Savage Splendor (Savage Lagonda 2) (20 page)

Read Savage Splendor (Savage Lagonda 2) Online

Authors: Constance O'Banyon

Tags: #Historical, #Romance, #Fiction, #19th Century, #American West, #Native Americans, #Indian, #Wife, #Disappeared, #Beloved, #Continuation, #Reuniting, #Lagonda Tribe, #Marriage, #Husband, #Queen, #King, #Night & Day, #White People, #True Love

BOOK: Savage Splendor (Savage Lagonda 2)
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"We don't get no callers out here. What you want?"

Jeffery looked at the huge trapper. He did not seem very friendly, and he could see the second man, who was aiming a gun at his chest. He decided not to reveal the reason for his visit until he was sure what the situation was.

"It is a cold night. If you would allow me to come in and warm myself I would appreciate it."

Jake looked at the stranger suspiciously. He could not see much of his face since he was bundled up in a hooded fur jacket. He was sure a fancy talker though, and Jake wondered what the likes of him was doing at his door.

"If you got any weapons, leave them outside."

Jeffery reached inside his jacket and unbuckled the belt around his waist and let it drop to the ground.

"This knife is the only weapon I have on me," he told Jake.

"Step in, then. You got a name?"

Jeffery pushed the hood of his jacket off his head, an offered his hand to Jake. "My name is Jeffery Golden, lately of St. Louis."

"I heard tell of some Goldens lived at St. Louis. They lived in a fancy house overlooking the Mississippi River. They any kin of yours?" Zeke asked, lowering his rifle.

"Yes. My father and mother died three years past, but my brother David still lives in St. Louis. Have you not heard of me?" Jeffery asked, thinking surely Mara would have told the men about him.

Jake looked at him closely. There was something vaguely familiar about him, but he could not say what it was. "Why should you think we know about you?"

"I just thought you might know someone who would have mentioned me."

"Nope," Jake said, still not trusting the stranger. "Take your jacket off. If you of a mind to, you can eat a bite with us."

Jeffery removed his heavy jacket and made a sweeping glance of the cabin. There was no sign of Mara. His eyes moved to the ladder that led up to the loft, wondering if she would be up there. If she was, she must be asleep, otherwise she would have heard his voice.

Jeffery became aware the two trappers were looking him over. "I would be pleased to dine with you. I am rather famished."

Zeke motioned for him to sit at the table, while Jake sliced a generous slice of venison steak, put it on a plate and handed it to Jeffery

"You a trapper?" Zeke asked, knowing the answer before he asked the question. This fancy-talking gentleman wouldn't know the first thing about trapping, he thought.

Jeffery took a bite of the meat and found it to be palatable.

"No, I am not a trapper." He had decided not to divulge too much information about himself just yet.

"You on your way to Mitchel?" Jake asked.

"Never heard of it."

"It's a town about three weeks from here."

"I see." Jeffery looked from one man to the other, deciding he would turn the tables and ask the questions.

"You two trappers?"

"It's a living." Zeke volunteered.

"Have you lived out here long?"

"Off and on for ten years."

"The deer meat is very good. Thank you for allowing me to share it with you."

"You are a fancy-talking fellow. Don't look like you belong in the backwoods," Jake said at last.

Jeffery pushed his plate aside, tired of playing questions and answers.

"Let's quit dancing and start talking," Jeffery said, leaning forward. "You both know I am not from around here. His eyes fastened on the face of the man with the red beard, watching his reaction to his next words.

"I am searching for someone." Jeffery saw the look that passed between the two men.

"Who you looking for?" the man with the red beard wanted to know.

"I am searching for my sister." His words fell heavy on the room that had suddenly become silent. "Perhaps you have heard of her. Her name is Mara. She has hair the same color as mine, and the same green eyes. Some say we look like twins, but in truth I am several years older than she."

Jake and Zeke looked at the blond man with new understanding. He did bear a striking resemblance to the princess, and he had called her by her name.

The look Jake gave his brother warned him not to say anything until they knew more about the man's intentions toward Mara.

"If you lost your sister, shouldn't you have taken better care of her?"

"It was through no fault of mine that she was lost. I love her, and she has a husband who is out of his mind with worry for her safety, as well as a twin son and daughter."

"You say she is married?" Jake said, giving Zeke a guarded look.

"Yes, her husband is a powerful, influential man. He has great wealth and is willing to pay much to get her back," Jeffery said, wondering why Mara had not told the two men that she was married. He could tell they had been surprised to learn she had a husband.

"Zeke and me don't have no use for gold. We got all we need right here."

"If you do not care for gold, perhaps you would help me find her, so she can be reunited with a man who loves her more than his own life, and has been in despair, fearing for her safety." Jeffery realized that the two men knew more than they were saying, and wondered why they were being so secretive.

"How come this husband allowed her to be taken by Injuns if he loves her so much?" Jake asked.

Jeffery's eyes narrowed to icy green pinpoints. These were the two men who had shot Palomas and Matio, he thought. Good God, they thought they had
her! He was puzzled. Why had Mara not told them the truth? What were these men trying to hide? He decided it was best not to tell them that Mara was married to an Indian. If she had not told them about Tajarez she must have her reasons.

"Her husband was not with her when she was . . . taken," he said. "He is at this time scouring the countryside searching for her."

"I want to hear more about what your sister looks like," Zeke said, already convinced that the man spoke the truth.

"As I told you, she is of the same coloring as myself. The last time she was seen, she wore a doeskin dress, with gold beading. Oh yes, she was also wearing a golden medallion about her neck."

Jake jumped to his feet, a broad grin lighting his face. "There ain't no use you looking no further. I know where your sister is. She is at this moment sleeping up in the loft."

