Savage Awakening: A Blood Thirst Novel (Book 2) BDSM Erotica/ Paranormal Romance/ Romance Erotica (10 page)

BOOK: Savage Awakening: A Blood Thirst Novel (Book 2) BDSM Erotica/ Paranormal Romance/ Romance Erotica
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“No, I stayed… I just needed some time to think- alone. I was patient with you many times. Afforded you many moments to dwell on your troubling thoughts, yet you couldn’t reciprocate? I was trying not to scare you because I needed you so very much, my beast… he was driving me then- demanded I make you mine. He demanded I finish what we started back at that circle. I was only trying to be reasonable.”

Chapter 14: Beg, Plead… Let Me Hear You Say My Name



I don’t want your beast or you… so I gave you your precious space. You should be thanking me and doing the same. Why don’t

“Why is it that as honest as I am with you… in return all you do is lie to me?
Thanking you
, are you even listening to me? I’ve wanted you since I first set eyes upon you which was long before you stepped into the cave. I’ve wanted you long before the mere images the witch, you saw dead at my feet, showed me. Lured me to what she thought would be my death. I saw you and my body became inflamed… just as you described you felt in the circle. Yet, you described it while calling another’s name!” He said shaking me.

“Do you know what that does… to have the one you love in your arms, but hear them call out in need for someone else instead?”

With the accusation… I remembered Eros. The pain he caused me when I ran to him because I’d heard him calling for me… only to have my heart ripped out when I found him in the throes of passion with a new lover.

“Beauty all I’ve done is opened myself raw for you, why do you deny my love for you… don’t you see you can have it all with me. I will always follow you.”

“You want honesty… I’m not ready for what you wish to give, I don’t think I ever will.” My face turned from him… I wanted to get up and walk away. I couldn’t so I decided to anger him further… perhaps I could get him to walk away from me. “You heard the witches, they said it was meant for a dragon to find me within the circle.”

“No, you are meant for me! It is why I find you when another will try to claim what is mine!” He fervently objected.

I refused to believe what he said was true. “The poison… they must have seen me traveling alone. They probably even thought I killed you, God knows I’ve wanted to too many times. If I called anyone, including you, it’s only because I was poisoned by the witches. I knew not what I felt or said. It was induced. All of it, even when I begged for you.”

He watched me looking like he was about to attack me himself. His eyes told me I was taking things too far.

“Now, I don’t even know what’s real, you saw the dust she blew on my face before I killed her. I don’t trust anything.”

He was searching my eyes for truth in my words.

“Beauty, I ran away in the cave because I couldn’t forget how you smelled of another when I first met you, how you called me his name while you drove me mad with wanting you, rubbing up against my dick. I remembered you like that… from long ago, I was rubbing you between your thighs with the leather handle of a whip. You were blindfolded on the floor of a bedroom I don’t recognize… begging to feel me and not the whip. I know you lie when you say you feel nothing because your reactions for me haven’t changed no matter how much time has passed- you are still just as desperate for me.” His hands began moving over my robe, warming my skin with his touch.

“I can’t help but remember your touch, your sweet kisses… wanting more of you. What kind of a man do you take me for? Now you wish for me to believe you felt nothing for me. When you know me… my touch. It is a lie. I’m not made of steel. I feel!” He roared as he tore open my robe. The silver buttons went flying everywhere. “Only I shall dress you in the finest jewels.”

My hands slapped his away as I covered my breasts. “I suppose you feel you have a right to look at what giving up your freedom has bought you.” I said dejected as my face looked at his lips, fangs… him.

His hand came down over my ribs, palming my skin. I gasped from the currents traveling through my body. My ribs stuck out stretching my skin, hollowing my stomach as I inhaled.

“Let me go, I’ve given you no right to touch me.” My hand shot out, slapping his chest. I’d intended to reach his heart, but instead I only pushed him a fraction away.

Growling deep within his throat he said, “You mean to berate me now for wanting you with me, for giving you what you want, what you won’t allow yourself to have… to feel.” He hoarsely demanded.

“I can’t give you what you want. They are all wrong. We are not destined!” I said breathlessly because although I was fighting the heat his hands caused, I did feel. I was so confused because he felt like the beast I knew, who drank from me, and I drank from when I allowed myself to want, to desire someone other than Darius. It was why he had always felt so familiar. Now he spoke of things I felt were true… our earlier times together, yet I remembered nothing.

