Scandal Never Sleeps (24 page)

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Authors: Shayla Black,Lexi Blake

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Scandal Never Sleeps
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“You’re likely to hurt her. I’ve done some checking. She’s not like the women you usually date.”

“I’m not really dating her.” But no denying he was involved—deeply. And what he felt for her was so new and fresh, he wasn’t ready to discuss it, not even with his best friends. He sure as hell wasn’t letting them dictate when and how he spent his time with her.

“I think she would disagree, and that’s why it’s a bad idea to continue sleeping with her,” Roman countered.

“He’s not going to listen, man. He can pretend all day long, but he’s really falling for her.” Connor redirected his attention to his computer screen, hitting the button to refresh. His eyes flared. “There she is. Oh, yeah. I’ve got you now.”

“Has he finally gone feral?” Gabe asked Roman, tossing a thumb in Connor’s direction, more than happy to change the subject.

Roman glanced at the screen. “Shit! Is Senator Armstrong’s daughter really running Capitol Scandals?”

“Probably.” Connor sipped his coffee. “Or she’s shacking up with whoever is. Either way, she’s up to her pretty neck in trouble. But my hunch is that she writes the blog.”

“Damn it. Armstrong is Zack’s ally in the senate.” Roman scowled. “Tread carefully, Connor. If this comes out, it could be damaging to our administration. That blog is full of crap challenging Zack’s policies.”

Capitol Scandals was the tabloid of choice for the DC crowd, but . . . “Isn’t it a rag?”

“The front pages are, but dig a little deeper and you’ll find a lot of commentary on policy. She completely disagrees with almost everything Zack and the senate have done in the last two years,” Roman explained. “Of course she backs it up with crazy conspiracy theories that seem to contain just enough fact to scare the shit out of people. But if it came out that one of Zack’s closest allies has a dissenting daughter bent on destroying him, it wouldn’t be good.”

A predatory gleam lit Connor’s eyes. “I can shut her up.”

Gabe didn’t like the look on Connor’s face. “You can’t kill her for expressing her opinion.”

But the CIA “analyst” smoothed over his expression, that nasty gleam in his eyes suddenly gone. “Of course not. I meant I’ll explain that continuing to run this ‘clandestine’ site is no longer a viable career choice. She blew her cover by falling right into my trap. Look at the headline on Capitol Scandals this morning, boys.”


Gabe sighed. Had the blog mentioned how he’d evaded the two armed men who had tried to kill him? Or talked about his willingness to sacrifice himself to save Everly Parker? Nope. Everything in black and white revolved around the fact that he’d saved Mad’s wretchedly
expensive Scotch. “Well, this is going to help my image. Really, how can I thank you?”

Frowning, Connor snatched the computer back. “I would have saved that Scotch, too. Leaving it behind to die tragically in that fire would have been a terrible crime.” When Gabe slanted him a warning glare, Connor sighed. “Look, I had to give Lara Armstrong something no one else knew to see if she’d run with the story. You passed that bottle off to Dax when we picked you up in Harlem. The cops had no idea you ever had it, so this ‘leak’ proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that she’s either running Capitol Scandals or talking directly to whoever does. She’s the only one I told, the only one who could have known.”

Gabe understood the reasoning, but wished Connor had passed on a more positive angle. “You couldn’t make up a story, like I bench two-twenty or something?”

“I’m not that creative.” Connor rolled his eyes. “Besides, I had to give her a tidbit up her alley, and she loves to run pieces that make the rich look entitled and stupid. It’s a theme with her.”

“We need to shut her down.” Roman took a seat and ran a hand over his tired face. “Before her identity comes out.”

“Once I figure out what she knows,” Connor promised. His voice had taken on that stony, I-know-something-you-don’t quality he used when he no longer thought it was prudent to talk.

“What’s up?” Gabe couldn’t let him keep secrets. “What do you think she knows?”

Connor’s jaw tightened, his whole face becoming a stubborn mask.

Roman sat up, pinning Connor with a stare. “Don’t hide shit from us. I know you’re used to dealing in secrets and you play close to the vest, but we’re not agents and there’s no need-to-know basis here. We need to know everything.”

