Sacrifice of the Septimus: Part 2 (Afterlife saga Book 7) (28 page)

BOOK: Sacrifice of the Septimus: Part 2 (Afterlife saga Book 7)
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Chapter 63

The Trouble with Bad Guys




The next morning, I awoke in a strange position and at first, because I faced an empty side of the bed, I thought I was alone. I wondered where Draven was for all of ten seconds until realising that having my hands both raised above me was an unusual way for me to fall asleep. I looked up to find both hands still wearing their shackles and a firm hand fisted around the chain in between. It had been as though holding it all through the night had brought him comfort and although I hoped he didn’t make this a habit and insist on it every night, I had to be honest, it got me as hot as Hell.

It was just so barbaric being chained to him all night that I couldn’t help but feel owned. That feeling should have felt strange, especially for an independent woman of my own day and age, but there was nothing demeaning about it. Quite the opposite actually. It felt more powerful than anything else and even though I liked the idea of belonging to Draven, I liked it even more that he wanted to own me. It was the silent flip of the power exchange that had me smiling and feeling happy with myself. And more than ever I could understand the strange but alluring ways in which a Dominant and submissive relationship worked.

Having two alphas just meant butting heads and having two submissives just meant that one would have to take the lead and then resent it. But giving your trust to someone enough to let them make important decisions felt a bit like freeing your soul, especially when it came to sex. It took overthinking and analysing everything out of the equation and just allowed you to feel exactly what the other person wanted you to feel. They themselves then got pleasure in knowing that only they could do that to you and to control something so powerful was considered a gift to them.

But would I have considered myself a submissive in everyday life? No, not at all or would I have even considered it with anyone else but Draven...? Probably not. Which is why I think it is that certain people must just bring it out in you, like a dark secret poking its head out of the shadows for the first time, while timidly entering the room. Then once it’s out and freed, it is like a beast that never wants to be put back into its cage. And the truth of it is that any real love of yours should never want it to either, for it is part of who you are.

I truly believe that although you will have many regrets in your life, your sexuality is one that you should never feel embarrassed about or ashamed of, for it is like asking a flower not to bloom because the people around don’t approve of its colour. I felt nothing but grateful for this side of me that Draven had awakened, so when I looked up at my chained hands now, I felt proud not ashamed.

“That’s an active mind I hear for so early in the morning,” Draven said in a throaty voice, wrapping an arm around me and pulling me back closer to the length of him.

“And is that part of your other magic my Lord, reading minds?” I teased for more reasons than one. I smiled to myself when I felt his muscles tense around me before they relaxed after I spoke again,

“I do hope not for I would be forever blushing around you.”

“Is that right? Maybe it is your lip biting that gives away your lustful mind.” I laughed once and gave him a cryptic,

“Maybe,” back.

“I wish I had the luxury of enjoying your naked presence for the rest of the day…”

“But you have an army to battle?” I asked making him turn me over so that he was above me.

“You worry about me?” he asked avoiding answering my question.

“Of course, just as you worry for me.” My answer prompted first a smile that then led into a good morning kiss, one that unfortunately ended far too soon.

“That was goodbye wasn’t it?” I said unable to keep the sullenness out of my voice making him chuckle.

“Not for long, I promise you. Ranka will take you back to your quarters to gather some things.”

“Why? Where am I going?” I asked frowning and not liking the sound of this new plan.

“Just somewhere where I know you will be safe.” He obviously felt uneasy about the look I gave him so decided to make it a command.

“This is an order from your King, do you understand?” he said in a sterner tone and instead of rolling my eyes like I wanted, I knew at this point that would have done nothing but got me a slapped ass or a pissed off Draven.

“Yes, my Lord.”

“Now don’t look at me like that, this is for my own peace of mind whilst fighting the enemy, for a worried mind can easily result in a lost head,” he told me and even though I knew that Draven could survive most things, I also knew not to underestimate this Pertinax guy.


Shortly after this and a few more stolen moments alone we both got dressed…and of course after he freed me from his personal choice of restraints. I was surprised I even had any clothes to wear after he had been his usual brutal self with my choice of outfit. They definitely had that in common, so it only confirmed my theory that there were certain aspects of your personality that you never grew out of.

Ranka soon appeared ready to escort me back to my room and, like the loyal subject she was, received her new orders to protect me with a bow and a confident,

“I will do so with my life, my Lord,” making me want to slap her on the back and say, ‘relax, how bad can it be making sure I don’t die?’ but I knew this would have been a joke lost on her and neither the present or future Draven would have appreciated it, considering the amount of trouble I somehow managed to get myself into.

I said my last goodbyes to Draven, which of course included issuing my own orders,

“Stay safe and come back to me.” I will never forget the way he looked down at me in that moment, but it was his words that really rooted themselves to my soul. He leaned down to place his forehead to mine and whispered,

“I will always come back to you, my Queen.”
I sucked in a quick breath at his declaration, knowing what this meant, but instead of telling him how I felt, I placed a hand to his cheek and closed my eyes basking in our silent moment, telling him without words of my love.


So now here I was, walking back with Ranka and wondering why I felt as if there was something so very wrong. I looked sideways at her walking like she always did and acting no different to how I was now used to. So what was it? Was it because I knew what she had witnessed and how hard that must have been for her?

