ROMANCE: Mason (Bad Boy Alpha Male Stepbrother Romance Boxset) (New Adult Contemporary Stepbrother Romance Collection) (90 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: Mason (Bad Boy Alpha Male Stepbrother Romance Boxset) (New Adult Contemporary Stepbrother Romance Collection)
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“Oh my God,” she breathed, only able to hold herself up and walk down the aisle with Sarah’s help. Before she knew what was happening, and still in just a bit of disbelief, she was at the end of the aisle, face-to-face with Ethan as Sarah skirted around them to stand behind them.

“What is this?” Jessica asked, dazed, as Ethan clasped her hands, bringing them up to his lips for a brief kiss.

“I wanted to romance you,” Ethan murmured, only listening to what Sarah was saying to the audience with half an ear. “I know I should have asked, but, is this alright?”

Jessica blinked away very strong tears of joy as she grinned. “This is better than alright.”

A throat cleared, and both looked up to see Sarah giving them an amused look.


Ethan looked slightly confused and embarrassed so Sarah kindly repeated the vows, to which he firmly responded with, ‘I do.’

“I do, I do, I do!” Jessica said, barely letting Sarah get the words out.

The audience laughed, and Jessica could care less.

“Well then, by the power vested in me, which is not much, I now pronounce you husband and wife; kiss your bride!”

They didn’t need to be told twice, Ethan grabbing Jessica and pulling her over to him and kissing her hard on the lips.

Jessica squealed as Ethan picked her up and spun her around, never breaking the kiss.

Finally, they came up for air.

“We have a cake you know,” Ethan murmured into her ear, kissing it gently.

“Really now?” Jessica smirked, kissing him once more and ignoring the coos of the audience. “You think they can save us a piece?”

“Well, yes, but why-”

“Thank you all so, so much for coming and being a part of our special night. I can’t thank you enough, but, my mating’s tonight and, if you’ll excuse us, we’d like to start early!”

There came a chorus of several wolf whistles, cat calls and cheers making Ethan flush an interesting shade of red as Jessica grinned widely, grabbing his wrist in a surprising strong grip as she dragged him down the aisle, through the house and out the door.

“You have your keys?” Jessica muttered.

“Um, yes. . .”

“Drive us to the nearest hotel; I’ve never wanted you so badly.”

Ethan swallowed, looking at her determined gaze before he nodded, hurrying over to his car and getting in, Jessica sliding into the passenger seat.

“Someone’s excited.” Jessica smirked, gripping the dashboard as Ethan hit the gas pedal and sped through a yellow light.

“Can you blame me?”

In record time, they made it to a hotel that was ordinarily twenty minutes away in five.

“You’re insane.” Jessica laughed. As soon as the car was parked Ethan jumped out and ran around to her side, helping her out of her seatbelt and lifting her up. “I can walk you know.”

“No need, too slow,” Ethan muttered, running her in through the double doors, past the front counter and into an elevator about to close.

Jessica couldn’t stop laughing as Ethan refused to put her down for the ride up ten flights, even amid the curious and knowing gazes of the five other passengers inside.

Finally, they reached their door, Ethan moving to impressively hold her with one arm as he rummaged around in his pocket for the key card, scanning it and opening the door with a loud bang.

“You don’t have to rush,” Jessica said as he kicked the door shut behind them. “In fact,” she said, voice dipping low as she leaned in to kiss him, “Slow is good.”

Ethan groaned, walking her over to the bed without breaking their kiss. “You could make anything good.”

“I know,” Jessica smirked, getting out of his grip and walking a few paces away from him before turning to face him. With a slight smirk, she bent over and in one swoop, took off her sundress.

“Oh my God.”

“I know.” She smirked once more, walking back over to him and draping her arms around him, bringing him down into another kiss.

Her hands moved up to slowly undo the buttons of his shirt as his hands made their way to her waist.

She made quick work of his shirt and jacket, moving to his pants before he had even managed to remove her bra.

