “Take your hair down, little girl.”

              “Why?”  Mark asked, placing a hand over Cara’s arm to stop her from complying. 

              “It’s ok.”  Cara said quietly.  She deftly undid the braid and shook her hair loose.  Her black hair fell in waves around her face and along her shoulders. 

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