Savage Things (Chaos & Ruin Book 2) (20 page)

BOOK: Savage Things (Chaos & Ruin Book 2)
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She wants me. She wants me already, and we haven’t even begun. Her body is unfamiliar and new, hiding so many secrets. I have no idea yet where she likes to be kissed, or touched, or licked, and the prospect of discovering all of those places one at a time, slowly, is beyond fucking thrilling.

In her room, I lie her down on her back, climbing up onto the mattress so I’m hovering over her. “Open your legs for me, Kaya.” My voice is ragged with desire, and she reacts to the sound of it, her lips parting, a soft gasp working its way out of her. “Do it,” I tell her. “ I want to see. I want to see all of you.”

I sit back so she can drop her knees apart, baring her pussy to me, giving me a very clear view of what I’ve been daydreaming about all these weeks since we met. Her pussy is the same fragile pink color as her nipples, glistening and wet. Fuck, I want to bury my face in there right now. I want to lose myself in her as I make her come with my tongue. I can almost taste her sweet, slick flesh. I can almost feel her legs tightening around my head as I bring her closer and closer, until she’s tumbling over the precipice of her orgasm, screaming my fucking name.

I wait, though. Instead, I unbutton my jeans and slip them off, kicking my shoes off and losing my socks at the same time. I stand naked in front of her, readying myself mentally for what’s about to happen. I’m about to go to war.

Kaya is such as strong-willed girl. She wants what she wants, and she knows how to get it. Thing is, she’s never been fucked by a guy like me before. She may have slept with strong, masculine guys, yes, but I’m betting she’s had them bending over backwards, willing to snap their spines to please her in every way. I want to make her come. I want tonight to be the most mind-blowing sex of her life, but I know this experience will fade into the history of her sexual conquests, never to stand out from the rest, if I give her exactly what she wants.

She needs someone who will take her in hand. She needs someone to tell her no. And fair enough. She can tell me no, too. I’m not going to make her do anything she doesn’t want to. But she’s not the one in control here. Is she going to be into that? Who knows. I guess I’m about to find out, though.

“Have you watched me in the cage before, Kaya?” I ask.

She squirms a little, her hands rubbing along the lengths of her thighs. “Yes. I’ve seen all of your fights.”

“Good. Then this will make sense to you. I fuck like I fight, Kaya. I take no prisoners. I dominate, and I take control. I hate to lose. Are you sure you still want to play with me?”

Slowly, carefully, she inches her right hand toward her pussy, until the very tips of her fingers are teasing her clit. She arches her back, her eyes still locked on mine. “I want to play. Doesn’t mean I won’t get my way, though, Mason. Do you want to risk losing? Just this once?”

I shake my head. Taking my dick in my hand, I squeeze, shivering a little in anticipation. Her glance flickers down, settling on the sight of my palm slowly working up and down my hard cock. I can’t help but enjoy the look of expectation in her eyes. “I like taking risks,” I say. “But this, in the underground fighting circuit, is what we like to call a one sided match, Kaya Rayne. Now roll over and show me that ass.”

Kaya smirks. Ten seconds pass by, and I’m getting ready to grab my shit and leave. If she doesn’t do as I’ve told her, that’s exactly what’s going to happen, and I think she knows it. I think she can see it in my eyes. At the eleventh second, she shrugs, propping herself up on her elbows. “Power is a dangerous thing. Make sure it doesn’t go to your head, okay?”

Purposefully, slowly, she rolls herself over, kneeling a little so that her porcelain skinned ass is on display for me and me alone. Casting an amused look over her shoulder, she raises her eyebrows. “Like what you see?”

I rub my hand against the side of my leg, warming up my palm, getting ready to spank the ever-loving shit out of her. “You could say that. You could say I like what I see a lot.” She gasps the first time my palm makes contact with her ass. The room fills with the sound of her surprise, which only makes me want to slap her harder. “Hold on tight, Kaya,” I tell her. “You wanted this, and now you’re gonna get it. I really hope you’re fucking ready.”

