Savage Awakening: A Blood Thirst Novel (Book 2) BDSM Erotica/ Paranormal Romance/ Romance Erotica (13 page)

BOOK: Savage Awakening: A Blood Thirst Novel (Book 2) BDSM Erotica/ Paranormal Romance/ Romance Erotica
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Would demons from the past always stand in my way?

I drew in deeper, taking it while not wanting to dwell on thinking about his blood remembering the Lycan’s warning about the allure of dragon’s blood. Then, I couldn’t help but remember the Lycan… tasting him in my brother’s blood, and I was past holding on- I was out of control wanting more.

I tried to reason with myself to turn… walk away, but I knew I couldn’t do this to Andres.

Trying to forget everything but the blood and the relief it brought, my legs became weak, and I found myself slowly kneeling between his parted thighs, gradually losing sight of the window I thought would help me through this- holding him as he leaned in towards me. The more I drew from him and into me, the more the blood demanded I remember whose blood it was that nourished me… Luke. It was so tempting and too easy, he tasted just like him and with my eyes closed all I saw was Luke.

I felt him hold me to him, pressing us together, lifting me over him… “Emmaley, how can you make me feel such… raw hunger? Just one bite and you are in control of my fate, yet you always were,” he groaned. As my hands found his chest, and I started to feel him, my skin anxiously prickled.

I came to my senses because within the next moment I found myself with my palms and elbows against the floor as I lay on my back quickly moving away. He watched me with an unshakable intensity as he tried to catch his breath, sitting completely still on the chaise. His mouth was open, panting with fangs extended, looking like he was doing everything not to come after me. He was on the brink of losing his nerve, but he was very good at controlling his emotions.

“I’m sorry, but that will have to suffice for tonight.” I said scooting away from him. He had to understand we would go no further. He was laboring to breathe as he watched me move away. His hands were digging into the cushions as he firmly nodded. I licked the blood from my lips and watched as he quickly flashed into the bathroom. For a second, I’d feared he would come for me.

I lay there motionless for some time, staring at the ceiling, as I too caught my breath because for a moment there… he had felt just like Luke. The witches were to blame. I’d wanted Darius, but something happened to me in that circle. I wanted to go out and find Luke, demand he reverse whatever the witches did in the circle.

It wasn’t fair to Andres, I’d let myself think of Darius first then the taste of the Lycan got the best of me. The only thing I could do to stop it was to tear myself away from him.

I heard him turn on the water, and decided it was for the best he flashed away. Taking advantage of the circumstances to get in bed, I remembered Darius once told me… things were so much worse than I imagined, now I knew full well what he meant. I walked over to the bed and did everything to refrain from looking at the window, but just as I made it to the bed my eyes met silver ones out in the distance.

He needed to stop, leave me alone. If this worked, tomorrow I’d find him, demand he continue on his quest for Eros, and he would thankfully leave us alone- the spell would make sure of it.

I fell asleep soon after, thinking of what tomorrow would bring.


My dreams were filled with ghosts. I dreamed of the father I would never meet, in my dreams he looked very similar to Andres, leaving behind his suffocating expectations. I dreamed about my journey tomorrow. The journey I never got to make because in my dream a storm came preventing me from reaching my kingdom, instead becoming lost in harsh crushing winds, while it annihilated my brother and sister. So close… yet everything was lost once again. Then my dream shifted, a mist enveloped me, and I relived something I’d begged
to make me forget. I realized it was the reason behind Eros’s ability to compel me. Another piece of the puzzle was added.

Chapter 19: He Haunts Me. Drip…Drop is his Blood



been pacing my rooms for the past half hour. I’d come back from riding tonight, to find myself more restless than when I left. I knew he was to blame, but I refused to seek him when I knew I would find him with some new slave girl. I didn’t understand why I had to ride back home at a break neck pace… knowing what would be awaiting me.

I would end up killing him one day.

