Safe in the Tycoon's Arms (Harlequin Romance) (15 page)

BOOK: Safe in the Tycoon's Arms (Harlequin Romance)
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Her husband gently elbowed her. “Helen, let the kids work this out on their own.”

“I was just trying to help.” The elevator stopped and the couple got off.

Alone at last, Lucas moved to stand in front of Kate. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said what I did. And I’ll buy you a whole flower shop if it’ll make you happy again.”

“You should know that I have a brown thumb.” Her eyes met his. “As for the rest, you’re right. You shouldn’t have said those things.”

The fact she was able to joke around a little about her brown thumb had to be a good sign. “Please, will you come back and finish the project?”

Kate shrugged. “I’ll have to think about it.”

“Will you at least come back to the house with me?”

“Seeing as my things are still there, I suppose.”

Boy, she wasn’t going to make it easy. Then again, he hadn’t exactly been easy to deal with either the other day. He could only hope that with time she’d give him a second chance.



easy. Not at all.

But over the course of the following week, Lucas had convinced Kate he was truly sorry for his outburst. In the end, Kate agreed it was best for everyone to go ahead with the fund-raiser. In return, he insisted on keeping his promise to escort her to New York’s grandest toy store. He cajoled her into allowing him to buy Molly a dolly with a few accessories. After all, what was a doll without a wardrobe? Even guys like him knew how important clothes were to both big and little girls.

With only a week to go before the sold-out Roaring Twenties fund-raiser, Lucas was surprised by how well things were progressing with the house. Of course, circumstances could still be better between him and Kate. He planned to work on that, starting with a fancy dinner out.

He was just about to ask her out when her phone rang. As she talked to the unknown caller, her happy face morphed into one of an angry mother bear. “Yes...I understand...I’ll be there.”

He’d never seen her look so cross. His foot tapped the floor as he waited for the phone call to end. “Is Molly all right?”

“Physically she’s fine. Emotionally, that’s another story. That was Judy, one of Molly’s nurses. She called to let me know Chad was just there to say goodbye.”

“But how can he leave now? Molly’s surgery is next week.”

Kate’s hands tensed. “He got a business offer in Tucson. Too good to pass up. He’ll supposedly be back as soon as he can.”

Lucas watched as Kate paced. He wanted to comfort her, to put his arms around her and pull her close, but he wasn’t sure that’s what she’d want. Reading women was not something he excelled at. So he sat at the counter, waiting and watching.

“This is classic Chad behavior. Worry about himself first. And the hell with everyone else.” She paced back and forth. “This is my fault. My gut said he wouldn’t stick it out, but I let him get close to Molly anyway. When will I learn not to count on people to hang around?”

An urge came over Lucas to say she could count on him. He wouldn’t walk away. The thought caught him off guard. Was that truly how he felt? Or was he merely sympathizing with her?

She stopped and faced Lucas, her eyes round like quarters. “The house. The men. What am I going to do? Molly needs me. The nurse said she was in tears. But there are still things to do here before the party. I...I...”

He appreciated that Kate took her obligations so seriously. Maybe that was his problem—he took his work way too seriously. It’d cost him dearly. He didn’t want Kate to make the same mistakes—putting work ahead of family.

But that would mean he’d have to step up and take over the house renovations. When he’d first met Kate, he’d have never dreamed of working upstairs amongst the memories, but now...

He might not be ready to pledge to Kate forever, but this burden with the house, this was something that he could do for her. It was a chance to show her that not all men were like her father and her ex-husband. He wouldn’t cut and run when times got tough. He would be her friend as long as she wanted.

Firm in his decisions, he reached for his keys. “Here. Take the car. And don’t worry about things here.”

“But it’s not finished. The paintings and furniture still need to be placed. And the nursery. I never got a chance to put it back together. I’m sorry.” Her eyes filled with tears.

Lucas pulled her close. He rubbed her back while resting his head against hers. “Don’t worry. Between Charlie and me, we’ve got it covered.”

