Romancing Sal Gabrini 2: A Woman's Touch (5 page)

Read Romancing Sal Gabrini 2: A Woman's Touch Online

Authors: Mallory Monroe

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #United States, #African American, #Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, #Romance, #Multicultural, #Crime Fiction

BOOK: Romancing Sal Gabrini 2: A Woman's Touch
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he said, still holding one of her hands, “what’s your schedule like the rest of
the day?”

I was just going to go over to
Champagne’s for a few hours before I called it a day.
But anyway, I thought you said you were going
to phone me when you were on your plane heading this way?”

did phone you,” Sal said, “but your cell phone was off.”

She was in court all
“My bad,” she said with a

smiled too.
Ran his hand up her arm,
glancing at her breasts.
“You think you
can take a rain check on going over to Champagne’s?”

knew exactly why he wanted her to take the rain check.
“For you?” she asked.
Then thought about it.
“Not really, no.”

surprised by her response, stopped smiling.
Gemma laughed.
“Of course I can
take a rain check, silly,” she said, placing her arm through his as they turned
to leave.
“Let’s go.”

smiled too, as they turned to leave.
he also, while placing his hand in the small of her back and assisting her out
of the doors, turned back toward the man upstairs.
He was still, to Sal’s growing disgust,
staring at Gemma.


Gemma and Sal walked across the parking lot, Gemma was texting Trina that Sal
was in town and she therefore wouldn’t be able to come over to
Trina text her back that
she had better not come with her “
boo boo
” in town, prompting Gemma to smile.
Then Tree added:
Ask him about the
Gemma knew she had to, but
she also knew she had to pick her moment.
She replied to Trina:
Mind your
own business
To which Trina finally
Too busy minding yours
Gemma laughed and put her phone away.
Sal asked what was funny, but Gemma didn’t
see the point of repeating it.
Tree,” she said instead.

finally arrived at her BMW, which was parked on the backside of the massive
parking lot.
Sal automatically opened
the passenger door for her, sat her down in the passenger seat, and walked
around and sat down himself behind the wheel.
He pressed the start engine button and looked at the dashboard.

old is this thing?” he asked her.

?” Gemma asked him. “This car is
my pride and joy, boy, what are you talking about?
And it’s just a year old, thank-you very
And it’s almost paid for.”

looked at her.
“What’s almost?”

almost in my mind anyway,” she said with a smile. “I have three more years to

years?” Sal asked, surprised.

Sal, three.
Something I’m very proud
It would have been five more years
if I hadn’t doubled up and tripled up on some of the payments.
Everybody doesn’t have it going on like you
So don’t hate.


looked at him.
He was a very
good-looking man, in a rugged sort of way, with thick, silky hair, big, blue
eyes, and tanned skin.
And his muscular
body, she thought as she glanced down at him, wasn’t chopped liver either.
“What about you?” she asked him.
“How did you get to the courthouse?
Reno sent a car for you?”

didn’t ask him to send one.
He didn’t
know I was coming to town either.
caught a cab,” he said.

Somehow she couldn’t picture Sal
in a cab.

Sal started driving.
And he nodded.
“Nice ride,” he said.

I’m glad you approve, Mr. Gabrini.”

who was the guy?”

looked at him.
“What guy?”

one that couldn’t stop laughing at your jokes.
The one who couldn’t keep his hands off of you.
The stud upstairs at that courthouse.”

mean Marsh?”

glanced at her, and then back at the road.
Who the hell was Marsh?

an attorney I know,” she answered his unasked question.
“Well, I don’t really know him.
You remember that lawyers convention I
attended in Seattle?”

are you nuts?
Of course I remember
That convention marked the beginning
of our beautiful relationship.”

And it is beautiful
, Gemma thought.
“Marsh was there,” she said.
“Marshall Denning.”

you guys struck up some kind of friendship at the convention?”

really, no.
He tried to hit on me,
I turned him down, twice.
We talked a few times after that about the
law itself.
Good conversation.
And that was the sum total of it.”

knew the guy was interested in Gemma just by the way he was looking at
He was glad she understood it
“You see him often?” he asked her.

Not ever actually.
He’s in town on a case.
He works out of Philly.
Or is it Baltimore?
Or DC?”


