ROMANCE: SPORTS ROMANCE: The Playmaker (Bad Boy College Football Romance) (New Adult College Alpha Male Sports Romance) (8 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: SPORTS ROMANCE: The Playmaker (Bad Boy College Football Romance) (New Adult College Alpha Male Sports Romance)
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Chapter 8

Tilting his hips just slightly and lifting her up with a firm grip on her round ass, Grant surged inside of her as quickly as he could. Forcing all of himself as deep as he could go, he held her down as Mara started to scream and convulse on top of him. It was like music to his ears and the feel of her wetness leaking out of her made staying still even harder. She was so wet and tight, as each spasm brought a clenching of his shaft that drove him mad. The more she tried to get away, the harder he held her still, spearing her from underneath. He was buried deep and Mara was skewered where she was.

More begging was done, but he ignored her as his hips started to thrust up into her slowly. When Mara started to ride him, his hands moved to her covered breasts for a handle. It gave him the leverage he needed to fill her deep, losing himself as she starting to cry out again. It was too sudden, but there was nothing that could be done to stop it. Mara had always been the one to make him lose control. He couldn’t stop himself when he was with her.

Mara fell forward as she was trying to pull him out of her. She couldn’t take any more moments with him inside of her, her walls sore and burning from no use. Catching herself on the coffee table in front of her, Grant couldn’t resist the round ass in his face, smacking her hard from behind. She gave him a surprised yelp with the contact.

She looked back and he was already up, pointing towards her as he took a step closer. Mara wasn’t given a moment to recuperate. He was already push back inside of her and jerking her back till her soft ass smooshed against his thighs. He couldn’t be done yet. Not with her giving him such an invitation.


Mara finally got away, fleeing away from him. She could barely keep her eyes opened as she lay back on the couch where they had ended up. She wasn’t sure how it had happened. The couch was across the room from where they had started, but she was not going to say anything. She had nothing to say as her only worry was getting her heart to stop slamming in her chest.

“It was better than I remembered.”

She looked over at him and smiled. Mara’s breath was finally coming out slower, but she still felt like she had just run a long, dirty marathon. She felt his hand move to tweak her nipple and she pushed his hand away. “Are you ready for more?”


He laughed at how fast the answer came out. Grant was in one of the best moods he had felt in a while. He stared down at her naked body. Her modesty was gone with her satiated body and he was able to look at every inch while she laid there with her eyes closed. “You haven’t changed much. If not for your tits I wouldn’t even know you were pregnant.”

Mara opened her eyes, moving a pillow in front of her to break his glance. He growled at her and the sound made her insides weep in ready. The sound had trained her body to prepare when he made it.

“I thought you came here to talk?”

“You sent your goon out for me because you wanted to talk.”

“Well, I got sidetracked. That happens a lot with you.”

Mara sat up, the pillow making her feel safe from his lecherous eyes. While trying to stop it, she loved the way he looked at her with lust after taking her several times in a row. It was like he just couldn’t get enough of her.

“Well here I am. What did you want to talk about?”

“What we are going to do now?”

She looked at him confused. Her brain was finally starting to work again, but she didn’t know if they needed to do anything. “Well the baby isn’t due for at least five months, so there is nothing we have to do right now. We can make some decisions when the baby comes.”


“Like visitation and stuff like that.”

She was getting back to her practical self and Grant moved towards her, touching her leg slightly, trying to pull her from her realism. “That’s not what I was talking about. I would have never thought I would say this, but I want us to get married, be a real family.”

Mara looked over at him, afraid that he was just joking. It had been her fantasy since she had found out that she was going to have his baby. That they could somehow work it all out. She just hadn’t thought that it would really happen.

“How is that going to work? Are we going to strap our baby to your bike?”

“I have cars Mara, but I guess you are more worried about what I do.”

She had had a lot of time to think about what he did for a living and the whole reason they had even met was because of his bad boy ways. Mara was brought into his life from kidnap. It was a story that could never be told to their grandchild. “How can we be together when you are killing people, selling drugs? I can’t have my baby around that.”

Mara had long since remembered why it couldn’t be. His touch could make her forget for some time, but the fact of the matter was, he was a thug and there was no way that they could just pretend like he wasn’t.

“I don’t have to do those things Mara. I never had a reason to do anything else.”

“But now you do?”

“You are reason enough. You disappeared on me.”

“I thought it would be best to get out of your hair and let you enjoy your freedom.”

“And then when you left town?”

“Traveling. My eyes had been open how to how little I had done so far.”

“Are you done now?”

Mara shook her head that she wasn’t.

“Good, let’s go for a ride.”

“A ride?”

“On my bike. I just realized that you haven’t even gotten to ride with me yet.’

