Savior In The Dark (4 page)

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Authors: Ana Torres

BOOK: Savior In The Dark
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        “If I wasn’t so hungry, staring is not all I would do,” he said. I sort of choked on what he had said. Then just as boldly he asked, “Do I have a boyfriend or someone you are seeing?”

         “You think if I did, I would be here?” I asked.

          “I suppose not, but you feel it too, don’t you?” he asked. I was taken aback by his words. He was thinking what I was, but he said it so causal it was like he said it all the time. Well I hope not. Then in turn I asked him if he had a wife or someone he was with. He shocked me by telling me, “Well, I was married once, but she passed away a few years ago from breast cancer and it was horrible to see someone you love go through that suffering. I couldn’t do anything for her at all. I was so helpless. I guess that’s why, when I saw you and I just happened to be sitting in my car and saw that guy assault you, I just couldn’t sit there and do nothing. I guess in a way it was my way of seeking redemption for my past mistakes. But Sophia, doing that always proved to me, that I have to move on. She would have wanted that. She told me so many times, but I didn’t want to accept it. I am attracted to you Sophia; you are a beautiful woman, inside and out. I noticed you in the deli that day and wanted to say something to you then, but I felt self-conscious about doing that. I guess I was afraid you would reject me.

       I took a good look at him and said, “Look, I don’t know how and when or where you came from, but you kindled a spark inside me. Every time I see you, my heart skips a beat. I get winded. I have the words I want to say, but they don’t come out like I would like them to. Seeing you in that deli, I think it was like love at first sight. I swear I didn’t want to rush into a relationship with someone after my break up with Ray. But I see cupid had plans already for me and for you I hope?

       Victor grabbed me unexpectedly and whirled me around and said, “Okay, what do you think now?’ I was speechless, but I did manage to get the words out after he put me down.

        “I am very attracted to you, but can we take this slow. I barely know you, other than you have a place where you teach karate to all ages.  And you like me.” I smile at him.

        Victors tells me, “Sophia, I have no intentions of breaking your heart. I am willing to take it slow as you want. I will do whatever will make you happy.” I smile as he is telling me this and tell him, “You know you talk too much. So I lean forward and kiss him, lightly at first, then as if he were on fire, he takes my tongue and sucks it, kissing me as if we were making love to each other, utter surrender on both sides. Sophia pulled away a bit to catch her breath, looking at the man she was a minute ago just kissing. While looking into his eyes, she licked her lips, started kissing him on the neck, his shoulders, everything about this man was turning her on. She didn’t want to rush too fast but she was doing so. Victor pulled away and said, “I thought you wanted to take this slow?” Smiling and laughing, but with joy. We both started to explore each other, and then he heard a tapping on the main door.  And he said, “Damn it!  Who the hell could that be?” His green eyes looked at mine and said, “Let me see who it is. I’ll be right back, okay?”

         I said okay.  I sat down. I felt so overexcited that I was just kissing this man the way I was. It was good and bad too. I can’t let him think I am like one of my co-workers. I was not that type of woman.
Oh man, how was I going to get out of this without hurting his feelings?

         Well, if we are going to be a couple, we have to start fresh, being honest with each other. Right then he returned. Victor said, “It was Dan this time. H
e forgot something. Peter told him I was still here with you.”

          He looked at me, and asked me if everything was okay. “Yes, I have to be honest with you. Please don’t get me wrong, but maybe it was meant for your friend to come when he did. God knows how far we would have gotten. I don’t mean it in a bad way. I just got out of a bad relationship and here I am jumping into one head first. Let’s get to know each other more. I have no idea about you. What do you like besides the obvious ME,” I asked, smiling as I said it. I sensed his hesitation, so I continued, “But I really want this to work if you are willing to take it slow.  My break up with Ray, well, you could say it was a one-way relationship. I was so young and eager to please him that he got used to it and loved the attention I was giving him and he wasn’t giving me anything in return.”

