Ronnie and Nancy (111 page)

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Authors: Bob Colacello

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320–25, 330–35, 339–42, 344–45,

142–43, 182, 229, 235, 263, 268, 319,

348–49, 355, 358, 364–66, 368,

321, 335, 376, 424

372–73, 386, 389–90, 393, 400, 404,

as First Lady of California, 34, 280,

415–16, 418, 422, 426–28, 430–34,

351–55, 357–75, 378–79, 383, 389,

436–37, 443, 457, 459, 464–67, 471,

393–96, 399, 402–3, 407, 411–12,

482, 485, 500–501, 505

420, 422–24, 427–29, 431, 441–43,

SAG board membership of, 250, 266


security concerns of, 6, 448

as First Lady of the U.S., 1–2, 4–7, 11–13,

sense of humor of, 123, 185, 242

147, 229

sexuality of, 185–86, 414, 416

heritage of, 34–36

shoplifter caught by, 142–43

honeymoon of, 261–63

singing of, 76, 89, 137

honors and awards of, 189, 385, 393,

social life of, 1–2, 4–7, 9–11, 75, 86, 89,

400, 409, 426–27, 443, 499

91–92, 121–23, 135, 137, 184,

House of the Future of, 274–76, 278

186–87, 191–93, 227, 233–35, 244,

illnesses and injuries of, 39–41, 249, 339

248–49, 258–59, 276–80, 282,

media coverage of, 6–7, 363–64, 415–16,

285–88, 290–95, 297–99, 303–4,

424, 427, 446, 484, 501

306–8, 311–12, 316–17, 323, 336,

modeling work of, 182

343, 347, 349–50, 358, 372–76,

morality of, 415–16, 445

392–93, 396–97, 401–3, 405–6,

name change of, 86, 89

409–11, 413–14, 418–20, 422–24,

naming of, 34–35

426–27, 429–31, 439, 442–46,

overseas trips of, 407–10, 419–20, 423,

448–49, 453–54, 456, 460–61,

440, 472

468–71, 473, 475–76, 489–90, 493,

physical appearance of, 1, 5–6, 11, 50,

496, 499

54–55, 75, 87–92, 121–22, 124, 134,

speeches delivered by, 415, 445, 490

182–88, 190–91, 193, 226, 228–29,

superstitions of, 229, 255–57, 259, 269,

238, 241, 245–46, 248–49, 258, 261,

276, 335, 353–54, 419

266, 278, 324, 341–43, 350, 352,

television appearances of, 280–81, 446

354–55, 364, 373–75, 377, 381,

wedding anniversaries of, 243, 284, 312,

386–88, 391, 395, 397, 407, 410, 422,


427, 455–56, 490, 495–96, 500

wedding of, 258, 260–61, 265

politics and political activities of, 4, 10–11, Reagan, Neil, 15–16, 18–21, 23–25, 27–28,

13, 127–28, 236–37, 241, 246, 252,

30–31, 59, 61–62, 64, 98, 108, 150,

278, 293, 323–25, 330–31, 333–50,

160, 162, 170, 310–11, 330–31, 335,

361, 364–65, 371, 377–81, 383,

352, 413, 504

385–90, 393, 396, 400, 412–16, 424,

Reagan, Nelle Wilson, 15–21, 23–29, 31,

426, 434, 438, 445, 450–58, 461–62,

51, 58–59, 64–66, 70–71, 98–100,


5 9 3

105, 108, 111–14, 150–51, 207, 221,

64, 69–71, 98–100, 109, 115, 149–51,

240–41, 253, 255, 261, 266, 310–11,

160–62, 223, 238, 240, 254, 257, 263,

316, 331, 353, 465

268–71, 319–21, 335, 376–77,

Reagan, Ronald Prescott, 5–6, 8, 12, 195,

431–32, 437, 465, 472

284, 304, 312, 330–31, 341, 343, 352,

first marriage of, 93, 107–11, 114, 150,

359, 362, 374, 396, 406–7, 419, 433,

152, 154–55, 161–64, 166, 177, 179,

435–36, 455–56, 467–68, 479, 493,

195–96, 200–202, 204–9, 212, 221–24,

501–2, 504

243, 255, 258, 277–78, 295, 342–43

Reagan, Ronald Wilson:

