Salvation (20 page)

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Authors: Stephanie John

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Salvation
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Hell no!

I knew she

d get it. Then her lips curled.

I, on the other hand, would’ve made him escort me, so everyone who saw us knew
what we

d done.

Mai had fantastic self-belief and didn’t care for others opinions on her. I both envied and admired her for it.

He seemed genuinely sorry, I could see it in his eyes. You can

t fake that, no matter what lies you can tell.

Bet you didn’t have to fake an orgasm.

Mai grinned, her brows wiggling up and down. I wasn’t surprised the conversation had returned to her favourite topic.


I smirked, swivelling my chair side-to-side as I finished my lunch,

not even the fourth.

Oh my God!

she cried, fanning her face.

I knew he

d be a good fuck!

I choked on the last bite. She dismissed my shock with a wave of her hand.

If a guy gave me multiples like that, it

d be a sure fire way of getting my ass back in his bed again. You seeing him tonight?

“No.” I pursed my lips, eyeing her warily whilst considering how to phrase my next statement. “Keep this quiet for a while, please?” I implored, twisting the lid off my bottle. “Don’t tell Robyn or Jenna.”

“How the hell do you expect me to keep this quiet? This is, like, the most amaze-balls news ever.

“I’m serious. It needs to stay private.”

Mai wasn’t happy, but eventually she held up her hands. “Okay, okay, won’t breathe a word.” She scrunched up the rubbish and stood. “I need some nicotine, you coming?”

I better not. Michael knows I was late.

Shall I bring some caffeine back?


I reached into my bag for my purse and handed her some money.

Take this for lunch.

Mai earned significantly less than I did, yet she regularly treated me. Pleased she wasn’t in an argumentative mood, she took it without a fuss and skipped out my office. I dropped my purse back in my bag, then went to the window.

People below were going about their business without a care, some running to refresh their over-stimulated minds, others meandering along with friends in the glorious sun.

By agreeing to give Nate another chance, I

d been handed an entirely new set of issues to worry about. He was certainly gifted when it came to satisfying a woman, and a man with his wealth of experience was admittedly a turn on, but too much experience became an instant turn-off. Exactly how many women had he slept with for me to be compared to?

I couldn’t deny liking the way he made me feel, both in and out of bed. The old Kara had peeked through the layers of protective armour and insecurity in those few times already. Nate made that happen. And when he smiled at me?

God, that smile was fatal. It could do serious damage to me, because when it reached his eyes, it was so easy to trust him.

Even with his monumental fuck up, you

re still glowing,

Mai said, heading back in with my cappuccino twenty minutes later.

I always said a Valentine

s baby should never be celibate. It didn’t suit you at all.

I often thought it ironic my birthday was February 14, considering how disastrous my love life had been of late.


s smile grew impish.


ve just seen lover boy in the lobby.


I sat, noticing the heart shape in the chocolatey froth. Mai was becoming quite the barista.

Looked like he was walking on air. Didn’t even stop to flirt with me. Can you believe that?

she asked with mock disgust.

I let her get to the door before having enough courage to stop her.

Is Nate ever in your trashy magazines?

She shrugged.

Tends to be pictured at social events, nothing scandalous.

I tipped my head, a little mollified.

Is he with people?

You mean women?

I nodded, feeling stupid for not asking directly.


Mai eyed me for a minute, then said,

If you want to know about his exes, why don’t you just ask him?

Because then I

d be subjecting myself to similar questions I

m not ready to acknowledge.

We both noticed Michael approaching at the same time. I pretended to be working, but Mai stayed in the doorway.


she said softly.


m sure Nate

s a good guy. Don

t stress yourself out.


s words placated me, but for the rest of the afternoon I fought the temptation to hit Google. Half of me wanted to know what I was letting myself in for, the other wanted to bury my head in the sand.
Ignorance is bliss.
I knew I

d end up comparing myself to his other women, and all my misgivings would immediately become apparent once more. Not quite ready to see him with other women, I packed my curious thoughts into a box to deal with another day.


YOU seem different. Dare I say happy?

Mai probed as we descended to the main lobby shortly after five.

I think I am.

I popped a segment of orange in my mouth and handed some to Mai. It was our usual pre-workout routine and a great way to get some additional hydration.


d be worried if you weren’t after spending the weekend fucking

Mai linked her arm in mine and nudged me to the left as we strolled through the cool interior.

Nate stood, hands in pockets, legs slightly apart, chatting to a security guard. The blonde from his office suite was there, too, and the raven-haired beauty who manned the main reception. Seeing her instantly got me suspicious, because she was the same woman Nate had flirted with the only time I

d ever seen him here before. It was entirely feasible they could have slept together in the past. She was very attractive.

