Savior In The Dark (5 page)

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Authors: Ana Torres

BOOK: Savior In The Dark
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    It has been six months now since Victor and I had been an item. My co-workers were envious of me, especially Sue. She wasn’t sure he wanted her. This week will be six months together, and he called to tell me he was going to be late picking me up. He didn’t want me to leave by myself again. I tried the self-defensive class he taught me, but we always ended up getting tangled up together. I wasn’t learning anything really, but just wanted to jump his bones. I laughed every time he showed me a position. I got bold and I started to take off my shirt, but I unbuttoned it first. He asked me what I was doing? I told him I was hot and needed to cool off. He didn’t stop me; he actually encourages it. We haven’t had sex yet, but after six months of waiting, it was pure torture for me. And I am sure for him as well, since he had to excuse himself. I thought I should ask him what he was doing when he does, but not now. My second voice was always there telling me to wait. Well this time, I am going to tell that voice to shove it and leave me alone. This time, it’s my way. We do kiss, but at times it gets really intense. Dammit, we are two grown adults. I know it was my idea to take it slow, but it’s killing me inside. I personally can’t wait anymore. It’s pure torture. I’m very sure it is for him too.

     I was sitting by the window and I heard the bell as someone was coming in, so I got up since I still had about an hour before Victor came to get me. I went to get the menu and my order pad. I walked over to the customer who sat down nearby. I wasn’t looking at him and I asked him like I do with my other customers. “What can I get you to drink?” Then I looked at him waiting for his answer, and I had a case of déjà vu. He looked familiar, and then I realized who it was. It was my father, the man who walked out of me and my mom. I tried to pretend I didn’t know who he was, but he knew who I was. He

       “Hello Sophia, how have you been?” he asked. I sure didn’t want to answer that question, so again I asked him what he wanted to drink or order in a somewhat stern voice.  I asked with a lot of resentment in my voice. “I’m working here. I don’t have time for this. So either order or leave.  He started to say sorry to me and how much he missed me being in his life. That he was wrong to leave when he was needed the most. He begged me for forgiveness. I just about lost it. I yelled so loud everyone could hear me. “YOU’RE DAMN RIGHT YOU LEFT; YOU LEFT ME TO RAISE MYSELF!  IF IT WASN’T FOR AUNT LUCY!  Where were you when I needed a father? When I wanted to know more about my mother from you not through Aunt Lucy! WHERE WERE YOU!”  I was crying and I ran away in tears, to the back. He got up to follow me, but Hugo got up to stop him. He told him to leave, that we were refusing service to him. Sue was in the back with me, telling me that Hugo had him leave. She asked me if I wanted to leave early. She offered to cover for me and told me to call Victor, so I did.








Just Us


       I was so happy to see Victor when he came when Sue called him for me. He was caring and gentle and didn’t ask me anything. He just asked me if I was okay. And that is all I wanted. I wanted to have someone to talk to when I was ready to. I know Sue told him I had an unexpected visitor at the diner. He held me in his arms and I felt safe. He just kept saving me. I did not want to talk to my father. I had accepted that he was gone. Why did he have to come now? I wanted nothing at all from him, nothing.  But deep inside, I did wonder why now? Why when my life was looking good with Victor, his karate kids and being there to support him and finally meet his father. A week ago, he asked me if I wanted to meet his father. I said sure why not? I wonder what dirty secrets I could find out about you. “Good luck with that,” he confides. “He won’t rat on me. He’s my dad.” Well, surprise surprise, the joke was on Victor. His dad was a funny man. He had lots to say. He sang out all his secrets, found out when Victor was learning karate that he kept falling on his butt. His legs would be up in the air. He was four years old when he started to learn karate. He told me when he was twelve he won his first tournament and how proud he was of him. From that time, he just kept winning. I could see the face of a proud father, one which I envied and wished I had either my mom or my dad. But with my dad coming so unexpectedly, what did he think I was going to do? Run into his arms and hug and kiss him like nothing happened? He hurt me in a way. I have trust issues, I guess. But not Victor. I am in love with him and I know he loves me. Every time I see him my heart skips a beat. I never felt like this with Ray. I guess Victor fills the void in my life, where I didn’t believe in love because of a failed relationship with my father and with Ray. I didn’t trust myself, but Victor made me realize that there were still good men out there with morals that I could trust.

