Roofie (MMA Bad Boys Book 2) (12 page)

BOOK: Roofie (MMA Bad Boys Book 2)
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I turn the knob on the portable radio and music starts filling the silence of the room. Before I even get a chance to sit down and get started on the design, Carlotta’s gasp of shock halts me and I stare at her as her face pales.

“Car? What’s wrong?” I rush to her and take the phone from her hand.

“Press number one and listen to that message,” she croaks. Her reaction has me curious yet nervous but I do as she says and replay the message:

This is a message for Gemma Batton. Stay away from Roofie. Did you not know he had a fiancé? You’re a homewrecker. Trash. If you don’t leave him alone, I’ll have no choice but to take action.

I place the phone back on its cradle with shaky hands as rage boils beneath the surface of my skin.

“Gem?” Carlotta’s voice breaks through the whistling that’s residing in my ears as I get lost in the thought of all the bullshit that Roofie has spewed at me just to get into my knickers.

“I’m a fucking idiot,” I mumble. “I’ll be fine, Car. No need to hover. Let’s just get on with work. This shit can wait.” She nods her head in understanding and we get on with our day in silence. Client after client comes in and leaves but I pay no notice until Laney enters the building.

Her bottle blonde hair shines bright under the lights in the shop and her fake tits spill over the tops of her camisole shirt. Her pumped up lips are too big for her face and when she talks it’s like nails on a chalkboard. She has to be the one client that annoys the fuck out of me and Carlotta but we deal with it because hey, money is money.

I hand the design to Carlotta and mumble about heading out for coffee, something I always do when Barbie comes in.

Shivering as I forgot my jacket, I speed walk down the road to Lorena’s as thoughts of Roofie’s betrayal scrambles my brain and has my stomach in knots. Why? Why did he lie and tell me he’s never had a proper relationship if he’s fucking engaged? I mean, you don’t forget shit like that, right?

I don’t recall making my order, but I’m soon walking back out the café with our usual coffees and I stare at the cups confused. I don’t even remember saying hello to Lorena. Shit, I’ll apologise next time… maybe I’ll even fill her in with why I’m so far in my head that I don’t even know what I’m doing.

Walking back into the shop, I freeze. Roofie is stood frozen to the spot with Carlotta spitting lava in front of him. Her angry face and his pale one tells me that she’s beat me to the punch in confronting him.

Not wanting to waste perfectly good coffee, I skirt around them and place the hot drinks on the counter.

“Gem?” Roofie’s pain-filled voice says from behind me and tears prick my eyes but I take a deep breath, trying in vain to keep them from falling down my face.

“Why, Roofie? You lied to me and for what?” I turn, looking him in face. I lose the tight control on my emotions as tears leak from my eyes. “You’re engaged to someone else yet fucking me on the side? What’s the deal?” I throw my arms out to the side while trying to gulp down the lump in my throat.

“I’m not sure where you’re getting your information, Gemma, but I can fucking tell you now I’m not engaged. Never have been. For fuck sake, Gem, you know I’ve never even had a relationship!” His voice grows louder as his facial features contort with rage.

Carlotta goes to the phone and turns on loudspeaker and fiddles with the buttons. The robotic voice repeats the message and Roofie’s eyes grow dark. I swear, he’s that pissed that steam is coming out of his ears.

“That woman was my mother. The twisted bitch.” He paces the storefront as me and Carlotta exchange a look of ‘what the fuck’. “She wants me to sort out my sister’s behaviour, but I refused and because she’s a total tool and complete brat, she threatened to do something to you. She didn’t tell me what, but I was expecting more than a shitty phone call that holds no merit what-so-ever. I’d never lie to you, Gemma. I’m fucking falling head first into something I’ve never experienced but I honestly can’t describe how my hearts beats faster when you’re close, how my pulse races when you smile. Please believe me… I’m telling the truth.” Looking into his pleading eyes, I see the honesty, love and one-hundred percent commitment. Feeling the anger leave my body, my shoulders sag and I sob into the quiet room, my hands covering my face.

Strong arms wrap around me and I rest my head on Roofie’s familiar shoulder whilst wrapping my arms around his waist. How could I have been so stupid as to believe someone I don’t know over the man I’ve shared a bed with, who I’m falling bad for. My shattered heart starts to rebuild and I feel all the emotions leave my body. My tears stop but my breathing is still out of rhythm.

“I got you, babe. I’m so sorry my stupid mother left that message for you.” He kisses the top of my head that instantly soothes me and I sigh as I clutch his tank top in my hands. “I have baggage that no-one should ever take on and that’s my family. But I’ll keep her away from you as best I can.”

“Okay,” I mumble into his shirt. “I’m sorry I got your top wet.”

