Saving All My Lovin' (10 page)

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Authors: Donna Hill

BOOK: Saving All My Lovin'
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Chapter 16

terling had been thinking about his conversation with Nick. He was no punk and he certainly wasn’t afraid of some woman’s scorn. He pushed papers around on his desk.

Why had Ann Marie gotten under his skin the way she had? What was it about her that was so different from any other woman he’d tapped?


He blew out a breath of exasperation.

It wasn’t supposed to go down the way it had. His feelings weren’t supposed to get all twisted out of shape. But they had.

He hadn’t slept a wink since she’d left and concentrating on the case file in front of him was out of the question. He flipped the folder closed and pushed back from his desk.

He stood, grabbed his coat from rack by the door and headed out. He was going to treat Ann Marie like one of his cases. He intended to win.

This time when he arrived at Pause he was surprised to see some new faces, the most prominent being a very buff man who was seated near the door.

“Good afternoon, welcome to Pause. Do you have your membership card, sir?” the man asked.

Sterling wrinkled his face for a moment and glanced at the name tag on the muscular chest. Drew Hawkins. Sterling dug inside his suit jacket and extracted his wallet. He flipped through his array of credit cards until he found his spa membership. He showed it to him.

Drew looked at the card then at Sterling. He nodded and handed it back. “Enjoy your stay. Be sure to check in at the front desk.”

Sterling mumbled under his breath while shoving the wallet back in his pocket. He crossed the entry foyer to the reception desk. Again he was met with a new face. This name tag read Tina.

She beamed at him. “Good afternoon. Are you a member?”


“Great!” she chirped. “May I have your card to sign you into the system?”

He went through the process again. Tina put his information into the computer. She stared at the screen a few moments then handed back his card.

“I see you don’t have an appointment for any of our special services. Would you like to schedule a massage?”

“No. Thanks. Actually, I’m looking for Ann Marie.”

“Oh. Let me page her.” She picked up the phone and called for Ann Marie to come to the front desk. “She should be here shortly.”

“Thank you.” Sterling leaned against the counter while he waited for Ann Marie to appear. Then he turned to Tina. “Who’s Mr. Universe at the door?”

Tina grinned. “That’s Drew Hawkins, security.”

“I didn’t realize the spa needed security.”

Tina shrugged. “I just started three days ago. He was here when I got here.”


He glanced toward the café and saw Ann Marie coming in his direction. When she saw him, her steady gait faltered for a moment. He saw her lift her chin then continue toward him.

“Sterling,” she said by way of a greeting.

“Can we go somewhere and talk?”

Ann Marie snatched a glance at Tina who was pretending not to be eavesdropping. “We can talk in the office,” she said barely above a whisper, then turned and headed for the stairs.

The office door was open. Ann Marie walked in, stood to the side to let Sterling pass then closed the door behind him. She crossed the room.

“I wasn’t expecting you,” she said, keeping her back to him.

“I’m going to get right to the point.”

She turned slowly toward him, keeping her eyes level with his.

“I will admit that when we first met, it was all about just checking you out and moving on. Finding out about Terrance should have sealed the deal for me. With any other woman it would have.” He slid his hands into his pockets, his expression stoic. “But something happened Ann Marie.” He looked directly at her. “The game I’d been playing with relationships wasn’t all that it was cracked up to be. I want more. I want you.”

Ann Marie didn’t know where to look. She wanted to believe him. She wanted to give in and simply let the relationship go wherever it was meant to go. But if it did, she was certain she would fall victim to the weakness of her heart.

She dared look at him and in that instant she was lost.

“I’m afraid,” she whispered.

Sterling took a step toward her then another, until he was right up on her. He lifted her chin with the tip of his finger. “Look at me.” She did. “So am I,” he confessed.

A shaky smile formed at the corners of her mouth. “How are we going to do this?”

“Slow and easy.” His gaze darkened with mischief.