on foreign affairs, 2–3, 221, 411, 420,

acting career of, 2, 4, 21–22, 27–28, 31,

448–52, 457, 462, 479, 486, 491–92,

60, 69–70, 72–73, 76, 93, 96–100,


103–6, 109, 111–15, 117–19,

funeral of, 11–12

149–50, 152–58, 161–64, 167–68,

governorship of, 13, 157, 202, 280,

175, 177–79, 201–2, 205–8, 222,

351–75, 377–80, 382–85, 389, 391,

224, 238–43, 249, 251–52, 257,

395–97, 399, 401–4, 406–7, 409,

263–64, 266–69, 278, 282–83,

411–12, 414, 416–29, 431–32, 439,

287–88, 295, 320, 322, 335, 348,

441–43, 446, 460, 472, 478, 484,

377–79, 381, 408, 410, 413, 434,


451, 478, 501, 505

gubernatorial campaigns of, 9, 15, 128,

adolescence of, 27–29

334–50, 369–70, 372, 376, 378–79,

ambitions of, 22, 60–61, 67–69, 161,

391, 394, 412–14, 436

379–81, 383–84, 422, 425, 441, 460

gubernatorial inaugurations of, 351–55,

on anti-Semitism, 109, 171

395, 414

articles and columns written by, 166, 210,

heritage of, 16–17, 30, 35, 168, 420

253, 431–32, 439, 465, 470–71

honors and awards of, 31, 60, 243–44,

athletics enjoyed by, 21–22, 25, 28,

288, 382, 385, 409, 425–26, 443

30–31, 61, 66, 98, 105–6, 110, 208,

horsemanship of, 66, 163, 208, 250, 254,

240, 340

277, 299, 309, 335, 348, 369, 423,

attempts on life of, 5–6, 175–77, 383

466, 489

birthdays of, 243–44, 283, 374, 449

House of the Future of, 274–76, 278

birth of, 15–16, 18–19

idealism of, 165

celebrity of, 30, 65–67, 114, 283, 288, 435

illnesses and injuries of, 8–9, 11, 108,

charitable activities of, 26, 240

206, 212, 240, 242, 367

childhood of, 16, 19–27, 59

intelligence of, 21, 202, 205, 217, 306, 337

children raised by, 304–10, 341–43, 379,

Las Vegas act of, 269–70

404–6, 414–16, 419, 434–36, 467–68,

law enforcement work of, 171, 196, 210,



communications skills of, 202

lectures delivered by, 381

as corporate spokesman, 164, 271–75,

management style of, 154, 177–78, 202,

279–80, 283–84, 287–88, 298, 308,

250, 481

316, 318–19, 321

military service of, 66, 151–57, 160–61

demeanor of, 10, 21–22, 30, 51, 103,

Nancy courted by, 236, 238, 240–43,

105–6, 111, 164, 178–79, 205, 207–8,

248–50, 252–58

215, 239–40, 243, 254, 288, 299, 322,

Nancy’s marriage to, 8–13, 51, 123, 128,

324, 341, 344–45, 348, 368–69,

133, 185, 234, 259–65, 268–71,

371–73, 379, 381, 384, 386–87, 428,

273–88, 290, 292–93, 295, 297–98,

441, 451, 465–67, 485, 495

302, 304, 306–9, 312, 314–18,

divorce of, 179, 221–24, 238–40, 242,

320–25, 330–35, 339–42, 344–45,

254, 256, 260

348–49, 355, 358, 364–66, 368,

education of, 21–22, 24, 27–28, 30–34,

372–73, 386, 389–90, 393, 400, 404,


415–16, 418, 422, 426–28, 430–34,

fatalism of, 333–35, 381, 429

436–37, 443, 457, 459, 464–67, 471,

finances of, 15–17, 22, 30–32, 61–62,

