Read Saved and SAINTified Online

Authors: Tiana Laveen

Saved and SAINTified (34 page)

BOOK: Saved and SAINTified
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burst out laughing and swatted him on the shoulder...




“...And he has agreed to see us this evening.”

aint rubbed his chin contemplatively as he reviewed the breakfast buffet full of fresh, succulent fruit, assorted smoked meats, imported European cheeses and soft, sweet pastries. He deliberated over his father’s words momentarily before responding. “Okay, well, how is Lawrence? I called him earlier but he didn’t answer.”

“He just left to get a museum program
.” His father chuckled. “He tried to not get wrapped up here, but he couldn’t resist. It’s too culture rich.”

“I wish you didn’t have to be there
.” Saint looked over at Xenia who was gripping a newspaper and sipping a virgin piña colada. She looked up at him, waved, and then focused back on the paper. Saint returned the greeting and and reached for a pineapple Danish. “It doesn’t feel right, me not being there to take care of this.”

aint, you have to stop this. There is nothing you can do right now and if you were here, it would probably ruffle his feathers. Just be glad we came. He admitted he knows about the baby, though he sounded fairly calm. That means nothing, however. Nizsm is like that. He is very hard to read and a master blocker.”

“Yes, I tried to tap into him, through you, to no avail. I’ll need to see him in person to see if I can break through
...  I don’t like this.”

“I know.”



“I don’t hate you. I’m sorry I said that the other day.”

“I know you don’t, Saint. I thought you did once—but I know what I mistook for hatred is your disappointment in me.”

There was a brief pause.

I love you. Please be careful.”

“I will. I love you, too. That’s why I’m here.” And with that, the call ended.




After a brief glance in the bedroom mirror, Nizsm hastily headed out, making his way across the cobblestone foyer into the vast dining room. He looked around the room, ensuring that it was just as he wished. After nodding in approval, he made his way into his kitchen, the double doors swinging behind him. He surveyed the five cooks with a discriminating eye as they moved about preparing the feast for the evening.

“The baba ghanou
sh looks and smells delicious,” he complimented as he watched the eggplant and chickpea dish simmer in the large pan. He continued to move through the sterile room, looking over shoulders, administering his own brand of quality control. “Everything must be perfect, gentlemen.” He steepled his hands. “My father, all of my wives, children, brothers and sisters will be here tonight as well as two guests, one of which is an important friend of the family.” His smile faded as he contemplated the meaning of that very statement.

Nizsm, everything will be as you wish,” the head chef assured. “The mahshi is almost complete.” He held up the white bowl full of rice stuffing.


Nizsm turned and left the kitchen, returning to his bedroom to rest before the meeting.

He slid under the cool sheets, desperately seeking a peaceful sleep to no avail. Inside, his anger
bubbled, giving him painful psychic contractions. Flashes of wings flapping, loud voices and blood drawn terrorized his dream-state thoughts. He shot up, slick with sweat and wild eyed. Panting, he looked over at his clock then closed his eyes as he tried to regain his composure.

Osaze, I know you well, old man.
You have a way with words. My father may keep you in high regard, but I’m completely indifferent. I will not be fooled. Anything you say tonight will not help you or your family unless it is your promise to convince your son and daughter by marriage to terminate this pregnancy. If they won’t, I will kill them all...




“This used to be a coffee farm,” Saint said loudly under the alluring spotlights as the water gushed. “These two waterfalls were featured on the front of our brochure.”

looked around in awe. She adjusted her black bathing suit bra strap and ran her finger down a piece of slate rock. “It’s so beautiful here. All these tropical plants and fruit trees.”

“I’m sure you’re tired from that hike,” S
aint said sternly as he removed his backpack and set it aside. “I told you that you should’ve listened to me. You’re acting like you are an eighteen year old cheerleader. Your pregnant, Xenia.”

“Really S
aint? I didn’t know that.” She stuck her tongue out at him playfully, then dipped her foot into the downpour of water. “I feel just fine, thank you very much, Mister Man.”

“Well, let me carry your backpack for you. It’s almost time for lunch,
and we better head back.” Bare-footed, Saint carefully walked over the water slicked rock to the small waterfall and rippling pool. The quiet of the rainforest was so tantalizing and relaxing; he stifled a yawn and daydreamed of being in their hotel bed for an afternoon snooze. As he reached for her, Xenia jerked him toward her.

“What are you doing
?” Saint asked.

stepped under the waterfall and let the water pour over her. His groin stirred at the sensual sight, becoming completely saturated. He slicked his tongue over his bottom lip as the image of her wet, from head to toe, aroused him. She stepped away from the downpour, laughing as she pushed her hair out of her face.

Xenia.” He put his hand on his hip and shifted his weight, coming swiftly out of his sexual daze. “Don’t play with me. You’re a tease.” He took her hand to lead her away but she resisted, stiffening her legs and causing him to drag her. He looked back at her, confused. “What’s up?”

Her smile turned mischievous
as she released his hand and pulled the top of her swimsuit down. Saint sucked his bottom lip as he surveyed her bare breasts. She stepped back ever so slightly under the water, allowing the waterfall to christen her chocolate, erect nipples over and over again. She stuck out her hand and gave a ‘come hither’ look that Saint found utterly irresistible. He didn’t waste time going to her. Water droplets clung to her tawny skin. Saint felt like a panting dog in the hot sun, as she massaged her breasts and ran her tongue over her upper lip in slow, sensual moves.

He took her into his arms, escorting her
even further under the fast raining waterfall. The surge of the icy water was so loud, he could barely hear her sighs and whispers as he grinded against her, his needful erection growing by the second. Xenia wrapped her slender arms around his shoulders. They kissed—a torrid, lustful and urgent kiss that made him want to take her right there and then.

