Royally Seduced (15 page)

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Authors: Marie Donovan

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“You’d be surprised.” His deadpan expression amused her. Who knew what these staid matrons got up to?

Jack was not tan all over, either. Working shirtless with Jean-Claude had browned up his torso, but he had a definite tan line at his waistband. Somehow, though, she didn’t think he’d come out to even up his color, considering how hard and aroused he was growing under her gaze. “Good thing you took off your suit. You might have hurt yourself trying to fit all that inside.”

He crawled up the lounge and positioned himself between her thighs. “But I like fitting myself inside…you, that is.” The tip of his erection prodded the thin green fabric of her bikini bottom.

He was so big and hard and hot on top of her, a summer god come to life and wanting to have his way with her. Her nipples tightened in anticipation.

“Chilly?” He lifted an amused eyebrow. It was at least eighty-five degrees outside. She pursed her lips and he laughed. “Mmm, let me warm you up.” He lowered his mouth to one tight pink peak and drew it into his mouth.

Lily was burning up. Jack licked her gently, first back and forth, then with round swirling strokes around her whole areola. Then a hard suck and a little nip. She gasped in a mix of shock and pleasure, and then he soothed her with his tongue. He lifted his head to admire his work. Her nipple was like a berry, firm and reddish pink, glossy and ripe.

“Oh, Lily, I could suck on your pretty tits for hours.” He blew a cool stream of air over her wet flesh and she bit back a scream. He shook his head disapprovingly. “Don’t you want to scream for me?”


“Don’t be so shy. No one is around.”

“Are you sure?” she whispered.

He laughed. “Jean-Claude is a stern taskmaster. Everyone is in the upper fields to harvest the prime lavender crop. Where we were the other day.”

“Why aren’t you?”

“There are benefits to being the…guest. Enough of that business. You are my business now.” He moved to her other nipple and gave it his full attention.

The first wasn’t neglected, though. His long, clever fingers caught it and gave it several gentle tugs. The double attention was more intense than anything, making her hips start to writhe under his.

He angled his erection so she rubbed up and down his length. He moaned against her breast and then his fingers were undoing the side ties of her bikini.

The fabric easily fell away and he was pressing on her, almost into her. He was so hard, and she was so wet. She shifted slightly so his tip entered her.

His eyes flew open. “Lily, the protection.” They were both gasping at the new, erotic sensation. “Let me go get a condom.”

“Why not like this? I’m on the Pill and healthy. Aren’t you?”

“Not on the Pill.” He gave a choked laugh. “But healthy. I’ve been tested for every infectious disease known to man.”

Jack was wavering, she could tell. But it was his decision.

He surrendered with a groan and slid all the way into her to his hilt. She automatically locked her legs around him and they both stared at each other.

“I’ve never done this before,” she confessed.

“Me, neither.” He closed his eyes and shuddered. “Oh, Lily, it’s beyond words.”

“Tell me,” she coaxed.

“You’re burning me up, my sweet. Your heat, your creamy juices on my skin.” He started moving inside her. “You make me crazy for you.”

She tipped her head back. Every part of him touched her, unblunted by any barrier. His juices mixed with hers, making his thrusts even more slippery and delicious. Her plump, swollen nipples caught in his russet chest hair and she cooed in pleasure at the rough texture.

“Ah, you like, eh?” He picked up his pace, slamming inside her as she moaned with every jolt. “You’re such a bad girl, Lily. I shouldn’t do this, but I can’t help myself. Sexy girl. Naughty girl.”

Lily had never thought of herself as bad, sexy or naughty, but it sounded fun.

Suddenly, he raised his head. “Uh-oh.”

“What?” She looked around but Jack kept thrusting into her.

“I think someone’s there.”

“What? Who?” She stopped moving but her body was drawing her on, not letting her matching thrusts stop.

His brown eyes were mischievous. “Someone who might hear how much you like this.”

She moaned, sinking into the lounge, letting his fantasy take her away.

“Someone who wonders how wild you get with a bare cock inside you.” He moved his hand between their bodies. “How wild you get with a finger on your clit.” He touched her and she screamed. “Like that.”

“Jacky…” she moaned.

“I love it when you call me that. Only you,
mon coeur

She swallowed hard in a wave of sudden emotion. He called her “his heart.” She threw her arms around him and kissed his neck, his chest, wherever she could reach.

He responded by renewing his touches and caresses, worshiping her body with his as they moved together as one.