I think I almost killed my beloved mare, Treasure, riding her so fast- perhaps because she’d been a gift from him. Before she was able to halt, I jumped off needing to find him and stop him.

He had to stop. He needed to know where to draw the line… we needed boundaries between us, I wasn’t an infatuated little girl anymore.

Frustrated, I gave up my pacing and found myself hurriedly making my way to him… but right before reaching him I heard her passion filled screams. I abruptly stopped myself because what would I do this time… cause myself more embarrassment by drawing attention to the fact that I was jealous. That nothing ever changed, and I was still silently waiting for him to choose me.

I was to the point of begging him not to continue his rampage, all in the name of my mother’s pride. What a stupid idiot I was. He was playing me. He’d been lining up his cards and now he was ready to take a clean sweep. He wanted me to admit my feelings for him, and until I did- he would make me pay, the man loved to punish me in the worst ways.

I would show him punishment worked both ways… he was too invested. He would learn… the punisher could be made to feel the sting of his own blow.

I’d gotten a glimpse of this on a previous occasion- I almost killed the last girl when I tore her from him. The stupidly blind fool didn’t see him for what he was, a master at deception, and she wouldn’t let him go. I couldn’t forget what he’d said while laughing at me, “Is my sweet little Emma… finally willing to grow up and take her rightful place?” He showed me
then, he was after me, all of it was to shatter my resistance to him.

The worst part was I’d wanted to punish him for making me realize this. I took my mares whip and whipped him across the face… hating him because the pain I felt was too real- hurt too damn much.

He’d gone too far, so… I wanted him to hurt just like I was hurting.

“I demand that you Stop! Why do you insist on hurting me?”

I’d hit him thrice before he was able to pry it out of my hand, the final time hitting him on the neck. I felt sick and satisfied all at once because I’d made two mean slashes on his face and one across his neck. Yet, it wasn’t enough.

He grabbed my arm, pulled me up against him, and smiled deathly silent. I felt his strength in the silence before he retaliated. “You never cease to surprise me,” his skin mended to the perfection that he was as I watched fascinated.

Abruptly, he loosened his hold on me and quickly kicked my legs from under me. I tried saving myself from hitting the floor, ironically by holding on to him, but he easily brushed me off, so instead I felt myself falling to my hands and knees.

“Don’t fucking move, not even so much as to breathe, or I’ll be as relentless with the whip as you were with me!”

I didn’t raise my eyes… instead I silently looked at my empty hands on the white marble stone floor wishing I was still holding the whip because I knew this was exactly what he wanted. He’d given it to me as an eighteenth birthday present this morning. Last year’s present was the mare, this year it was the whip in a black leather box, tied with a red bow.

My dream jumped to a different scene and played the events of said morning.


I remembered waking up in the morning and seeing the leather box by my pillow. My arms opened wide, stretching I felt what I found was my gift from him. I’d quickly taken out the ivory parchment paper from underneath the neatly tied bow and thought about returning the unopened gift before I read the note, but my curiosity got the best of me.

I think the deciding factor for opening the gift was… his scent because it lingered on the thin sheet, so I couldn’t help myself from reaching for the leathered box and reading his message.

My Dearest Sweet Love,

Use only when you think of me and not on your mare, you handle her quite well. I’m sure its appropriate use will come to you… in time.

Be a good girl today, I have another gift to spoil you with. One I am sure you will find more agreeable to your tastes.

Here’s to making your future birthdays not so sweet, but so much more filling.                           

Eternally yours,

Eros- your Loyal Servant and King.

I climbed out of bed and hurriedly dressed in my riding outfit, thinking I would find him after breakfast and return the gift to him, unopened. As I slipped out of the bathroom, I realized I had to see what he’d meant in the letter and no longer able to contain myself… I tore off the red silk ribbon.

I went to my balcony knowing I would find him. Looking for him out in the field where my birthday would be celebrated for guests who arrived early or decided to stroll through the gardens, with the blooms perfuming the air in the night breeze. My eyes took in the rush of everyone setting up the thousands of flowers being arranged. Everything looked like a circus as servants quickly moved around preparing for tonight’s event.