Ann Marie ran a finger down the center of his chest. “I like the sound of that.”

Sterling lowered his head until his lips were inches away from hers. He hesitated a moment, cupped the back of her head in his palm and pulled her forward.

The kiss set her on fire. She felt her entire being engulfed in heat. Her heart pounded in her chest. She rose up on her toes and instinctively her arms wrapped around his waist sealing his body to hers.

Her mind warred with her heart. Instinct told her to run, leave this man and all the complications that came with him alone. But her heart, her spirit, needed what Sterling offered her—a chance—a chance at real happiness.

With much reluctance Sterling eased back. He
stroked her cheek. Damn he had it bad for this woman. She’d worked some kind of magic on him. He knew what he was letting himself in for, but he didn’t care. All he knew was that for as long as time allowed he wanted her in his life. Somehow they’d work out all the rest. They had to.

“I’d better go.”

All she could do was nod her head.

“I’m playing tonight at the Lennox Lounge. I’d love it if you came.”

Her eyes brightened. “Really? What time?”

“First set is at eight.”

“I’ll be there.”

He grinned like a kid. “Great.” He leaned down and pecked her lightly on the lips. “Maybe I’ll even play something for you.”

“I’d like that.”

He took a step back. “I’ll see you later.”

“I’ll be there.”

He turned to leave then stopped at the door. He glanced at her over his shoulder. “No more running.” He opened the door and walked out.

Ann Marie slumped down in the chair and nibbled on her recently manicured nail. He’d come for her, she thought. It didn’t matter to him about Terrance. He wanted to be with her, work things out. This was her second chance and she was going to take it.

“Oh there you are.”

Ann Marie glanced up to the open door. “Hey Barbara.”

Barbara stepped in, a stack of towels in her hand. “Everything okay? You look a little dazed.”

Ann Marie smiled. “I think I am, chile.” She leaned back in the chair and told Barbara about what had transpired from the night she walked out on Sterling to his declaration a few moments ago.

Barbara slowly shook her head. “Sounds like you have a good man there, Ann. We’re not young chicks anymore. Our chances at happiness and finding
the one
gets slimmer and slimmer.” She thought about Michael and Wil. “Sometimes we have to step out on faith, you know.”

“That’s what I’m going to do. Step out and take my chances.”

“That’a girl. Well, I better get to my clients. Talk to you later. Have a ball tonight.”

Ann Marie smiled. “I intend to.”


Finding parking in the heart of Harlem on a Friday night was always a task. But with the resurgence of the famed area of Manhattan, complete with restaurants and clubs, it was more difficult than usual. Ann Marie circled around for a good twenty minutes before she finally found a
space. She walked back the block and a half to reach the Lenox Lounge.

She stood in line behind at least a dozen others waiting to get in. She could hear music coming from inside each time the door opened and wondered if Sterling was playing already. The line inched along. She pulled up the collar of her mink coat against the biting wind that had suddenly kicked up and looked skyward. The forecast predicted a possibility of snow and she only hoped it would hold off long enough for her to at least get inside. She shivered a bit and pulled her coat tighter around her body.

Finally she reached the front door and stepped inside to be greeted by a warm blast of air and a thin layer of cigarette smoke. The Lenox Lounge had always been one of Harlem’s hot spots. At one point or another all the greats had played there. Over the years as Harlem declined, the influx of musicians dwindled. But with Harlem now being the place to be once again the nightlife was back in full force, which was obvious from the crush of people trying to squeeze their way in.

Ann Marie wound her way around the dressed to impress bodies in the dimly lit interior and was able to find a table in the back of the club.

Before she got herself good and settled, a
waitress stepped up to her table to take her drink order. Ann Marie asked for an apple martini then took in her surroundings.

The band that was playing finished up their set and the MC for the evening took the mic to announce that there would be a twenty-minute intermission and the marquee band for the evening, After Hours, would take the stage.

