Sasha's Lion (3 page)

Read Sasha's Lion Online

Authors: Hazel Gower

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Paranormal, #Romantic Erotica

BOOK: Sasha's Lion
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Savron nodded and turned for the door, Britney ran
ahead of him to get to Sasha. He needed to get to know his mate, the one woman
in the world that both he and his lion could love and bond with. The only woman
he could have children with.
The woman to share his burdens
and tell anything to.


Sasha sat in her car and knew she must look a fool
as she stared numbly at the house waiting for Britney. What the hell had just
She would swear she’d just
entered the Twilight Zone. She tore her gaze from the house and looked down at
the black tacky sweats she wore over her costume.

She’d argued that she didn’t need to wear them and
she wasn’t cold, but after Britney’s mother insisted she put them on as she had
four horny boys, she’d caved. Her school uniform was only a tiny bit longer,
and she’d been around a lot in the past week and nothing had been said about

They were acting weird. Well more than usual.
Britney could take over and be bossy, but Sasha knew how to handle her most of
the time. Tonight, though she was uncontrollable, and what did Britney mean by
her brother wanted to meet her mother? None of Britney’s brothers had shown any
interest in her, and Sasha was fine with that.

Her passenger door opened, and Britney got in and
sat. “Let’s go. You’re late.”

Sasha turned to glare at her friend. “What is going
on, Britney?”

Britney gave her a butter-wouldn’t-melt-in-her-mouth
sweet look.
Everything is fine. Let’s go
before you’re even later. Savron is waiting to follow us to the restaurant.”

“That’s another thing. Why did you tell my mother
your brother Savron is interested in me? He’s not. This is the second time I’ve
seen him. This is the first time he’s spoken to me, and it was to ask me what
I’m wearing, and he didn’t sound happy.”

Sasha started the car and backed out. Britney
shrugged and turned on the radio.

They sat quiet for a while. Sasha waited for more
from Britney. “That’s it. You’re not going to tell me why all you said is ‘men’?”

Britney bobbed her head. “Don’t stress. It’s your

Sasha groaned, giving up on getting anything out of



Everyone sat around the table talking. Sasha glanced
at her mother to see she still had the dazed looked on her face as she looked
around at the stunningly beautiful family. Even dressed in casual clothes, the
Pride family looked gorgeous, all tall and with blond hair, tanned skin,
perfect white teeth, and green eyes that looked yellow most of the time. Her
mother had seen Britney before, but seeing them all together was different.

“Glenda, your daughter is a lovely girl. You should
be so proud of the woman she’s become.”

Her mother nodded to Catherine, Britney’s mum. “Yes.
I’m very lucky.”

Sasha moved her leg for the hundredth time as Savron
brushed his against hers. If it wasn’t his leg, it was his arm or fingertips.
It wasn’t that Sasha wasn’t attracted to him—she was—it was just that he wasn’t
her usual type. Sasha went for dark haired men, usually with a tat or two. She
wasn’t a fan of blonds, but she felt a pull towards Savron, and the more time
she spent with him, the stronger her attraction got. She wished she knew what
was going on.

The way Savron kept rubbing up against her was
almost cat-like, and she swore when she subconsciously stroked his hand he

Steven, who was always on time for everything,
glanced at his watch again, cleared his throat, and butted into the
conversation that her mother and Catherine were having. “Glenda, I’m sorry to
interrupt, but we need to leave now so we get to dance practice on time.” He
smiled over at her. “Sasha did promise her partner she would be there today.”

Sasha looked around as a sharp growl sounded beside
her. She looked at Savron to see his teeth showing and his jaw moving in a
grinding motion.

Britney smiled. “Oh Mrs.
we’d love to see Sasha and you all dance.” She turned to Sasha’s little sister,
Melody, who’d sat quiet the whole meal watching and taking everything in. “Do
you dance also?”

“Yes, but not like Sasha,” Melody said.


Savron’s lion had calmed from being near Sasha in
the restaurant.
He didn’t feel the
urgent need to claim her.
He’d listened
to stories about when she was younger and the antics she got up to. Savron had
watched as Sasha laughed and groaned at the stories being told, but not once
did she reprimand her mother or moan about it not being her. She admitted to
things, and the way she looked at her mother told Savron straight away she
wasn’t selfish or catty, and family came first.

Sasha was now dancing, and Savron watched in agony,
his cock rock-hard. He wasn’t usually a possessive man, but every time Jason,
her dance partner, smiled at her and spoke, making her
he wanted to rip out his throat.

His lucky brothers had gone to deal with a vampire
attack reported in their sector. Savron would love to have gone, but his lion
wouldn’t let him leave Sasha. So he endured watching her practice in the skimpy
little outfit. His parents sat enrapt in the scene before them. Britney was to
the side of the huge hall where a class was being taught, and she’d joined in.

He told himself he wasn’t being rational. He didn’t
know Sasha. She was human. He should let her go. The problem, though, was the
more he learnt about her the more he liked. She loved her family, she was loyal
to her friends, she respected her elders, and she was happy and easy-going.

Jason spun her and pulled her to him. Savron could
smell the lust wafting off him even from his seat at the side of the room.
Jason trailed his fingers down her arm before he held her stomach, and ... Okay
Savron had had enough. He got up and stomped towards the practicing couple,
only to be stopped as his father’s hand grabbed him.

“Breathe in, son. It’s his lust, not hers. Jason
desires Sasha, but it’s not mutual.”

Savron took a deep breath in and focused on the
desert rose. He could smell joy, excitement, and happiness, but no lust or any
desire from Sasha. He went back to his seat and glared at the couple, wishing
this would end.

His mother patted his knee. “Britney is going to ask
if Sasha can stay the night. You can stay in the room next to where we put
Sasha. We’ll give you some time with her tomorrow.”