Connor’s shoulders slumped, and Gabe knew whatever was about to come out of his mouth would be bad. “I didn’t want to even mention it until I found out if she’s trying to make money or waves by tearing Mad apart. She says she’s heard rumors that he was a pedophile.”

Gabe felt his jaw drop. Mad had loved sex—no doubt—but no way had he ever touched a child. “Are you fucking kidding me? If Lara Armstrong runs that story, I’ll sue her. I don’t care what it will do to Zack. He’s a big boy and he can handle it. But I won’t let her spread lies.”

Lies Sara and her child would be forced to read and endure for a long time because stench like that lingered. No. That wasn’t happening as long as there was a breath in his body. His sister had already been through enough.

Roman shook his head and reached across the table and over the box Everly had found in Mad’s secret room the night before. He bypassed the piles of papers and plucked up three photos. “We know that’s not true, but we did find some weird stuff in that box. Do any of those girls look familiar to you?”

Gabe took the pictures from Roman. Each showed a smiling girl of no more than thirteen or fourteen. The African girl in the first picture looked innocent, dressed in a school uniform, standing outside her classroom and waving. The second photo looked much like the first, though this Indian girl wore a pretty red bindi on her face and a different uniform. A third girl was in a hijab, signaling that she’d reached puberty.

“Why would he keep pictures of random girls from around the world?” Gabe refused to believe Mad had any sexual interest in these children. Hell, until Sara, Mad had preferred older women. Even when they’d been teenagers, the idiot had hit on everyone’s mom. Gabe was grateful to this day that his mother had turned the douche down. That would have been awkward.

“Good question.” Roman shrugged. “But it’s not the only one. I have more difficult questions after talking to the police early this morning. From dental records, they were able to identify the body you left behind at Mad’s. His name was Jason Miller and he was from Brooklyn. Brighton Beach to be exact. He had a nice long rap sheet.
Did two short stints in prison for robbery and assault. According to the cops, he was a known thug-for-hire.”

Connor smiled, but there was no humor in the expression. “In fact, they said he worked quite a bit for the mob. Since he grew up in Brighton Beach, I assume they meant the

The Brothers, something the Russian mob called themselves. They ran illegal gambling rackets, along with other criminal ventures around the city. “So the person who hired him might be our elusive Sergei?”

“Possibly,” Roman replied. “I’ve got an investigator looking into the man’s background and known associates. He’s going to ask around over the next couple of days. Hopefully, we can piece together some ideas about who else was involved. I’ve got to head back to DC in the next few days, but I’ll keep my ears open.”

They would all have to resume their lives soon. Dax’s leave would probably only last another couple of days. He had no idea how long Connor had before he needed to be overseas again, engaging in his cloak-and-dagger existence.

“Do they have any line on the identity of the second guy, the one who ran away?” Gabe asked.

“They caught a glimpse of him on a security camera around the corner from Mad’s. The NYPD is flashing it all over Brooklyn, but they’re fairly certain it’s one of a group of men Miller hung out with. They’ll find him eventually,” Connor explained. “And I have zero idea what the rest of Mad’s crap in this box means. Some of it seems to be in code. Or he was really freaking drunk when he wrote it. There’s only one thing that might be helpful. Mad jotted down the name of a private investigator he’d hired, some guy named Wayne Ferling. It’s too early to visit his office for a chat, but I’ll go down later this morning and figure out why Mad hired him.”

“I’ll try to identify these girls.” Gabe could work with Everly. He was kind of eager to see her in action.

“Speaking of private investigators,” Connor began with a grim stare. He slid a folder Gabe’s way.

“What’s that?”

“You remember how you asked me to hire a PI to look into Everly Parker’s past so you could dig up dirt on her? Well, that’s the dirt. Not that there’s too much of it, but no one’s completely clean. They worked fast. I especially liked the rumors that her father was a dirty cop. He claims they’re utterly unsubstantiated, but he says it’s something you can work with. There’s also a cousin in prison and something about her mother. Naturally, the majority is about Everly herself and Maddox. Everyone was willing to talk about them. Shall I tell him to keep digging?”

Gabe opened the folder and shame swept through him. God, he couldn’t even look at it. “I ordered that before I knew who she was. Tell them to send me a bill. I don’t need their services anymore.”

Connor nodded. “First sensible thing you’ve done.”