Kate pulled away and stared up at him. “But you have your work and the Fiery Hearts launch. And you’re already short your marketing director.”

“I will take care of everything. I promise. Now go. Be with your daughter. And stop worrying. I’ve got this under control.”

With Kate out the door, Lucas phoned his extremely organized assistant. For the first time in almost two years, he told her he would be out of the office. He relayed what needed to be done in terms of the San Francisco project and the launch of the new jewelry line. He also told her that if she needed him, he’d be at home for the next week—words he’d never said to her at such a critical juncture for Carrington Gems. And he knew he’d made the right choice.

Not so long ago, he wouldn’t have believed it...but sometimes there were things more important than work. Kate was counting on him. And he vowed not to let her down.

Lucas changed into a pair of comfy jeans and a ratty old T-shirt. He moved swiftly back to the kitchen where he’d left some rough sketches Kate had done up for him to show him how she planned to stage each room. They’d be his saving grace, but when he sorted through the pile of papers and receipts to locate the drawings, they weren’t nearly as detailed as he’d thought.

“How hard can it be?” he muttered to himself as he moved through the hallway.

Taking a deep breath, he started up the steps. He took them two at a time and paused at the top when he came face-to-face with a portrait of his great-grandparents on the opposite wall. They were the inspiration for the Roaring Twenties party. He hadn’t seen this part of his past in years...ever since Elaina had decided the mansion needed a more modern look.

He smiled as his gaze moved down the hallway, taking in the paintings that had hung in this house as far back as he could remember. Kate had thoroughly disagreed with his ex-wife’s decor, going with a more traditional look. He thoroughly approved of Kate’s approach and the use of family portraits and heirlooms.

He felt more at peace in these rooms than he had in a very long time. The tension in his neck and shoulders eased. Kate had worked miracles to turn this place into a home. And now it was time he worked one of his own.

His gaze paused on the open doorway to the nursery. He could put the room back to the way it had been before the workers dismantled it. He recalled the room down to its finest details. But this room wasn’t his priority. He pulled the door shut and locked it. He would deal with it another day. There was something more important he needed to do.

* * *

A week had passed and Kate couldn’t wait to see Lucas’s attempt at remodeling. He’d been keeping her bedroom off-limits until he finished.

“Close your eyes.” When she didn’t move, he lifted her hand over her eyes. “And no peeking.”

She shook her head. “You’re worse than a little kid.”

“It’ll be worth it. I promise.”

She did as he said while letting him guide her down the hallway. “Okay, you can open them.”

Kate smiled as she stood at the doorway of the original bedroom she’d been using up until Lucas had taken over finishing the upstairs. “Wow. I didn’t expect you to do such an amazing job.”

“I had a great incentive.”

She turned to see him staring directly at her. Her heart fluttered and heat rushed up her neck, flooding her face. Had he really done all this for her?

The once bright white walls were now a soothing sandy tan. And the crown molding had been repaired and painted a soft, creamy white that matched the ceiling. She couldn’t have done better if she’d picked the colors herself. The furnishings were new. The dark wood of the big sleigh bed fit perfectly in the room.

“Seems you have a hidden talent. I guess you don’t need my services after all.”

Lucas’s head ducked. “The truth of the matter is I sort of...umm...hired the woman at the furniture store to help me get the details right. I know you were making a point of using the furniture that has been in my family for years, but I wanted something new for this room.”

She was impressed Lucas seemed to be moving forward and letting go of his tight grip on the past. She wanted to turn and throw her arms around him, but she held back, waiting to hear his reasoning for the new furniture and the impressive makeover.

Lucas took her by the hand and drew her inside. It was only then that she noticed a small table off to the side, all done up with a lace tablecloth, tapered candles and a long-stem red rose. China and stemware completed the impressive setup. No one had ever done anything so romantic for her.

Kate’s mouth gaped. “Is this for us?”

“Unless you were planning to have a late dinner with someone else.”

“Definitely not. I just wasn’t expecting you to go to all of this trouble.”

Lucas shrugged. “I thought you might like it, but if you don’t, we could go back downstairs.”