She dug her fingers into his back and tightened around him. He caught her earlobe between his teeth and flicked it with his tongue. She arched into him and broke apart, her climax pitching her up fast and strong. “Oh, Jacky, Jacky…”

He pushed with one last strong thrust and groaned, his head tossed back with all the cords in his neck pulling taut.

He flooded into her and she climaxed again, even harder. He called her name over and over again and she loved how his French accent got thicker during passion. She clung to him, almost desperately as they gasped for air.

He slumped on top of her, resting his head next to hers against the lounge cushion. She kissed his cheek and he turned his face to softly kiss her lips.

“You are wonderful, Lily. So much fire when we make love.”


A ray of sun lit up his hair as she twisted her fingers around a strand of burnished copper. He was heat and fire and tenderness and…love?

He lifted his head and smiled sweetly at her. “What is it?”

“Nothing.” She hadn’t meant for him to notice. But to her horror, her eyes started to prickle. Why would that happen? She quickly closed her eyes so he couldn’t see them fill.

“Look at me, Lily.”

Rats. There they were naked on a huge chaise lounge with the sun shining on them and she was starting to cry. She opened her eyes and gave him a wide smile. “Yes?”

His brown gaze didn’t miss a thing. She wondered if they trained him for that in foreign-aid school. “Do you have any regrets, Lily? I know this is a very sudden relationship, and neither of us has ever been with anyone else…like this.”

She didn’t answer, didn’t know what to say, and his face tightened in concern. His muscles tensed as if he was about to get up.


He rolled next to her, brushing her hair off her face.

“I, um…” she started. “It’s not what you think. I was looking at you, and the sun was shining on you, and I thought how, um, wonderful it was to be here at this perfect time and perfect place.” Geez, for a writer she was incredibly incoherent. Maybe because she preferred describing other people and their activities rather than open up her own emotions for scrutinty.

“Oh.” Relief spread across his face. “As we talked about before—the moment where everything is exactly as it should be. The poet Baudelaire said to ‘dream of sweetness,’ where everything is rich, peaceful and sensual.”

“That’s it, exactly. I’ve never experienced that with a man.” She fought back a blush at being so open, but, hey, she was already physically naked. A little bit of emotional nakedness wouldn’t be out of place.

His eyes widened. “And you feel that with me?”

“Well, yes.”

“And I have felt that with you—from the first time you bumped into me at the hostel.”

“No.” She narrowed her eyes at him. “You thought I had a terrible accent and was an obnoxious summer tourist.”

“I did not. I thought you were a beautiful, cheerful American woman who took pity on a scruffy, rude backpacker and bought him breakfast.”

“And look how well you cleaned up,” she joked. “All for the price of a cup of coffee and a croissant.”

“Did you call me cheap?” He placed his hand on his chest in mock dismay. “Cruel woman.”

“Cruel man.” He was the furthest thing from cruel, but he knew she was teasing him.

“What? And considering how hard I work to please you?”

“How can I ever make it up to you?” she purred, running her hand down his belly to cup his growing erection.

He thrust into her hand. “Surprise me.”

She pushed him onto his back. “You’re on.” She swung her leg over his waist and straddled him.

“Ah, Lily.” He grabbed her hips and helped her settle on him, his cock pushing inside her again. He cupped her breasts and played with her sensitized nipples, his big hands brown against her paler skin.

“My favorite bikini top.” She smiled down at him.

He grinned. “If you have to wear anything, wear me.”

“You wear me out.” Her legs were starting to burn from moving up and down on him but she didn’t care. “But in a good way.”

“Poor Lily.” His chest glistened with sweat and his hair was falling into ringlets at the edges. “I’ll make it up to you, I promise.” He caressed her clit and she leaned forward, bracing her hands on his shoulders.

His free hand cupped her bottom running up her back to the nape of her neck. “Kiss me,
ma belle

She eagerly complied, opening her mouth to him as his tongue possessed her as thoroughly as his cock. She moaned and squirmed, her climax building. He slid his hand down to her bottom and massaged there. The double sensation of his hands in front and back was overwhelming and she bucked sharply on top of him.

He hummed low in his throat and kept it up until she arched and clutched at him. He quickly followed her over the edge and she collapsed onto him.

Jack rolled her onto the chaise and they kissed naked in the sun. “Not so shy anymore, eh, Lily?”

“Only with you.” She nuzzled his neck.

“But of course.” He gathered her into his arms. “And despite what you may think, I am only clothing-optional with you.”