To see the King she loved falling in love with another and be willing to give up everything for them, after asking you to protect her with your own life…well let’s just say how she hadn’t been the first one in line to try and kill me yet was astounding to me. In fact, I think if I woke up to find her dagger at my throat my first reaction would have been to shrug my shoulders and say ‘Um, it figures.’

Okay, so maybe after crapping myself first.

“You alright?” I asked once we neared my quarters as I couldn’t bear it any longer.

“Yes, why wouldn’t I be?” she asked me back.

“No reason, just that you look different.” At this she seemed affronted and shook her head in an uncomfortable way that was a strange reaction to see from her.

“I am used to battling by his side, that is all,” she finally admitted and it started to make sense…she too was worried about him.

“Ah, I see.”

“You do?” she asked seemingly surprised.

“You want to be out there with him fighting and instead you’re stuck babysitting me.”


“Looking after me or should I say protecting, as that’s a better word for it.” She nodded in agreement and I had to say, I felt better knowing this was the reason for her subdued mood.

We didn’t say another word and after she opened my door for me she told me that she would soon return ready to take me to Draven’s chosen ‘safe house’.

“Sophia!” I shouted, surprised to see her there, but glad that she was and I showed her this when I ran over to her and hugged her to me.

“Whoa, miss me?” she said laughing and then I saw Ari sitting up in the bed and let go of Sophia to run to her and hug her also. I laughed when I heard Pip walk up to Sophia and say,

“Obviously a love ya and leave ya type of girl.”

“Obviously,” Sophia agreed folding her arms, making me roll my eyes at their little act.

“Well at least you got a hug, jeez, I didn’t even get a head bob, finger click or a Yo Bitch.”

“They have been like this all morning,” Ari told me smiling and I had to say, it was a relief to see.

“How are you feeling?”

“A lot better mainly thanks to those two who have spent most of last night and this morning getting me up to speed. Jesus Kazzy, but is there anyone else out there trying to kill you, only no offense but you’re a liability to be around,” she joked and I smacked her on the arm lightly.

“Oi! Says desert girl here,” I said looking back at the other two who were sniggering.

“Who are you calling desert girl, because from the sounds of it we all ended up in that stupid desert but on different sides of the city.” Well this was something I didn’t know. And speaking of things I didn’t know…

“Wait what happened with Draven and the other you we stuffed in the trunk? I guess Pip told you about…” I stopped when I saw Pip slicing a finger across her throat to try and get me to shut up.

“Tell me what?”

“Oh nothing.” I added but the second she turned around to look at Pip I knew her gig was up.

“Spill it, Imp!” Sophia demanded and Pip looked to me cocking her hip.

“Jeez, so glad you came back just now, what did it take you, all of two minutes to put a Tootsie roll in it?”

“Hey don’t look at me, I wasn’t the one who sat on the trunk and broke three of her fingers and caught her hair in the damn lid!” I said realising I had just given it away to Sophia, making me bite my lip and scrunch up my face before facing her.

“Uh…her bad.” I said wincing and making her roll her eyes at me. Then she turned to Pip and said,

“You and me are gonna talk about this but right now, try not to break me anymore!” Pip gave her a salute and said,

“Sir, yes sir!”

“In answer to your question, it went fine. He believed that I’d had a change of heart and we are back on track with mission baby maker.”

“And what about our little side mission named doppelganger?” I asked raising my eyebrows.

“She is fine, or at least will be in like a week or so, anyway we should be long gone by then so why should I care?” Sophia said obviously having a massive issue with her other self, which needed a bottle of Vodka to understand without getting a headache, saving it just for the morning after.

“Wow, you’re so sexy when you’re angry like that.” Pip said sideways to her.

“I know,” she replied, giving her a wink, making me laugh. But then I looked at her again doing a double take before asking, 

“Why are you both dressed like that?” I looked them both up and down noticing that Pip had on her ancient ninja look, complete with long black hood she currently wore down and straps of leather across her chest and off to one side where an array of weapons hung.

Sophia, on the other hand, looked more ready for battle in an obvious way, dressed with a shapely bronze coloured breast plate that was made to fit her female curves. This, combined with the metal shoulder plates that fanned out in three different sizes and the silver gauntlets strapped to her arms, and she looked ready for anything. She also wore a long leather skirt that managed to add some class and Sophia style to the warrior woman outfit. Even her hair had been pinned back tight for the occasion.

“Well, I am protecting you,” Pip said patting her weapons before she turned to Sophia so she could say,

“And I am protecting Dom.”

“Okay, I think you need to explain,” I said shaking my head wondering why Sophia would be going into battle if there was nothing to worry about.

“And it’s your turn to take the stage,” Pip said gesturing to Sophia dramatically.

“Okay, so you had better sit down as we are about to get into a shit storm here, for up until I saw that army, I had no idea what year we had travelled back to,” Sophia told me and I whispered the name I kept hearing,

“Let me guess


“Yes and let it be known that had I been aware I would have suggested coming back to a time after he was long dead instead of only a few days before,” she said as I did as I was told and sat down ready to hear this.

“So Draven did defeat him then?” I asked feeling much better if this were the case.

“No, he didn’t.” Hearing these simple words managed to have enough power to sink my heart in a sea of dread.

“What do you mean?” I looked first to Sophia and then to Pip, knowing this was the part of the story she hadn’t wanted to tell me herself and yep, there was that sheepish look of hers.

“Pertinax is what his vessel is named and who he is known as in the human world but in our world, he is known as much more.”

“And much worse.” Pip added grimly.

“Why, who is he?”

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