         Victor stopped me and said, “I am not him Sophia.”

         “I know you aren’t, and I am so happy you aren’t.” I had to go on saying this before I lost my chance and I didn’t tell him. Victor listened and heard me out. “Okay, I am not comparing you to him. He was nothing like you. If he wanted to do something, it was what he wanted. He didn’t ask me what I thought, or anything, but just said we are going here or there. It was okay at first, but months into the relationship it was getting to the point where I had to tell him I couldn’t do it anymore.  And you know what the bastard said to me.  He told me to get over it, that we would be just fine as long as I listen to him. I lost it then, and told him it was over. As much as I did love him, I hated him for doing what he had done over the last few months, and he would betray me with some of my ex-girlfriends, ones that worked with me at the diner. All he ever wanted from me was to play mommy for him, giving him attention at his every whim. I am not his mother and I told him to leave and he said he was too tired to go. I wasn’t okay with that. I called the cops and had him removed. I had the locks changed that evening. I wanted to be in a relationship where it was give and take on both ends.”

       Victor sat and listened to what I was telling him and he walked over to me and said, “Sophia, I’m Victor not Ray. We are not the same person. I know we should take it slow, and I agree we should get to know each other before we go any further. I want to be with you. That night I saw you in the Deli, I knew you were checking me out when I was on the phone. I was embarrassed. My face was red.
He knew I was checking him out? OMG.

“Well when the gal at the counter asked you what you wanted, you ignored her twice until I pointed her out that she was asking you for your order.”

         I thought,
WOW, he was paying attention
. “I’m so sorry,” I said. “I know you are nothing like Ray and I’m sorry if you thought I was comparing you to him. I wasn’t. I was telling you what I had to endure with him. Weren’t we supposed to go out to dinner?” I reminded him. He laughed. 

           “Oh wow, that’s right. Well, you had your tongue all over me. I wouldn’t be a man if I didn’t respond to your advances as such. I lightly hit him in the arm. He laughed. “Let’s go before we wind up back in the best kiss ever and if that is just a small demonstration of how you like someone, I am damn well going to stick around anyways to find out how you love a man. It’s going to be worth it, you are worth it, and Ray your ex, well, he was an asshole. His loss is my gain, and sweetheart, you are not going to be treated like that. You will be showered with flowers, candy, bubbles, whatever you want.”

         “Hmm bubbles?” I reply. He had that smile again. I believe he was having a naughty thought. He said that was all he needed to know. “Let’s go before I don’t want to go but to my place or yours? Oh, forget we are at your place huh?  I said with a guilty smile of my own.  I do live upstairs, so I am not going to force you to do nothing you are not ready for. So let’s go before my devilish side shows up again. This time he was smiling. I swear if he kept doing that, I was going to say, “To hell with dinner; you will be my dinner.”

       Victor grabbed his keys, and I got up and off we went in his car. I had no idea where we were going, but it was going to be an exciting night.




Chapter Fiv
Dinner and Unexpected Guest


        As we walk to the car, my legs felt like jelly. He asked me if I was okay. I told him I was fine. I was more than fine; I was perfect. He liked my answer and gave me a quick kiss. He was the perfect gentlemen. He opened the door for me and we shared small talk on what sort of foods we liked and we seemed to have so much in common. I was trying not to think about our kiss at the studio, but wow, he could kiss this man. He was a girl’s wet dream man if there is any such thing. Hell, men have wet dream when they are young, woman or young girls can too. It is just something people don’t talk about. But for some a toy will satisfy. We decided to go eat out of the area and go to San Francisco, which was an hour’s drive, but we passed the time talking and stopped at a seafood spot on Fishermen Warf along the boardwalk.  We both ordered the same thing, garlic shrimp with pasta. It was so good. Then we had dessert and my favorite cheesecake. He made a crack about my diner where I work, and that they should relocate here to San Francisco, instead of being out of town. I said no way, I like where I work. It’s not far from where I live. I’m going to hate to see the check on this dinner. “You’re right,” he said. “You are not going to see it, so enjoy.”