She laughed and pinched his firm buttock. “I know that—you have tan lines.”

“And we are going to get burn lines if we don’t get out of the sun.” He stood and scooped her up as she squealed in surprise.

“Don’t hurt yourself.”

He scoffed and walked toward the house. “You are much lighter than some of the equipment Jean-Claude has me tote around.”

“Don’t let him work you too hard,” she fretted.

He pinched her bottom and she yelped. “Oh, I work hard. A strong woman like you needs a strong man.”

“You think I’m strong?” Lily hugged him closer.

He shook his head in mock dismay. “But if only you could be a little more docile instead of quizzing everything I say.”

“Yes, milord.” She fluttered her eyelashes.

“What?” He looked shocked at her joking acquiescence.

“Isn’t that what all the French peasant girls say to the local nobleman who’s offered to ravish them?”

He tipped back his head and roared with laughter. “And I am the local nobleman who has the right to ravish the peasant girls!” He nudged open the patio door with his foot. “I am luring you to my noble lair to have my way with you. How do you feel about a noble attempt at a bath in a hot tub?”

“Milord, lead the way.”


to the kitchen early the next morning and found a note from Jack. “Lily, meet me at the lavender field up the hill. Bring coffee. Yours, Jack.”

She smiled and set to brewing the milky
café au lait
she was coming to prefer. Once that was perking, she picked up his note and reread it.
Yours, Jack.
That was nice. Lily put great stock in words. She knew not everybody did, but Jack was a methodical, precise man and meant exactly what he said—and wrote.

She didn’t expect him to sign it
Love, Jack
All my love, Jack,
so that word of affection was a pleasant surprise.

Once the coffee was done and poured into a battered steel thermos, she slung her camera around her neck and headed up the hill to the lavender field, her calves burning in a pleasant way as the gravel road crunched under her hiking boots.

The first field she came to was empty of blooms and workers. That made sense, since it had probably ripened first, being at a slightly lower and warmer elevation. Another quarter mile or so brought her to the field under harvest.

Lily stood at the edge, her gaze immediately drawn to Jack’s chestnut head—and his bare torso. Her lips pursed. He was going to get sunburned if he wasn’t careful. But he was a grown man and had worked in tropical areas with much more intense sun than France.

His muscles bunched under his skin as he stooped and clipped the wiry stems, setting them aside. He moved down the row and stopped at the end, straightening to stretch his back. Jean-Claude yelled at him, gesturing for Jack to get back to work. Jack replied in kind, causing the older man to bellow with laughter.

The other harvesters glanced up from their own rows and grinned, obviously used to the byplay between the two men. The farmworkers were a diverse lot, men and women both, young and old.

Lily set down the thermos and took several photos, the tableau reminding her of the popular bucolic nineteenth-century paintings of peasants gathering harvest.

But her lens kept swiveling back to Jack. Instead of the sleepy shepherd lad he’d resembled on the train, he looked like a pagan harvest god, powerful and fertile, ripening crops with his touch.

He had joined Jean-Claude on the side of the field and the two men had an intense discussion, pointing at the current field and then up the hill at what was probably the next one on the list. Jack was insisting on something and finally Jean-Claude tossed his hands up in the air and slapped him on the back.

Almost as if Jack were in charge…but he did know about lavender from his family’s own farm. Then he spotted her and strode toward her, leaping the low stone fence surrounding the field with an easy jump.

“Good morning,
” Jack lifted the camera over her head, bent her over his arm and kissed her. His skin was hot velvet, warmed by the sun. She clutched his shoulders as he leisurely moved his mouth over hers.

She dimly became aware of the cheers and catcalls from the harvesters, and Jack planted a kiss on the tip of her nose. “Sorry, Lily. Farmwork brings out my earthy side,” he murmured suggestively.

She blinked a couple of times. His “earthy side” had popped up in the bedroom, of course, but this public display of affection was new. She didn’t mind, and in fact found it fascinating how life in Provence was healing him from the thin, tired man she’d first met in Paris.

The harvesters had returned to work after Jean-Claude’s good-natured shout. Jack pulled on a T-shirt he’d tossed on the wall and took her hand.

“I have a surprise planned for this morning.”

“Really?” More of a surprise than a kiss. “What kind of surprise?”

His eyes fell to the scoop-neck blouse showing the top curves of her breasts. “I forget.”

Lily huffed in pretend exasperation. “Start remembering.”