Every year my mother orchestrated a ball in my honor and every year the morning would be dark as night and a clouded one, something unexplainable she said, but a testament to the great things the gods had in store for me and to how very special I was. It would be a full day of night in my honor she’d say- she believed the gods marked the day making it as such because they had great expectations when it came to me.

I thought the gods, all knowing as they were, gave me what I wished for most… Eros.

Since Eros came into my life, I chose to disregard the design of the gods in honoring my birthdate and just enjoyed the gift of waking up to him on the morning of my birthday with gift in hand… he was my real gift for many years. Eros was the first and last person I saw and his lips woke me and put me to sleep at night.

Ever since I was a child I believed it was so he could be the first to wish me a happy birthday. He’d been the first every year since he arrived here many years ago.

Later that day, I would quickly realize he would be the first at many things. That is… until Darius stormed in and took everything from him.

So I stood on my balcony searching for him and found him watching me, a wicked smile on his lips as I sought to find the answers.

“Afraid of opening Pandora’s Box, Emma. Careful with what you wish for, you may find you enjoy what lies inside and once you get it… you can never go back.”

Chapter 20: He Comes Baring Gifts


interest peaked with his voice in my head, so I rapidly opened the box and let it fall to the floor while gripping its contents in a trance. How strange because he always gave me the best gifts, yet this one I didn’t need or quite understand.

His gift to me- a braided black leather whip… so soft and luxurious, but menacing just the same.

My fingers, drawn by its soft feel, rubbed over the leather curiously touching how exquisite its cool texture left me yearning, yet it felt so dangerous to hold it. I looked up to find his haunting eyes fixed on me, wondering why a gift from him, of this nature, excited me- leaving me breathless.

“Come to me with the whip later, I’ll show you why, Greedy Love. And don’t forget the ribbon.”

He was gone.

I knew I would go riding, hoping to stay away from him. I told myself I wouldn’t seek him as he instructed because whatever he planned I knew it required me to cross those boundaries I sought to place between us.

He said the whip was not for my mare, I couldn’t part with it, so I told myself I needed to take the whip just in case.
She could get restless sensing my agitation and become difficult.
Deep down… I knew I lied to myself because my mare was never difficult.

My dream replayed the moments before I used the whip. I heard her anguished screams of pleasure- my grasp tightening around the leather. I’d debated not going, but with my gift in hand I thought what better way than to teach him… he meant nothing.

I’d made my way to him with the whip held firm in my left hand and the ribbon braided in my long hair. My name kept repeating itself, pounding in my head, but I knew it was Eros that called.

He’d been doing this a week before my birthday… it felt like a sick countdown to something. My nerves were shattered when I found him in the gallery surrounded by priceless works of art- mostly marble warrior statues engaged in battle. There was an erotic beauty in the strength they portrayed while being so close to death and victory.

He looked to be doing the same; although, he fought a very different kind of battle.

He was fully dressed while the poor, or as she thought extremely fortunate girl, stood naked with her face pressed against a bronze statue while he had his eyes tightly closed and roughly pounded into her. He had a look of rage on his face as my name was fervently repeated in my head. It was sick because he had picked the only bronze statue in the room. It was a life size replica of me… he thought to humiliate me.

My mother had commissioned it as a birthday gift. He had the girl’s blood dripping on my statue as he held on to the cold bronze, and he speedily raced towards a release he couldn’t find.

“Get out of her!” I screamed- my pain evident from the crack in my voice.

“With pleasure.” He said turning away from her while opening his arms wide against a solid marble stand. Leaning in with his head bent he said, “What the fuck took you so long?”

“I promised myself I wouldn’t come.”

“I hate you more every time I find you like this.”
I shared my thoughts with him not wanting the stupid girl listening to our conversation.

