Saucers of the Illuminati (7 page)

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Authors: Jim Keith

Tags: #General, #Body, #Mind & Spirit, #Unidentified Flying Objects, #Philosophy, #UFOs & Extraterrestrials, #Metaphysics

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Now we are entering the "twilight of the gods," when the final destruction of the Old Age will take place and man and the gods will be regenerated and reunited! Man will have revealed unto him a true vision of his eternal heritage--that earthly things may show him the nature of his spirit!

So sayeth George Hunt Williamson. But what do the Temple of Solomon, Hiram, King of Tyre, the "Holy Vine of David," the ancient manipulation of Earthlings by space aliens, and the coming

"Fulfillment in Israel" have to do with Sirius, the Dog Star? A surprisingly large amount, it turns out.

A more recent version of essentially the same Sirius scenario is provided by the UFO contactee Oscar Magocsi.

After contact with the extraterrestrials, Magocsi believes that he has a mission to impart the wisdom of the "Psycheans," members of the "Interdimensional Federation of Free Worlds," whose base of operations is located near Arcturus. Magocsi reports that humanity migrated from the Pleiades thousands of years ago, and that we (and the Interdimensional Federation) are at war against evil forces from Draconis. These Dark Forces, Magocsi maintains, rely on human allies--the Illuminati secret society--whose mission is to assist in enslaving mankind through a long term disinformation operation intended to portray them as forces of good hailing from the Orion nebula. There are, Magocsi claims, actual good guys from Orion--he dubs this faction the Lords of Light--but the Illuminati are a different bunch altogether. Magocsi also maintains that a particular area of positive influence is Sirius, the intelligences there supposedly beaming telepathic transmissions intended to counteract the bad vibes of the Dark Forces.


Increase of Resolution

A few additional notes need to be added to this mystic cacophony before a conclusion can be drawn about Sirius, the Temple of Solomon, and the nature of UFOs.

A remarkable UFO group was contacted by Jacques Vallee in Paris, France. The group is called the Order of Melchizadek, and it uses the Star of David for its emblem, and for its program espouses a one world government and the doing away with money and religion--except for the UFO-oriented sort of religion, I would imagine. The Order is cabalistic in its mystical practices, the Qabalah being an ancient form of Jewish mystical cosmology, a philosophy also employed by other occult groups such as the OTO

and the Freemasons. Vallee notes the curious number of organizations that the head of the French Order of Melchizadek fronts, including the Front for Christian Liberation, Jesus People Europe, Jesus Revolution, the Charismatic Christian, the Christian Socialist Party, and Jew and Arab movements. Here relevant cross-currents include cabalism, the Order of Melchizadek, and the Star of David. Throw in one world government and the abolition of money and religion for good measure.

Another French UFO group that Vallee investigated should be stirred into the melange. The Frenchman Claude Vorilhon was taking a pleasant hike in the mountains one day--so he relates--when he saw a UFO hovering nearby, the craft bearing a Star of David with a swastika inside the emblem. A glowing childlike figure stepped forth from the craft. The child conversed with Vorilhon, bestowing a new name on him, "Rael," and informing the man that the reason he had been chosen to be contacted was because France was the birthplace of earthly democracy during the French Revolution. The being entrusted Vorilhon with the mission of building an embassy in which the aliens, which Vorilhon calls the Elohim, from the biblical reference, could meet with dignitaries of Earth, with the stated task of spreading "Peace, Love and Fraternity."

Vorilhon was informed that humans had been created by the Elohim, godlike space travelers who were also skilled in the arts of DNA alteration and cloning. Vorilhon was now to assist the Elohim in preparing mankind for the final age of Revelation. Vorilhon, now going by the name Rael, insists to his numerous followers that "A world government and a new monetary system must be created. A single language will serve to unify the planet."

He and his followers now sport the Star of David/swastika that he observed on the side of the UFO, and practice a form of "sensual meditation" that may be similar to kundalini yoga as practiced by the OTO and other groups.