            Before we left, his father asked to talk to him privately, so I excused myself, said I would be right back, and was going to the ladies’ room. I gave them their privacy. We stayed there for about two hours and he looks at me and I laughed and went and told him. “See I told you he would tell me secrets. He told me more when you were checking on his chart with the nurse.” I giggled like I knew a lot. His father was a proud father and it showed.

        You were such an interesting teenager. He acted like he was horrified that his father had told me. I kept laughing. I can’t believe you took part in so many competitions and won.  He asked me if I was surprised.

        “Not at all,” I replied. “The way you handled that man who tried to attack me the night we met. There are no doubts in my mind at all. I’m just surprised you didn’t tell me. And you have a lot of trophies? Where do you keep them? I haven’t seen them at your place?” Victor then told me he keeps them in “plain sight.” Then it hit me.

        “They’re in the studio, huh?”  Along with the other trophies the kids had won. “Good place for them. It shows the kids what they too can get. I can see why you’re so good. Why do you call your place “Karate Studio”? Why not some other name?”

           “I’m a simple person. I don’t need fancy wording to get clients. I love what I do. The name’s not going to teach the kids you see there. A lot of them come from broken homes, and the streets. I’m giving them a chance to prepare themselves for a positive life. Some kids can’t afford the lessons, but I don’t turn them away. I get paid when they win in competitions. How many of those trophies are yours? I was blind to that little detail.
Guess when I go back, I will be sure to look,
I thought.

       It was a great visit, not like my father’s. Victor took me home, and I invited him inside. We sat on my sofa, and he just held me tight, like a mother would comfort a child. It was a welcoming feeling to feel so beloved. Did he love me? Victor looked at me and with gentle care asked me, “What happened? Sue told me some, but I want to hear it from you, not her. Is that asking too much?”

       I stop him from talking. I gently kissed him, which started a spark. He started to caressing me while he was kissing me. I couldn’t hold back anymore. I went for his shirt and unbuttoned them one by one, and then he got the hint. He was ready as well. He whispered “Are you sure?” I didn’t answer, I went to grab him to see if he was ready and through his pants, I could feel the hardness of his shaft that was hot and huge, just waiting to please me. I was grateful we were at my place, no one to interfere. I just wanted to be loved, no pity, especially not from Victor.  He picked me up and carried me to my bedroom. And we didn’t undress right away. He was making a game of it. And it was pure torture. He told me he had wanted to do this a long time ago, but was waiting for me to give the okay. He said, “I hope you are ready because I think I have blue balls from all those kisses we have shared in the past.”

      I giggled, and said to him. “I am all yours. Do as you please with me. My body is begging for you. I want you, Victor. I have wanted you from the first time I saw you. I just didn’t want you to think I was an easy la…” He stopped me from talking. He kissed me so passionately it was making my toes curl up. I knew I was getting hot, and my mound was getting swollen with excitement at what he was doing to me. Then while he was kissing me, his shirt came off. I just started to kiss him all over his chest and his nipples. My tongue was all over his trail of hairline that led to the point I had wanted for so long. I wasn’t shy, that is for sure. I took off my shirt. He unsnapped my bra and he grabbed my breast and put it in his mouth, sucking and licking around my areola, making it harden up and tingle. He was torturing me for all the months we hadn’t kissed, and now we were about to make love. I then realized who this man was I had gotten to know. I loved him. I wanted to be with him. He was there for me. He hadn’t taken anything from me, and he gave more than he took. How stupid I was all those months. He had been there for me from day one, since the night of the attack.

       I couldn’t deny him his pleasure, but it was killing me inside. I was ready to bust. I told him with a heavy sexy voice “If I cum before you get inside me, it’s entirely your fault.”

       “Oh, we can’t have that,” he replied. So he rushed to take off his pants and like I had felt and imagined, he was gorgeous. His body was like a Greek God, so muscular, and toned and eyeing him head to toe and stopping in the middle, I was practically drooling.  

