Savage Awakening: A Blood Thirst Novel (Book 2) BDSM Erotica/ Paranormal Romance/ Romance Erotica (14 page)

BOOK: Savage Awakening: A Blood Thirst Novel (Book 2) BDSM Erotica/ Paranormal Romance/ Romance Erotica
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Chapter 21: Why the Hell Not? Because it Burns that’s Why.


whip was limply hanging on my body with one lose circle around my neck. I knew if I so much as moved an inch away it would tighten again and make its way over the wooden plank. I’d already tested it. My hands were no longer tied. The red ribbon had fallen beside my riding boots. He was making me wait, that had to be the longest shower known in existence.

Just as I was thinking this, he appeared with a white towel swung low… covering the bulge that caught my attention, wrapping around his tanned skin, and making my mouth dry. I noticed my breathing sped up, my mouth seeking something, so I controlled it knowing he would notice any changes in me.

He smiled looking at me through his lowered gaze. He was holding a smaller black leather box.

“This is for after and only if you listen and behave.”

I knew what lay inside the box, it was obvious from the packaging. The perfect square sized box- for a perfect necklace.

I smiled back... until I noticed the change in him.

He approached, fangs lengthening and eyes turning black looking down at me.

He never looked this way.

He was so close I could feel him, he leaned in and reached beyond me placing my box on the mattress behind me. I looked at his body and couldn’t help but forget the other women.

He was scarred with slashes across his stomach, and I wondered at the hell he endured to be standing here in front of me as he was.

I felt his hands take a hold of my white blouse and swiftly lift it out of my riding pants.

“What are you doing?” I excitedly asked.

“You broke my rule, Emma.” Caressing my neck before taking the whip he said, “I think you enjoy being bad, Sweetness.” Flashing the whip in front of me… I shut my eyes and waited, expecting to feel the sharp pain. He struck it at my legs, I cried out, and moaned instantly feeling the bite.

“Do you like being punished, Emma?”


He whipped me twice across my thighs, forcing me to acknowledge the truth, and causing heat to puddle between my legs.

“Fuck! You surprise me every fucking time.”

I just saw
the look
in his eyes… it is what caused these reactions within me, and the truth was I didn’t care who it was that was being punished… as long as either one of us was- I knew the look would return. I needed it with every beat of my heart… to return.

He is taking deep breaths looking into my eyes, at my face. I try to hide my expressions wondering why I enjoy him, his look… his punishment.

“Every time you lie, I will punish you. Do you understand?”

“Yes… yes Master.”

“Do not interrupt me again for what I will do to you, or you will be punished. And Emma, I promise I will find a way you won’t find so enjoyable.”

“Yes, Master.”

“I see you’re eager, so I won’t punish you this time for speaking to me unless I ask you to.”

He kneels holding my hips, inhaling me, and placing firm kisses exactly where he struck me. I gaze down on him… see him reaching, taking the ribbon from the floor, my head tips back waiting for whatever sweet torture he has in store for me next, and feel him slowly begin to rise. I’m now staring up to see him bringing the fabric over my eyes and feel him knotting it.

I do eagerly wait, unable to control my breaths any longer.

“Open your mouth and spread your legs shoulders apart. But most importantly do not seek to hide your responses. I wish to see and smell your desire- how you pant for me.”

I quickly do what he demands.

The anticipation is killing me with my eyes blinded to what he will ask or do. His games thrill me because I know he’s never shown this side of himself to anyone… we are discovering each other. I don’t care about my stupid party anymore. Everything has ceased to exist, but him and I.

I feel his fingers move over my blouse reaching for the buttons, slowly undoing the top half, and gently spreading it. My breasts feel heavy and ache for him. The wire and Chantilly lace feel harsh and confining… I want to beg for the bra to be gone.

My hands blindly reach for him because I can’t take not touching him. He steps away from me, and sternly says, “Walk five paces and when you’re done crouch on your hands and knees on the ground. I told you I would not be interrupted.”

“More… make it last,”
my mind begs.

I do as he says and on each pace he strikes my rear branding me with burning pain.

I don’t want to remember or think about the noises that just escaped my lips. I stop after the five paces, trembling, and crouch- arching my back. I don’t understand what’s come over me. I hate him most of the time, yet that look he gave me has me anticipating something.

I hear his towel fall to the floor behind me, and I know I’ll soon have my answer.

“Would you like for me to rub away the sting, Love? Remember, I’ll know when you lie.”

“Yes.” I say on a pained-exhaled breath.

His hand falls hard on my ass while his fingers dip, feeling my heat as he slaps my ass. “Yes, what?”

“OuchImeanOhhhh Master, I mean… Yes Master… please.”

“Please, what Love?” He says it… like it was I who was punishing him.

“Please Master, Rub me!” I demand.

“Like this?”

He takes the thickest part of the whip and rubs it between my cheeks and slips it to the front where I’ve been aching for him, sliding it up and down.

With my eyes blinded by the ribbon, closed tightly, the sensations are too much and my body starts greedily seeking something it can’t reach… he keeps it out of my grasp.

“Answer my question, Emma.” He says it less demanding, as desire drips from his voice.

“Yes and no Master. Please hurry.” My voice is unrecognizable because I’m trying to swallow my gasps while answering his question because if he keeps punishing me, I know I’ll go out of my mind.

“Tell me what you want.” He says while I feel his hand seek the button on my pants and my stomach is a fluttering mess of drunken butterflies.

“I want to feel you, Eros… I want to feel you punishing me and not the whip.”

He growls, throwing the whip next to my hand. “I’m thicker than the whip… I don’t want to hurt you.” He says this as he is desperately lowering my pants on my thighs.

I take the whip and bite the handle knowing it
hurt, I’d seen how big and thick he was. The man was huge, almost reaching seven feet tall, everything about him was beyond human proportions.