“Cruel woman.” His brown puppy-dog eyes were almost enough to make her relent, but her natural curiosity won out.


“All right, all right. Remember the perfume lab at the factory? You have an appointment with the ‘nose,’ the master perfumer, to make your own signature fragrance.”

“Really?” She flung her arms around his neck and kissed his cheek. “I read about that online but didn’t think I’d have the chance to do that. It doesn’t cost too much, does it?”

He hugged her back. “Not at all. It is a popular tourist outing and no trouble to arrange. We have time for coffee but not anything else,” he said regretfully.

She handed him the thermos. “Drink up. I’ll model my new perfume for you later.”

“Your perfume and nothing else.”

She giggled and soon they were in the little white car heading toward the village.

Jack parked near the perfume factory and they quickly found the perfume master, an elegant woman in her fifties with a gray-streaked blond bob and skin that would have looked great on a woman half her age. Probably kept out of the sun and had an inside track on wonderful botanical products.

Jack introduced them. “Simone Laurent is the best nose in the business. The House of Laurent is built on her skill.”

“I’m so excited,” Lily told her. “The world of perfume is fascinating, especially when you grow so many of your own ingredients right here in Provence.”

Simone smiled. “We are indeed fortunate to have such a perfect climate for the flowers and plants—our own corner of paradise.”

“I love it here.” Lily squeezed Jack’s hand. “The sun, the blue skies and hot, dry air. I’m from Philadelphia, and it’s very humid there. Much of the city was built on a swamp. They even had the largest yellow-fever outbreak in American history.”

Jack smiled. “Fortunately I’ve had my shots for that, so I will be safe.”

Did that mean that he was coming to visit her there? Her heart gave a funny thump, and she smiled up at him. “The Liberty Bell is always a fun sight.”

Simone was already leading them down the hall. “Come, come, we have work to do.” She ushered them into a laboratory-type space with a large white desk and several dark brown glass bottles on shelves lining the walls. “This is the perfume laboratory. Nothing but the highest quality oils and essences for the House of Laurent.” Simone pulled out a clipboard and paper. “We will write down your final choice and keep it on file. Whenever you need a new bottle, you can call us and we will mix it to order. Now tell me which fragrances you like and which you dislike.”

Lily thought for a second. “Not roses.” Mrs. Wyndham loved fresh roses in the house and she always associated that scent with her.

“Good.” Simone made a note. “What else?”

“I like vanilla.” The elderly pastry chef who’d preceded Stan had always made sugar cookies for Lily.

“A good, warm base.”

“And in honor of my trip to Provence, I thought I could have some lavender in the blend.”

“Lavender?” Simone smiled. “Excellent. We have the best lavender oil in the world here in Provence. And the best of the best comes from the de Brissard estate.”

“Really?” She turned to Jack in excitement. “You’re helping harvest the best lavender in the world. Doesn’t that make you proud?”

“Hot and sweaty more than anything,” he quipped. “But yes, we are undeniably proud of that lavender.”

Simone grinned widely. “Family-owned since 1323. Isn’t that correct, Jacques?”

Lily gasped in amazement. “That long. What a sense of history. Jack, maybe I should do a blog post on the de Brissard family.”

He shifted from foot to foot. “I wouldn’t bother. They have always been an extremely boring lot. But a blog post about Simone and the factory would be very interesting.”

Simone smiled. “We are always looking for good publicity, especially to introduce our name and creations to North American buyers.”

“I’m writing for
Fashionista Magazine.
” It still sent a thrill through her to say that.

“Congratulations. My daughter enjoys that magazine. Me, I cannot read fashion magazines because of all the perfume samples mixing together. Overwhelming for a woman like me.” She laughed and reached for a plain brown bottle. “But here we have the de Brissard lavender.” She uncapped the bottle and dropped a couple drops of the oil on a paper strip about six inches long. She let it dry for a few seconds and handed it to Lily.

Lily took a cautious sniff and her head almost spun from the concentrated essence. She was immediately thrown back in time to their afternoon in the lavender field, the heat and sun and buzz of cicadas almost loud enough to drown the pounding of the blood in her ears. “Jack, it smells like those fields where we…toured the plants,” she finished.

Simone gave her a knowing smile. “That is the power of scent. One wears it outwardly to communicate with others but it conjures the most personal and private memories to the wearer.”

“Almost like a secret—I know something that you don’t know.”

Jack brushed her hair back over her shoulder, his fingers lingering on her collarbone. “The mystery of a woman. Inviting and intriguing to us poor men as we strive to discover the hidden depths.”

