Sara in Montana - A Christmas Wish (6 page)

BOOK: Sara in Montana - A Christmas Wish
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Sara had thought about it. Nodding her head, she explained what she had been able to find out, “Technically yes, but it’s not legal until the wedding is consummated, and in Las Vegas, you can have the marriage nullified with only one signature. I stopped in Boise yesterday and downloaded the forms at one of those internet cafés. I signed the paperwork and put it in the mail. I figure they should be getting the paperwork any day now.”


Trent felt pride well up in him for the young woman sitting there so calmly discussing having essentially divorced the husband who was attempting to kill her. “That’s good, Sara. Real good.”


“Why does it make that much difference? I don’t get it.”


“If they find something on him, it will be much easier for them to get a conviction with your testimony if you’re no longer married to the man. Otherwise, it makes you a hostile witness and the judge can choose to disallow anything you say.”


Sara hadn’t thought of everything after all, but she was relieved to know that she had acted in her best interest. “Well, I’m glad the paperwork is already on its way then.”


Tired of thinking about her situation, she changed the subject, “So do you like Christmas?”


Trent smiled and nodded, “It’s my favorite time of the year.”


Sara sighed and said, “Mine too, or at least it used to be before this happened. I’m supposed to be heading to my sister’s house in a few days to make sugar cookies with my niece.” Sara’s voice trailed off as she thought about how worried her sister must be right now.


“So what did you ask Santa for this year?”


Sara shook her head, “I haven’t asked him for anything. You don’t really believe in Santa Claus still, do you?”


Trent grinned at her and nodded, “Sure, don’t you?”


Sara eyed him, looking for signs that he was teasing her, “Really? You still believe in Santa Claus?”


Laughing, Trent shook his head and told her, “Well, Santa Claus the man – no. But the idea of Santa Claus – sure. Why wouldn’t I believe in asking for what I want and the excitement of finding out if I’ll get it. Magic…hope. It’s what Christmas is all about.”


Sara couldn’t help but agree with him. “Christmas has always meant family and sharing, and showing love and appreciation for those around you. Up until this year, I would be the one driving everyone crazy with new ideas, decorating, baking – the works.”


Trent reached over and squeezed her hand, “Sara, this is just a little glitch. You’re going to get through this and still be able to enjoy Christmas this year. You just have to believe.”


Sara squeezed his hand back before disentangling her fingers from his. Her arm tingled from the contact and she felt the warm stirrings of desire begin in the pit of her belly. “Careful, Mr. Sheriff. You’re beginning to sound like a Hallmark card commercial.”


Trent laughed at her analogy. “Hallmark? Really, I thought I was being much more original than that.”


Sara laughed at his expression and then sobered as thoughts of her sister crept back in. Seeing her expression alter, Trent asked, “So, let’s pretend I’m Santa. If you could ask for anything in the world, what would it be?”


Sara didn’t even have to think about that one, “I wish I could talk to my sister and spend the holidays with her.” Sara shook her head to drive away the sadness, and then said, “But, since that’s not going to happen, I’ll have to think about it.”


Trent was silent as he made the turn off the main road leading towards his house. Pulling into the garage, he turned to her and gave her a smile filled with mystery, “What if I told you that I could make part of that Christmas wish come true?”


Sara shook her head and gave him a sad smile, “I can’t risk calling her. David knows everything there is to know about my family. He knows where she lives, where she works… I can’t put her at risk like that.”


Trent just continued to grin at her and then nodded his head, “But I have resources and magic up my sleeve. I can arrange for you to call your sister on an untraceable phone call. I can even scramble the call so it can’t be recorded.” He raised his eyebrow at her and waited for her response.


Sara stared at him and wondered what kind of technology was required to do what he was talking about and how a small town sheriff would come to have it in his possession. Narrowing her eyes at him, she asked, “Okay, talk. How on earth can you make something like that happen? I doubt Castle Peaks has that kind of technology just lying around the sheriff’s office.”


Trent grinned openly at her as he got out of the jeep and came around to open her door, “Castle Peaks doesn’t, but I have friends in high places. Sometimes they use Castle Peaks as a refuge of sorts for their clients. I’ve been given permission to use anything I want, anytime I need to.”


“Clients? Refuge? I’m not following here.”


“The FBI maintains a safe house nearby, fully equipped with all of the latest gadgets and devices. If you behave yourself and take a nap, I’ll take you there right after dinner and you can call your sister. Of course, I’ll have to kill you after you see the location, but you’ll have gotten your Christmas wish partially answered.”


Trent delivered his statement so matter-of-factly that it took a moment for the absurdity of his threat to register. When it did, Sara started laughing and found she couldn’t stop. Even when it set off another round of coughing that had tears pouring from her eyes, she was still laughing through it all.


Hearing her laugh had been magic to Trent’s ears. That was, until he heard her start coughing and had to stand by uselessly. He felt horrible for making her laugh as it was obvious, coughing was causing her serious pain. He stood by helplessly and rubbed slow circles on her upper back, trying to calm her breathing down and get the coughing to abate.


“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you laugh. Try to take slow breaths. That’s it.” Trent waited until the coughing fit subsided, and then he tipped her chin up with one hand and wiped the tears from her eyes and cheeks. Looking for signs that the coughing fit would return, his eyes roamed over her face, noting that even in pain, she appeared to be still laughing at his jest.