A tune by Miles Davis played in the background underscoring the bubble of laughter and conversation that floated around her. It was extremely rare that Ann Marie went out alone. She was accustomed to being accompanied by a man. Looking around her she felt out of place and hoped that the single men who hung together in groups of twos and threes, and periodically looked her way, wouldn’t get it in their heads that she was out scouting.

The waitress returned with her drink and asked if she’d like to order an appetizer. She presented a short menu. Ann Marie looked it over in the dim lighting and selected buffalo wings and a small side salad. She flashed a tight smile as she handed back the menu.

There was a sudden flurry of activity on the stage and she looked up and caught a glimpse of Sterling as he took up his position. She watched him through the crowd. Finally his eyes landed on
her and a full-blown smile illuminated the darkness. He put his sax down on the stand and hopped off the stage, bounding over to her table. He slid into the seat next to her and planted a sweet juicy one on her lips.

“Hey,” he said against her mouth.

“Hey yourself.” She brushed her lipstick from his lips with the pad of her thumb.

“Glad you could make it.”

“I told you I would.”

“Yo, Sterling!”

Sterling glanced toward the stage. He was being waved over. “Gotta run. The show must go on.” He pecked her on the lips and hopped up.

Ann Marie watched him set up and suddenly felt a wave of pride. That was her man up there.
Her man

The M.C. stepped up on stage and gave a glowing introduction, highlighting After Hours as a favorite of The Lounge and announcing their recently released CD, which would be available after the show.

“Sit back relax and enjoy the musical stylings of After Hours.”

The six piece band: drummer, bass, piano, guitar, trumpet and sax players moved into an easy Ellington favorite
Take the A Train,
which got the crowd immediately into the music.

Ann Marie’s food arrived but she was so taken in watching Sterling do his thing, she forgot all about it. The first hour set flew by and during the brief intermission, Sterling came and sat with her for a few minutes.

“During my solo,” he said before running off for the last set, “I’m going to play something just for you.” He squeezed her hand and returned to the stage.

And he did. It was the sweetest most soul-stirring version of
A House is Not a Home,
that she’d ever heard. Every wailing note cried out to her, embraced her. The music poured out of his instrument as clearly as it poured out of his eyes that stayed trained on her as he played. Sterling’s alto sax was so crisp, the notes so clear you could actually hear the words as if they were being sung.

Her heart swelled with joy. She felt like crying from happiness.

When he finished his solo, the tight room was wrapped in awed silence. And then as if on cue, applause rose like thunder until every inch of space was filled with adulation.

Sterling took a bow in Ann Marie’s direction and tipped his sax at her. More than a few heads turned in her direction. She felt her face flush with warmth. She returned his salute with a coy smile.

The band stepped off the stage and mingled
with the crowd. Sterling came over to her table and sat down.

“So what did you think?”

“You can give up your day job anytime.” She laughed lightly.

“I’ll take that as a compliment.” He reached across the table and covered her hand with his. “I’m really glad you came.”

“So am I.”

He stared into her eyes. A flurry of emotion ran through him. He wanted her—in every way—not just sexually. The realization settled inside him, finding a place in his spirit.

“I was thinking that maybe we could go to my place,” his said, his statement laced with innuendo.

“Whenever you’re ready.”

“Let me go say goodnight to the fellas and then we can leave.”

She nodded. The thought of having Sterling locked between her thighs had her pulse pumping double time. She knew it was risky, taking up with him. But what was life without a few risks? She was willing to take the chance.

Chapter 17

es, this is Stephanie Moore,” she said into the phone while discarding an application from a would-be employee. She’d just hired, with Barbara’s approval, two new massage therapists. They still need at least two more people to cover the café.

“This is Terri Wells of Sterns & Blac.”

“Hi Terri. What can I do for you?”