“Here, let me,” she whispered, stepping back and expertly unhooking her bra, tossing it carelessly to the side.

His eyes were fixed on her chest, roving over the rest of her body in stunned appreciation before going back to his favorite area.

“You look-”

“I lied babe, I don’t want slow. Save the talking for round two.”

Ethan laughed as, quick as a flash, Jessica was on him, ripping off his belt with the strength that only came from being a werewolf and shoving his pants off.

“Round two?” he asked as she turned him around, pushing him down onto the bed.

“There will be several rounds tonight,” Jessica said, moving to straddle his hips as his hands instinctively found hers. “But right now, I’d like to get to the good stuff. Is that alright with you?”

Ethan rolled his hips, hand roaming up to caress the curves of her breast, making Jessica moan. “You tell me.”

Jessica grinned, leaning down to capture his lips in another kiss as Ethan flipped them over, resting between her legs.

Slowly, Ethan began kissing his way down her body, sucking on her neck, caressing her sides, and sucking and licking every inch of her. Finally, after what felt like hours to Jessica, he finally came to rest between her thighs.

Her breath hitched as she kissed one thigh and moved to the other, skipping over the area she most wanted touched to place a trail of kisses down to her ankle.

“You,” he placed a kiss on her ankle, “are,” another kiss on her calf, “so,” a kiss to her quivering inner thigh, “beautiful.”

Jessica groaned as he licked the outside of her panties, mouthing at her through the thin material before pulling it off of her and tossing it somewhere over the bed where the bra had gone.

Ethan couldn’t help teasing her, enjoying the way her hips rolled and her back arched as she gripped his hair, letting out breathy little moans with each lick and suckle he gave.

He smiled, hands gently pressing her back down into the bed as he continued his work, hands rubbing her quivering thighs soothingly.

After a few more minutes through which Jessica’s breathing steadily came in shorter and shorter gasps, she grabbed his shoulders and brought him up to her to claim his lips in a passionate kiss.

She deftly helped rid him of his underwear, wrapping her legs tightly around his waist to grind their lower halves together. Ethan groaned, his heartbeat picking up as Jessica reached down to grasp him firmly in her hand, pumping her hand a few times before maneuvering to guide him into her.

Ethan gasped, eyes clenching tight as he entered her for the first time, arms shaking, trying to remain steady until he was fully sheathed.

A second later, Jessica began moving against him, nails digging lightly into his back as he began to rock into her.

The room filled with the sounds of their quiet moans, harsh gaps and the slide of their sweat-kissed skin.

Their bodies danced together, fitting against one another as if they were made for each other, their pace picking up speed as their passion only increased.

Jessica’s nails gripped harder, pulling him flush against her as she moved her hips, arching her back into him. Ethan groaned, biting her neck harder than he had intended as finally, he reached his peak, body shaking with the force of his climax as Jessica tumbled over the edge into ecstasy a moment after him, shaking in his grip.

The two lay there, panting from the exertion and electric feeling that set their bodies aflame.

“That was-”

“Amazing,” Jessica said, finishing his sentence.

Ethan leaned over, kissing her long and slow for a moment before they broke away, Jessica cuddling into his side to nestle her head in the crook of his neck, giving the tanned column of his throat a brief kiss.

“I love you, so much,” Ethan murmured, squeezing her tighter to him.

He felt her smile against his neck as she squeezed him back. “I love you too,” she murmured, “and, I plan to tell you that every day for the rest of our lives.”

Ethan grinned. “That’s nice,” he smirked, squeezing her once more as he kissed her on the forehead, “because I plan to tell you every second.”

Jessica smiled, laughing at his silliness before she leaned up on one arm to kiss him once more, excited to begin the rest of their mated lives together.








By Sicily Duval


We ran the last few feet, the snow wetting my white shoes and the sludge turning them into a muddy brown. It was freezing, with the night temperatures well below zero, and the taxi had refused to go any further than the corner of the block.