Jeffery stood up slowly. "I want to see her."

"Not yet," Zeke said in a hushed tone. "There are some things we need to tell you about your sister."

"Is her health good?" Jeffery asked quickly.

"Yep, me and Jake took her to a doctor. He said she was fine, 'cept for one thing."

"What is that?"

"She ain't got no memory. She clean forgot who she is. She don't know nothing about having a brother, nor a husband and babies, for that matter."

"My God," Jeffery said, sinking down onto the chair. That explained why she had not told them about Tajarez. "How did this happen to her?"

"We don't rightly know," Jake said, "when we found her, she didn't know who she was."

"This explains many things," Jeffery said beneath his breath, thinking about Matio's telling him Mara did not want to go away with him. She had not known who Matio was.

"You had better brace yourself, Mr. Golden," Jake said in an uneven voice. "Mara done had a baby, and it ain't her husband's. It's an Injun baby. The Injuns who took her must have . . . well you know what I mean."

Jeffery tried to control his facial muscles, to keep from smiling. Of course the baby would look like an Indian, since Mara's husband was Indian. He could not say this to the two men, however.

"Is the baby well?"

Jake looked relieved, he had not expected the princess's brother to take the news about the baby so well. "The baby is in good health. It don't matter to you that your sister had some Injun's baby?"

"I love my sister a great deal, therefore any child she would have I shall love also."

"That's easy for you to say, but what about her husband? How will he treat Andrew?"


"Yep, that's the baby's name. Me and Zeke here don't want the princess to be hurt. She loves that baby, and if her man can't accept Andrew, it will hurt her."

"You have my word that her husband is an extraordinary man. You need not be concerned. Andrew will be well loved."

"Tell me," Zeke spoke up, "does she have a good marriage? Me and my brother have become attached to her. We wouldn't like to see her returned to a man who ain't good to her."

"You have my word, theirs was a love match. I have seldom, if ever, seen two people who love as deeply as Mara and her husband. If my sister had not lost her memory she would tell you this for herself."

"I think I should tell you, the doctor warned us against telling her too much about her past at one time. He said it could be dangerous for her," Jake said in a quiet tone.

"Where did she see a doctor?"

"At the trading post. The doctor said she might get worse if she gets a shock."

"I am glad you told me this," Jeffery replied, thinking how much of a shock it could be for Mara to learn that she was married to an Indian, since she thought she had been captured and ravished by one.

Jeffery stood up and smiled. "I told you my name when I came in, but you failed to tell me yours."

Jake extended his hand. "I would be Jake Cawfield, and this here's my brother Zeke."

Jeffery shook hands with both men. "I am glad to make your acquaintance. It seems that I owe you a great debt for taking care of my sister." Jeffery knew he could not tell the two brothers that it was because of them that Mara had been separated from her family. They would never understand, nor believe she was married to the mighty king of the Lagonda tribe.

The three men turned their attention to the front door as Du Lac entered the cabin. As he removed his outer jacket he stared at Jeffery. The man looked out of place, he thought. His dress was that of a gentleman. Du Lac immediately saw that the stranger bore a remarkable resemblance to Mara.

Jake leaned toward Jeffery and spoke in a quiet tone so only Jeffery and Zeke could hear. "Don't say nothing to him about the princess having a husband, he might let it slip to her." . Du Lac ambled over to Jeffery and looked him up and down in an insulting manner. "You are a long way from a fancy drawing room are you not?" he said, with a heavy French accent.

Jeffery's green gaze seemed to pin the Frenchman with its intensity. "I am Jeffery Golden. You are a long way from France, are you not?" he said in an equally insulting tone.

Jake smiled to himself, glad that the Frenchman had received better than he gave.

"You have come for Mara?" Du Lac asked.

"Mara is my sister. I have come to take her home," Jeffery said, not liking the newcomer in the least.

"I had hoped her family would never find her."

Jeffery raised his eyebrow. "A strange desire. I wonder why you would hope that?"

The Frenchman bowed slightly. "I am known as Du Lac, and I had hoped to convince your sister to become my bride."

"What was my sister's answer to that?"

"She said no the first time I asked her, but I think when her memory returns she would say yes."

It was Jeffery's turn to look Du Lac over. His expression plainly showed what he thought of the man as a suitor for his sister's hand. "You reach high, Du Lac."

The insult did not go over Du Lac's head. Jake was enjoying himself. He had never liked the Frenchman, and now Mara's brother was cutting him down to size. Zeke, who had liked Du Lac in the past had come to see him as the pompous fool he was, and he grinned broadly.

"I would have thought you would like to see your sister married, since she gave birth to a savage's brat," Du Lac said angrily.

Jeffery towered over the man, wishing he dared teach him the lesson he deserved. He would have liked to have knocked the Frenchman to the floor, but instead, he would beat him with words.

"You must think highly of yourself. I can assure you my sister's lowest servant outclasses you."

"Do not let Jake and Zeke's pet name for your sister go to your head, monsieur. She is not really a princess," Du Lac said, through clenched teeth.

"You are right, monsieur, Mara is not a princess. She is a queen."

"Now it is you who reaches high. Do you think me a complete fool?"

Jeffery decided he had sparred enough with the Frenchman. He turned to Jake. "I would like to see my sister now."

"Is the princess a real live queen?" Zeke asked.

Jeffery looked the red-headed man in the eyes. "I had not intended to reveal her identity, but I can assure you, in all honesty, that Mara is indeed a queen."

Du Lac's eyes widened. "Of what country is your sister queen? How is it that Jake and Zeke found her among the Indians?"

Jeffery ignored Du Lac and spoke instead to Zeke. "I am sure you will understand the need for secrecy. I am sure also that the two of you will not say anything to my sister about this."

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