“I just wanted to bring you up to date on the Pause for Men campaign…”

Stephanie leaned back in her chair and listened. Several weeks earlier she’d been contacted by the PR firm to partner with them to
create the Pause Man. It was a full-fledged campaign to promote the perfect man from the physical to the mental. Terri’s plan included a workout regime, nutrition, finance management, grooming—everything to get a man into shape and ready for the perfect woman—all of which would be documented in a full spread in
magazine. The winner would go on the campaign trail, TV, radio spots and a major billboard in Times Square.

“Nike has come on board as one of the sponsors along with Delta Air Lines and Carol’s Daughter with their bath and body line. We’ll be using their product line throughout the campaign,” Terri was saying.

“Carol’s Daughter! That’s great. I love their stuff. And whatever the men don’t want the women will love!” she said, laughing.

“I know what you mean. I’m meeting with one of their reps today. What they plan to do is to create a Pause for Men package: soap, body wash, facial scrub, body oil and of course you will be able to sell it at the spa.”

“Girl, you sure know how to work it.”

“Gotta pay those bills.”

They chuckled.

“How is the contest going?”

“Like wildfire. Everyone is signing up. Submissions end next week. I’ll get them all together and send them over to you.”

“Great. Well.” She blew out a breath. “That’s about it for now.”

“We’ll touch base next week.”

“Sure. Hey, Stephanie…”


“Um, have you ever thought of taking on a partner?”



Stephanie frowned for a moment in thought. “Well…are you asking about yourself?”


“Has something happened?” She remembered her earlier conversation with Terri about her and her boss. She’d been down that slippery road before.

Terri hesitated. “It’s something that I’ve been thinking about lately.”

“We can certainly talk about it. Toss some ideas around.”

“I think we would make a dynamic team.”

Stephanie smiled. With someone as high octane as Terri Wells on her team they could easily compete with the big boys. “Let’s make some time
to discuss the possibilities after we get this contest out of the way.”

“Fair enough.”

“We’ll talk soon. I—” A knock on her door interrupted her. She looked up, smiled and waved Ann Marie inside. “Sorry one of the co-owners just came in,” she continued. “I’ll get the entries over to you and we’ll talk next week.”

“Great. Have a good day.”

“You too.” She hung up. “Hey how are you?”

Ann Marie walked in and took a seat opposite the desk. “Pretty good.” She grinned.

Stephanie monitored that smile. “Something’s up,” she hedged.

Ann Marie crossed her legs. “I took your advice.”

“You took
advice.” Stephanie tossed her head back and chuckled.

“Yeah, go figure.” Playfully she rolled her eyes.

“So what great advice of mine did you take?”

“About me and Sterling.”

Stephanie’s brows rose. “Don’t just sit there grinning. Tell me what the hell happened.” She leaned forward eager for the blow by blow.

Ann Marie told her about Sterling’s impromptu visit to her office and his invitation to the Lenox Lounge.

“Get out! He plays sax?”

Ann Marie nodded. “And damned good too, chile. He played a song just for me.”

“There’s something really sexy about musicians. And I love myself some sax players.” She momentarily closed her eyes dreamily.

“Well this sax man is off limits. So don’t be getting your panties in a bunch.”

Stephanie chuckled. “Listen to you. Sounds like he did more than play the sax.”

Ann Marie winked. “He did.” She told Stephanie about going to his house afterwards, leaving out the very intimate details but giving enough information for Stephanie to get the lusty picture.

“I’m glad for you, Ann. Everyone deserves to be happy.”

“I want this to work. I really do.”


Ann Marie looked away. “I don’t want to screw up.”

“Why do you think you would?”

Ann Marie didn’t have a chance to answer. They both turned toward the door. Raquel and Terrance Bishop stood in the threshold.


Wil walked up to the reception desk. “Hi, I have an appointment for a massage,” he said.

Tina looked up from the computer screen.
“Welcome to Pause. I’d be happy to help you. Your name please.”