“Get out!” I told the girl, “Leave while you can, and I never want to see you again or you die.” I was roughly gripping her by her nape pushing her towards the doors.

Once she was gone, I watched as he tried with great difficulty to place himself in his breeches while I heard her scramble away in the hallway.

“Get this cleaned or I will paint this room red with your blood on the walls and floor.”

He laughs, “No Emma, I don’t think you will,” he turns facing me, “why don’t you come show me, Love. I see you’ve brought your gift, have you figured out what the whip is for?”

I smile sweetly at him.

“You like it don’t you, Greedy Love?”

“I can’T BELIEVE this is what the whip is for, you should have given it to me years before!” I said momentarily stunning him by appearing directly in front of him and slashing him repeatedly with the whip.

“I love it as much as I hate you!”


So now I was breathing hard, anticipating on my hands and knees, and he was the one in control of my precious whip.

“I thought it was my gift, to do with as I felt pleased to do, so why did you take it away?”

“Because I plan to teach you, how you are wrong. Its intended use is for something else entirely.” Getting tired of my current position, I arched my back when the whip firmly made contact with my lower back leaving a sting.

“I said don’t fucking move, what part of that was so difficult to understand?”

“I’ve grown bored with you, Eros. I should be preparing for tonight, And not wasting my time with you.”

Instantly the whip wrapped around my neck- tight, bringing tears to my eyes. As my hands came up to loosen it- everything changed, and I was trapped with the whip choking me. It was tied over the panel of an enormous bed while I struggled with my hands tied behind my back fighting against the red ribbon. I realized my hair fell, loosening from the braid with my continued struggles, landing in messy curls.

There is no way these measly objects could hold me down… he’d done something to them. “Eros,” I screamed, “if you make me miss my party… I’ll kill you, you hear me? And it’s not fair for you to use magic on me. I’ll kill you extra slow for this transgression, My King.”

“Missing your party is the least of your worries, Love.” His voice was low, a seductive melody to my ears. “You are fortunate I am generous with you. Stop fighting against your bonds, and I will loosen them.”

Immediately, I listened and they did as he said. No longer did I feel the sting against my skin. But of course, with the pain gone, I came to an epiphany. I missed being difficult with him because there was no relief to be had.

I closed my eyes waiting for him to speak. I never wanted to fight with him more… than now.

“These are the rules you will have to follow if you want to make it to your great Eighteenth Birthday Celebration.” His voice was far away, behind me, and he sounded as if he was lower- sitting perhaps.

“Do not speak unless you are spoken to. You shall give me simple and to the point answers, nothing more. You will address me as your Master and make haste to comply with what I ask for. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Master.” I would let him believe he had me cornered or more precisely hanging to his every word, but in the end I would show him who really was Master here.

“You’re brilliant, a natural. Not so bored anymore, are you Love?”

“No, Master.” I craned my neck searching for him.

“Because of how well you adapt, I will go slow, but first I find I need a shower. Don’t move,” he said smiling at his own sick joke while approaching me. Once he was before me, he whispered something I didn’t understand and they tightened a fraction. “If you struggle, I’ve charmed the restraints to tighten on you, if you’re good they will slowly give- cutting you some slack.” He explained.

“Look at me, Emma.” I raised my eyes doing as he said because when I struck him with the whip, I’d seen something there I’d never seen before… erotic anticipation. I knew the look because I’d seen it on every slave he had sex with before he had to cover their mouths with his palm and draw out. I’d never seen the look on him though.

I’d discovered it for the first time and realized where my gift truly lay. “Remember you brought this on yourself. If I would give you the whip now you would strike me worse than before, you must learn not to play with me and my emotions. This is not what I had intended for your present, or for you to need a lesson so soon, but I find it is time. After all, I can no longer be a patient man.”

He didn’t understand that my hand itched for the whip because now that I’d seen that look… I couldn’t get it out of my mind. I wanted to see it again and again, given the opportunity I would. I would play his little game… it was my birthday, why the hell not.

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