He pushed his white swimming trunks down, exposing his rock hard cock. The head seemed to have a mind of its own as it bobbled and pushed into her lower stomach with want. He grasped the silky material of her swimsuit, pulling it away from her saturated body. It fell around her ankles.
After casting it on a nearby rock, he stroked between her thighs, soon cracking them open as if he were opening silk curtains. He thumbed her pussy, damp from the water and her own pussy nectar. Placing a hand on the rock surface behind her, he steadied himself as he fondled, breathed her essence, let lust flood him. Goosebumps covered their flesh, but desire kept them warm.

.” Saint moaned in her ear as he felt her juicy flow increase. Pressing one finger inside of her, he watched her gasp and gyrate her hips over his roving digit. “Yeah, baby.” His voice tickled her ear, made her smile.

“Mmmm, that feels good
.” She looked at him longingly and brought her lips back to his. As they kissed softly, he pushed another, then a third finger inside of her, causing her to tighten and throb around his maneuvers.


She wrapped her arms tighter around his neck, ecstasy etched on her face. Saint thrust his fingers in and out of her, increasing the speed every so often.

“You’re wetter than the mothafuckin’ waterfall, damn
, baby.” Saint continued to plunge his fingers in and out of her, knuckle deep.

moved her hips to his finger thrusts. “Uh! I’m gonna cum ... I’m gonna cum, baby!” she cried. He gently rotated his thumb across her clit, helping her on her way...

He smiled devilishly when she was
overthrown by her three-tier climax. Saint pushed more firmly, forcing her flush against the rock. Water burst over them like a broken dam. He slicked his hair away from his face with his hand, hating to miss the sight of her face when she orgasmed. She shook against him as he kept her pinned between the rock and the hardness of his chest, his fingers still deep inside her. Unable to control himself, he pushed his eager tongue inside of her mouth as she came down from her climax. His kisses were rough, matching the urgency of his cravings.

“Mmmmm, baby
,” he murmured in her ear as he grabbed her hips, knocked her knees further apart and slid inside of her, causing them to both gasp. He sped up his pace, bumping her into the smooth rock with each heart-pounding thrust. He grunted, completely turned on with no ‘off’ button in sight.

Fucking under a waterfall ... such a turn on, baby...”

e possessed her, the wild and majestically beautiful surroundings framing their lovemaking like a Rembrandt painting. Birds could be heard singing as the day opened up further, allowing the sun to shine bright in the sky while the morning drew on.

“Uhhh! Uh! Yes
, baby!” He watched her watching him...


He bit down on her neck and dug his fingers into her waist, jerking as he lunged deep and retreated.

Ahhh! Ah! Uh! Yes baby! Uhhh!”

is ass muscles clenched as he came harshly, trembling hard within her. He came to a slow stop before easing out of her body. Breathless, he stepped back from her, drunk off of her pussy and sweet kisses.

“Here, baby
.” He handed her the discarded swimsuit. While she dressed, he pulled his swimming trunks back on. He loved how she’d come on to him, so sweetly and sensually.

“What are you doing?” she asked as she struggled to get her backpack from him. He gently pushed
it away from her grasp, and kept it himself as they started to walk hand in hand back down the trail.

“I got this, little lady.”

He winked at her, his protective thoughts marinating and seasoned with each passing moment. As he gripped her hand, and she pointed to various plants in awe, he continued to steal glances at her. Saint knew that if anything happened to her or his baby, he’d turn the world upside down. He didn’t know what was to come, but he knew he’d better be ready. But right then, at that moment, all that mattered was that she was safe, and he was with her, loving her, and she loving him. That was all he ever needed...




Osaze and Lawrence sat at the long white and gray granite dining room table. An enormous fireplace housed a flickering host of tepid flames that bathed them from head to toe. Osaze felt heated alright, not from the twirling inferno, but from the nagging feeling that he would not have the power to protect his son and unborn grandchild. It was the way in which Nizsm looked at him; the crooked smile on his chiseled tan face did a poor job of hiding his true nature. To the commoner, he would appear charming—a handsome sight to behold. To the woman easily cajoled by power, sweet-talk and greed, he’d be a master seducer. But to an old Angel Child that spent most of his life trying to escape such fates, he was identified for what he truly was—a maniacal, fiendish leper, preying on the family crest.

.” Nizsm sat back in his high-back golden chair. His second wife, an usually beautiful dark chestnut complexioned Ethiopian woman with full lips and slanted ebony eyes, sat to his immediate right. “Osaze, I have not seen you in quite some time. It would have been nice to have seen my cousin, Saint, as well.” He grinned. “Where is your son, Osaze?”

“That was not the point of the visit,
Nizsm. I don’t believe that you wish to meet my son under, shall we say, familiar pretenses.” The older man pushed his half empty platter of food away and folded his hands over his lap.

tried in desperation to penetrate Osaze’s thoughts. Osaze could feel the continuous attempted breaking and entering. The psychic burglary endeavors didn’t cease yet Lawrence joined energy with his companion, causing the devil to have to strain and eventually retreat. Both men sat shoulder to shoulder, not certain how long they could hold out. He was the same as Saint—it would be almost impossible to hold the fortress up for any extended period of time. Nizsm’s eyes lowered as he gave an all knowing grin. He suddenly clapped his hands.

“Chop! Chop! Let’s have some entertainment, shall we?”

He smiled across the table, a sinister leer that gave no light to the darkened mood. Moments later, three scantily clad belly dancers entered the room, twisting and twirling, swinging their long hair and curvaceous bodies around like angry tornados, their movements swift, volatile, yet seductive. Osaze glanced a time or two at the women, his interest completely void. At the end of the performance, everyone else clapped.

BOOK: Saved and SAINTified
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