“Oh, no, this is fine.” She glanced down at her jeans and blue cotton top, feeling severely underdressed. “Maybe I should get changed.”

“Not a chance. You look beautiful just like that.”

Her stomach fluttered.

“Would you like some champagne?” He moved to the table and withdrew a bottle from an ice bucket and held it out to her.

Her gaze strayed over to the bed where the beige comforter was already drawn back. Her pulse accelerated. Lucas was attempting to seduce her. They hadn’t made love since that one time, both agreeing that it would be best for their working relationship to keep things casual. So what had changed? Or was she reading more into this than he intended?

“Lucas, I don’t understand.”

Her stomach was aflutter with nerves as she waited and wondered where this night was headed. Where did she want it to go?

Lucas walked up to her. “I’m sorry things between us have been so bumpy. I’m hoping they’ll be better from now on.”

He wrapped his hands around her waist. The heat of his touch radiated through her clothing. Her heart thumped with anticipation. He was trying to show her that he could change and she wanted nothing more than to give him a second chance.

His head dipped and she leaned into him, enjoying the way his mouth moved over hers. Each time their lips met, it was like the first time. And she never wanted it to end. Because with each kiss, her heart took flight and soared.

But she couldn’t lose control now. She couldn’t cave into the desire warming her veins just yet. First, she needed some answers.

With every bit of willpower she could muster, she braced her hands on his shoulders and pushed away. She drew in an uneven breath and willed her pulse to slow. She glanced up, seeing the confusion in his eyes.

“We need to talk.” She took a deep breath, hoping the extra oxygen would help clear her thoughts. “This is beautiful, but why have you gone to all of this trouble?”

Her fevered wish was for him to say he loved her. That he needed her. And that he was ready to make peace with the past and reach for the future she knew they could have together.

“I thought it was self-explanatory.”

She licked her dry lips, searching for the right words. “Is this the beginning of something? Will you still be interested in us next week? Next month?”

“I...I don’t know. You’re rushing things.”

Kate shook her head. “I’m not rushing anything. This—” she waved her hand around “—was your idea. Are you saying there’s room here for me and Molly in your life?”

His brows lifted. “You mean here, in this house?”

She nodded. Inside she was begging him to pick her, to choose a future with her.

“I don’t know if I can live here with another family.”

His lack of certainty hurt her deeply. She loved him. She’d accepted that fact back when they’d made love. Even though she’d been fighting it, it’d only grown stronger.

“And does that include your daughter? Do you not have room for her here either?”

“You don’t know what you’re asking.”

“Yes, I do. I’m asking you to show your daughter how much she is loved. To keep her from ending up like me, with no family around for the good times and the bad.”

“But what if she gets hurt in the cross fire between her mother and me?”

“You’ll see that it doesn’t happen.”

He moved closer, reaching out to Kate. “None of this has to stand between us.”

“You never said what it is you want for us.”

His hands lowered to his sides. “Why do you need it defined? Can’t we just take it one day at a time?”

She drew in a breath and leveled her shoulders. “At the beginning, I thought that something casual would be enough. But it isn’t. Soon Molly will be getting out of the hospital and she’ll be asking questions about you and me. What do I tell her if I don’t even know the answers myself?”

Lucas raked his fingers through his hair and moved to the other side of the room. “I don’t know if I can make a new start. Commitments haven’t exactly worked out for me if you haven’t noticed.”

“I’m not asking you for a commitment. I’m just asking if you care enough about me to explore a future together. Can you do that?”

Before he could say a word, her phone buzzed. She wanted to ignore it. Lucas’s next words were so important, but if it was the hospital, she had to take it. She held up a finger, stemming off his response. She withdrew her phone from her pocket.

After a brief conversation with Nurse Judy, Kate turned to him. “I have to leave.”


Molly’s bed and watched her little girl sleep peacefully. The night before, the hospital had called because Molly had woken up from a nightmare, crying inconsolably for her daddy. Inside Kate seethed over the man being so thoughtless about carelessly dropping in and out of his child’s life.