Lily covered his hand with hers. “You men can be pretty mysterious yourselves.”

Simone interjected, “Ah, but that is the wonder of life, eh?” She clapped her hands together. “Enough philosophy. Let’s get to work.”

For the next hour or so, Lily sniffed test strips until they all started to blend in her poor, untrained mind. She stepped outside a couple times to clear her head, but even the town smelled of flowers, so that didn’t help much.

Finally, though, she and Simone had put something together that was floral but woodsy, sweet but exotic. “It’s not quite there,” she said in disappointment. “The lavender and vanilla are wonderful together along with the base of cedar, but it’s missing something.”

Simone smiled and dipped a paper tester strip into a bottle, adding it to the wand of papers. Lily cautiously sniffed and her cheeks pulled into a wide grin. “That’s it!”

Jack leaned in for a sniff and nodded in approval. “Wonderful. Whatever did you add?”

The perfumer spread her hands wide. “Lily, of course. One cannot make perfume for Lily without any lilies.”

They burst out laughing. Jack bent down and kissed Simone on the cheek. “Ah, Simone. The ‘nose’ knows, as they say.”

“Always. Now, Jacques, we still have your cologne formula if you need a new bottle of it.”

“You’ve done this before?” Lily didn’t know why that would surprise her since he and Simone were obviously old friends.

“A long time ago, but no, Simone, I don’t need any more fragrance.”

The perfumer shook her head. “But, Jacques, you know that the oils start breaking down after about a year and quality suffers. Certainly you will not wear your old supply anymore?”


She scoffed. “If you do, don’t you dare mention where you got it. I will not have people wondering why Jacques Montford is wearing something of ours that smells like a Marseilles alley.”

He sighed in exasperation and threw up his hands. “I promise to throw away that bottle if you will make me another.”

Simone smiled like the cat with the canary. “You know, Jacques, we should go into partnership. Put your fragrance into mass production and split the proceeds. We could call it—”

but no.”

Lily thought it sounded like a great idea. “But you could use the money, Jack. Especially since you’ve been ill and aren’t working right now.”

“What?” Simone eyed him from head to toe. “You’ve been sick?”

“I caught a bug overseas but I am much better now. And I
working—working for Jean-Claude.”

“Well, that is certainly a switch. I hope you’ve been kind to him.”

“Always.” Jack smiled. “And Lily is getting all of Marthe-Louise’s recipes.”

“I wish—she probably knows several thousand.” At the mention of food, Lily’s stomach rumbled.

He pulled her to her feet. “Lunchtime, eh? Would you care to join us, Simone?”

“No, no.” She waved her hand dismissively. “I must mix both bottles for you and besides, I would not want to intrude on your
” She stood and kissed Lily first on both cheeks, then Jack. She clasped his hand for a second. “Please take care of yourself, Jacques. You are very important to all of us.”

“As are you, Madame Simone.” He gave a quick bow and kissed the back of her hand. “Mmm, you smell wonderful.”

“Ah, Jacques, be gone.” She waved him away, laughing. “Come back later for your

Jack took Lily’s hand and guided her out of the perfume lab. “Anything you want for lunch, it is yours.”

She looked up at him in worry. “Jack, we have to stop this crazy spending. Custom perfume and fancy lunches must be cutting into your budget. At least let me help. Since we’re staying at the guesthouse, I haven’t used the money I planned for the hostels.”

He wrapped his arm around her shoulder and guided her down the crowded sidewalk. “You are a generous woman,
But don’t worry about the money. I do still get my salary from the relief agency. I am on a medical leave, not unemployed. As you said, the guesthouse is free and I believe Marthe-Louise would slap me with a spoon if I offered her money for the meals she has been cooking for us.”

“True.” The housekeeper would be vastly insulted, even if they meant well.

“Now what would you like for lunch?”

“I would like…fresh mussels in a white wine sauce tossed with fresh pasta.” Her stomach growled again. “Also a crusty loaf of bread to dip in the leftover sauce.”

“Wonderful. There is this nearby café that gets shellfish fresh from the sea. The owner’s nephew has a fishing boat and then sends the best to his uncle.”

“Jack, you know the most fantastic places around here.” She snuggled into his side. “And after lunch, we’ll pick up the perfume and model it for each other later.”

“Sounds delightful.”

Lily smiled in satisfaction. Perfume, pasta and Jack—but definitely not in that order. Life couldn’t get any better.

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