His eyes found mine as he maintained their conversation but focused solely on me. He raked my body the same way he had at the bar.

Wanna go over?

Mai asked,

Because he

s looking at you like he wants to eat you alive.

Luckily she still had my arm, otherwise I might have fallen over. What was happening to me? The way he looked at me had my stomach flurrying with yearning, my body wanting to be touched.
By him.


s busy. Let

s go or we

ll be late.

I picked up the pace and steered her to the doors.

A pretentious giggle bounced off the vast marbled lobby walls, managing to be heard amongst all other noise. I glanced back over my shoulder. The blonde had gone, but the other woman still had her head thrown back with a flirtatious giggle. Nate was still watching me, only now he looked aggrieved, scowling as he tilted his head, adjusting his cufflinks. I held his gaze, smiled briefly, then pushed through the revolving doors without looking back.

The heat outside was no relief to my irritated skin. Mai peered at me but stayed silent

so unlike her

as she lit up. I answered my phone when it rang without checking the caller ID.


s wrong?

Nate asked gruffly.

Are we okay? Why did you ignore me?

I didn’t ignore you,

I scoffed.

You were a little preoccupied, that

s all.

Mai flashed a grin when she realised who was calling.

Preoccupied with thoughts of you,

he corrected. That made the irrational stab of jealousy even harder to deal with.


m respecting your request for discretion, but finding it hard not to follow you out. Turn around.

I did as he asked. The building

s reflective glass made it impossible to see inside.

I didn’t get the chance to tell you this morning, but you look wonderful.

Thank you.

I kicked the gravel off the path, back into the decorative hedging lining the walkway. I was flattered and embarrassed, with a touch of guilt over my unspoken accusation. Trying to be rational, I told myself it shouldn’t matter if they had history, so long as it wasn’t still going on.

Can I give you both a lift to yoga?

he asked.

Ross can drive us.

I turned and saw Ross waiting by the Mercedes.

I appreciate the offer, but we can walk. It

s not far.

I wished I could see back inside, see who he was with, see whether he was flirting. I hated being this possessive already.

Why were you in Reception? Talking to those men?


s been a few security breaches lately. My team need to be more vigilant until it

s resolved. Plus,

he added, his voice lowering intimately,

I hoped I might see you.

I exhaled in a rush, relieved. Mai was texting on her phone, then held it up to show me we were going to be late.

I have to go, Nate.


s got an attack of the green-eyed monster,

Mai sang, relinking arms after I

d hung up.

I couldn’t reply because Ross acknowledged us with a wave over.

Good evening, Miss Collins,

he said, opening the rear door.

Oh no, Ross, I

m not getting a ride tonight.

Mai sniggered. I glared at her, covering her mouth with my hand to stifle the rest of her laughter.

Mr Blake is inside, though,

I told him.


m sure he won

t be much longer. Have a good evening.

And you.

Ross straightened and clasped his hands in front of him again.

As we crossed the car park, Mai was still giggling between puffs.


re so childish sometimes,

I scolded, sharing the last of the orange between us.

Sorry, it

s just, your choice of words couldn’t be more apt.

I rolled my eyes as we headed to the gym.

Who was that guy anyway?

she asked.

I answered her questions, and by the time we arrived and met the other girls she seemed to have regained her composure.


THIS felt good. I let my head fall back to the damp white tiles of the steam room wall and closed my eyes on a contented sigh. The girls were dissecting Mai

s weekend trip with a fine-toothed comb. I listened, offering an opinion occasionally, but memories of my own dirty weekend infiltrated my thoughts.

I remembered Nate

s lips pressed against my neck, the words he spoke. And the way he made me feel

how he made love to me

I blew out a large breath and wiped the sweat from my forehead with the corner of the towel wrapped around my body.

Everything okay, Kara?

Jenna bumped shoulders with me and adjusted her bikini top. I was ridiculed every week for not wearing one whilst the three of them paraded their lean bodies in tiny two-pieces.


re very quiet.

Silence descended and all eyes swung to me.


s probably a bit tired girls,

Mai chipped in.

Ooh, why

s that?

Jenna asked.

Hot date last night?

Hot isn’t the word. Sizzling might be close
Mai blabbed as she poured water onto the coals, adding a sound effect to her unfiltered observation.

The excited squeals and clamouring for more echoed around the sauna. I managed to answer their persistence without revealing
it was
we met a couple of weeks ago

been on a few dates

yes, I

m seeing him again

no, they won

t be meeting him anytime soon

On the way home in Mai

s car, I reprimanded her. She apologised profusely, whilst gleefully revelling in the knowledge that she was the only one who knew the biggest news that

according to her

would have the tabloids in a spin.

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