At least Lucas didn’t put his daughter through that kind of hurt, but he could do so much more. He could be a reliable part of his daughter’s life, if he’d get past his worries. Sure, it might not be easy for him to deal with his ex-wife, but she knew how important it was for a child. And she just couldn’t be involved with someone who wasn’t there for his family through thick and thin.

She watched her daughter take a late-day nap after one of her treatments. In a couple of hours the fund-raiser was due to kick off. She’d been counting on Chad to watch over their daughter while she attended the event and met with donors. Chad hadn’t been thrilled about the idea of being left out of the swanky party, as he put it, but she’d pushed how important it was for Molly and he’d grudgingly relented. So much for him being there for them.

“How’s she doing?” came a very soft male voice.

Kate jerked around to find Lucas standing just inside the room. His face was drawn and his eyes were bloodshot as though he hadn’t gotten any sleep. She hated how she’d had to run out on their conversation the night before. So much had been left unsaid.

“She’s doing better.” Kate still got angry every time she thought of how Chad had skipped out, leaving Molly disappointed and heartbroken. “I thought you’d be at the house getting ready for the party tonight.”

“Between my assistant and Aunt Connie, they have everything under control. What they really need is you.”

Kate’s gaze strayed to her sleeping daughter. “I can’t leave her alone.”

“But you are needed for something very important.”

The house was complete. The party was under control. She couldn’t think of a single thing that needed her attention. “What is it?”

He pulled a black velvet box from behind his back. “I need you to wear this tonight when you meet your guests.”

Excitement pulsed in her veins. “Is this from the Fiery Hearts line?”

“Yes, it is. I know how anxious you’ve been to get the first glimpse. I only have a few of the pieces, but they are the stars.”

“Hurray!” She quietly clapped her hands together in excitement. “Show me.”

He flipped open the lid and her mouth dropped open at the heart-shaped ruby and pearl choker with a matching bracelet and earrings. She reached out to trace her finger over them.

“They’re gorgeous.”

“You approve?”

She nodded, still taking in their beauty. Nurse Judy entered the room to check Molly’s vitals.

“Look, Judy.” Kate pointed at the sparkling jewelry. “Aren’t they gorgeous?”

“They’re stunning. Someone sure knows how to pick out great gifts.”

“This isn’t a gift.” Kate shook her head. “These are part of Carrington Gems’ newest line.”

“Actually,” Lucas interrupted, “they are for Kate to wear to the party tonight.”

“I couldn’t.” Kate pressed a hand to her chest, feeling a bit flustered. “You were supposed to have some beautiful model show them off.”

He smiled and continued holding the jewelry for her to take. Judy moved over to Molly’s bed while Kate tried to figure out what this all meant...if anything.

He gazed deep into her eyes as he pressed the box into her hands. “I can’t think of anyone more beautiful than you.”

“But...but I can’t. I have to stay here.”

“This is one party you aren’t going to miss. And that’s why I’m here. I will sit with Molly.”

“You? You’re the one who should be at the party. It’s your house.”

“Ah...but this evening is your creation. And you are the infamous woman in the photo that everyone wants to meet. You will be the star.”

She hated that he had a point. This was her party—her idea. The thought that people were going to attend with the interest in meeting her made her stomach quiver.

“And,” he added, “I need you to be the face of Carrington Gems.”

“Me? I couldn’t.” She worried her bottom lip. “You need someone beautiful—”

“Someone just like you. And if you need anything my aunt and my assistant will be on hand.”

Kate cast a hesitant glance at Molly. She really didn’t want to leave her, but this fund-raiser was vital for her surgery. Maybe if she just slipped out for an hour or two...

Judy caught her gaze and smiled. “Go. Molly will be fine. There are plenty of people around here who will keep an eye on her. And I promise we will call you if anything comes up.”

Kate stood, still feeling so unsure about this arrangement. She looked into Lucas’s steady blue gaze and could feel his strength grounding her. He placed the jewelry case in her hand.