Chapter Eighteen


I lay on my side, watching him. It’s late, past one in the morning, but I just can’t sleep. Zeth carried me up to bed and made me lay very still while he went down on me, taking his time with his tongue. I shivered and tried to breathe slowly as he brought me to my orgasm, and when it was over he licked me clean, seeming to take great pleasure in the task. He wouldn’t fuck me. Instead, he took me in his arms and stroked his hands up and down my body in the dark for an hour, tracing circles and strange, alien shapes into my skin before he eventually fell asleep.

He never gradually passes into unconsciousness. He falls dramatically, like plunging head first off a steep cliff. There’s a change in him that’s so instantaneous and intense that it’s impossible to miss. His breathing, the tautness of his muscles, the way the air snaps with a certain energy that always rolls off him—all of that changes. His arms fall slack, his chest rising and falling slowly, rhythmically, and the sharp edge of his consciousness flees the room, leaving the space around him feeling somehow
because of it.

Times like these, when he’s asleep, fighting dragons in his dreams, I love to watch how his face changes. He’s such a hard person to know. There’s a fierceness about him at all times. He loves fiercely. He fights fiercely. He exists in a way that seems like a challenge, as if he’s defiant down to his very core, and no matter what, he’s ready to defend his choices, his beliefs, and those he cares about regardless of what it might cost him. There’s just no fear in the man.

When he’s asleep, though, it’s possible to catch a glimmer of softness to him if you look hard enough. The lines of his face relax. His hands, so often tightened into balls of flesh and bone, ready to attack, turn from weapons into works of art. His hands fascinate me. They’re covered in scars, calloused and rough where his fingers meet his palms; a fortune teller would have a hell of a time getting a read on his future, given the way that roadmap of lines etched deeply into his skin seem so much more chaotic than most.

I wonder if I’m in there somewhere. I wonder if there’s a point in the crisscross madness of those creases where one line meets another and something changes for him. Life suddenly takes on a different meaning. I know my life changed irrevocably when I met him. That change is burned deep inside my very being—in my mind, in my heart, and in my soul. Seems only fair that there should be some mark of it upon Zeth’s body, too.

I press the pad of my index finger against the pad of his index finger, barely touching them together. For a moment, our fingerprints connect and it seems symbolic. We are two different people, so vastly, incomprehensibly different, and yet we are also the same because we’re more than the sum of him as person, and me as a person. We’re forever joined in this life. We are two sides of the same coin. Two halves of one whole. I defy anyone to tell me this isn’t true.

My belly twists, a strange, slightly unsettling feeling fluttering in the pit of my stomach, and I close my eyes. It feels like the tiny life that’s getting to work inside of me wants its presence to be felt right now, in this moment, while I’m musing over thoughts of Zeth and me together. Because now there is another way that we’re joined, and I’m only just beginning to understand how special this new joining of our bodies and our souls actually is. A child. A baby inside me. Half of me, and half of him. God, what a complicated mess this is. Of course, it’s way too soon for the baby to be moving. I won’t feel him move for weeks and weeks, and yet even so, the mind is a powerful thing. It can trick you into believing all sorts of things if it wants to.

Zeth frowns, his bottom lip twitching, the dragons in his dreams giving him hell, and my heart feels like it’s about to brim over. I love him so goddamn much. I never knew it would be possible to care about another person this deeply. If I give birth to this man’s child, if I get to hold his son in my arms, I get the feeling I’ll be dazzled by the entirely new depths of love I’ll experience for the very first time. An amazing, powerful, bottomless kind of love; I see it on the faces of new mothers every day in the maternity wards.

That look is wonderful and frightening all at the same time. I’m not sure I’m prepared for it. If I could only know—

Cold blue light flashes, splitting apart the dark. The peaceful moment is shattered. My cell phone on my bedside table starts shrieking, and Zeth, lost to sleep a second ago, is upright, his eyes wide, shoulders tensed, muscles coiled, ready to explode into action. His chest is heaving, and so is mine. The surprise of the loud ringtone blaring out into the thick silence has my heart slamming like a trip hammer in my chest. Zeth’s gaze locks onto me, and then he’s leaning his naked body over mine, as though he’s shielding me.

“You okay?” he asks. “I didn’t think you were on call.”

“I’m not.”

He reaches over me and picks up my phone, handing it to me. I don’t recognize the number on the screen. It’s a local Seattle number, but not one I remember seeing before. “Sorry, I’ll go take this downstairs. Go back to sleep.”