He gave her his name and she looked his appointment up on the computer. She printed out his card and handed it to him. “Let me tell Barbara that you’re here.” She called down to the massage room. “Your twelve o’clock is here, Ms. Allen.”

Barbara squeezed the phone in her hand. She knew it was Wil. “Uh, Tina can you check with either Kayla or Sheryl and see if either of them can take him?” Kayla and Sheryl were the two new therapists that were just hired. Barbara crossed her fingers.

“Hmm, Kayla has a client now and one in an hour. Sheryl doesn’t come in until three.”

Barbara frowned. There was no way she could get out of it. “Okay. Give me a minute. I’ll be right up.”

Tina turned her smile on Wil. “She’ll be right up. You can wait in the lounge or in the café.”

“Thanks.” He walked over to the seating area opposite the reception desk, sat down on one of the recliners and picked up a men’s health magazine.

Barbara entered the reception area and spotted Wil right away. Her heart did that crazy dance thing in her chest. She drew in a breath and approached.

“Hi Wil. Sorry to keep you waiting.”

Wil put down the magazine on the rack. “No
problem. I thought you were trying to pass me off to someone else.” He grinned and she got hot all over.

“No, not at all. I didn’t want you to wait.” Her hands were shaking. She stuck them in the pockets of her smock. “If you’re ready we can get started.”

He stood and she was forced to look up at him.
God he still looked good
. Too good. How was she going to get through the next hour running her hands all over his body? Lawdhavemercy. “Follow me.”

She led the way to the lower area and walked down the hallway to the massage room.

“There’re towels and a robe in that closet,” she said pointing. “I’ll be back in a few minutes while you change. You can hang your things up in there as well. Take everything off,” she added, the words almost sticking in her throat.

Their gazes caught and held for an instant too long. Barbara forced her feet to move toward the door.

Wil nodded as he watched her walk out. He unbuttoned his shirt and unfastened his pants. He’d spent a restless night thinking about today, what it would be like to have Barbara touch him again. There was a part of him that still ached for what she’d done to him—walking out of his life without a word of explanation—at least none that made
sense to him. He should be angry, unforgiving. But instead, when he saw her again all he wanted was to turn back the hands of time, bringing back that time in their lives when the only thing that mattered to them was each other.

He hung his things up in the closet. Of course going back in time was impossible. They were different people now and the life they’d lived without each other had changed them both. He took off his T-shirt and shorts and put them with his clothes in the closet. He wrapped the towel around his waist and put on the terry robe just as Barbara knocked on the door.

“All clear,” he shouted out. He tightened the belt on the robe.

Tentatively she walked in and shut the door behind her. She forced herself to look anyplace but in his eyes. “Come on. I’ll take you to the shower first, then the steam room.” She led him out.

While Wil was showering Barbara waited in the outside room, trying to compose herself. How was she going to manage this? How was she going to separate her warring emotions from her profession? She fingered her engagement ring that was tucked in her smock pocket.
You’re engaged to be married to a wonderful man,
she reminded herself.
Michael loves you. You love
Michael. You and Wil were a long time ago-ancient history. Don’t forget that.
She shut her eyes and repeated the mantra over and over. When she opened her eyes, Wil was standing in front of her.

Her gaze slowly trailed up from his bare legs to the towel tucked around his waist, to the glistening chest, up to his face and those eyes that she’d never forgotten. A soft smile touched his mouth. She drew in a breath.

“All done?”

He ran his tongue across his lips. “Yes.”

She pushed herself up and found herself right up on him. He didn’t move and she couldn’t. He paused a beat then took one step back.

“After you,” he said, his voice thick.

For a moment Barbara couldn’t remember where the steam room was with him standing so close and looking at her as if she was the last supper. She blinked several times and got her bearings. She started off, stopped then turned in the opposite direction. “Sorry,” she muttered feeling the heat of him right behind her.

She made it to the steam-room without any further flubs; got Wil settled, set the dials for twenty minutes and nearly ran out of the room to wait.