Of the Rael cult, Jacques Vallee observes:

The most remarkable facts about Rael-Vorhilon are that he has acquired a large number of disciples--including thousands of followers in French Canada--and that the cult seems to have sources of income beyond the donations from his flock, leading some to speculate that the Raelian movement... like Jim Jones' People's Temple, may have attracted the attention of social engineers motivated by the observation and management of such belief systems.

An additional case, that of Betty Andreasson, should serve to link this twisted chain of incidents.

Andreasson's abduction was the subject of a book by Raymond Fowler, titled
The Andreasson Affair
. Although her case has been discussed at great length in the UFO-related press, and has been the subject of a number of television segments, no one has satisfactorily explained the extremely strange nature of the events she experienced, ones that are quite different from typical UFO

abduction events, as least as they are usually presented.

Taking place in 1967, the events of Betty Andreasson's abduction were later brought out through the use of hypnosis.

Andreasson recalled being kidnapped from her home and spirited away into what appeared to be a spacecraft. She was transported to an unknown location and then taken through a series of underground passageways that she believed were part of a city. Arriving at an underground chamber, Andreasson experienced, in a manner that she describes as highly painful as well as emotional, a kind of mythic psychodrama enacted before her which may not have been different from the kind of mystical dramatizations enacted in ancient Mystery Religions and other mystic cults.

She saw a huge bird, that she estimated to be fifteen feet in height, resembling an eagle but with a more elongated neck. The creature was apparently alive, but as Andreasson watched it, it began to transform. It began to glow with a light and heat that was so intense as to cause her pain. When the heat and light had diminished the bird was gone and she was gazing on a pile of flickering embers.

As Andreasson stared at the embers she saw a worm wriggling in the ash. "Now, looks like a worm," she described it during her hypnosis, "a big fat worm. It just looks like a big fat worm--a big gray worm just lying there."

Also during the experience, Andreasson was told by her abductors, "We are going to measure you for light... You have not completely understood the word that you have. You are not completely filled with light."

She said, "I believe I am filled with the light! I believe--I believe that I'm filled with the light!"

Andreasson also recalled that, "They called my name, and repeated it again in a louder voice. I said, 'No, I don't understand what this is all about, why I'm even here.'

"And they--whatever it was--said 'I have chosen you.'

"'For what have you chosen me?'

"'I have chosen you to show the world.'

"'Are you God?' Andreasson asked, 'Are you the Lord God?'

"'I shall show you as your time goes by.'"

The following text is part of an interview with Betty Andreasson, conducted by Raymond Fowler:

FOWLER: Have they [the UFOs] anything to do with what we call the second coming of Christ?

ANDREASSON: They definitely do.

FOWLER: When is this going to occur?

ANDREASSON: It is not for them to tell you.

FOWLER: Do they know?

ANDREASSON: They know the Master is getting ready, and very close.

Since we are ranging cosmically far afield in our search for connections, it should be noted that Eye in the Triangle emblems have been seen on some UFOs and the uniforms of their occupants, that Men in Black sometimes wear the same emblem and speak of themselves as being members of the "Nation of the Third Eye," and that in recent years a significant percentage among 2,000 UFO

sighting reports in Belgium describe triangular craft with lights at each point of the triangle, and another light in the center of the triangle. This may be the same gigantic aircraft seen over Phoenix, Arizona in 1997--again, the Phoenix!--a craft identified as being a UFO in the news media, but conforming to descriptions of top secret aircraft currently being produced by the military.

To reiterate the elements I have been stirring together in this and the preceding chapter: the "Dog Star," Sirius--the "Lords of Light" and various other references relating to light--the Eye in the Triangle--the Illuminati--Set--Isis--the Temple of Solomon, the Star of David, and God's reported covenant with Israel--the Qabalah--

and the Phoenix. All of these symbols convey a single Earthly origin.

Is it surprising to note that these are the symbols and catchphrases of a secret society that has existed since--

conservatively--at least the 1700s, and which draws upon mythology that began with the Egyptians, if not earlier. That society is the Illuminati, whose most visible proponents currently are the Freemasons, a secretive fraternal order with many members among the ranks of prominent world leaders, politicians, intelligence and military, and with conclaves located in virtually all towns of any size in America. Although the vast majority of Freemasons know very little of such arcane imagery and purposes, the information is there to be perused in their books and in the performance of their mystical initiatory rites.