At this time of night even taxi drivers started getting worried about the presence of werewolves. Our enemies liked coming out close to dawn and grabbing victims when we were most vulnerable, so close to sunrise.

My skin tightened in the icy wind. Vampires didn’t feel cold as distinctly has humans did. We were more immune to it because our body temperatures were naturally low – so low in fact, the humans spread rumors that we were undead. But we were very much alive and tonight I was chilled to the bone. Ray had my hand in a tight grip, his long fingers wrapped around mine, and he wasn’t going to let go. Nothing else mattered.

In the hotel room Ray closed the door and locked it, breathing out loudly, and turned to me. His dark eyes were alive, the way I loved them most, and he stepped closer to me.

“Mrs. Heller,” he whispered and the words sent shivers across my skin.

I couldn’t believe we’d done it. I was Mrs. Heller now. Not Miss Santiago, daughter of the famous Dennis Santiago. I was Mrs. Heller, wife of Raymond Heller. And I had been for about an hour.

“I can’t believe the weather, I said, shrugging out of the white coat I wore over the short white dress. All white, as was fitting for a wedding day, even if we’d eloped. Ray ran his hands through his hair and pulled a face when droplets splashed all around him.

“It’s got to be bad luck,” I said, twisting my long black hair around itself and wringing it out. He snaked his arm around my waist and pulled me closer.

“Never bad luck. Not with you in my life. As my wife.”

He kissed me, his lips soft against mine, passionate. Caring. When he pulled away his fang nicked my lip and the tiny snap of pain awakened the animal inside me. On our wedding night we were allowed to take each other’s blood. That was the pact, the real promise that he belonged to me, and I to him. When we were in each other’s veins, too, and not just each other’s hearts. I craved him with a hunger that ached to my core.

I looked up at him, his smooth, milky skin like porcelain in the moonlight streaming through the open curtain. What had I done to deserve a man like him?

I’d been miserable and lonely most of my life. My father was an aristocrat, nobility, and a speaker for the people. The Santiago family had always been very big on charity work, and we’d given our lives to the misfortunes of others. Werewolf attacks were common on civilians, and my dad had a passion to build safe-houses for them. It was dangerous work – the attacks were focused on drawing out nobility. If they could weaken the royal court, eliminate those who had power of the vote, they could beat us. Unity was our strength, and they targeted the head of our community. The aristocracy couldn’t resists helping out in times of need. And out among civilians the noble vampires were vulnerable.

Still, it was our duty. Those who were fortunate had a moral obligation to assist those in need. It was our code. 

One night, after a particular bad attack on the homes on the east side of town, we were out among the civilians. A second wave of werewolves descended on us as soon as everyone was out in the open. They’d never been this organized before, not at any point in the age old war between us. They were animals, primal, unable to focus on more than the basic hunt.

I’d been taken by them, jaws locked around my throat, teeth searing against my skin and the stench of death had hung all around me.

I had been sure it was the end.

And then he’d come out of nowhere, white fangs bared, drawing blood in at least three of them before they’d fled. It was impossible to kill a werewolf without silver, but this vampire had managed to injure them enough to be a threat. He’d had enormous strength. He’d looked at me then, panting. A trickle of blood on his chin, eyes filled with bloodlust and pride. An animal, resembling those he’d chased away, but walking on two legs, not four. His fangs were bare and elongated.

My heart melted.

My parent’s had invited him into our home to celebrate. They’d accepted his rescue and praised him for it. But a relationship was out of the question. He had been my hero, not theirs. He wasn’t of noble blood. The aristocrats were made through the vampires they knew, and they vampires that knew them. It was the noble curse. And he had all the wrong contacts.

I hadn’t been able to stay away from him. His dark eyes had captured me, something deep and dangerous drawing me to him. It was a thrill being with him. He was different than any other vampires I knew, and in his eyes I’d seen a future.