“Do you really think that is safe? I mean with the baby and all?”

“I would never let something happen to you or our baby. You know that right?” Mara nodded. She did know that he was going to keep her safe. She felt safer with him with her, but Mara had never ridden a bike before. She told him her dilemma and he just insisted that now was the best time to start. Mara couldn’t disagree with his logic and found herself getting on the back of his motorcycle. One he got on in front of her, Grant didn’t have to tell her that she needed to wrap her arms around him. Mara already had, setting her head on his back as he started the engine.

Mara knew then that it was where she was supposed to be. Only time would tell if he would really change his ways, but she could hope. Closing her eyes, she let the wind whip her hair back as she clung to her vice. She was addicted to him.





A Bad Boy Football Sports Romance






By: Carly White




Chapter 1

“Don’t look, but I think Axl is looking at you.”

I automatically look because well, I couldn’t help it. I didn’t believe Ashlea and it wouldn’t be the first time that she had messed with me about him. No one else knew but her. I have had a crush on him since I started college and now at the tail-end of my last year, I was starting to think more about the opposite sex and less about my grades.

Always wanting to graduate Magna Cum Laude, that had been my focus and I will admit, I let me love life kind of go down the drain. Ashlea gave me hell about it all the time, but I couldn’t tell her that I was waiting, saving myself for the right man, at the right time. I knew that it hadn’t been the right time when I was in high school, but now that I was only a couple of months away from my goal, love could be put back on the schedule if the right guy came along. In my wildest dreams, it would have been Axl.

“You know he would not look at me like that, besides, guys like him are only interested in one thing.”

“Well you would be too if you gave it a try.”

I gave her a dirty look that she just smiled to. She tossed her blonde hair back and giggled. Ashlea oozed sexuality, while me, I was the shy girl that didn’t say much. The only time men fought for me was as a science partner.

He was looking over at me from across the yard, his dark eyes met mine for a moment before I looked down. I know that I had to be blushing and it made me wonder what he wanted. I pulled my hair back up in a ponytail and shrugged on my cardigan. It was almost too hot for it, but I couldn’t stand the distraction if I didn’t. Getting up from the bench, I started off towards our next class. It was my worst class and of course, it was the only one that I had with Axl.

“See I told you I wasn’t lying this time.’

“So what? You know his reputation I am not trying to be one of those girls. He has been through enough of them.”

I wished that he was different. That somehow a guy that hot would not know it or that he would still be a decent guy at the end of the day. Axl was a pretty decent guy, as long as you weren’t a girl that he ‘dated’. That much was clear and although I wondered why he was even looking my way, I knew that it was not for what I wanted. I wanted more than just lust and an orgasm.

“You can’t believe everything that you hear Sue.”

She couldn’t even keep a straight face when she said it. We both knew that the rumors about him were true. I ran into him and another girl in the midst of it last week at a party at one of the frat houses. I couldn’t get his body out of my mind and ever since then, I had seen him looking from time to time.

“Anyways. Did you do the homework that he assigned? I couldn’t figure out the last couple questions, did you?”

Ashlea looked at me with that look. That ‘yeah right, did you forget who you are talking to’ look that she was best known for. I had never met someone who was so expressive. There was no need to wonder what Ashlea was thinking because she literally was an open book. Even when she did not want to be, she couldn’t help it. It was written on her face.

“Okay great, we are both screwed then. I don’t know why I have to have statistics for psychology, but I guess I do.”  Ashlea was going for a business degree and neither one of them were math whizzes. The funny thing about it was that Axl apparently was doing better than both of us. I had always thought of him as kind of an idiot, but I was wrong. I wondered if there was more to Axl than what met the eye. Could he really be more than the rich star quarterback that I had been dreaming about for all those years? I doubted it, but it was fun to think of him that way. More available and more what I was actually looking for in a man.

Me and Ashlea sat down at our table. Everyone had chosen another person for a partner and of course, we had picked each other. It hadn’t helped us with much more than someone to talk to through the class, but I wouldn’t have had it any other way. One class could not possibly bring my GPA down enough for me to care. My honors were already locked in. If not, I may have gotten a tutor or something because my mind just did not work with numbers.

I saw that Mr. Reynolds was coming in and like always, he looked as unkempt as much of the students. There were several rumors about him helping girls with their grades for a price, but I thought the price was far too high and I just wasn’t interested. I couldn’t believe that anyone else was, but according to the local rumor mill, he banged many in each class. Ashlea and I would watch his interaction with the rest of the class. We tried to figure out who he was helping with grades. It usually wasn’t that hard since it was almost always the girls that he had stay over. He always had something to talk to them about and we all knew that there was a reason for all the extra ‘help’ they were receiving.

