ROMANCE: SPORTS ROMANCE: The Playmaker (Bad Boy College Football Romance) (New Adult College Alpha Male Sports Romance) (33 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: SPORTS ROMANCE: The Playmaker (Bad Boy College Football Romance) (New Adult College Alpha Male Sports Romance)
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Chapter 9

Will stayed up for almost an hour watching her sleep so peacefully next to him. He wanted so badly to wake her up and take her again. He had never felt such unsatisfied lust for someone immediately after having them in such a way. She was intoxicating to his senses, driving him wild with the way she way. Aria knew when to fight and when to back down, a trait that he admired.

But there was something more. William felt as if she had somehow crawled inside of him, right next to his heart and taken up residency there. In such a short time, Will had become smitten and he wondered if he was really the one in control. Her very smile could change his day, as it had at the bar. Now that he had gotten a taste of what she had to offer, he was no longer able to deny that she filled a void that he did not even know he had.

It was too soon to be love, but Will was feeling more for her than he had felt before. He actually wanted to get to know her, learn about her. That he wanted to see her again or even talk to her afterwards, told him that she was different. Maybe he was different.  The longer he watched her, the more he was confused by what he felt.

His hand gently caressed the side of her face. She moved next to him, stretching and then curling closer to him, sighing gently as his heat soothed whatever it was in her dream that had riled her. William closed his eyes to sleep with Aria, actually wanting to see her in the morning. All of the feelings were new, but they excited him and he was ready to see where it would go.

Her body felt right against his and he held her tight to his chest. Their legs entwined and Will felt at peace in the moment and with her.


“Will needs you to go down to his house and figured out what is going on with the maids. He called earlier and couldn’t get a hold of anyone.”

It was a strange request, but Aria was getting used to doing whatever the man’s whim was that day. She followed her GPS to the huge house and pushed open the front door. There was no one in the home and as she walked through the foyer, she noticed the same handwriting and her name on an envelope.

“I know how much you like choice Aria or the illusion of it, so go downstairs and choose one. I will be there soon.”

Aria was not sure what he was talking about and like before, she knew that her choice would have consequences. Everything with Will did. There were always consequences and unbelievable pleasure involved. She walked down the stairs to her left slowly and when she got to the blackened room, her hand felt around the wall until she switched on the light.

She gasped at what she found down there. It was an apparent play room and Aria did not know if she was ready for that kind of play. Her hands touched some of the apparatuses. One in particular caught her eye. She imagined herself inside of it, locked in and helpless. The idea made her shiver again, her thighs squeezing together.

“I see you like the stocks. Is that your choice?”


The Billionaires Request


An Alpha Billionaire Romance





By: Carly White


The Billionaires Request


Chapter 1

“Maggie, do you have the speech ready?”

“Yes Sir. It’s right here.’

I handed him the sheet of paper. “Here you go Senator Johnson. You are going to be great.”

He smiled and gave me a look that made me pause. It wasn’t the first time since I had started working for the Senator that he had made his true wants known, but I just waved it off. I wasn’t going to be one of those girls straight out of college that fell for the older man I work with. It was a career killer or the type of career that I wanted for myself.

I turned away without saying anything. I didn’t want to encourage it. Instead I moved to the monitor to see it play out on the screen. There was something about hearing him say my words that got me every time. Johnson was running for President and I truly believed that he would be the best person for the job.

My speech started and I watched in rapt attention. He messed up a few lines, but he was one that was always working it out as he goes on. The few changes made it sound better, more natural and that was why I liked working for him the best. When I had gotten a call back for an interview, I was over the moon. He had been my only resume sent and though everyone thought I was crazy for being so one-sided, it had paid off. I didn’t get into political science to help elect someone I didn’t believe in. I wanted the system to work for me and once I realized the impact I could have, there was no turning back.

There was a round of clapping and I knew that he had finished. I’d spaced out the last bit of it, but I was already getting a hand as well. It was a damn good speech and though no one would know it was my words, it was sweet enough.

“Miss Reynolds, will you stay after to speak to the Senator? He has a few questions about tomorrow’s speech in D.C.”

