Saucers of the Illuminati (11 page)

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Authors: Jim Keith

Tags: #General, #Body, #Mind & Spirit, #Unidentified Flying Objects, #Philosophy, #UFOs & Extraterrestrials, #Metaphysics

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Demons and Adepts

Secret societies such as the Freemasons have been linked throughout their history with the kind of otherworldly visitations that we associate with UFOs, having now conveniently pigeonholed the phenomenon into a "scientific" categorization that removes them from the relatively discredited earlier pigeonhole of being demonic.

"These are highly evolved beings from the planet Xenon," we might be saying, "flying in craft that are thousands of years in advance of our own. You can't use a crucifix to scare these babies off."

Historically many occultists have claimed to channel alien beings that conform exactly to allegedly extraterrestrial visitors that are described today, although in the past this phenomenon was considered to be related to religion. Jacques Bergier, in
Extraterrestrial Visitations from Prehistoric Times to the Present
even credits the possibility that these entities actually exist, suggesting that the proliferation of alchemical, occult, and scientific knowledge that took place in the fifteenth and sixteenth century may have been due to contact with otherworldly beings by Illuminati such as Roger Bacon, Jerome Cardan, and Leonardo da Vinci. Is it possible that during the Middle Ages the Nommos made a return visit?

Bergier attributes the alien influx of knowledge to

"Information Source X" and believes that: This knowledge was connected with alchemy but went beyond it... A knowledge that came from where? More or less directly from those Intelligences who are able to light and extinguish stars at will--an essentially rational knowledge, offered without request for payment and not requiring adherence to any religion--a knowledge that must have filtered over to [Jonathan] Swift, enabling him to predict the Martian moons.

Certainly, during the Middle Ages contact with angels and Men in Black and sundry demons (often dressed in "shining armor") was almost taken for granted by the populace, although I have the suspicion that it was probably in the interests of the clergy and secret mystical societies to play this material up and to weave legends around it. At that time the term "demon" did not always carry the satanic overtones that it does in this era, and the descriptions we have of the otherworldly beings from that time suggest that they were of two general descriptions.

There were the monstrous succubi and tormentors of humans that the clergy--including Catholic, Protestant, and Jewish--got a kick out of spooking their aptly-termed flocks with. There was also the category of entity said to have been in contact with the Illuminati of the day, and that group seems to have been more interested in imparting the advanced and arcane knowledge of alchemy and astrology and science than in forging diabolic pacts and wagering souls.

Note the difference: the clergy would be well-served by the imps of hellfire, while the Illuminati, affirming their possession of transcendent knowledge, would be served by contact with wise, unearthly spirits who didn't have anything to do with the bugaboos of mainstream religion. Not that I am absolutely positive that some of these "demons" may not have been real, but this dual orientation suggests that at least some of them were invented, just as some UFOs are invented.

Bergier quotes Jerome Cardan, who claimed to be in contact with demons: "Just as the intelligence of a man is greater than a dog's, in the same way that of a demon is greater than a man's."

Bergier also reports:

During the Middle Ages, appearances of creatures with garments of light were most common. These messengers went to meet rabbis, with whom they held lengthy discussions on the cabala, the powers of gold, the knowledge and exploration of time, etc. They stated that they knew the guardians of the sky, but were not guardians themselves...

There is no law against interpreting this radiance and the demons'

shining garments in terms of our twentieth-century mythology, against imagining that the "double face" [displayed by many of the demons] is a space helmet, that the "luminous garment" is a force barrier producing luminous radiation through fluorescence or excitation...

While I don't know whether the Freemasons and their cohorts ever really contacted the sort of beings who we would now term

"extraterrestrials," it may be that they did. Or it may only be that they only thought they did. Certain areas of human history--and the history of disinformation--elude easy answers. Yet I can't help reflecting on the fact that contact with extraterrestrial aliens might have been just as profitable a pursuit then for the occult adept--and the rank charlatan--as it is today.