482, 485, 500–501, 505

5 9 4


Reagan, Ronald Wilson

276–80, 282, 285–88, 292, 294–95,

nickname of, 15–16, 25, 30, 58–70, 96–97

297–99, 303–4, 306–8, 312, 316–17,

optimism of, 161

323, 336, 343, 347, 349–50, 372–76,

overseas trips of, 240, 242, 407–10,

380, 392–93, 396, 401–3, 405–6,

419–20, 423, 440, 472–73

409–11, 413–14, 418–20, 422–24,

patriotism of, 3, 15–16, 264, 423

426–27, 429–30, 439, 443, 448–49,

physical appearance of, 2, 5, 21, 29,

453, 456, 460–61, 468–71, 473, 476,

66–69, 96, 106–8, 151, 155, 165, 215,

489, 496, 499, 504

238, 258, 278, 288, 295, 318, 324,

speeches delivered by, 6, 30, 69, 114–15,

343, 348, 370, 381, 386, 410, 439,

165–66, 252, 264, 271–73, 279–80,

448, 469, 490, 502

315–19, 321, 323, 331–33, 338–39,

politics of, 4, 10–11, 13, 22, 29–32, 62,

341, 343–45, 353, 364, 370, 381,

66–67, 96, 98, 104, 109, 112, 115,

383–84, 404, 409–10, 414–15, 421,

117, 119, 127–28, 144, 156–58, 160,

426, 432–33, 439–40, 447–51, 461–62,

164–72, 175–76, 178–79, 185,

464–65, 472, 476, 479, 498, 500

195–202, 205, 207, 211–12, 215–24,

summer jobs of, 29–32, 58–60, 114, 203

236, 251–52, 264, 266, 269–70,

superstitions of, 255–56, 259, 276,

277–79, 282–83, 285–87, 291–93,

353–54, 383, 419–20

299, 312–25, 330–47, 349, 357,

television appearances of, 268, 271–72,

359–61, 365–66, 370–71, 377, 379,

280–81, 283, 312, 319–20, 332, 335,

389–91, 396, 400–401, 403, 406–7,

341, 344, 361, 365, 381, 385, 412,

410–12, 416–19, 421–22, 425–26,

418, 428, 440, 446, 451, 454

430, 432, 436, 438–40, 443, 448–49,

unionism of, 171–72, 174–78, 195–98,

453–54, 459–64, 470–73, 475–76,

200, 202, 207, 209–11, 214–16,

486–87, 497, 500

219–21, 236, 238, 241–42, 250–53,

popularity of, 107, 149, 155, 264, 407,

256, 266–68, 288, 319, 417

410, 431, 464

wedding anniversaries of, 243, 284, 312,

presidency of, 1–2, 4–7, 10–13, 190, 202,


205, 505–6

weddings of, 107–8, 258, 260–61, 265

presidential campaigns of, 2–3, 9,

as wine connoisseur, 111, 238–39, 242,

377–89, 421, 429, 434, 436–44,

250–51, 269, 465, 468, 502

446–64, 470–505

Reagan, William, 18, 20

public image of, 9, 215, 283, 340, 371,

Reagan’s America
(Wills), 29


Rear Gunner,

on racial issues, 27, 165–66

Reasoner, Harry, 361, 364–65, 381–82

radio career of, 58–65, 67–70, 72,

Red Plot Against America, The
(Stripling), 210

431–32, 437, 439, 465, 505

Reed, Clarke, 437, 452, 456

as rancher, 163–64, 223, 242, 253–54,

Reed, Thomas C., 356–57, 366–67, 373,

266, 268, 283, 299, 309, 331, 376–77,

380–81, 384, 413, 443, 447

432–34, 462, 464, 466, 474, 477, 484

Reid, Jim, 209

reading tastes of, 110, 270, 341

Reston, James, 426, 449

religious beliefs of, 19, 22, 25, 27, 61, 66, Reuther, Walter, 197