My boss Jerry was timid and his orders always sounded like questions. He was about the same age as the Senator, but instead of smart suits and a confident smile, Jerry was plagued with self-doubt and an appearance that screamed it.

“Sure Jerry. Do you think it went well?”

“You know it did Mag. I think the Senator’s chance of winning went up tenfold when we hired you to be his voice.”

I wasn’t the only writer, but mine were the ones that he chose to read. The fact that he had it in for me, I tried to ignore. I couldn’t help it if the old man had thoughts that his station would give him chances he would not normally have. But he had been in politics for a while and learned that most women were attracted to the power. I just wasn’t one of those women.

Fixing my hair in the mirror, I re-braided it and waited for the Senator to come out from his office. He had answered questions for a time and then when the cameras left, he retreated back to his office for a drink and a cigar. He was patting himself on the back for another job well done and I had to admit, he deserved it. I would have believed him too, if not for the fact that it was words out of my own head. No matter who said what though, Johnson would be the face of the nation if I had my way. His policies would bring the country back to the greatness that it once had.


I looked up from my desk at Carlton, the Senator’s body guard. He was calling for me and I was made to follow.

Getting up, I walked into his office and my nose instantly picked up the sweet smoke in the air. He was celebrating. “Would you like a drink Maggie?”

I shook my head that I wouldn’t. “Don’t really drink Sir, but thank you.”

“You don’t smoke or drink or date from what I gathered. What is it you do?”

“I write your words Sir and that seems to be enough. You sounded really good out there.”

I was trying to steer the direction away from where it was going. Men like him were typical and though he was a great politician, he was still a man.

“You are very judicious Maggie. So about the speech tomorrow, I was hoping to stay away from the more inflammatory opinions about healthcare.”

I sat back in the seat and looked at him for a minute. It looked like he was already starting to back off from the issues. “You have to Sir. All of your other opponents are and you have to make a stand one way or another. The stats show that where you stand has the most support. So Senator, you need to make your stand and stop toeing the line.”

Steve smiled and sat back in his chair. “That’s what I like about you Maggie. You give it to me straight.”

“That’s what you pay me for.”

He nodded at the reminder that he was paying me for a job. I saw him straighten up a little bit in his chair. “Yes, that’s right. I was hoping to give you a bit of a promotion. I am not even looking at what the others write anymore. I want you to be the head writer and travel with me, with the campaign.”

It was a dream come true. I had only been out of college six months and the offer of my dream job just didn’t seem real. “Of course Sir. I am here until you get to the white house.”

Steve smiled again, that look back that I tried to ignore. He thought that with more time and close quarters, it would change anything. I knew it wouldn’t, but there was no sense in telling him that. The Senator could think what he wanted, as long as I got to keep writing the speeches and get him where he should be.

“Great Maggie. I will let you get some things packed. We live in the morning. I hope you like to fly because we have 15 towns to hit in the next five days.”

I couldn’t help but feel the excitement for it. This is what I had been waiting for, the opportunity was more than I could have imagined. I guess it helped to go to an Ivy League school and to have connections, but I liked to think that some of it was my writing.

“Thank you Sir. You will not regret it.”

“I know I won’t. I will see you here tomorrow at eight. There will be a meeting with some of our larger donors after tomorrow’s speech in the capital. I was hoping you would come to that as well. Bring some formal clothes with you Maggie. I know you like your pants suits, but a little femininity can go along ways with the business men invited.”

I nodded, trying not to take it the sexist way it was implied. It was hard not to, but I had to be pragmatic. What he said was true and if wearing a gown helped him get to office, I would do what needed to be done.

“Of course Sir. I will see you in the morning.”

Chapter 2

I waited for the world to stop spinning. I couldn’t believe it and as I got ready to leave for the night, I packed up most of what was on my desk. I would not be needing it anymore, or at least not that much. Senator Johnson was from Ohio, but we would not be here that much anymore. It was coming down to the last year before elections and he would be traveling most of it, which meant, I would as well.

Trying to think of what I would wear to the formal events and fundraisers, I realized that I didn’t have much. My work clothes were all suits. The only way to be taken seriously, was to forgo showing too much skin in a world of men.