“Who are you, why do I recognize your touch?” I asked becoming almost hysterical from my doubts.

“Are you finally willing to admit you know me just as I’ve always recognized you as my mate? Are you ready to mate with me now?”

I tried to get away, but he pressed down over me.

“Tell me, Dragon Princess… what is it you want? Because if you say his name, I will call you out on your bluff. I will prove to you, when I’m making you mine… fucking inside you, you’ll feel me all the way to your soul and then you’ll know how you have deceived yourself. You will beg for me again. We belong together. The witch you found dead in the cave tried to end me by saying your body craved a dragon, it craved what you were. She died because of those words.” Both hands cupped me now. His words were harsh but his hands were firm, caressing me softly, soothingly… destroying me.

“She did not lie. I promised him, I would always return to him.” I said as my back arched pushing my breasts against his hands while my hands grabbed his wrists to pull them away.

His eyes were fierce, as he lowered himself on me, fitting his hips in between my thighs. “Then you gave him empty promises because the very same witch showed me our future. Your sister has seen it. I saw the knowledge of it in her eyes just now. She promised me upon her life, you would be mine because she has seen the same future. We will be one, you and I. It is the reason why I allowed you your precious distance. While others tried to capture you, keep you imprisoned making it impossible for you to find me.”

“They tried so hard to be the one, but they couldn’t prevent destiny. I could afford to give you all the distance you needed because you will always come back to ME! Even if you don’t recognize it now.” He alleged claiming my mouth.

Chapter 15: He Wants to Love Me



took what he offered and bit his lips viciously drawing his blood. I’d craved it so much, just as I craved him now. I knew I had to fight it, but I didn’t begin to know how to do it.

Feeling his strength immediately move through me, I took control- landing over him and returning his passion filled kiss because tasting him, feeling his tongue repeatedly stroke my mouth… I believed him.

Something happened to me in that circle. The witches did something to me… the poison I drank confused me, they wanted him to die, but the truth was I wanted Luke. When the poison subsided it was Luke I had been dying to touch. His caresses I was breathlessly hoping for. I had agreed to marry him. In those moments, I had meant those words. It was the reason I ran so fast away from him.

We were both reverently watching each other as we greedily held onto one another… kissing, mindlessly ravaging.

I sat straddling him, completely in awe over him. Demanding more each time his tongue stroked me. I bit his mouth unable to stop myself from drinking, and plundering his lips. He growled deep in his chest enjoying the piercing pain followed by exquisite ecstasy. I knew this was what he wanted, for me to be lost in my need for him. I didn’t understand how we were here, how he and I reached this place together, our need for one another reaching so high. He was a stranger, yet he felt so personal to me- a mirror image.

I lowered my lips on him, licking a path over his nipple and began nipping it, sucking it, nipping it again when the wound closed until I bit down harder, and I continued drawing him in. I opened my eyes watching him give in to me so eagerly. I couldn’t allow myself to only want
blood. It was an addiction, I was slowly trying to draw strength so I may pull away when his neck arched and his arms opened to claw at the turf- giving to me so freely. My body instantly craved more of him, but I didn’t trust it… didn’t trust my feelings for him. I thought of Darius then… of how I’d lost myself to him and knew of the consequences I paid. His hand shot out grabbing my nape, “NO you give me everything you feel, no holding back.”

I drew away and surprisingly enough he released me.

“You wanted honesty, well… I can’t give you what you ask. It’s too soon, I won’t give into you because I can’t help but think it’s a mistake.” I was kind because I left out that my heart still belonged to another.

I slid off him to lay with my gaping gown by his side on the grass. As soon as my head touched the grass he was over me, carrying me away.

My arms embraced his neck while I kissed him there because I knew he wouldn’t force me, if he had any fear at all- it was to turn into either one of them. I had meant to draw out more blood, but quickly thought better of it. “Are you taking me back?”

He shook his head… determined to keep me.

“Then, where are you taking me?”

“I may have lost my mind completely, but I’m not ready to take you back… even if it means having you constantly tear me down. Beauty you didn’t think you were done with me so quickly tonight, did you? I promise you, you won’t ever be done with me.”

He was angry with me for being afraid of my emotions. He expected more, maybe even… expected trust from me.

He’d always been so honest with me, so I asked something that kept pulling at the small satisfaction I felt. “What happens on the full moon?”