“Don’t sweat it. I’m fighting tonight, are you coming to watch?” He pulls away from me and looks down into my eyes. “I want you there for support.”

“Of course I will, you big doofus.” I laugh despite the snot that’s making me sound like I have a bad case of the flu. “Why did you come here anyway?”

“Oh, yeah. Carlotta got straight in my face before the door even shut behind me… I wanted to book the next tattoo in.” He chuckles as he looks at Carlotta who’s leaning against the counter staring between us.

“This is better than the soaps on the TV, d’ya know that?” Carlotta throws her head back and laughs, loudly, before leaning over to grab the diary. “When were you thinking?”

“Next week? I want Gemma to surprise me with a design of her choice… That way she’s with me even if it’s not in person.” My heart strums against my ribs at his words and my heart soars. This man just keeps on surprising me. I think I just gave a little bit more of my heart to him and it feels so fucking good, I feel alive for the first time in my life.

“Sure.” Carlotta winks at me as she pens him in. “Next Tuesday at ten in the morning. Will you be up that early?”

“Yup. No problem.” Roofie gives Carlotta a forced smile before he turns to me. “What time do you close shop?”

I look at my wristwatch and bite my lip, knowing full well what that does to him. “Two hours.”

“I’ll pick you up.” He places a soft kiss to my lips before turning and leaving the shop. I stare after him long after the doors shut and he’s out of sight.

“Well that was sorted quicker than I thought it would.” Carlotta looks at me through narrowed eyes. “I was expecting a lot more fight from you.”

“I can see he’s the telling the truth. Isn’t my fault, or his, that his mother isn’t right in the head.” I shrug, grab my coffee and go to my desk. Two hours is going to drag by and all I want is to be wrapped in his arms as he tells me everything is good between us.

The anger building inside me is unhealthy and I know that, I need to release the devil inside of me and I’m about to spit fucking nails at my mother for the stunt she’s pulled. Who the fuck does she think she is? A growl builds deep in my chest before spilling out of my mouth. I slam my hands on the steering wheel as I drive way over the speed limit towards the ‘mansion’ that mother lives in. I’m done with this shit.

My tyres squeal as I park haphazardly in the circular driveway. This isn’t the first time I’ve had to come to this place. I hate it, it’s so cliché and to me, a mansion may mean you’re a rich fucker but it’s tacky. It’s not a home.

“Son, it’s so good to see you,” my mum says from the doorway, arms folded tightly against her chest.

“Don’t call me son. You’re no fucking mother of mine. You wanted help with Tatiana? You sure went the wrong way about it.” My hands are fisted at my side as I stare at her from beside my car.

“Stop speaking to me that way. I am your mother and you will respect me!” she screeches, arms dropping to her sides. The anger on her face is something I’ve never seen before from her and it makes me laugh because she looks utterly ridiculous. She looks like one of those
Tetraodontidae, or better known as a puffer fish. Her cheeks are moving in and out as she takes heaving breaths.

“Calm the fuck down, Mum. You’ll give yourself a heart attack.” I smirk as her jaw ticks and eyes narrow into slits. She’s really pissed. Maybe I shouldn’t be goading her because fuck knows what she’s got up her sleeve, but my anger rules me, pushes me in the direction that can lead to disaster.

“You will help me with your sister, Levi. Consequences will be severe.” She says this through gritted teeth. I must be the one person that she can’t manipulate.

“She’s your daughter, your problem. The quicker you get that into your thick skull the better. You’re so blind to everything that you don’t realise the reality of Tatiana being the clone of you.” I spit on the ground as I sneer at her. She must be the one person in the whole world that I hate to the point of actually wanting to commit GBH on a woman.

“Your choice, Levi. Helping with you sister, or I get the girl.” She slams the door in my face and her venomous words swirl in the depths of my brain. She won’t lay a damn hair on Gemma’s head or I swear the Almighty Fucking God.

I can’t get out of there fast enough as the wheels of my car spray gravel in the air as I get out of there. Fuck her. I’m still trying to figure out if she was joking about the Mexican drug cartel or if she just said that to get to me. I hope Beast has some answers for me soon.





The last few days have flown by in a flurry of scheduled fights, Blissfully Inked and amazing romping sessions with Roofie. We’re both starting to feel comfortable in our new relationship and we’re making it work around our busy schedules. With Roofie running the gym, I still get to see him daily and it’s a comfort, I’m not sure why but I’ve never needed a man as badly as I need Roofie. He’s like my security blanket, a shoulder to lean on when I need it and he’s easy to talk to, even if does have a habit of grunting answers instead of saying words. It’s kind of endearing really if you think about it.

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