“Thanks for the help.” He knew that he had to take
his time. Get to know Sasha, woo her, and show her he was the man she wanted.
Savron had a feeling he was going to be in a permanent state of agony for a


“Who’s the massive blond giving me death stares?”
Jason nudged her as they finished their last dance for the night.

Sasha frowned and looked around. Her gaze landed on
Savron, who was glaring daggers at Jason.

“Is he your boyfriend?

She laughed as she glanced at Savron’s brooding
face. “No. He’s not my type. He’s my friend’s brother.” Sasha pointed to
Britney in the class.

Jason draped his arm around her shoulder. “Wow,
she’s hot.”

Sasha turned and smirked up at him. “Yes, she is,
and Savron over there is one of her four big brothers.”

Jason made a choking noise. “Oh God, there’s more of
those blond hulking men?”

Sasha giggled and walked with Jason to the class to
help teach and pair up with spare people.
The instructor Linda introduced them and suggested a couple of people
who needed guidance.

As Sasha danced she told herself she’d never go the number
of days she’d gone without dancing again. She’d missed it. She relaxed and
enjoyed herself smiling as her little sister made goo-goo eyes at Jason.

She had her family, her new best friend with her,
and she was dancing. There was nothing more she wanted. It was turning out to
be an awesome birthday, weird, but one of the best.


Sasha lay still in bed, reluctant to get up. She
hoped that whatever Britney was up to she’d given up. She stretched and opened
her eyes. The bathroom called, but she didn’t want to get out of bed. Her
stomach growled, making demands, and she slowly got out of bed.

She looked around the room Britney’s parents had
given her for her clothes.
Sasha groaned
when she couldn’t see them anywhere. Going to the en-suite bathroom she
relieved herself and tidied up her hair. She pulled down the shirt she’d been
given to wear as a nighty and walked out of the bathroom and into the hall. She
listened for any noise to tell if anyone was up but couldn’t hear anything.

Britney’s room was three doors down. Tip-toeing,
Sasha headed to her room hoping to find her clothes there.

“They’re all gone.”

Sasha screamed and turned to Savron, who stood
leaning against the frame of the open door in just black boxers.

. He
was huge, all muscle. He had a light sprinkle of blond hair on his chest, but
that was all. She blinked and told herself not to look down.

“Damn,” she whispered as her eyes darted farther
down his tight six-pack abs, and she saw his dick was standing to attention,
very happy and proud this morning.

“My shirt looks better on you than it does me.” He
stalked towards her, and she froze.

What did he mean his shirt? Britney had told her it
was hers to wear. “Britney said it was hers, and I could wear it.”

“No, she said it was yours to wear. And it is.”
Savron hovered close to her, and now as he spoke his breath tickled her skin.
“You’re with me today. They’ve gone to get everything ready for the party

She took a step back which put her against the hall
wall as his words sank in. “What do you mean they’re gone?”

His arms came up on either side, caging her in.
“They left hours ago. You’re a late riser.”

“Britney wouldn’t leave. She wanted me to stay.

No one came.

Savron’s lips hovered over hers, and she could hear
her heartbeat drumming a million miles an hour.

His fingertips traced her lips. “They left so I
could have some time to get to know you better. Because, Sasha, I want to know
you in every way.”

Her breath hitched as his mouth came down on hers.
Shocked, it took her a moment to respond. She opened her mouth and met his
tongue, enjoying his touch and taste. Sasha told herself she’d lost her mind.

Her hands crawled up his chest and around his back
to rest clasped to his neck. Drowning in his fresh minty taste she let herself
go for a moment. His hands came to rest on her
pulling her closer to him. His hard, thick erection rubbed against her, and she
pushed on his chest.

is going on? I don’t do stuff like this ever.” Sasha wondered what was
happening to her. She never let a guy she’d just met kiss her and feel her up.
What was wrong with her? What had Savron done to her?

Savron let out a long-suffering moan before he raked
his fingers through his hair and took a step away from her. “I’m sorry. I
shouldn’t have pushed you this far so soon. It’s just you smell so good, and
you’re irresistible in my shirt. How about we start again? You get a shower. My
sister left some clothes for you in her bathroom. Once dressed, meet me
downstairs, and I’ll tell you what we have planned for the day.”

Savron smiled and his eyes pleaded, and she told herself
not to cave but then he added, “Please. I really do like you and would love to
get to know you better. I promise I’ll be good.”

Sighing, she nodded. “Okay.”


They were having a late afternoon lunch. Sasha sat
across from him eating a chicken burger and nibbling on her fries while he scarfed
down two with-the-works burgers.

“What did you think of the movie?” he asked as he
shoved a chip in his mouth.

“I liked it. I love action packed movies. It also
helps they always have some really hot actor who has his shirt off for half the

Savron gave a mock growl, and she laughed. He was
enjoying himself. Sasha was easy to get along with and talk to. He was happy
she’d watched the action movie and not asked to see the romance movie he was
willing to take her to. Sasha had chosen a burger place for late lunch even
knowing he had the money to take her somewhere a lot more expensive.

are you liking
America?” Savron loved listening to her talk. It soothed his lion, who just
wanted to take her back to his house and claim her.

“It’s good, better than I thought. When Mum said
Steven had asked her to move to America Vegas, I was hesitant. I even looked
into staying on my own. My dad said I could stay with him, but I don’t really
feel welcome with his wife. It’s compulsory to stay in school and do year
twelve in Australia. I want to become a childcare worker, which doesn’t require
you to have your HSC, but you do need a yearlong course in university or TAFE.
So I thought it wouldn’t hurt me too much if I transferred to do my last year
over here. If worse comes to worst I can always redo my HSC when I go home.”

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