He stopped so suddenly, becoming so still… before he smiled down at me and said, “I become a mad man only capable of thinking of all the ways to fuck this sweet little body of yours.”

“Then nothing changes because you’ve looked just as you described since I first saw you,” I said playfully not wanting him to know. I knew something seriously wrong happened. It terrified him, and he didn’t want me knowing even though it was only a week and a half away. He was no different; he too would trap me given the chance. This was the end of the road for us… I just couldn’t show it.

He carried me over to a hot spring. I hadn’t realized we were still so close to the desert preoccupied with my thoughts. He traveled faster than anything I’d witnessed. I couldn’t in a hundred years out run him. My only chance was tracing, but that was doubtful at best sometimes because I hadn’t mastered it yet.

He stripped me so quickly, I barely caught my breath as he threw me over his shoulder and into the water. I came back up sputtering very un-goddess like. “Oh, I’ll make you pay for that Ly,” I said as I ran out after him. I traced in front of him and jumped him. He caught me, held me tight against his body kissing me wildly while taking us both into the water. He cradled me in his arms. I felt him, all of him… he was so aroused but made no move to claim me even though I knew by the stern look on his face he wanted it more than anything else.

Perhaps he listened, knew it was unwise to rush me. But it sure didn’t stop him from kissing me. The man or beast was a master at kissing me. I could orgasm just from kissing him. I was panting completely mad with desire when, he pushed away from me, “Beauty… No. It’s too much, yet I will always want more. We have to stop, Emmaley.” I found it funny how he was now trying to do the honorable thing.

I groaned, “You’re right, but one last taste? I want your blood one last time tonight.”

“Beauty… I can’t deny you anything. All I want is to give you what it is you desire, all the time.” He grunted, “Open for me, Emma.” He said wrapping his hand around my neck and pulling me softly to him.

He was back to kissing me instantly, I didn’t want to think of how I felt so close to him. It felt perfect- him and I… a meeting of our two shattered souls. What had started as a simple request quickly became a heated passion filled quest. I was drinking and kissing him, and it was heaven for my devastated soul.

His hands went from softly caressing my skin to kneading and gripping me zealously. I was erupting for him again, and all I could concentrate on was the taste of his blood and the pleasure it brought me. I shut my eyes trying to regain control when his lips traveled to my neck, and I gripped his shoulders trying to hold on to the edge of a precipice. He moved pressing me against him while I sought to catch my breath, “Luke, what are you doing to us both?”

“Let me love you without asking for anything in return. Let me be the one to show you how fucking good it can be.” My neck fell back, elongating against his hand as I moaned. His blood dripped down my neck when I felt his lips take a hold of me there tasting himself on my neck. He drank himself on my skin and it was such a turn on, “It’s so fucking good, My Sweet Love.” His fangs extended and punctured my skin. I was lost until he uttered the endearment, but troubled more so because I quickly remembered it was forbidden for him to drink me. My hand sought to capture him, and I gripped his jaw.

“No! Do not swallow,” I begged and let the blood on his fangs drop into the water. I cupped some water with my other hand, rinsed the blood from his lips, and left the water tracing out far from him- finding myself shaking on steady ground.

I was a mess again and it was his fault.

“Beauty… Emmaley. Look at me… I’m sorry, it won’t happen again.” He reassured me.

“Take me back to my brother and sister.” I yelled, turning my back on him.

“Don’t do this, don’t try to put distance between us after everything we just shared.” He said walking up behind me. He reached me, his hand covering my ass, fondling me. “Are you going to make me spank you, to get some sense into you, girl?” He playfully asked hoping to lighten my mood.

“We shared nothing. You’ve ceased to amuse me Lycan, take me back to them.”

“Fuck Emma, why do you seek to ruin what we have?” He cursed me going back and forth, all around me, trying to fight my hold over him. I saw tattoos traveling up his arms to his neck working the spell my words demanded while he fought for control. Vines and thorns, working their way up wrestling for dominance.

He looked at me bewildered I would use the spell on him, came towards me, and threw me roughly over his shoulder. Angry with me he said, “I’m not taking you back because of the pain I’m now feeling all over my body. I’m taking you back because you are afraid, and I only wish to cause you happiness even if it will be at my expense, Princess. When will you become the Queen I know you to be? I grow tired of waiting for you to assume the role destiny will have you play.”

The ink slowly retreated as he made his way back.

I wish I had listened to those words, but in my fear and anger- I chose to ignore them.

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