For months we’d snuck around. I’d meet him in secret places, so close to dawn the sun was more of a threat than the wolves. He’d sent me letters, proclaiming his love and his desire to be with me always.

And when he’d asked me to run away with him, I hadn’t hesitated. I’d follow him to the ends of time.

Our union would rock the vampire world off its axis. The aristocracy would ripple with my scandal. My mother would suffer under the disgrace of having a rebel for a daughter. But my father wouldn’t lose his seat in the royal court. They would bounce back. They would learn to love him as much as I did.

Mrs. Heller, I said to myself again. Mrs. Blanche Heller.

Ray cupped my cheeks with his hands, and kissed me deeply. His tongue swirled around mine, brushing across my fangs. It sent little jolts of electricity through my body whenever he did. My hands were around his neck, fingers knotted in his hair honey-colored hair. Our bodies pressed tightly together, and I could feel his desire for me was just as strong as my urge for him.

His hands slid down my neck and he thumbed my collar bone. I was a live wire under his fingers, excitement buzzing through me, almost singing out in a low hum. His hands slid lower still, and he found my chest. He traced the contours of my body with his fingers, peeling off my dress as he went along. My damp hair fell in a cold wet mass on my bare skin. I undid the buttons on his shirt, and my hands caressed the skin across his chest and over his shoulders. I could feel the muscle ripple under his skin.

I pushed him backward gently, towards the bed, and he let me. We collapsed together in a tangle of limbs. His lips kissed a trail of fire down my neck, and I gasped for breath. This was it, he was going to bite me. It was the most intimate bond between two vampires. I tipped my head back, exposing my neck, waiting for his fangs to sink into my flesh.

It didn’t come. Instead he kept kissing me, moving further down. The sensation changed from sensual to erotic. I swallowed hard. The suspense was killing me.

I tipped his head up with my hand under his chin and kissed him, running my own fangs along his lip with a slow drag. He didn’t get the hint. Maybe he wanted me to do it first. I wasn’t sure how it worked. Vampires didn’t take their partner’s blood until they were married. We abstained. It was a moral sin to bond with someone we weren’t wed to – unforgivable.

I slid my hands up over his chest and he made a small sound of satisfaction. My lips found their way to his cheek, his earlobe, his jaw, and then toward his neck. He tipped his head back the same way I had. He wanted this.

My body surged with heat, and I bared my fangs, biting him. My teeth broke his skin and sank into him. He cried out. I took the first, long pull, sucking his blood, a direct link to his life, and his body jerked in a spasm.

His blood was thick in my mouth and ran down my throat like a cocktail. My body responded with a primal twinge low in my belly, traveling down between my legs.

This was what it was like to share blood with a  partner. It was better than I’d heard. It was…

I frowned. Something was wrong. Warning lights signals sounded in my head. His blood tasted… different. Not like blood was supposed to taste. I realized he wasn’t moving, and when I pulled my fangs out of his skin and looked at him, his face was ashen. His eyes were round and liquid, his pupils dilated. But it wasn’t pleasure I saw in them.

“Raymond?” I asked. Fear lurked in the back of my mind. I didn’t know what was going on, but something was very, very wrong.

I licked my lips, the trace of his blood still on them. And then the aftertaste, tart and foreign in my mouth.

There was only one creature that didn’t taste metallic.

“You’re a shifter! You’re one of them” I cried out, the realization hitting me like a physical blow and I scrambled backward, tumbling off the bed. A shiver traveled in a wave over his body, the skin rippling in a wave from his head all the way down to his feet. I could imagine him covered in fur. I saw again that bloodlust in his eyes, the darkness lodged there.

I’d been so blind.

Everything stilled, and I was caught in limbo for a moment. Silence wrapped around me, shrunk in on me, suffocated me. I scurried back. The carpet was gritty under my palms.

“Blanche, wait,” he said, his hand stretched out to me. Blanche. Not baby. Not sweetheart. Not angel. Blanche.

