Savage Conquest (50 page)

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Authors: Janelle Taylor

BOOK: Savage Conquest
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Miranda shrugged and contended, "He wouldn't
tell me either, Mandy. Even Grandfather took a vow
of silence. I think we're merely decorations for your
husband's work. Who would suspect a sinister
villain lurking behind two delicate ladies?" she jested mirthfully. "Could it be your love doesn't trust
women to have brains and courage?"

Reis chuckled, shaking his head. "I'll never
survive this mission with two females picking at me
all the time," he speculated jovially.

"We wouldn't have to if you didn't keep us under a
basket of secrecy," Amanda teased him, and they
laughed. Amanda snickered when she asked her
sister, "Did you see your handsome warrior?"

Miranda's expression was a blend of joy and
sadness. "For a short time. Too short," she added
petulantly. "You should teach your husband about
love and romance. From the way he ardently courted
you, I believed he was familiar with both. He insisted
we leave as soon as the council meeting ended. We
were barely given any time alone."

Reis felt it unwise and insensitive to jest about the
length of time it took the warrior to retrieve her
before they could depart, or to remark suggestively
on the telltale signs of the cause of their delay. In fact,
he was worried and concerned about Miranda and
her choice of sweethearts. What could come of such
an impossible match? With Blazing Star's rank and
the continual conflicts, he would be lucky to live out
this month! Reis feared he could not change the
situation quickly enough to spare two lives so
precious and vital to his sister-in-law. There was so
much greed, corruption, lust for power, and hatred
here; and he was only one man with limited time.

After their meal, the sisters helped Reis move aside
the table and chairs to conceal a packet of papers, unaware of its critical nature. The packet contained
the power to alter history and many destinies if it
were used properly. But even as Reis thought about
the council meeting which Crazy Horse had agreed to
schedule among all chiefs off and on the reservations,
the forces and powers of evil were plotting rapidly
against him ...

Reis was so ensnared by his mental musings that
Amanda had to call his name twice and shake his arm
to gain his attention. "Reis! Whatever are you
thinking about?" she asked.

He forced a beguiling smile to his lips and stated
unconvincingly, "Nothing to worry that pretty head,
love. I think I'll take another look around." With
that, he left the two women looking at each other.

"Randy, did something happen to worry Reis so
much?" she inquired anxiously. "That's the same
look and mood I saw when things started getting
complicated with Weber. This entire matter frightens me."

"I know what you mean. But he wouldn't tell me.
Do you think we should take a look at those papers?
What if he's in danger or trouble? We can't help him
if we don't know anything."

Amanda fretted over such a desperate action. She
was trapped between concern and loyalty. Reis loved
her. How would he deal with such a traitorous act?
Would her motives matter to him? She could not
understand why this part of his life must remain a
black void to her. Yet, he felt it must and was most
adamant about it.

"We can't do such a thing, Randy. Reis would be
hurt and angry if he felt I didn't trust him
completely," she asserted faintly.

"And you aren't 'hurt and angry' because he
doesn't fully trust you?" Miranda asked bluntly.
When she saw her sister's stricken look, she relented.
"I'm sorry, Mandy; I shouldn't have said that. I don't
know what's gotten into me lately. Why does
everything have to be so complex and difficult?"

"Did you get to see Blazing Star alone?" Amanda
inquired carefully. Miranda nodded. "Did he say
something io hurt you?"

"He says we can't think about us until this war is
over. What if it's never over, Mandy? What if
something happens to him?"

Amanda slipped her arm around her sister's
trembling shoulders and advised, "Don't worry, sis.
You did tell me how strong and brave he is. I'm sure
he can protect himself."