“There’s a car waiting downstairs to whisk you off to the ball.”

“Just like Cinderella.”

“Most definitely.”

If only her Prince Charming was going to meet her at the party. But this wasn’t a fairy tale. This was reality. She’d been on her own before—why should tonight be any different?

* * *

Lucas settled back in the chair, leafing through the financial magazine he’d brought along. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d been able to sit down and read something besides sales reports and marketing projections. He glanced over at Molly as she cuddled with the pink teddy bear in her sleep. She was so cute—so like her mother.

“Okay, you can go.”

He glanced up, finding Judy standing there. “Go where?”

“Cinderella needs her Prince Charming. So off to the ball with you.”

“I can’t. I promised to watch over Molly.”

“I just got off duty and my husband said he’d entertain our little ones with a pizza and movie so I have the evening free. I know you’re dying to be with Kate. So go.”

“Is it that obvious?”

She nodded.

“Do you think Kate will mind? I mean, I don’t know how this works.”

“Kate has become a friend. It’ll be okay. Remember, I am a nurse. Molly will be in good hands.” She sent him a reassuring smile.

Lucas prayed that Judy was right. He headed out the door and rushed home, finding the mansion all lit up. It’d been so many years since it’d come to life like this. Instead of the dread he thought he’d feel, he was excited to see Kate. He had something to tell her...something very important.

And what could be better than telling her at the party? It would be a night to remember. Anticipation flooded his veins as he moved with lightning speed through the back door, past the servers dressed in old-fashioned police uniforms. He chuckled to himself at the irony of having police officers serving drinks at a prohibition party. Kate certainly had a sense of humor.

He quickly showered and changed into his tux. By then the party was in full swing. He really didn’t want to face the people or the questions. But he had to do this for Kate.

He plastered on a smile and worked his way through the milling guests decked out in 1920s attire from fringe dresses to black pinstripe suits and hats. It was like walking back in time. He smiled and shook hands with people he knew. Some patted him on the back, congratulating him on an excellent party and his choice of such a gorgeous hostess. Lucas promised to stop back later to talk and moved onward.

His gaze searched the crowded living room where a few people were dancing to big-band music. But Kate was nowhere to be seen. He scanned the foyer, followed by the dining room but still no luck. Was it possible she was upstairs showing people around? He started for the steps when he spotted his aunt.

“Do you know where Kate is?”

“Aren’t you supposed to be with Molly?”

“Judy got off duty and offered to sit with her so I could be here for Kate. I really need to talk to her, but I haven’t been able to catch up with her.”

“Finally came to your senses about her, didn’t you?”

He nodded. “If she’ll give me a chance.”

“I think you’ll find her showing some interested guests the prohibition tunnel. But Lucas...”

He didn’t have time to chat. He’d been waiting too long for this conversation. Actually, instead of words he intended to show her that he could be the man she needed him to be...the man his family needed him to be.

At last he found her on the landing, talking to an older, familiar gentleman, but Lucas couldn’t recall his name. He gazed up at her. A cute black hat was settled over her short bobbed hair. She looked adorable. The Fiery Hearts ruby and pearl choker sparkled on her long neck. His pulse picked up its pace as he imagined replacing the necklace with a string of kisses.

His gaze slid down, taking in every breathtaking detail. In a vintage black dress, her creamy arms were bare except for the matching bracelet. A murmur of approval grew in his throat, but he had enough sense about him to stifle it.

The dropped waist on her dress lent itself to a short skirt, which showed off Kate’s long legs in black stockings and black heels. He’d never ever get tired of looking at her. She was by far the most beautiful woman and the ideal choice to wear the Carrington Gems. He gave in to an impulse and let off a long, low whistle.

Kate turned and color tinged her cheeks. He ascended the steps and made a hasty apology to the gentleman before taking her hand and guiding her up the steps.

Kate stopped at the top of the stairs, refusing to take another step. “Lucas, you’re supposed to be at the hospital.”

“Judy is sitting with Molly. She said I couldn’t miss being here for you and I have something to show you.”

