Salvation (24 page)

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Authors: Stephanie John

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Salvation
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We were escorted to the roof terrace by a male host who wasn’t a day over twenty, if that. Walking through long, flowing black drapes billowing in the evening breeze was like being transported to another world. Fairy lights twinkled around large urns of grasses and palms, and tea lights floated on the surface of the shimmering pool. It was magical.


ve hit the jackpot,

Mai announced loudly, steering us towards the bar. We weaved through guests on the stone terrace, their chatter mixing with the heavy bass pumping not too loudly from a DJ booth on the other side. Mai ordered two dirty Martini

s whilst I surveyed our surroundings. The bartenders and waitstaff were dressed in black, and the guests were the typical



d expect from this type of function.


s a free bar,

Mai giggled, handing me a drink.

That doesn’t mean you have to drink it dry,

I warned her.


t embarrass me tonight.

When have I ever done that?

she whined with a sly smile. Mai spoke her mind at the best of times, but after a few drinks, she really got going. I cringed, imagining how easily she could show me up, or worse, Nate.

We found a spot at one of the tall bar tables. Mai excitedly pointed out famous faces she recognised from television, but I was none the wiser. The only face I did recognise was the twenty-something actress who

d been signed as the fresh face of Acacia, and whose endorsement had been given to the beauty book being launched. She was every bit as radiant in the flesh as on the big screen and was surrounded by men wanting her attention.

Mai, this is the type of event covered in those magazines you read.

I sipped my drink, moving behind the table, appreciating the shelter it gave me.

Ooh, think we

ll be in it?

she asked excitedly, clearing missing the point of my observation.

I saw E! outside.


s not really us, is it?

Why not?

Mai dug her phone from her bag.


re way prettier than them.

Smiling widely, she raised her near empty glass and took a selfie to post on one of her many social media profiles.

I sipped my drink but couldn’t shake off my inadequacies as I watched the beautiful people preening themselves.

Look at them, Mai.

I tipped my chin towards two women, possibly models judging by their waif-like figures and glamorous made-up faces.


s the type of woman Nate is surrounded with. I don’t stand a chance do I? I should just end it right now.

Mai glared at me.


s chosen you. The sooner you fucking accept that, the better for all of us.

I felt scolded, like an errant child. Mai

s unpleasant words were only appeased when she placed a supportive hand over mine and gentled her voice.


t let your crazy paranoia screw this up, Kara. I see how important he is to you already.

Ladies, allow me to refresh your drinks.

A blond haired man, early thirties, bright white teeth and sparkling hazel eyes, set two Martini

s on the table.


s an awesome necklace,

he continued, lifting the black chain off Mai

s chest.


s the exact match with your hair.

I snorted. It had to be the worst chat-up line I

d heard in years.


m sorry. Stephen Avery.

He turned to me and took my hand without waiting for me to offer it.

You have the most wonderful eyes if you don’t mind me saying.

She might not, but

Nate appeared by my side and slid the Martini back to Stephen. His manner was calm and poised. The fierce glimmer of possession in his eyes suggested he was anything but. I snapped my hand away from Stephen and chanced a look at Mai. She was gaping, in as much shock over Nate

s reaction as I was.

Stephen visibly shrunk, intimidated in Nate

s presence.

The lady is with me tonight,

Nate warned him, snaking a possessive arm around my waist.


Stephen held his hands up and backed away.

Only a drink, buddy. No offence.

Nate settled between us, angling his body towards mine.

None taken.

he snarled over his shoulder.

Recognition unfurled through my body, carrying warmth through my now faster-pumping blood stream. When Nate faced me, his eyes shone almost an electric blue. The alpha-male standing in front of me was hot as fuck. Indigo jeans hung low on his waist, and the rich fabric of a dark navy slim-cut shirt, open at the collar and sleeves rolled below the elbow, caressed every muscle of his finely honed body. Casually half-tucked in at the front, it brought sex to mind. Wild, frenzied sex that had left him mussed and unkempt.

I drank him in, not quite believing how good he looked. He rewarded me with a lazy, sexy smile.

Thought you didn’t get jealous?

I raised a brow, referencing his small power exchange.


s an ugly word.

Nate rubbed the small amount of growth gracing his jawline.

The man has nothing I want. Whereas I,

he said quietly, running a fingertip over my cheek,

appear to have everything
wants. You look sensational.

His kiss, by my ear, caused a flurry of sensation across my skin. A current charged through my body from the brush of his fingertips over the bare flesh of my back when he pressed me into his frame.

My eyes closed, my head falling forward to nuzzle his, absorbing his longed for touch. Nate inhaled deeply before settling his hand on my lower back and stepping back.

Mai dug me in the ribs with a sharp jab of her elbow. Glaring at me, she nodded discreetly to Nate, hinting at an introduction.