I flinched and kept moving backward until my back hit the wall. My chest was tight and I couldn’t breathe. The room spun slowly around me, my world spiraling out of control. My hair had fallen into my face and I was trying to hide behind it, trying to make myself small in the corner of the room. I had to get as far away from him as possible. He was my enemy. A monster.

A monster I’d just bonded with. I’d taken his blood! The idea made my stomach turn, and I hoped I would vomit. Did it work if it hadn’t been both ways? Or could I still reverse this hell and be free of the demon I just drank from?

“This is just a misunderstanding, angel,” he said. He spoke softly, the way he did when I was panicking. Like I was a caged animal and he didn’t want to scare me. The irony.

“Don’t call me that,” I snapped. If I sounded angry, maybe I could hide my terror.

“Blanche, please…” his voice was pleading. I shook my head until he stopped talking.


Ray hammered on the locked door. I sat in the empty bath, still just in my underwear, hugging my knees.

“Please just come out so we can talk about this,” he asked for the umpteenth time. I shook my head, knowing he couldn’t see it. I rocked back and forth, relying on the consistency of the rhythm.

“I didn’t want it to come out this way,” he said again.

“Then what?” I stopped rocking. My voice was hoarse, like I’d been screaming. “How were you planning on telling me?”

He was quiet for a moment. “I wasn’t.”

I clenched my jaw, and lifted my hand to my mouth. With my forefinger I touched my left fang.

“How can you look like a vampire if you’re…” the word ‘werewolf’ caught in my throat. I took a deep breath. “…not?” When werewolves weren’t in their wolf form, they were human. Blunt teeth. Immune to sunlight.

A sliding sound against the door suggested he’d leaned against it and slid down to the floor. We were both sitting on opposite sides of a locked door. This was never how I’d pictured my wedding night.

“I have fangs. You know that,” he said. I shuddered. He was a werewolf. I had to wrap my head around it.

“When we transform, well that’s one of the first things that come. I just stop it from going further.”

“You’re half transformed all the time?” My body filled with cold dread. It was a miracle he’d been able to control himself at all.

“We’re not just blood hungry animals, you know…” he said as if he could read my mind. I wondered for a second if he could. And then I thought about the nights we snuck out to meet each other. So close to dawn. The sun wouldn’t have bothered him then, would it? No wonder we’d never suffered any attacks.

“I can’t believe you did this to me,” I said. “Thank God my parents don’t know we’re married.” The realization hit me like a block. “Imagine what they would do to you if they knew…”

There was silence. Was he scared I would give him over to the authorities? There was only one place a captured werewolf went in our society – the slaughterhouse. Would I hand him over in the first place?

“I’m sorry,” he finally said. “I don’t want you to fear me. I never wanted any of this to happen.”

Hot tears stung my eyes and spilled over my cheeks. My anger was breaking down, replaced my shock and sorrow. It felt like my chest was caving in, and I couldn’t breathe. My throat hurt with the effort to push my tears away.

“I loved you,” I said, my voice unstable through the tears.

There was no sound. I listened intently, hyper-aware of what was happening on the other side of the door. But there was nothing. I reached out with my mind into the other room, trying to sense him, if there was anything I could feel. The tendrils I sent out clutched at emptiness. I got up, climbed out of the bath, and unlocked the door. I opened it slowly, looking around the room, but it was empty.

Raymond was gone. I sharp pain in my chest drove me to my knees, and a sob sent tremors through my body, as I sat there, mourning the loss of a loved one that could never have loved me back. I could feel my heart breaking.

The emptiness was tangible. Perhaps it was because it wasn’t only the room. Ray’s absence from the room reflected the absence inside of me, and I lost. What was I going to do?

BOOK: ROMANCE: Mason (Bad Boy Alpha Male Stepbrother Romance Boxset) (New Adult Contemporary Stepbrother Romance Collection)
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