         We both had a great evening. I didn’t want it to end. It was about 2:30 am and it didn’t feel like it. I felt like a teenager again on a first date with him. Well, it was our first real dinner date. I know of other ways we could have been spending our time, but when that happens, it has to be perfect. No interruptions. Maybe my mom was looking out for me again. Victor asked me if I was okay. “You are in deep thought again. Is there anything wrong?”

          I was just thinking about my mom, how I miss her so much. She passed away when I was in high school. My dad wasn’t around so my Aunt Lucy raised me. I remember my mom and me we used to do things together. We would ride our bikes on the local bike trail when she wanted to lose some weight. I rode my bike with her, so she didn’t feel alone. We went to the movies a few times with our friends. My mom was my best friend. I just wish she hadn’t got the cancer that took her away from me. I was in college when she passed away, not even two semesters in and I could not go to school after that. I do plan to go back one day. I hear they have on-line school now. But now I’m not ready to sit in front of a computer all day to do school.”

     “What do you want to do in college,” he asked.

     “I’m not sure. I’m not sure what I want to do. Or if I even want to go back to school.”

     “Whatever you decide you want to do, remember it is your choice not anyone else’s,” he advised. “And I will be here supporting you one hundred percent of the way as long as you let me. Whatever you decide, I will support you. Just keep me in mind for those self-defense courses. I am serious about them. Every woman should know how to protect herself at all times. I really want you to learn, even if it is just me teaching you if you are uncomfortable with the class. The kids are going to attend a karate tournament soon. Would you like to come along? It’s coming up in two weeks. The kids had been working so hard at it.”

       “I know, they are like little robots. It is so good you have the patience to teach them. How long you been doing karate?”

       “As a boy, my father was a sixth degree black belt, going towards his Master belt. But he got hurt and fell ill, and I am all he’s got. He couldn’t really take care of himself, so he is in a rest home now. I see him at least three times a week. Sometimes I bring the kids and they show off to him what they have learned. To see his face shine like a spark of hope that his teachings through me, I have passed on good morals that show discipline and respect. He bugs me about when I’m going to get married; he wants grandchildren. I will wait to tell him about you, or he will hound me with a thousand questions. One day we can go surprise him if you would like to meet him.”

      “You are a silly man, Victor. What makes you think I wouldn’t to want to meet him?”

      “I don’t have any other siblings, do you?”

      “Nope, I’m an only child like you. I wish my dad was around sometimes. When my mom got sick, he couldn’t handle it. My Aunt Lucy was always there for me and my mom. Sometimes I don’t want to know where he is. I could care less. But I know one day he’ll show up looking for me, maybe. Well, at least that is what I have been telling myself now for years. I have just about given up. No contact for the last seven years. If I ever have kids, I would love them to know their grandparents, but in my case, my dad already shows his true colors. He wants nothing to do with me, which I have accepted. He doesn’t really exist for me anymore. He walked out of my mom’s life when she needed him the most and me as well. For all I know, he may have a new family by now, or not.

     Victor just listened and it was great to have someone just doing that, listen. Not telling me what I should do.

      Then Saturday came, the tournament day for Victor’s karate class. He was like a kid himself, cheering on the kids one by one when they stepped up to the mat against their opponent. They used their learned karate skills with class. They were ages 10-13 and they were darn good. Three of the kids won trophies, and the look of achievement on their faces was a prize in itself. I took pictures like crazy. I think I have more pictures then the children’s parents. One of the parents couldn’t be there but I took pictures for them, for them to see how their kids had done. She would be surprised when she sees her daughter took first place in the yellow belt division. Maria, her mother, is going to be proud. Victor was more excited I think than the kids; he was routing them on and talking to them. Win or lose, they were still winners to him.

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