      “I need you Victor, now!” cried. So in two moves, he was on top of me, kissing me, making sure I was naked underneath him. He took off my panties for me. He stopped me when I was doing it. He pulled them off with his teeth, and said, “Sexy panties. What else are you hiding from me?” He, started to tease me by rubbing the tip of his cock up and down my clitoris. It was driving me insane. And finally he started to enter me. I didn’t scream. I let out an ‘Ahhh  yes’.  “YES, don’t stop God please don’t stop.” He was on fire as well we were in rhythm with our hearts and it was so good to be fulfilled inside my heart. Victor was going in slow and deep, and faster and faster. I couldn’t hold back anymore. And he and I came at the same time. He collapsed on top of me and pulled out and lay on his back. I was as sweaty as he was. He looked over at me with a grin. I played with him and asked, “That’s it?” Then he growled at me and said, “Oh, you want more now, do you?” And he wasn’t kidding. I started laughing, telling him. “Give me ten minutes. You took all the breath away. That was the best sex I’ve had in a long time.” And he admitted to me he could get used to doing this all night long. Then I heard a small voice from him. “Sophia, I love you, I don’t want this to never end.” I was thinking,
What do you mean?
“I mean us Sophia, we are good together, and I know you love me,” he continued. “I feel it, and that you do. I want us to be together always, forever.”

        “Ah, Victor, I don’t want it to ever end either. I love you so much and I didn’t think I would love again. You gave me time to adjust to us being together. Maybe we waited a bit longer to get to this. I love making love to you. And I want this all the time.” You showed me what love is really about. Not a quicky and you’re off. I know I’m not going anywhere. I’ll be here as long as you want me to be, Victor. I am officially all yours.”

        “I have never met a woman like you, Sophia. You have so much to give and it was sad your ex did not see it. I felt it, boy did I feel it. You are incredible, and I really want you to be in my life. The short time I have gotten to know you, you brought me back down from a cloud, that now I see things more clearly. You were right to wait, this was perfect, I hope you don’t regret it” Oh how can he say that to me, so I quickly go on top of him, and I kiss him all over again, and on my belly I feel a rise of him that was just moments ago inside me.

      We made love several times through the night and we ordered a pizza just about inhaled it. We were so hungry from all the sex we had. We needed our energy, well more like I did. He was ready again after his last slice. I told him “Let me eat” he said “Okay, I will eat elsewhere.” And that grin and smile he was up to something. Then I feel his tongue licking me with kisses straight down to my engorged area and I feel his tongue exploring inside me. “Tells me go ahead and eat I am having my dessert.”  If he can torture me like this every day I will die happy.








– The Underground Battle


      Hearing Victor proclaim his love to me and how much I meant to him was the best night of my life. The night was a restful night of love between us. He was talking about being together like marriage? I don’t think I’m ready for that just yet. But I do love him with such passion, more than I can ever have from another person other than family. He is my only family. I came to love his father; we would go to visit him once a week and he loved it when we came by. He was always talking about Victor as a child to me. Victor would try to stop his dad from telling me stories but he let him. So I just think he was just playing it up, wanting someone else to tell me about him from their side.

      The nurse came in, wanting to speak to Victor privately. They both left. I stayed with his father, and he was joking with me telling me, “Oh now they are going to tell him how bad I’ve been. How I keep flirting with the ladies and how they are all fighting over me now.” We both laughed together. He started asking me how serious I was about his son. I told him I loved him like no other, loved him more than life itself. He smiled and told me “That’s good. The day the good Lord decides to take me, I know Victor will be happy with you. I hope one day to see you both married with kids. I have no grandchildren. I hope to be around to see them.” I was stunned. It seemed like he knew how serious Victor was about me. Already talking about marriage to his father, about us? I really wanted us to be together, but marriage was a huge step for me. I was caught in a whirlwind of possibilities about what could go right and what could go wrong. But I keep getting the good.  Right then Victor walked in and saw my face go blank. He asked his father what happened.  “Nothing,” I said. “I was just thinking, that’s all, no harm. Your father is a great charmer, you should be proud to have him in your life.”

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