"You don't understand, Mandy. There are so many
soldiers in this area, so many of them determined to
kill him. There's no comparison in their weapons.
The Indians don't have someone to provide their
ammunition and supplies! They have to make them
or hunt them. And while the braves are doing so, the
soldiers wipe out villages and tribes! As long as
the whites press closer and tighter to Indian lands, the
warriors will go forth to battle them. It can't stop
unless one side yields. And the Oglalas will never do
so as long as they live and breathe. You haven't been
to their camp and listened to them. You haven't seen the terrible things the whites and soldiers do. He'll
die, Mandy; he'll die before accepting defeat and
dishonor. "

Miranda locked her gaze with her sister's and
explained, "Don't you see? That's why I have to
spend every moment I can with him. When the time
comes that we're parted forever, I'll have these days
and memories. Am I so awful to want all I can have of
him before it's too late? Do you see why he keeps
pushing me away, back to so-called safety? If he
didn't love me, my life and happiness wouldn't be so
important to him. He loves me enough to unselfishly
sacrifice me. And I love him so much that no danger
is sufficient to obey him."

Suddenly Miranda laughed reproachfully. "He's a
lot like your Reis. He thinks ignorance provides
safety and prevents worry. Do you realize how lucky
we are? We both have loves who will do anything to
protect us. I'm glad Reis is working with Blazing
Star. If any two men can make a difference in this
conflict, they can."

. Amanda had not comprehended how much suffering and turmoil her sister was enduring until now.
Nor had she guessed that her husband was being
pulled into a situation which was deadly and uncontrollable, a situation which would alter and destroy
many lives. She tried to encourage and comfort her
sister. As their destinies overlapped, they were being
drawn ever closer.

Around four that afternoon, Fort Sully was
assailed by commotion and excitement as the Seventh Cavalry set up camp in a clearing nearby,
under the command of George Armstrong Custer
and his favored officer, Major Brody Sheen. Lucas
hurried to the cabin to relate this news to Amanda,
Reis, and Miranda.

At nearly the same time, in a smaller clearing miles
from the fort, another meeting was taking place. A
vindictive and menacing Oglala warrior was passing
detrimental information to a half-blooded scout
whose cunning, vengeance, and hatred far exceeded
that of the Indian's. So blinded by his own greed and
bitterness, the warrior failed to recognize the traitorous enemy he was supposedly using to gain his own
wishes. The aggressive and sinister scout was cleverly
plotting revenge on both sides, white and Indian.
Once the opposing leaders killed each other, he
would take over this area, for he possessed the
intelligence and daring to fool both sides. Who better
to rule than a man who carried both bloods, who
knew the strengths and weaknesses of each. As he
watched the treacherous warrior ride off, he sneered
at the man's stupidity. For the warrior had just given
him the means to accomplish his ends.

When Lucas finished telling of his journey, he told
Reis that Colonel Custer wanted to meet him tonight
at dinner. Lucas then told Miranda that Brody was
eager to visit with her. When she scowled, Lucas
added that he had tried to discourage Brody's interest
but could not.

"How long do they plan to stay around here?"
Miranda inquired.

"It looks as if they'll setup camp and headquarters
here. Custer's been ordered to check out the Sioux
hostilities and get them under control. He said it
would be easier to work out of Fort Sully for a while,"
he explained to her dismay.

When Reis and Miranda related their eventful
tales, Lucas realized why Custer's presence might
present a problem. With Brody dogging Miranda, it
would be difficult for her to leave home for another
visit to her grandfather and Blazing Star. She feared
for her love's life and safety with two of his worst foes
so near. Perhaps she should find some way to warn
him and his people, for she knew Custer was not here
for a truce.

When Brody came to call later, Amanda was forced
to lie to him. She claimed her sister was not feeling
well. After disarming Amanda with compliments
and his dashing manner, Brody said he would call
again tomorrow afternoon and left.

"Are you sure you have him pegged right? You
were enchanted by Blazing Star when you met Major
Sheen. Perhaps you've misjudged him. He's quite
handsome and charming," Amanda remarked as she
watched Brody swagger back toward their makeshift
camp of tents.

"Brody is devious, clever, and sinister, just like
Weber Richardson was," Miranda sneered sarcastically. "Take another study."

The subject was dropped instantly. The two
waited nervously until Lucas and Reis returned from
their meal and conversation. Each woman was full of questions for the men who tried to answer them
amidst laughter and amusement.

"The President's son, Frederick, wasn't with
Custer tonight?" Amanda asked, knowing that was
one cover Reis was using.