He couldn’t wait to show her the nursery that he’d changed into a little girl’s room—a room for Carrie. If it wasn’t for Kate, he might not have understood that letting go of his daughter might hurt her more than fighting to have her in his life. He owed Kate a debt of gratitude.

She withdrew her hand. “Can it wait? I have guests to greet.”

“It’s important. I’ve done a lot of thinking about what you said about the future. Just give me a minute to show you what I’ve come up with.”

Her eyes lit up and sparkled with interest. “Since you put it that way, lead the way.”

He smiled. This night was going to be unforgettable for both of them. It would be a new beginning full of countless possibilities. His chest filled with a strange sensation—dare it be hope.

“Ms. Whitley.” One of the young male servers rushed up the stairs. “Umm...Ms. Whitley.” The young man’s face filled with color. “I’m sorry to disturb you. I...umm... You’re needed downstairs.”

She flashed a smile, visibly easing the man’s discomfort. “What’s the problem?”

“There’s a gentleman downstairs. He says he needs to speak with you.”

“Please tell him I’ll be down in a moment.”

The young man shook his head. “He isn’t an invited guest. At least I don’t think he is. He isn’t dressed up. The man says he needs to speak with you right away.”

“I’m coming.” The young man nodded and hustled back down the stairs while Kate turned to Lucas. “It must be Chad. Seems he came to his senses about leaving. Molly will be so happy. But first I need to have a serious talk with him. Can we finish this later? After the guests leave.”

Lucas didn’t want to wait. He wanted to show her that he was taking strides to be the man she wanted. But part of that meant having patience—after all, he wasn’t going anywhere. Their talk could wait. But that didn’t mean he had to like it.

He groaned his impatience and nodded his agreement.

She lifted on her tiptoes and went to press a kiss to his cheek, but he turned his head, catching her lips with his own. He’d never ever tire of kissing her. He went to pull her closer—to deepen the kiss, but she braced her hands on his chest and pushed away. The kiss might have been brief, much too brief, but it promised of more to come.

“Later.” She flashed him a teasing smile.

He ran his tongue over his lower lip, savoring her cherry lip balm. He stifled a groan of frustration. He wanted more of her sweet kisses now...and later. Forever.

The last word caught him off guard. He never thought he’d ever use that seven-letter word in terms of a relationship again. But Kate had come into his black-and-white world and somewhere along the way had added all the colors of the rainbow. His heart was healed and ready to fight for those he loved.

How it’d taken so long for him to come to terms with how he felt about Kate was beyond him. Now, he couldn’t wait to tell her that he loved her. He was dying to know if she felt the same way. But what choice did he have but to wait? Only a little longer and then he’d have her the rest of the night.

“Let’s go greet your ex.”

They’d just turned the landing when Kate asked, “So what was it you wanted to show me—”

Her words hung there as she came to an abrupt halt.

“Kate, are you all right?”

When she didn’t move, didn’t say anything, he followed her line of vision to an older man with white hair standing at the foot of the stairs. He was definitely too old to be Chad. And there was something vaguely familiar about him. In a pair of jeans and a plaid shirt, he certainly wasn’t here for the party. The man stared back at Kate with tears in his eyes.

Panic clutched Lucas’s chest. The face. The age. The look. It all came together at once. This was Kate’s father—her estranged father, Floyd—the man he’d connected with on MyFriends.

A hush fell over the crowd as though they sensed the tension in the room and were checking it out. The paparazzi covering the event for all of the major news outlets moved in closer. Their flashes lit up the room, causing even more people to move in for a closer view. Lucas waved them off and the flashes stopped. But it was too late—the press was going to have a field day with this story. Guilt weighed heavily on Lucas’s shoulders.

Floyd placed a foot on the bottom step and Kate took a step back.

“Katie, you look so beautiful all grown up. You’re the spitting image of your mother—”

“Don’t! Don’t say that. There’s nothing you could say that I want to hear. Just go.”

BOOK: Safe in the Tycoon's Arms (Harlequin Romance)
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