Gabe’s cell trilled. He yanked it from his pocket, then winced when he saw the caller’s name. Sara. God, in all the craziness he hadn’t called her to explain what was happening. She’d likely found out he’d been questioned by the police and nearly been killed in a fire from TMZ or an Internet news blast. Damn it. He closed the folder and set it on the table. He’d ordered it in anger and he wasn’t going to read a word of the damn thing.

“I’ll be right back.” As the guys nodded, he ran his finger over the screen to accept the call.

He stepped into the living room, leaving Roman and Connor at the dining table. Like the rest of the apartment, the living room was decorated in clean, masculine lines and lots of dark leather furniture. He wondered what Everly’s place looked like. He imagined it was a lot brighter and more feminine.

He took a deep breath and held the phone to his ear. “Hey, sis. I’m sorry I haven’t called.”

“Tell me you’re not sleeping with his whore.” Even with a hundred miles between them, he felt the chill in her voice.

“Excuse me?” He’d never heard his sister say that word. She rarely ever cursed. She certainly didn’t curse at him.

“You heard me, Gabe. Did you think I wouldn’t see? Her picture is plastered all over the Internet.”

“You can’t believe everything you see,” he placated, not liking the anxious fury he heard in Sara’s voice. The doctor had told her to relax. A few weeks ago, she’d experienced some spotting and cramping. Her OB had explained that she had to keep stress to a minimum. “Calm down. You know getting upset is bad for the baby.”

“You want me to calm down? Based on everything in the press, I’m almost positive he left me for her, Gabe. He walked out on our future—our baby—for her. I can’t stand the thought of you even talking to her.”

“Sara, listen. I have to talk to her. If she was involved with Mad, she might know something. You do understand that Mad was probably murdered.”

“I’ve heard that speculation. If it’s true, the list of suspects is probably a mile long. That doesn’t mean you have to sleep with all of them.” A muffled sound didn’t quite mute Sara’s cry, and that tore at him. “Are you sleeping with her? Never mind. I already know the answer.”

What the hell was he supposed to do? He couldn’t let Sara get so upset. If she lost the baby, he wasn’t sure what she would do. Sara was the last member of his family. Their mother and father were gone. He was all she had in the world, and material shit aside, this baby was Mad’s last legacy. “I am spending time with her, but it’s not what you think.”

Because how the hell could he tell his overwrought, hormonal sister that he was crazy about the woman who might have been Mad’s last lay?

Sara wasn’t capable of being rational at that moment. He had to deal with her the best he could until he figured out the whole truth. Then he’d sit down and explain.

“What is it, then?”

The way Sara felt now, he could never turn Crawford over to her
while Everly still worked there. He’d have to find a place for his pretty computer nerd, maybe at Bond Aeronautics. Hell, he had the connections to get her a job nearly anywhere she wanted to work. After Sara had taken the reins at Crawford, he would gently ease Everly into his sister’s life. But for now, he had to do whatever necessary to keep Sara calm.

“She’s somehow involved in all this.” No lies there. Surely Everly had information. Until he solved Mad’s murder, Gabe had to keep both of the women in his life safe. “I have to stay close to her because I think she knows more than she’s saying.” Or more than she understood. “Mad dug himself ass deep into some shithole I don’t understand, but she’s the key. I’ve got to stay on her and tell her whatever she wants to hear in order to keep her close to me.”

“So the press is wrong? You don’t love her?”

Love her? The very word sent a little shiver up his spine. Being in love would mean diving into something he didn’t really understand. His parents had been friends but hadn’t shared any spark or passion. They’d been more like business partners. The way he felt about Everly was entirely different. When he looked at her, a flipping inferno raged through his system and threatened to engulf him. Was that love? Maybe . . . but he wasn’t ready to go there yet.

“Everly Parker is the means to an end. I’m going to find out what she knows and then I’m going to deal with her. I already have a plan in place.”

His plan was to placate his sister and figure everything else out later.

“Yes, I can clearly see that you do have a plan in place, Bond.”

That hadn’t been Sara. Gabe felt his heart drop to his knees. He whipped around.

Everly was still flushed and slightly mussed, dressed in yesterday’s clothes. He watched her face turn utterly white. A sick feeling roiled in his gut. She held the folder containing the PI’s report in her hands.

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