Albert Pike, the head of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry in the 1800s, announced that, "Sirius still glitters in our Lodges as the Blazing Star
(l'Etoile Flamboyante)
." He also spilled the symbolic beans when he said that Sirius was interchangeable with the Eye in the Triangle, the Mother Goddess Isis, and the pentagram beloved of many a mystical sect.

One of the secrets, perhaps the core secret of the Illuminati and of their related societies (including the Freemasons and the Priory of Sion secret society as revealed and simultaneously concealed in Baigent, Lincoln, and Leigh's seminal
Holy Blood, Holy Grail
) is that the overall goal of this secret society is the rebuilding of the destroyed Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem.

The secret within the secret is that this is the purpose of the New World Order (another Illuminati conception), namely the enthronement of a new Messiah from the genetic line purported to descend from King David (and Jesus, thus fulfilling the ambitions of both Jews and Christians) who will rule over the world in feudal fashion and supposedly usher in a new era of transcendent wonderfulness.

Gibberish? The Freemason Pike said in the 1800s: "Behold our object, the end, the result, of the great speculations--of antiquity; the ultimate annihilation of evil, and restoration of Man to his first estate, by a Redeemer, a Masayah, a Christos, the incarnate Word, Reason, or Power of Deity." When Freemasons tell you that the group is all about performing good works and driving around in funny little cars on the fourth of July, don't believe them. They have a metaphysical agenda, although only those initiated at the highest levels are aware of it.

This agenda is exactly what George Hunt Willamson is getting at when he talks about the "Holy Vine of [King] David": a physical bloodline of individuals descended from the alleged marriage of Jesus and Mary Magdalene, and from King David. This scenario is also a key to the battle plan of the New World Order (whose agenda seems to go back, in this instance, to at least the time of the Knights Templar).

So UFO celebrity George Hunt Williamson had it, and so the varied branches of the Illuminati have it, although in highly cryptic fashion. If it is thought that Williamson is merely echoing biblical themes and in fact had no secret Masonic orientation woven into his writings on UFO contact, we should listen further to his words:

"Solomon," Williamson says, "was a great artist; he designed most of the burnishings for his Temple of God. He was an alchemist, and manufactured by alchemical means the gold used in his Temple.

The transmutation of base metals into gold was accomplished by

'vibrations.' Alchemy was more than a speculative art--it was also an operative art!" Similar, perhaps, to the speculative and operative lodges of Freemasonry?

The Andreasson encounter reiterates a number of secret society symbols, including its familiar 'light' motif, but centers around the explicitly Masonic symbolism of the death and rebirth of the phoenix. In the informative book
The New World Order
, Ralph Epperson asserts, "The phoenix bird symbolizes a rebirth, not only of an individual inside the Masonic religion but also of a new civilization arising out of the ashes of the ruined one."

And this appears to be the plan of the Illuminati.

In recent years the highest levels of political manipulation have been directed toward fulfilling the biblical prophecy and Freemasonic philosophic cornerstone of rebuilding the Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem on the site of the Dome of the Rock, a Muslim holy place, and placing a World King of Davidic bloodline on its throne. There have been several attempts by terrorists linked to high level Israeli intelligence to blow up the Dome of the Rock, the reported site of Solomon's Temple, an event which is rightly seen as a certain motive for the launching of a holy war between the Jews and Arabs.

Making it even more likely that the Dome of the Rock will be destroyed, and the Temple of Solomon rebuilt is that a red heifer has been born in Israel--supposedly the first red heifer since the destruction of the Second Temple by the Romans in A.D. 70. The ashes of a red heifer were traditionally used for purification before approaching the Holy Temple. Some Muslims are concerned that the birth of the red heifer will be seen as the signal for the destruction of the Dome of the Rock.

"The potential harm from this heifer is far greater than the destructive properties of a regular terrorist bomb," David Landau wrote in the Israeli newspaper

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