Occult Espionage

Elizabethan scholar Francis Yates places John Dee, Illuminatus Extraordinaire, at the center of the formation of the Rosicrucian secret fraternity, this because of the references to
Ros Crus
, or the

"Dew of Light" in his work. The Dew of Light is also a cabalistic image. Today we primarily know Dee as cabalist, alchemist, court astrologer to Queen Elizabeth, and ET channeler--at least one of whom who bore a close resemblance to a grey alien.

But Dee had another interesting side to his character that falls into the grey area between scholarly disciplines that few are willing to talk about. John Dee was one of the founders of what has come to be known as British Intelligence, which in its early days used alchemical ciphers of Dee's invention for passing secret messages.

For what it is worth, Dee's code name was 007. As late as World War II, Himmler claimed that the Rosicrucians were a branch of British Intelligence, although my sense is that he may have gotten it backwards.

To this day, British Intelligence remains heavily Freemasonic in its membership. Peter Wright, the former assistant director of British M15, describes in his book
Spy Catcher
his initial vetting for a high-level position in the organization:

"Just wanted to have a chat--a few personal details, that sort of thing," he [John Marriott, M15's personnel director at the time] said, giving me a distinctive Masonic handshake. I realized then why my father, who was also a Mason, had obliquely raised joining the brotherhood when I first discussed with him working for M15 fulltime.

I'm reminded of an odd instance when a journalist friend of mine was covering a survivalist/patriot convention for an American magazine. During the course of the convention, he met Bo Gritz, the right wing Liberty Lobby's Populist Party candidate for president of the U.S. in 1992, Vietnam war hero, and a prominent personality in the patriot movement. Shaking Gritz's hand, he says that he was rather surprised that he was given what he took to be a secret Masonic grip, and that Gritz looked at him in a somewhat sheepish fashion when he didn't return the grip. An interesting confluence of forces in play in the world these days...

Linking the Mother Goddess cult (of which Freemasonry is the most prevalent example that we know of) to intelligence agencies, the authors of
Dope, Inc.
give a highly interesting interpretation: The Cult of Isis was developed in ancient Egypt no later than the Third Dynasty of the Old Kingdom, approximately 2780 B.C. and represents one of the earliest formal articulations of the entropic and backward ideology of mother-worship. As known to the priesthood of the Temple of Isis--true believers themselves--the Isis cult formalizes the elements of a capability for social control, exploitation, and destruction of creative free will in subject populations. The elements include:

Use of various schizophrenia-inducing drugs;

Use of repetitive, heteronomic sounds in "music" to supplement the effect of psychotropic drugs, and to create a societal aesthetic that endorses and encourages the use of the drugs;

Creation of synthetic cults based on the original reactionary Isis myth but specific to the psychological profile of the population which the priesthood has targeted for subversion;

Enforcement of a political-economic model antagonistic to general human progress, and containing targeted populations within noncreative, manual slave-labor projects such as pyramid building.

This combination of Pharaonic cult capabilities was taken as a model for further refinement in this century by the British Secret Intelligence Service's Tavistock Institute in London--an institution which launched the "counterculture" in the United States and Europe, based on the very drugs, mescaline and hashish, the ancient priesthood had employed.

The occult underpinnings of the spy business should not be glossed over if we are attempting to understand historical world manipulation by secret societies, much less the real nature of UFO

abductions. It may be interesting to note that many occultists channeling "alien" entities have had one foot in the occult camp, the other foot among spy agency contacts.

Aleister Crowley was a "magickal" adept who functioned as a spy for the British, and--opinions differ--perhaps simultaneously for the Germans. During his career as the world's foremost occultist of the time, Crowley claimed to be in contact with any number of alien beings, including gods of ancient Egypt, and to channel written material such as
The Book of the Law
, which he attributed to an extraterrestrial entity named Aiwass. As noted earlier in this text, he also claimed he had contacted an alien named Lam, which, from the drawing that Crowley made of the entity, looks almost exactly like the big-headed aliens so often involved in UFO abductions.