Getting home I told my roommate, Ana that I would be away for a while. She was excited about the promotion and wanted to go out to celebrate. The woman celebrated everything with a drink and I couldn’t help but go with her. It was going to be my last night of freedom for a while and going down to the pub sounded like a good idea.

“Sure Ana. Let me borrow that black dress though. I don’t have anything to wear that’s clean.’

She nodded and I thanked her. I had been gone too much and housekeeping had gone to the wayside. What I should have done was went shopping to get a few things, maybe even some laundry, but what sounded better than a night of drinking and dancing with Ana?

The bar was full of well-to-dos and I knew several people there. It was where I had once gotten job information, networking with some of my peers, but that night I didn’t need that anymore. I had the job I had aspired to and now, all I wanted to do was dance. I found a couple men that had great moves on the dance floor and one in particular was making me wish I had more time the next day. But it was two by the time I got out of there and with more packing to do, I opted to spend the night alone instead.

The next morning I felt horrible, but after a few minutes in the shower and enough makeup to hide the bags, I was ready to start out on my new stage in life. I was excited, knowing that it was going to be perfect.

There was a buzz at the door and when I asked who it was, it was the driver that the Senator had sent for me. Already, there were new perks to the job. I hollered at Ana that I was leaving and rent was on the table for the next couple of months. I didn’t know when I would be back and I looked back into the place I had called home for several years. I was going to miss it, but on to better things I told myself.


The morning was a blur. The car took me to a small airstrip that the Senator used from one of his big donors from Billings Technology. We were supposed to be going to his home later that evening for a private fundraiser and I used my time in the plane to reproof the speech for later that day and did a little investigation on George Billings.

Much that came up was about his love life and all of the parties that he had at his mansion. He had skyrocketed from a nobody about three years before, coming out with new technology that had the industry claiming he was the next big thing. Since his rise to fame George had branched out into many industries and it seemed only reasonable that he would be interested in politics. Big business always was, trying to change laws to help their business. Senator Johnson was a good candidate to back. He was republican and there for, a friend to big business.

I was surprised at how handsome the socialite billionaire was. He looked like he should have been a model or something of the like. Not a business savvy tech owner that was making a name for himself with virtual reality. I wondered what his angle was with the Senator, but more I worried about what his association with him would bring.

His record was not clean by any sense of the word. He had been arrested for a few minor things in his youth, stealing and fraud, but it seemed like he got his act together finally the last few years. At thirty-three, he was making a name for himself and tagging himself to the next President. That made him a very smart man.

“Doing your homework Maggie?”

I looked over at Steve and nodded. “How much do you know about this George Billings Sir?”

“Well he gives very large donations, more than anyone else.”

“He has a record, a past and his present leaves something to be desired. This man goes against all of the family values that you stand for.”

The Senator sat down next to me and took the laptop off of my lap. He positioned the screen so he could see it better. There were pictures up of George taking a shot from between a blonde woman’s naked chest. It was unseemly at best to associate himself to someone so different than what he stood for. It was dangerous at best. Disaster could strike if George decided to go off the deep end.

“I think that he is just blowing off some steam. He is actually the very principle that we are looking for. What can you find on him from ten years ago?”

I pulled up the arrest record that I had sent through and he whistled. “I knew that he had some back story. Do you know that he was born to a poor immigrant to this country and when he graduated from high school, he worked to support his ailing father? After he died, George changed his ways and became who he was. He is the American Dream in a nutshell. Something from nothing and all of that. What he does on his own time, is really none of my business.”

“How do you know so much about him Sir?”

“We grew up in the same area, my father worked with his at a coal plant. He is several years younger of course, but I remember even back then that he had drive. I know he may look a mess when the photographers get pictures like that, but the truth is that he is exactly the kind of people that we are trying to get on our side. Men like George Billings are who makes the country run Maggie. I want you to be nice to him this evening.”

“Of course Sir.”

He sighed that I wouldn’t use his name. It just seemed weird to and I didn’t want to give him any more familiarity to give him the idea that we would ever be anything more than we were then, colleagues.

The Senator got up and started to walk back up to his seat in the front. I looked at the pictures that I had been pouring over and I smiled to myself. While he may be a disaster waiting to happen, George was certainly a handsome one.

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