I think.
I told you I don’t know him
like that.
But at any rate, he wants us
to meet and discuss the case he’s working on.”

didn’t sit right with Sal.
“A guy who
hits on you every chance he gets wants to meet with you?”
He looked at her.
“I don’t think so.”

don’t think what?”

don’t think you’re going to be meeting with him.”

wants to consult on jurisdiction, Sal.
If Marsh or any other attorney wants to consult with me to help his
client, I’m not going to refuse to help.
Especially since it’ll be a paid consultation.
If he gets out of his lane, I know how to put
him back in.”

gripped the steering wheel.
“It’s not
about whether or not you can put him back in his place.
It’s about a man being a man.
Just leave that guy alone.”

sign that next contract.”

“What next contract?”

one the Gabrini Corporation plans to sign.
Don’t sign it.”

didn’t get it.
“And why the hell not?”

I don’t want you to.”

the fuck you know about any contracts I’m signing?”

What the fuck you know about any
consultations I might or might not need to have?”

had to smile.
“It’s not the same.
This guy likes you.”

and Shannon, your right hand girl, the woman you used to date but now works in
your office with you on your personal staff, doesn’t?”

didn’t like where this was going.
stopped at a red light and turned to her.
“It’s not the same,” he said again.

thing is, Sal, you run your business, and you’ve got to let me run mine.
Just like you won’t allow me to come up in
your office telling you what you can and cannot do, you have to afford me the
same courtesy and respect.
You have to.”

looked at her.
What was he doing?
Gemma could handle some stud.
Why was he feeling insecure about that?
He placed her hand in his.
And smiled.
“You’re right,” he said.
only get to be right once a year,” he added, and Gemma laughed.
“So cherish it.”

will,” she said.
He leaned over and kissed
her on the lips.
She thought it would be
a peck, but when they were about to separate he pulled her back toward him and
kissed her longer.
When the car behind
them started blowing the horn, and Sal looked up and realized the light had
turned green, he pulled off.

not before giving the guy the bird in the rearview mirror.
“Asshole,” he said into that same mirror, as
he pulled off.

smiled and shook her head.
She wasn’t
exactly dating Mr. Meek and Mild, she once again reminded herself.
Then she looked out of the window and thought
about what would happen once he got her home and how, after dinner, to her
great delight, he was going to prove to her just how un-meek and un-mild he
really was.


by the time they arrived at her house, and he pulled her BMW into the garage,
Sal had something more immediate in mind.
He got out of the car and walked around to the passenger door.
Gemma was just grabbing her purse and briefcase
when Sal opened the door.
But just as
she put her legs out and was about to stand up, he knelt down in front of her,
inside the open car door, between her legs, and reached under her skirt.
When he began pulling down her panties, she

what are you doing?” she asked.

removed her panties off of one shoe, and opened her legs wider.
“When you kissed me at the courthouse, it was
I don’t do restrain very
He said this and licked her,
causing her to immediately pulsate down below.
“In fact,” he added, licking her again, “I don’t do restrain at all.”

he began licking her with long swipes along her folds, with licks around her
Gemma leaned back on her elbows,
amazed that this was happening in her garage, especially with the door still
But it felt so good!

neighbors,” she said weakly.
She meant
to tell him that the neighbors might see them, but Sal’s tongue was so expert
that she couldn’t formulate a sentence.
“The neighbors,” she said again, her flat stomach inhaling and exhaling
as he did her.
“The neighbors.”

feeling was so good to Sal that he couldn’t care less who saw them. “Fuck the
neighbors,” he said, as he continued to lick her.
His erection was so stiff he had to unzip his
pants to give it room to expand.
And it
sprung out, stiff as steel.
But this
wasn’t about his dick.
Not yet.
This was about tasting Gemma.
And smelling that wonderfully intoxicating
scent he missed.
This was about pleasing

he was pleasing her mightily.
He had her
legs gapped open, with his hands resting on either side of her slender, dark
thighs, and his tongue plunged deeper and deeper inside of her.
And when he started biting her, her body
buckled in joy and spewed out so much vaginal juices that she involuntarily
began to scream.
When she realized just
how far he was willing to go, and what her reaction to his extremeness was
going to be, she immediately scrambled and reached underneath her steering
wheel, pressed the garage door button, and her automatic garage door began to
Sal had a dangerous streak in him
that she loved, but also feared.
right now, as he continued to eat her so ferociously that he was biting her,
over and over, she loved that dangerousness.
Her body was arching and bouncing and her legs were kicking, as he ate
She loved his dangerousness.

loved it too, so much so that when her juices started flowing and his mouth had
her vagina swollen and pulsating from his ravaging, he couldn’t wait another
This was the stuff his dreams
were made of.
And he had to feel her
He straddled his body on top of
hers, moved up to her face, and inside that car he shoved his dick into her

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