A 1923 U.S. military intelligence report reveals that Aleister Crowley, as well as another famous occultist, Rudolph Steiner, the founder of the Blavatsky-esque Anthroposophy, were being investigated as the leaders of a New York occult group allegedly involved in "subversive Bolshevik activities." The report, written by a Norman Armond, goes so far as to suggest that the Russian Revolution may have been controlled by occult networks. Armond states that Steiner and Crowley, through a holding company Steiner controlled, had been involved in an alliance with Lenin that had begun in 1909.

Aleister Crowley is reported--whether reliably or not, I do not know--to have initiated "psychedelic guru" Aldous Huxley into drugs. While this connection may lie somewhat afield of what we are discussing, Huxley was the grandson of Thomas Huxley, a founder of the Rhodes Round Table, which was the base from which later well-known elitist control mechanisms such as the Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations, and the Bilderbergers were launched.

Aldous Huxley was raised in the "Children of the Sun" (note the Sun orientation), a school for children of Round Tablers, and was tutored at Oxford by H.G. Wells who, during World War I, was the director of British foreign intelligence, and as the author of books like
The Open Conspiracy: Blue Prints for a World
, the most influential mouthpiece of the Rhodes/Illuminist New World Order.

During 1952 and 1953 secret meetings are reported to have taken place between CIA Director Allen Dulles, Ford Foundation Director Robert Hutchins, and Dr. Humphrey Osmond, Huxley's friend and personal physician. These meetings involved the funding by the Ford Foundation for a number of experimental research projects using LSD and mescaline. Also of interest is the statement of Captain Al Hubbard that LSD had been discovered, years prior to the date of its reported discovery, by a group led by the aforementioned Rudolph Steiner, seeking to discover a metaphysical

"Peace Pill."

Huxley started a number of groups that, by furnishing LSD, mescaline, and settings for controlled trips, launched virtually all of the acid-occult missionaries of the 1960s, including Tim Leary, Ken Kesey, Richard Alpert (Baba Ram Dass), Gregory Bateson, and Alan Watts.

As poisonous as it may seem to a mostly-liberal audience, the LSD invasion of the world may have been a form of chemical warfare launched by British Intelligence (and their apparent masters), much in reflection of the kind of drug warfare that England had waged in the previous century during the Chinese Opium War. Certainly LSD and a connected doctrine of occultism as furnished by men like Crowley and Huxley has paved the way for future interventions of the occult (and possibly ufological) kind, and for a possible alchemical transformation of which we are only beginning to be aware.

The espionage strategy of drug and occult philosophy-induced destruction of a culture is reminiscent of the process that Carl Raschke attributes to UFOs in "Ultraterrestrial Agents of Cultural Deconstruction" in
Cyber-biological Studies of the Imaginal
Component in the UFO Contact Experience
. Raschke believes: UFOs serve as facilitators of what I label "cultural deconstruction,"... "Deconstruction" is contrasted with "destruction"

inasmuch as the latter connotes a random and unconstrained act of demolition, whereas the former suggests an aim-governed and formative sequence of changes... The work of deconstruction is not sudden, but slow and inexorable. It is more akin to a sculptor chipping away at stone so that he can craft a figure than to an iconoclast who seeks by some
coup de main
to obliterate outworn impressions. So far as UFOs are concerned, the deconstructive movement works upon human culture as a whole, although it may also have devastating effects at times on individual lives.

Another "child of Crowley" was rocket scientist, Caltech founder, and California OTO head Jack Parsons. In Pasadena, California in January of 1946, Parsons, assisted by Church of Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard (who later claimed he was working in Naval Intelligence at the time) participated in a

"magickal" working intended to incarnate the demonic Whore of Babylon via Crowleyan sex rites. At about the same time that Parsons was trying to incarnate an extraterrestrial entity, he also claimed that he had met a Venusian in the desert of New Mexico--an interesting foreshadowing of the claims of later "contactees" such as George Adamski in the early 1950s.

Hubbard was later to abscond with Parson's girlfriend and his money, going on to form the Church of Scientology with its Freemasonry-like "grade chart" of spiritual processing and its cross emblem that is almost a duplicate of Crowley's
Book of Thoth

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