Nate, this is my good friend Mai. Mai, this is
I wasn’t sure how to introduce him, and settled for


Ah, Mickey Mouse,

Nate lilted, extending his hand to Mai. As she took it, her expression dropped from a face-splitting grin to a frown as she turned to me for further explanation.

He saw the photo,

I explained.


s normally olive skin turned crimson. I covered my mouth to hide a smirk and was rewarded with a mouthed

fuck off.


m sorry. It

s good to meet you, Mai.

Nate covered her hand, patting it reassuringly, and dazzled her with a smile. Mai flicked her hair coquettishly, batted her eyelashes and visibly swayed on her feet. Her flirting made me uneasy and instantly possessive of Nate.

Stephen had long since disappeared. Nate

s arm slipped around my waist and he struck up a conversation, mostly with Mai because I was too awed and overwhelmed. I wasn’t sure how I was going to manage a relationship with Nate when he frequently rendered me speechless, but judging by his proprietorial body language right now, I needed to learn fast.

Party guests, mainly women, occasionally passed our table, all desperate to catch Nate

s eye. Their scrutiny of
was unsettling. Some were curious glances, others more derisive. All in all, they succeeded in making me uncomfortable.

Nate tightened his grip on my waist and moved closer.

Ignore them, Kara.

I glanced over his shoulder at the small group standing nearby, who appeared to be talking about us, if the finger pointing and indiscreet glances were anything to go by.


t let them bother you,

he urged, moving so my back was to the crowd.

A photographer appeared, excusing himself for interrupting but readying his camera anyway. Nate angled towards me and locked me in a firm embrace. He gazed lovingly at me, whispering,

I want a picture with the most enchanting woman in the room.

Dazzled by his smile and overcome by his sincerity, I smiled back, just as the flash popped.

Excuse me, Nate.

A well-dressed, attractive middle-aged woman appeared behind him. Giving me a perfunctory nod of acknowledgement, she carried on.

There are some people I

d like you to meet.

Irritation washed over me as she ran her hand down his arm

the one still curled around me

seeming just a little over friendly with him. Practised in the art of managing people, Nate slipped gracefully out of the unwelcome contact without making her feel awkward.

You going to be okay while I do this?

he asked me, irritated at being dragged away. He was referring to the moral-less women still making eyes at him even though he was clearly with me.


ll be fine. Go work the room.

Be back as soon as I can,

Nate apologised, eyes not leaving mine. They stayed that way as he stepped backwards, before the woman led him off to the other side of the terrace. The small gathering of women were quick to follow.

Fucking hell, K!

Mai sipped her Martini, neck craned to watch Nate disappear.


s a living, breathing, airbrushed photoshop! There

s gotta be laws against looking that good in public.


t you the person telling me how hot he was in the first place?

I asked, following Nate around the room with my eyes.

Mai shook her head.

That was before.

Before what?

He screwed you!

Mai handed me a fresh drink, courtesy of a waiter who brought them to our table.

Now I

m seeing him with entirely new eyes. I could cut myself on that jaw
Mai blew out a breath and brought her glazed eyes from Nate back to me.

And, ugh,

she groaned,

what I wouldn’t give to hear
voice talk dirty in my ear as he fucked me into oblivion


I gave her shoulder a gentle shove.


ve got your own boyfriend. Stop lusting after mine!

With a raised brow, she smirked as she supported her merry self against the table.

Bad choice of words,

I muttered, irked by my careless choice of noun. A couple of dates and a night of explosive sex hardly warranted Nate being given that label.

All those honeys need to take a back seat,

cause that man only has eyes for you.

Mai yanked me down to her level and slurred in my ear,

infatuated with you.


t be silly!

I straightened, snickering at her outrageous comments. With the amount of empty glasses on the table, I could only assume she was on her way to getting drunk.


mon, bathroom.

I gripped her elbow and steered her away from the table. She clearly had no idea what she was saying.

As we neared the exit, I heard my name. A hand seized mine and tugged me through the black drapes.

I can find my own way,

Mai announced when she spotted Nate and marched off before I could stop her.

What are you doing?

I giggled.


s sultry smile was the last thing I saw before I was pinned up against a wall by six foot three of hard, lean muscle. His hands were everywhere, roaming my body with a sense of urgency. He kissed like his life depended on it, getting his fix to keep him going until the next time. I was just as fervent, tangling my fingers in the glossy lengths of his tousled hair to hold him steady.


m longing to make love with you again, Kara.

Nate moved to my bare shoulders, breathlessly nibbling at the sensitive skin.

So much it hurts.

Trapped between his solid frame and the wall, I was helpless.


re near-naked beneath this dress, and visualising how good that looks is driving me crazy,

he groaned, cupping my jaw and capturing my mouth again.

Your beguiling nature could break the strongest of men.

His hand curved my arse and pushed me into his erection whilst his mouth moved feverishly across any area of exposed skin.


ve wrecked me

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