Now it seems the drunken butterflies have taken up residence in my head because I can no longer think, and I sway on my knees at the exquisite feel of him. He readies me by grabbing onto my hips. “Steady love, nice and steady we will go.” I feel his thick heated skin where I’m burning alive in flames. He is rubbing me up and down like the whip was as I shake with something I’ve never felt, never imagined possible… and I’m making noises I don’t understand.

My body jerks roughly into him, “But… I don’t want steady or nice.”

“Please Eros, please… please I need to…?” I’m so naïve because I don’t even know the word I’m searching for.

“Come Emma, we both need to come. Fuck you’re so sweet and viciously greedy… so fucking good! Promise me you won’t come until I tell you to.”

“I promise, but I want to sooo bad.”

“Come with me, I’ll fucking show you what you’ve wanted to see, I want to see it too! We’ve both been dreaming of this far too long.”

Suddenly I’m not on the floor, I’m standing and leaning over something cold while he’s rubbing me with a new found drive. “Is this how you want me?” He pulls the ribbon away, and I see what he’s wanted me to see… “
erotic fucking anticipation,”
he whispers in my head.

“Yes.” I scream.

It’s written all over his roaring face. His eyes are black- something that I’ve never seen happen with the others. He has me in his bathroom, leaning over the stone countertop, while I watch his body move in the best kinds of ways through the mirror, and I try to lift my leg to give him what he wants, but can’t with the tangled mess of my pants.

My lacy underwear is digging into every slit, and I feel him so wet, soft skin, and unbearably hard flesh sliding all over me.

“Fuck Emma,” he shouts, “I’m going to fucking come, and I’m not even inside you.” He says desperately ripping off my pants while leaving me in my bra, panties, and leather riding boots. “I knew this would happen, I made myself come in the shower before I went to you.”

“Yes, please Eros… come because I want to too!” I say throwing my head back against him while I push myself harder on him feeling my breast tremble from my need and shake with force every time I slap against him as I sense his eyes on me.

He is undone, “Now Emma… fucking come for me Right Now!”

And just like that we are both screaming in each other’s faces, facing one another as he is coming all over my red bra and pant
ies, my parted blouse, and I’m hanging on with my hands and legs wrapped around the expanse of his body. I see my fascination gleaming in his euphoric eyes.

He rapidly gets rid of my boots, lifts me higher, making me tighten my legs around him while carries me into his shower, and doesn’t let me go. He holds me tightly to him and asks, “I didn’t hurt you too badly before, did I My Love?”

“No, Master.” I smile

“I got carried away… I’ve wanted this for far too long. Which reminds me, I have a gift for you. Finish washing, I’ll bring it… you’ve been a very… very… exceedingly good girl.”

I can’t help watching him leave… his body has me in a trance… shit… that was close. I knew it was required of me to keep my virginity intact for my future husband, yet Eros had been referring to me as his future Queen, but he couldn’t be trusted- perhaps it was his way of getting me in his bed. Although he was very careful not to take it from me, and now I had stooped to a new low because here I stood wishing I could somehow stay here in his castle and be his queen.

He’d brought me on my birthday to where he truly was Master. Maybe I was developing split personality and found it was okay to act this way only in his rooms, in this part of wherever here may be. No one knew where he retreated to, his kingdom- not even my mother knew… but he brought me here. It felt like this is where I belonged.

I wanted him again.

Snapping out of my trance, I saw he brought the box under the spray of water, stood behind me holding me to him, and opened the box in front of us. My hand fell on the beautiful necklace with a surprised gasp.

He grabbed it from me and placed the blue heart-shaped stones with alternating white round diamonds around my neck.

“They are white and blue diamonds, representing the beautiful color of your eyes, and how hot and true my love for you burns. Never again doubt it. Happy Birthday Beloved.”

My head leans back against his body as his hand lays over his gift and my neck, and I know we are headed fast in one direction and one direction alone on a train called Sweet Misery… its destination was straight down into purgatory.

My dream, I fear seeks to destroy me, sporadically jumping to a year later on my nineteenth birthday.

He’d been true for a whole year never seeking anyone else again until two weeks ago when I finally came to my senses and ended all that was between us.

I threatened to tell my mother; even though, I knew he compelled her to not ask questions or assault me with accusations, in fact, she looked happier than ever before… so I recently understood her reactions weren’t her own. He was her puppeteer.

It was when I knew it had to stop because it was only a matter of time before he did the same to me. So I told him it was over, and of course he went back to fucking the slaves. I’d been right.

His love had been an illusion. I was only a temporary plaything for him.


It was my nineteenth birthday, and I found myself exactly in the same predicament I’d found myself a year ago when everything went to hell.

I would not go to him, I’d made that mistake the last time and look where that got me. I knew he penetrated some new woman- every time he called my name. He’d done this repeatedly after I had promised to tell my mother he had grown bored with her. I knew she already guessed because it had been well over three years since he last touched her, yet she never complained to me and would not listen to reason, or anything I said to the notion of her leaving him.

How could he do this to me, why? I wanted to scream…

And then I remembered.

The dream skipped to the night of my nineteenth birthday, when I had the courage to go up to him in the gardens after he’d just finished with one of his last conquests. I was so furious because I saw blame in his eyes when I’d interrupted him.
He dared to blame me!

He so easily disengaged himself from one of our guests, stiffened showing he’d become aware of my presence, and coolly directed her to leave us. I knew he compelled her to leave because she smoothly finger-combed back her hair and quickly left. I tampered down my temper before I spoke to him, “Eros, my mother would kill her if she found you as I have. This must stop. Have you lost all respect for her? I will not continue to watch as you flaunt your mistresses, you must respect my mother, or I will… ”

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