Taking a couple of breaths, Sara grabbed the hand that was still holding her chin and assured him, “It’s okay really. Instead of killing me though, why don’t I just promise to close my eyes. Wouldn’t that be much easier – nobody to dispose of, no mess?”


Trent was amazed at the woman sitting in his jeep. She was sick with God’s knows what bug, had just coughed until she had tears running down her cheeks from the pain, and yet was able to take his joke and turn it back upon him.


Lifting her out of the vehicle, he set her on her feet and solemnly informed her, “You may have a point. I’ll consider it, carefully. Does that mean you still want to call your sister later?”


Sara sobered and grabbed his arm, “I can’t tell you how much it would mean to be able to talk to her. I can’t imagine what’s she heard and she must be so worried about me.”


Trent opened the door to the house and ushered her inside. “Your Christmas wish is my command. Let me introduce you to Jane and then we’ll get you settled and you can nap for a while. You look like you could use one.”


Sara nodded at everything he suggested. She couldn’t believe how this day had changed her outlook for the future. And to top it all off, she was going to get to talk to her sister this evening. Things were definitely looking better.


Maybe Christmas this year could be salvaged after all.


Chapter 7


Jane had been introduced and then Trent had shown her to a bedroom, complete with a private bath. Jane had brought in several changes of clothes after seeing that she and Sara were of similar size.


Sara had looked longingly at the tub and Jane had suggested she take a nice long soak. Sara had been unable to resist and afterwards, she laid down on the bed and promptly fell asleep.


Trent checked in on his guest. He just couldn’t consider her a prisoner based upon what she had told him, and found her sleeping soundly each time. Standing beside her bed, he tried to figure out what it was about her that spoke to him on such a deep level. He had known her less than 24 hours, and yet felt like he had known her all his life. He had never gotten so close to a woman – ever.


Saying her name softly, he watched as she stretched and her eyes slowly blinked open. As she attempted to bring him into focus, he handed her the glasses he found sitting on the bedside table.


Smiling and wondering how she had gotten so lucky, Sara pushed herself up into a sitting position and took the offered glasses. Putting them in place, she gazed around her and smiled as her savior came into focus. She had thought him handsome before, but now that she could take her time to look more closely, she was awed by his looks. He was hot!


She took in his features again, and then let her gaze travel back to his eyes. There was heat there in his gaze and Sara knew that her gaze was probably sending the same signals back. Sara had never been as attracted to a man before. Sure, she had dated and at one time, had thought herself in love with David Patterson. David had never seemed that interested in the physical side of their relationship, instead, he had insisted that they had plenty of time to learn about each other and he didn’t want to rush her.


Thinking back on their dates, David had always been the perfect gentleman. He would walk her to the door to her apartment building, give her a hug and a brief kiss, and then watch as the night guard let her in. He would then give her a little wave of his fingers and shoo her towards the elevators. In the many weeks she had gone out with David, she had never felt this burning desire to have him kiss her – not like what she had weaving its way through her thoughts now. Her eyes were drawn back to his lips time and again.


Looking at Trent, the feelings she’d had before didn’t even register. If David had been a one on the Richter scale, Trent was an 11 – off the charts. As Trent sat down on the edge of the bed next to her hip, her stomach quivered at the contact and she clasped her fingers together so she wouldn’t grab his hair and run her fingers through it.


Trent watched the emotions flow over her face. She was an open book. At first, she had been happy to be able to see clearly, but then he had seen awareness and arousal spring to life in the depths of her eyes. He had seen the flush spread up her neck and into her cheeks and her pulse rate increase. It eased his conscience to find out that she felt the same attraction.


His body was primed and ready for action. He couldn’t resist pulling her chin towards him and kissing her lips. He started the kiss out soft and slow, but the flames of desire quickly turned it into something else. His tongue demanded entrance to her mouth and with a sigh, she complied and gave it back. For several minutes, they explored each other’s mouths while their hands molded and shaped each other’s bodies.


Breaking away from temptation, Trent pulled back and abruptly stood up from the bed. He had not intended for things to get so out of hand. Scrubbing a hand through his hair, he looked at her, “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean for that to happen.”


Sara touched her lips with her hand as she stared at him. She tried to keep the hurt from her voice as she asked, “You’re sorry you kissed me?”


Shaking his head, Trent assured her, “Never. I’m only sorry that it got so out of control.”


Hearing his words, Sara relaxed and gave him a gentle smile, “Its okay. You don’t hear me complaining, do you?” Then a thought occurred to her that had her sobering immediately and looking very concerned, “I hope you don’t get sick. You should go brush your teeth or something, hurry.”


Trent started laughing. He couldn’t help it. “Sara, it’s okay. Settle down. I’m healthy as a horse and I’ll take some extra Vitamin C if I start to feel like I’m catching your cold. Now, how did you sleep and do you feel any better?”


Sara took a experimental breath and then exhaled in relief. “I actually feel a lot better. It doesn’t hurt near as bad when I breathe in and I don’t feel like I’m running a fever anymore.”


“That’s good. Jane has dinner almost ready. I thought I would give you a chance to freshen up before you join us. Just come down the hallway and turn right at the end.” Brushing her cheek with his hand once more, he turned on his heel and left the room.

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