70, 96, 99, 105–6, 309, 353, 381, 402,

Revell, Dennis, 504


Revere, Anne, 172, 175, 196, 209–10

romances of, 27–28, 30, 32, 60, 64, 66,

(Anderson), 481

100, 103–7, 239, 243

Reynolds, Nancy, 351, 365–66, 368–70,

security for, 6, 376, 433, 448, 505

372, 399–400, 406, 408, 414, 431,

sense of humor of, 110, 178, 208,

480, 493, 495, 497

242–43, 262, 270, 353, 401–2, 411,

Reynolds, Quentin, 217

418, 435, 477

Rhodes, Cecil, 440

singing voice of, 66, 270

Rhodes, James, 387, 457

social life of, 1–5, 10–11, 66–68, 97–98,

Righter, Carroll, 255–57, 259, 263, 269,

100, 104–6, 238–40, 243–44, 258–59,

276, 353, 395


5 9 5

Right Moment, The
(Dallek), 314

Rugged Path, The
(Sherwood), 182, 227

Rise of Ronald Reagan, The
(Boyarsky), 364

Rumsfeld, Donald, 439, 446, 487

Robbins, Anne Ayres “Nannee,” 35, 37–38,

Russell, Rosalind, 109, 228, 231, 278, 374

41–42, 54, 88–89, 258–59

Rutherford, Ann, 114–15, 230, 250, 282,

Robbins, John, 35, 38


Robbins, Kenneth Seymour, 34–35, 37–38,

Ryman, Lucille, 228, 235

41–42, 48, 54, 86, 88–89, 100–101,


Safer, Morley, 444

Robbins, Patricia Cross “Patsie,” 48, 54, 88

Safire, William, 3, 426

Roberts, Bill, 337–38, 340–41, 343–45,

Salmon, Montague, 39

349, 360, 413

Salvatori, Grace Ford, 325–26, 328–30,

Robeson, Paul, 143, 214

333, 336, 350, 375, 395–96, 412,

Robinson, Edward G., 96, 160, 165, 178

442–43, 504

Robinson, Jill Schary, 110, 241, 293

Salvatori, Henry, 10, 325–26, 328–30,

Robinson, Marian, 88

332–37, 339–40, 345–46, 348–50,

Rockefeller, David, 12, 385, 499

352, 355–59, 368, 375, 378–80, 382,

Rockefeller, Margaretta Murphy “Happy,”

387, 395, 412–13, 421, 437, 441–43,

323, 385–86, 420

475, 488, 504

Rockefeller, Nelson, 323–24, 327, 331, 337,

Salvatori, Laurie Ann, 328–30, 333–34

342, 357, 382–88, 393, 427, 430–31,

Santa Fe Trail,

438–42, 446–47, 456

Schary, Dore, 110, 168–69, 220–21, 225,

Roedling, Herbert, 291

227–30, 234–35, 237, 241, 245–48,

Rogers, Ginger, 158, 198, 200, 209, 230, 255

258, 286–87, 293

Romero, Cesar, 256–57, 375

Schary, Miriam, 234, 241, 245

Romney, George, 378, 382

Schenck, Joseph, 117, 219

Ronald Reagan and His Ranch
(Hannaford), Schlesinger, Arthur, Jr., 169, 197


Schlesinger, James, 446–47

Ronald Reagan in Hollywood
(Vaughn), 119, Schmitz, John, 361

149, 153

Schreiber, Rita, 283, 374, 376

Ronald Reagan Speaks Out Against Socialized
Schreiber, Taft, 271–72, 282–83, 320, 346,


356–57, 359, 374, 376–78, 380, 421,

Ronnie and Jesse
(Cannon), 364


Rooney, Mickey, 1, 201, 230

Schwarz, Fred, 315, 329

Roosevelt, Eleanor, 3, 11, 41, 170, 197

Schweiker, Richard, 453–55

Roosevelt, Franklin D., Jr., 112, 164

Scott, Adrian, 217, 219

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