When he opened the steam room door twenty
minutes later, he emerged like a god from Greek mythology descending upon humankind from his throne above. To Barbara it was equivalent to watching a movie as he stepped through the steamy mists to stand before her. His body gleamed. Her heart thumped. She swallowed over the dry knot in her throat.

“Guess we should get you that massage,” she said inanely. She stood on shaky legs and headed back to the massage room.

“Uh, just loosen the towel and lay on your stomach please.”

She turned her back to him and prepared her massage oils and scrubs on a small rolling cart. “The spa has, uh, partnered with Carol’s Daughter. We’ve been using their spa products. I’m sure you’ll like them.”

He rose up slightly and glanced at her. “You won’t have me smelling like a girl will you?”

Barbara chuckled. “I’ll try not to. Actually it’s their men’s line.”

“Oh, good.” He rested his chin on his crossed arms.

Barbara stepped up to the table and for a moment stared at the muscles in his back. Her gaze trailed down to the small chocolate birthmark on the left side of his spine. She smiled, remem
bering. She shook off the images and began opening bottles. She poured some oil on her palms and rubbed her hands together then added more.

She started at the base of his neck, massaging the muscles there. “Relax,” she said softly, more for her benefit than his. She reached for his arms and guided them down to his sides. She worked his shoulders, his back, paying close attention to the knots of tension stored along either side of his spine.

Wil moaned both from the relief that ran through his body as from the heat of her touch. He closed his eyes while her fingers did their magic. He knew this was a professional experience. At least his mind understood that but his body said something completely different. Her fingers were sensual, waking him up, stirring him in ways that he’d held in check. As much as he wanted to think about cold showers and trucks, he couldn’t. All he could imagine was Barbara touching him. It was Barbara, the woman he’d never stopped loving.

“You can turn over now,” she said, sounding breathless.

He turned slowly. The towel caught around his hips as he did, revealing the soft hairs around his groin. Barbara’s gaze, like a magnet zeroed in on his obvious erection.

“Barb,” he whispered.


He sat up and the towel fell away. He reached for her and she couldn’t move. His hand clasped the back of her head and pulled her toward his waiting lips.

When his lips touched hers, fireworks went off in her head. Her heart thudded at a maddening pace. His left arm slid around her waist and she melted into his embrace.

Time spun backward. She was a young girl again and Wil was her first love. He kissed her with a passion and longing that she thought she’d found again in Michael. But she hadn’t. This was it. This was it.

Wil held her tighter, afraid that if he loosened his hold on her this dream would slip away. Like a man half his age, he nimbly got up from the table, the towel now on the floor beneath his feet. He ran his hands along her back. He breathed her in, nuzzling her neck, the scent of her hair and skin like aphrodisiacs to his senses.

Barbara pressed against him, the feel of his arms around her, his strong naked body throbbing against hers, had her dizzy with desire. He groaned her name, turned her around until her back was now against the table. He bent her back until her body arched, her pelvis jutting out against his
erection. His mouth slid down her neck. His fingers unbuttoned her smock and nearly tore it from her body.

All reason left her as she allowed him to undress her. The only coherent thought in her head was Wil, having him again, feeling him inside her again.

He lifted her onto the table and then climbed up, his heavy body hovering above her. He looked into her eyes. “I’ve never stopped loving you. Never,” he groaned as he raised her knees up along his waist.

She couldn’t breath, didn’t want to. She felt the hardness of him press against her, demanding entry. God, she was so wet. Her body shook as he pushed inside her, just a little, teasing. She drew in a sharp breath as the length of him slowly filled her.

“Wil,” she gasped.

His mouth covered hers, his kiss as deep as his entry into her body. They moved slowly, reacquainting themselves with each other, enjoying the reunion.

Barbara closed her eyes and held him, moving her hips against him, needing to feel every inch of him. They blended together so perfectly. If this is wrong, she thought in a haze, she didn’t want to be right.

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