"Custer says Frederick's planning to join him
when he's ready to ride into the Black Hills for that
survey," Lucas responded before Reis.

"They're riding into the Black Hills?" Miranda
echoed in shock.

"Yep. They claim it's just a mapping expedition,
but it's going to cause trouble. I think the military is
asking for it, just seeking an excuse to wipe out those
renegade tribes," Lucas spoke out again.

"But what about the Laramie Treaty of '68? It
makes trespassing on their sacred grounds forbidden.
That's the last and most crucial promise to the
Indians, to stay out! From the Missouri River past the
Black Hills, the land has been declared the Great
Sioux Reservation. They've broken all the treaties
and promises except that one. They establish
reservations until they find a reason to move them
another place, but this time it's a lethal mistake. If
they ride into that territory, no Indian-Sioux or
otherwise-will back down from that challenge,"
Miranda stated fearfully. "You've got to contact
President Grant, Reis. You've got to convince him to
stop Custer."

"I plan to do my best, Randy. But you have to trust
me and keep silent. If anyone suspects what I'm up to
or who I really am, it's all over for us and the Indians. Just as soon as I get my facts collected and recorded,
Grant will know all about the crux of this matter,"
Reis promised them, revealing more today than he
had to date.

"You realize there are people in Washington
involved in some of this fraud and corruption,
people in high places, people in the Indian Bureau,
people close to the President? What's he planning to
do about his kin?" Lucas questioned gravely.

"He promised to punish whoever is involved,"
Reis replied.

"You think he will?" Amanda asked skeptically.

"If Custer's connected to it, yes. There's no love
lost between those two. As to his blood, I can't say for
sure," he answered candidly.

"But if it's brought into public light, even his kin
would be forced to halt such vile and criminal
behavior," Miranda surmised.

"That's what I'm working and hoping for," Reis

"When Custer asked why you were here, what did
you tell him, Reis?" Miranda probed apprehensively.

"I said Grant sent me out here to look around and
see how things were progressing. I made it sound
more like a pleasure trip than business. I told him I
was recently married and this was a sort of honeymoon. If he mentions that we're looking at ranchland to settle in these parts, don't act surprised," he
said with a smile.

"Did he believe you?" Miranda asked merrily.

"Partly. But he did make a joking comment about first a writer showing up with a Lawrence girl, then a
liaison from the President with another Lawrence
girl. He remarked on what a potent and curious pair
a government ex-agent and a writer made. I hadn't
considered him associating me and Luke as some
undercover team. We'll all have to be careful what we
say and do. It's going to appear strange for me and
Luke to be asking questions and making observations. We could be hindering each other's progress."

"Right now, yours seems more important, Reis.
You're working on history in the making," Lucas

"That's real generous of you, Luke. I know how
important this trip and book are to you." Reis

"Not quite so meaningful since I discovered Weber
Richardson arranged and financed it-no doubt to
get me away from Alexandria and my cousins," Luke
ventured in lingering annoyance.

That disclosure gave way to talk of the past. After
coffee and pie, Lucas went to sleep on a bedroll and
Miranda used the cot while Reis and Amanda were
given the bedroom. They tried to protest, but neither
Miranda nor Lucas would budge from their positions.

In the camp nearby, Brody was asking Custer, "Do
you believe Harrison is just wandering around for no
special reason?"

Yellowy blond curls tossed around blue-clad shoulders as his commander shook his head. "Grant
doesn't do anything without a purpose. You keep a
close eye on our four friends. See what you can learn
about the writer and see if you can get some of his
work to me. Let's see which side of the fence he
landed on, and how long ago. As for Harrison, get me
all the information your contacts can locate. He's a
troubleshooter if I ever saw one. I want to know just
what he and Grant are pulling," he remarked, then
began whistling an aria.

While he clipped his mustache and evened his
curls, he told his aide to roll the locks of hair in strips
of cloth and give them to his female admirers. After
receiving orders to check his horse, Vic, once again
before bedtime, the aide left muttering about how
glad he was that Custer had not brought along any of
his numerous dogs on this journey.

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