Zeth wraps an arm around my waist, drawing me close to him as he lies back down in the bed. “Take it here. I don’t want you going anywhere.”

“Okay.” I feel him kissing the back of my neck and my shoulder blades as I pick up the call. “Hello?”

“Miss Romera? Doctor Romera? Have I got the right number?” The woman on the end of the phone is breathing hard, panting as she tries to get her words out. “Please, dear god, tell me I dialed it right.”

“Yes, this is she. Can I help you?”

“Yes, ma’am. My name is Wanda. I live next door to Mason. He gave me your business card in case anything happened with his little sister. I’m watchin’ over Millie tonight, see, and she went to bed just fine a couple of hours ago. Everything seemed normal, but I heard her fall just now, and she’s havin’ a seizure, a bad one, an’ I don’t know what to do. It won’t stop. Please, Miss. You gotta come. You gotta come and look at her.”

“Hang up the phone and call 911 right away, Wanda. Call for an ambulance. I’ll meet you at the hospital, okay?”

“You won’t come here?” The poor woman sounds terrified.

“I can’t treat her properly at your place, Wanda. I don’t have the drugs she needs. Call 911. I’m leaving right now. I’ll see you at the hospital.”

I hang up, and Zeth’s already swinging out of bed. He rifles in the chest of drawers, tugging out clothes. “I’ll drive you,” he tells me, as he pulls on underwear, a t-shirt and jeans.

“It’s Millie, Mason’s little sister. Can you see if you can find him?”

“Sure.” He texts something quickly as I get dressed and rush downstairs. His phone chimes as we’re hurrying out of the house. “Mason’s not picking up. Michael’s gonna hunt him down. He’ll find him and bring him to the hospital.”

Zeth drives down the mountain like a maniac. Thank god he does. I would never have the courage to speed so fast through the corners and take the hairpin bends at such a crazy clip, but Zeth’s an expert driver. He’s been involved in enough car chases by now that he could probably make killer money as a rally driver. Once we hit the city, things have to slow down a bit, but he knows the quickest route to St. Peter’s and he doesn’t take any prisoners as he ducks and weaves past the other cars still on the roads.

He pulls up outside the emergency entrance to the building and lets me out, then screeches off, tires smoking as he goes to find somewhere to park.

“Dr. Romera? What the hell are you doing here? I thought you were off sick?” The young nurse at the desk seems confused.

“Millie Reeves? Has she been brought in yet?” It’s been twenty minutes at least; the ambulance should have arrived and brought her in by now. The nurse—I’m pretty sure her name is Anderson—checks the iPad screen in front of her, frowning.

“Reeves, Reeves, Reeves. Ah, yes, a second ambulance had to be sent to the scene. They should be arriving any moment.”

ambulance? What the hell happened to the first one?”

Anderson shrugs. “Some kind of engine trouble. I’m not sure.”

Ambulances are checked and maintained every day. There’s no way a vehicle should have broken down. Something like this could mean the difference between a patient living and a patient dying. I’m filled with dread. If the EMTs didn’t get to Millie on time, she could easily slip into a coma and die.

.” I leave the front desk, and I run to the closest supply closet, grabbing a set of scrubs. No one says anything further about me not being on shift. I shouldn’t be treating anyone right now. I’m not allowed to storm into the hospital, get changed, and then start messing with patients; that’s not how the system works. Chief Allison isn’t in the building, though, and I must look frantic and harried because the nursing staff and other doctors keep any objections they might have to themselves.

The ambo still hasn’t arrived by the time I’ve changed and gone outside to wait for Millie. Damn it, this is taking too long. Zeth appears by my side. “Michael’s still looking,” he says. The crash team waiting on the ambulance cut wary sideways glances at the huge, tattooed guy now waiting with us. I forget how imposing he must look to people when he first meets them.

“Okay. Fuck, I hope he gets here soon. She’s going to need him.”

“She’s got you,” he says. “That’s more than enough.”

Lights and sirens, then. An ambulance screeching into the car park, hurtling towards us at seventy miles an hour. The driver slams on the brakes just in time, bringing the vehicle to an abrupt stop less than a meter from the hospital entrance. Chaos ensues.

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