He wasn’t even good looking, not like Axl anyways. Mr. Reynolds was in his early forties and beyond trying to dress a lot younger, he wasn’t fooling anyone. The comb over he was trying to accomplish to hide the fact that he had a bald spot was not fooling anyone either. I felt bad for the girls that chose to go that route, way more than I pitied the lecherous man. He should know better.

“Class, it has come to my attention that the partners we have are not working. So we are going to change them, moreover I am. It doesn’t look good if half the class is failing, which half of you are.”

There was an audible groan from everyone in the room and I knew that it was going to be bad news. I picked Ashlea because that was who I wanted to sit next to all term.

“Really you guys all picked your friends, though if you both suck at it that is not really helping is it?”

He was looking right at me. “Why are you looking at me?”

“Mrs. Cline, do you really think that Ashlea was your best choice to partner up with in this class?”

My face turned red and I wanted to melt into the carpet, but was unable. “Probably not?”

“So now I am going to assign partners and seats, the democracy didn’t work people, sorry.”

I wanted to hide my face, hating when I was called or had to speak in public, just wasn’t my thing. The worse class of all time was my Public Speaking class. It is pretty much a slow hell for all introverts and I figured if I could make it through that, there was no why that statistics was going to get me. So I waited to hear him call my name. Since he had pointed me out, I knew that it was going to be bad.

“Sue, you are with Axl. I know he looks like a dumb jock, but he has the highest score of all my classes this year. Don’t worry Axl, I won’t tell anyone else.”

My heart pounded in my chest. I must have heard that wrong. Ashlea’s face told me that I hadn’t. I closed my eyes for a moment and then went to move to the new assigned table in the back. Where I had always been in the front to hear, I now was in the nose bleed sections with him.

Taking the seat I didn’t even look at him. I knew him, but I was sure that he did not know who I was. Even though we had had several classes together and I used to live two doors down when I stayed in dorms freshman year. He never noticed me then and I figured he wouldn’t notice me now. So sure of myself, I actually jumped when he said something.

“So you are Sue right?”

I nodded my head, still not looking at him. “Well good to meet you Sue, I am Axl.”

He stuck his hand out to me and I know I must have looked at it like it belonged to an alien or something. After a minute, it became clear to him that I wasn’t going to shake him hand. I have known him for four years for goodness sake.

“I know who you are Axl, everyone does. You are practically worshipped like a God around here.”

I saw him smirk, liking what I said. “Although you know how school is, not a precursor for the real world.”

“Well it will be for me. I already have four offers and all of them will make me even richer.”

“Good for you, really.”

The more he talked, the less enticing he became. It was like looking at what you thought was a unicorn, admiring it from afar for years and then all of a sudden you see that it is just a horse with a weird placed stick. I sighed and tried to pay attention to the teacher. This was going to be worse than I thought.

It was about ten minutes of quiet, before he turned back to me, obviously bothered that I wasn’t swooning. “Why don’t you like me? Everyone else does you know.”

“Well then what does it matter if one person doesn’t?”

“It just does.”

I couldn’t believe it, but he did seem upset. Who would have guessed that the star quarterback was so worried about what everyone else thought? It made me look at him a little differently for a moment. I was being rude and I silently chastised myself for it. “Look I am sorry okay. I just would rather be partners with my friend.”

He nodded and I tried to get back to what the teacher was talking about. It was only fifteen minutes into the lesson and I was already lost again. I sighed and flipped back through the book, trying to figure out what he was talking about. Why the hell did the problem turn into half of the blackboard and why are they splitting everything?

The teacher passed around a pop quiz, which he did every class and even though they were not much of a surprise, I dreaded them and hoped each day that he would change in up. He never did and soon I was looking at the paper and the numbers blurred in front of me.

I was about halfway through when Axl touched my arm. It felt strange and I looked over, trying to find out what he wanted. I tried to hide the gape I felt or the spot on my arm that was still warm from his touch.

“Three is B, not C.”

I looked down at the paper and changed the answer. I wasn’t really sure anyways, so I figured his guess would be more educated than mine anyways. The test time was over after fifteen minutes and I felt better than I had in weeks about the outcome. Axl had helped me with a couple more of the answers and I felt good about it. I tried hard not to notice how his blackish hair curled underneath his collar or how his brown eyes seemed to take over mine once our eyes met. When he smiled, my heart still went into my throat and I couldn’t swallow. It was going to be a long couple of months, but I still wasn’t sure if that was going to be a good thing, or a bad thing.

“Well thank you Axl, I appreciate it.”

I turned around to walk away and felt a hand on my arm. “Wait. I was hoping that we could go out sometime.”

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